China Big Idea: Population The country with the most people is used to demonstrate both positive and negative consequences of large population. China’s geographic characteristics show many similarities with the United States and some differences that have different consequences. PPT Clickable PDF Slides 1-9: Location comparisons with the United States - similarities Population US Size and Latitude Slides 10-13: Comparisons between US and China differences US Size and Latitude Great Lakes Slides 14–18:Effects of river systems in China Rivers Cities City names Population Rice Double Rice single Wheat Corn Crop Key Precipitation Highlands Population Highlands Great Wall Grand Canal Rivers All crops Silk Road Cities Highways Slides 19-29: Climate and agriculture Slides 30-40: Consequences of large population Slides 41-45: Summary Teacher Notes/Questions What are some geographic similarities between China and the US? Objectives: The student will be able to: What are two major geographic characteristics of the US that China doesn’t have? What are some consequences of the lack of these? What four river systems flow toward the east coast of China? Why have big cities and large concentrations of population grown up around these rivers? What climate factors determine areas of food production in China? How does the area of production of four major crops compare with the population distribution in China? What two geographic advantages does the United States have for food production? What geographic advantage does China have for rice production? Some consequences of a large population are 1) the ability to accomplish large construction projects; 2) the likelihood of many inventions and innovations; and 3) the necessity and ability to establish significant trade routes and systems What are some additional consequences of a large population? What is the challenge for other countries from China’s rapid growth? Compare China and the United States in size, latitude, and population Locate cities in China which have similar locations to Miami, Savannah, Washington DC, Pittsburg and Reno, and describe how they are alike. Explain some advantages for the US of the Great Lakes and the West Coast. Describe some consequences for China without a West Coast or Great Lakes. Locate the four major rivers in China Describe the influence of these rivers on population in China Locate areas of crop production in China Describe the patterns of crop production and explain climatic reasons for the patterns Describe some large construction projects in China and explain consequences of each. List important Chinese inventions. Name and locate the major trade route used by the Chinese to get the resources they needed. List other consequences of large populations. Explain how China’s large population can challenge other countries.