September 29, 2015

9/29/15 @ 5pm
Total of five (5) families in attendance plus Mrs. Venegas (Principal), Mrs.
Kaplan (Assistant Principal) and Mrs. Leadabrand (RTI)
Title I presentation by Mrs. Venegas and Mrs. Kaplan; Title 1
a program that is Federally Funded to provide intervention to students.
RTI presentation by Mrs. Leadabrand – explained RTI is for K3rd grade but all grades provide intervention in some fashion.
Principal Coffee
o A parent inquired about restrictions affecting upper-grade restrooms;
she is concerned that teachers are encouraging children to restrict liquids
so as to need fewer restroom breaks as well as limiting access to
§ Mrs. Venegas explained the students already get four
opportunities to use the restroom: morning, before Specials, at lunch and
in the afternoon. There is a recurring problem where a student/students
were writing on the restroom walls with pencils which progressed to
littering the floor with toilet paper. This then progressed to someone
writing obscene language on the walls with feces in the 3rd/4th/5th grade
restrooms. Due to safety and health reasons, they were forced to limit
extra bathroom breaks. After a few days, they lifted the restriction but
unfortunately, there was another incident that same day which forced them
to reinstate the restriction until they can find who is vandalizing the
restroom. This is a work-in-progress and they continue to work towards a
resolution. Mrs. Kaplan said she would make sure that no teachers are
encouraging students to slow down water intake.
o A parent passed along a question that was raised on Facebook, namely
inquiring why the evening Principal Coffee meetings aren’t at 6:30 or 7
since many parents work outside of the home, many of which also have a
long commute
§ It was generally agreed that there is no way to accommodate
everyone’s schedule. A parent suggested that they create a forum in
which parents can submit questions (perhaps via email?) that would be
discussed at the next Principal Coffee; afterwards, notes from the meeting
would be posted on the Calibre website so that parents can still be
involved without having to miss the meetings. The parent also offered to
take notes at the meetings she attends and email them to Mrs. Kaplan so
they can be posted online.
o A parent made an observation regarding the lack of flyers when the
contents of the Tuesday folder are posted on the Calibre website each
§ It was agreed they will look into implementing this as it would be
easy to do.
o A parent asked if two separate turn lanes could be painted onto the
parking lot exit: one for left-turn only and one for right-turn only
§ It was agreed they will look into asking maintenance to do this.
o A parent made the comment that there are many people in the school
zone and parking lot that are distracted with their phones and/or speeding
§ Mrs Venegas will work on getting that put into the next newsletter.
o It was generally agreed that the future Principal Coffee meetings should
be held in the mornings which usually has a very large turnout’
o Mrs. Kaplan announced that they are working on having guest speakers
at future Principal Coffee’s. In December, the speaker will give a
presentation on Internet Safety.