記錄 編號 3602 狀態 NC089FJU00255007 助教 查核 索書 號 學校

狀態 NC089FJU00255007
學號 487446045
生 李名達
生 Ming-ta Lee
名稱 番茄紅素分析和安定性的研究
名稱 A Study on the Analysis and Stability of Lycopene
教授 陳炳輝
教授 B.H. Chen
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學年 89
字 番茄紅素 高效率液相層析法 安定性 光照 加熱
字 lycopene HPLC stability illumination heating
加以分離、鑑定並定量。本研究即是探討以不同靜相(C18 和 C30)的高
加熱對番茄紅素異構物安定性的影響。結果發現,以 C30 管柱配合 1-丁醇
-氰甲烷-二氯甲烷(30 : 70 : 10, v/v/v)的動相系統,流速 2 mL/min,可
以在 35 分鐘內分離出全反式番茄紅素及九種異構物。根據吸收光譜及 Qratio 值可暫時鑑定出包含 15-cis、13-cis、9-cis 及 5-cis 等五種單順式異構
物和四種雙順式異構物。與 C18 管柱比較,C30 管柱對番茄紅素及其順式
異構物有較好的分離效果,但同時也顯著增加分離時間。於 25℃下以
2000~3000 Lux 光照番茄紅素,其裂解反應符合一級動力學模式。光照過
程中,全反式番茄紅素會異構化成 15-cis 或 13-cis 等異構物,再進一步異
構化或裂解成其他產物。以 50、100 及 150℃加熱番茄紅素的實驗中,番
九小時後則進行裂解反應;100 及 150℃加熱實驗的結果與 50℃實驗類
也隨之增大,計算出的裂解活化能為 61.0 KJ/mol。
Lycopene is an important biological carotenoid that is widely distributed in fruits
and vegetables. Epidemiological study has shown that the dietary intake of lycopene
may reduce the risk of certain types of cancers such as prostate cancer. However,
the formation of cis-isomers of lycopene during food processing and storage may
decrease its biological activity. Thus, it is important to separate, identity and
quantity lycopene and its cis isomers. In this study we compared two types of
columns (C18 and C30) and various solvent systems for the separation of lycopene
and its cis isomers by HPLC, as well as identification by spectra analyses. The
stability of lycopene and its cis isomers during illumination and heating was also
摘要 studied. Results showed that all-trans-lycopene and its nine cis isomers could be
resolved by employing a C30 column with a mobile phase of n-butanol-acetonitrilemethylene chloride (30:70:10, v/v/v) and flow rate 2 mL/min within 35 min. A C30
column was found to provide a more powerful resolution for lycopene and its cis
isomers, however, the retention time was drastically increased when compared to a
C18 column. Lycopene cis-isomers were tentatively identified as 5-cis, 9-cis, 13-cis
and 15-cis-lycopene, and possibly four lycopene di-cis isomers and another monocis isomer, based on spectral characteristics and Q ratios as reported in the literature.
The degradation of total amount of lycopene and its cis isomers during illumination
at 2000~3000 Lux (25℃) fits a first-order model. Also, both 13-cis-lycopene and
15-cis-lycopene were the major isomers formed during illumination. During heating
at 50℃ in the first nine hours, the isomerization reaction dominated. However, the
degradation was the major reaction afterwards. At 100 and 150℃, the degradation
reaction was more pronounced than the isomerization reaction. The degradation rate
constant of lycopene rose with increasing temperature, and the activation energy
was calculated to be 61.0 KJ/mol.
第一章 緒言………………………………………………………1 第二章
文獻回顧…………………………………………………3 一、番茄紅素的簡
介………………………………………………3 二、番茄紅素的功
用………………………………………………5 (一)抗氧化能
力………………………………………………5 (二)生理功用與抗
癌………………………………………11 三、番茄紅素的異構
化…………………………………………13 四、番茄紅素的萃取與異構物
的鑑定分離……………………19 (一)番茄紅素的萃
取………………………………………19 (二)番茄紅素與其異構物的層
析…………………………20 (三)番茄紅素異構物的鑑
定………………………………33 五、食品加工及分析過程中番茄紅素的
安定性………………36 第三章 材料與方
法………………………………………………49 一、研究架
構……………………………………………………49 二、試驗材料與設
備……………………………………………49 (一)化學藥
品………………………………………………49 (二)儀器設
備………………………………………………50 三、實驗方法與結果分
析………………………………………52 (一)番茄紅素異構物的分離與
鑑定………………………52 1.以 HPLC 分離異構物的條
件…………………………52 2.異構物的定
量…………………………………………53 3.波峰純度測
論文 定…………………………………………53 4.異構物的鑑
目次 定…………………………………………54 5.番茄紅素裂解速率常數與活化
能的測定……………55 6.結果分
析………………………………………………57 (二)番茄紅素異構物對
光照及加熱的安定性……………57 1.以光照進行番茄紅素的異構化作
用…………………57 2.以加熱進行番茄紅素的異構化作
用…………………57 3.番茄紅素及其異構物於加熱及光照過程中的定
量…58 第四章 結果與討論………………………………………………59
一、HPLC 分析系統發展…………………………………………59 (一)
C18 管柱動相系統開發…………………………………59 (二)C30 管柱動
相系統開發…………………………………64 (三)異構物波峰成分鑑
定…………………………………74 二、光照及加熱對番茄紅素安定性之
影響試驗………………80 (一)標準品分析及波峰鑑
定………………………………80 (二)濃度對積分面積校正曲線的製
作……………………84 (三)最低檢測濃度(DL)與最低定量濃度
(QL)計算…85 (四)光照對番茄紅素安定性之影
響………………………87 (五)加熱對番茄紅素安定性之影
響………………………96 1.番茄紅素於 50℃油浴鍋加熱,各異構物的含量
變化 98 2.番茄紅素於 100℃油浴鍋加熱,各異構物的含量變
化……………………………………………………106 3.番茄紅素於 150℃油
化……………………………………………………113 4.番茄紅素熱裂解活
化能………………………………117 第五章 結
論……………………………………………………124 參考文
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