AYAPH and Board Overview for Potential Board Member Nominees March 11, 2012 Association of Yale Alumni in Public Health (AYAPH) The Association of Yale Alumni in Public Health (AYAPH) is comprised of more than 4,000 graduates of the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH). The organization supports and promotes the professional needs and contributions of alumni. The AYAPH is supported by the Office of Alumni Affairs. The office works in collaboration with the AYAPH to promote alumni networking and professional development; strengthen alumni connections with the School and students; and provide events for social and educational purposes. AYAPH Mission The mission of the AYAPH is to serve the professional and educational needs of YSPH alumni through networking, programs, and events. AYAPH Board AYAPH is led by a group of dedicated alumni volunteers who serve on its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for the general management of the Association within the framework of policies and programs established by the Association. Term: Three (3) years, beginning July 1 and ending June 30. Board members can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Meetings: Four meetings per year. All meetings are held in New Haven and are accessible via teleconference. March (Friday afternoon) June (weekday evening) August (Friday full-day retreat) November (weekday afternoon conference call) Board members are required to attend (in person or via teleconference) a minimum of 50% of the Board’s meetings during his or her term. Committees: The work of the Board is supported by committees. Committee membership is open to all YSPH alumni. Board members are expected to chair and/or participate on a minimum of one committee.