CREATIVE WRITING FINAL PORTFOLIO A portfolio is a collection of work that represents you and your growth as a writer. Your final exam grade will be the completion of a well-developed, creative, thoughtful, and organized portfolio. You will compile your work in a ½” – 1” three-ring binder WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO INCLUDE: Creative cover page (include your name, course title, year, and images that reflect you/your work) Table of Contents – A list of the pieces as they appear in order. o You must include the title of the piece and the assignment name Introduction to the Author page – lets the reader know who you are and what they can expect while reading your portfolio. o Intro/ brief biography (perhaps include your age, hobbies, why you took this course, what you like writing, etc) o Explanation of your portfolio: What was your experience in taking a creative writing course? In what ways have you developed or changed your writing approach throughout this course? What does the collection as a whole mean to you? How does this portfolio reflect you as a writer? What do you hope the reader will gain or learn from your work? o An image/picture of yourself A Look Ahead (last page!) o Where/ how do you see writing fitting into your life beyond this class? o Where are you headed next? What does the future hold for you? Pieces to Include in any order you choose (check them off as you add them to portfolio) POETRY ___ Bag Of Words ___ Time of Day - imagery ___ Repetition poem ___ Photo poem ___ Black Out poetry PROSE ___ Found Treasures ___ A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (writing from photos in hallway) ___ Final piece (Children’s Story, Memoir, or Sci-Fi/Fantasy) FREEWRITES(Choose any ___ Freewrite #1 ____ Freewrite #2 two. You can retype them or photocopy pages from your journal) EXCERCISES ___ If You Could Hold Onto Any Moment… ___ Nature Inspired piece (Mohonk field trip) ___ Paint Swatch ___ Art Swap (with Mrs. Mooney’s art class) ___ Letter YOUR CHOICE ___ 2 pieces (from this class- idioms, pantoums, cookie/AJ writing, or freewrites turned into finished pieces - or outside of this class) You will need to include reflections for 6 pieces. Check them off as you go. POETRY ___ Bag Of Words ___ Time of Day - imagery ___ Repetition poem ___ Photo poem ___ Black Out poetry PROSE ___ Found Treasures ___ A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (writing from photos in hallway) ___ Final piece (Children’s Story, Memoir, or Sci-Fi/Fantasy) FREEWRITES(Choose any ___ Freewrite #1 ____ Freewrite #2 two. You can retype them or photocopy pages from your journal) EXCERCISES ___ If You Could Hold Onto Any Moment… ___ Nature Inspired piece (Mohonk field trip) ___ Paint Swatch ___ Art Swap (with Mrs. Mooney’s art class) ___ Letter YOUR CHOICE ___ 2 pieces (from this class- idioms, pantoums, cookie/AJ writing, or freewrites turned into finished pieces - or outside of this class) A REFLECTION SHOULD INCLUDE: An explanation of your WRITING PROCESS o What was the assignment? o How did you approach this piece of writing? o Did you face any challenges while writing? o What came naturally or easily to you? o Did you write in class, at home, on computer, in journal, morning, night, etc? o Anything else you would like to include The role of editing groups, peer editors, and teacher feedback (if applicable) o Were there any comments that you found particularly helpful or led you to change your piece? What are the strengths in this piece of writing? o For example: imagery/details, sentence fluency/flow, rhythm, dialogue, the intro/conclusion, etc. What does this piece reveal/show about you as a writer? o Perhaps there is a certain topic you gravitate toward or it reveals your love of nature. Maybe it is a style of writing you are developing or a new genre you took a chance with and succeeded at! THINK. If you could work on this further, is there anything you would change or add? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR ARTISTIC RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES: Creativity is part of your grade! Take liberties with the font style and size. Include graphics, pictures, borders and images to further enhance your writing and the artistic layout of your portfolio. PORTFOLIO DUE DATE:_______Friday, JANUARY 15th___________ - 10 pts every day that it is late PORTFOLIO/REFLECTION PRESENTATIONS 1/19-1/22: You will sign up for a day to present your portfolio to the class. Answer the following questions thoroughly on index cards or paper to bring with you on presentation day. It will be your guide… What have you learned about yourself as a writer? o Throughout this course? o While compiling your portfolio? Have you changed at all in your approach to writing? How so? If not, why not? What remained the same? Which piece (s) are you most proud of? Why? Which piece (s) did you struggle with the most? Think in terms of topic, writer’s block, organization, length, genre, etc. o How did you get through it? What do you think, overall, your portfolio reveals about you as a person or as a writer? (THINK: If a stranger picked up your portfolio, what would they infer about you and/or your writing style?) Where are you headed? How do you see writing fitting into your life beyond this classroom? READ A PIECE (if the piece is a longer story, please choose an excerpt to share) You will be graded on - eye contact - voice projection - thoroughness - thoughtfulness