Exercises On Verbs


Exercises on Verbs

Exercise #1

Study each of the following sentences. Double underline the verbal element and underline the indirect object and direct object . Also specify the type of object by writing IO and DO above each of them.

1. The minister granted journalists an interview.

2. I gave each of the boys an apple.

3. Jim paid the man in the booth a quarter.

4. The agent has sold the couple a house.

5. They will buy their father and mother a present.

6. My mother taught me this song.

7. The company may have offered

John’s wife a high salary.

8. Can you tell me who wrote this book?

9. He asked her if she would drive him home.

10. She informed her mother-in-law, Elizabeth , that she had not changed her plan.

Exercise #2

Study each of the following sentences. Double underline the verbal element; then, underline the direct object and the objective complement . Also specify the type of object by writing DO and OC above each of them.

1. We elected Jimmy President.

2. They made him a member of the club.

3. He painted his house yellow.

4. We have found him dishonest.

5. They considered his conduct a scandal and a disgrace.

6. She may cut her hair short.

7. We found it a trying and difficult task for beginners.

8. They might have considered the job finished.

9. They will appoint you as chairman of the committee.

10. They will appoint you to be chairman of the committee .


Exercise #3

In the blank provided on the left, indicate the function of the underlined structure of coordination by using the following abbreviations.

DO - direct object IO - indirect object

M - modifier

S - subject

OC - objective complement

SC - subjective complement

P - predicate

1. Jane usually comes to visit her uncle and aunt in summer.

2. Either his mistakes or his bad luck keeps him poor.

3. That book is neither interesting nor accurate.

4. The object is to make our research readable and comprehensible

5. In my spare time, I enjoy reading novels or watching television.

6. The English found oranges grown in Florida juicy and sweet.

7. The committee concluded that the management, not the work-force, should be responsible for the damage.

8. The company paid Helen and her husband a large sum of money.

Exercise #4

In the following sets of sentences, comment on the changes of transitive and intransitive use and corresponding changes in meaning.

1 They’re growing. They’re growing bigger. They’re growing bigger cabbages.

2 I’m writing. I’m writing a letter. I’m writing him a letter.

3 Save me. Save me some. Save me, somebody!

4 They called me. They called me a doctor. They called me a good doctor.

5 She teaches. She teaches me. She teaches me the violin.

Exercise #5

Explain the cause of ambiguity in each of the following sentences.

1. We bought her pearl necklaces last month.

2. Mother has baked potatoes for dinner.

3. They are discouraging students.


Exercise #6

Identify the underlined part in the sentence below by circling a or b:

Located on the River Thames, London is a tourist attraction visited by many tourists.



B a. Finite b. Non-Finite a. Finite b. Non-Finite

C a. Finite b. Non-Finite

Exercise #7

Explain the difference between each pair of sentences


a. She found it easily.

b. She found it easy.




a. We called him.

b. We called him champion.



Exercise #8

Rewrite the following sentences correcting all the sentences:


He is being Palestinian.



I haven’t a lot to do.



The trash was took by the dustman.


4. He has send me much information about my research topic.



Exercise #9

Identify the underlined part in the sentence below by circling the appropriate letter(s):

The committee held a meeting to discuss punctuality.



B a.

collective noun b.

uncountable noun c.

countable noun d.

common e.

abstract noun a.

main verb b.

finite verb c.

nonfinite verb d.

transitive verb e.

intransitive verb


D a.

finite verb b.

nonfinite verb c.

adverb phrase d.

transitive verb e.

intransitive verb a.

collective noun b.

countable noun c.

uncountable noun d.

common e.

abstract noun

Exercise #10

Identify the underlined part in the sentence below by circling the appropriate letter(s):

The waitress served the customers delicious food.


A a. in the subjective case b. in the accusative case



D c. in the dative case d. in the vocative case a.

mono—transitive verb b.

di-transitive verb c.

complex transitive verb a. in the subjective case b. in the accusative case c. in the dative case d. in the vocative case a. in the subjective case b. in the accusative case c. in the dative case d. in the vocative case


Exercise #10

Identify the underlined part in the sentence below by circling the appropriate letter(s):

Laughter is the best cure.




C a.

a collective noun b.

an uncountable noun c.

a count noun d.

a proper noun e.

an abstract noun a.

main verb b.

complete intransitive c.

incomplete intransitive d.

modal auxiliary e.

linking verb a.

a collective noun b.

an uncountable noun c.

a count noun d.

a proper noun e.

an abstract noun f.

a concrete noun

