Everyone learns differently. Do you know how you learn best? Do your teachers know how you learn best? This project will help you study the various kinds of intelligence you have and how you can use them to learn more efficiently. You will be dealing with seven or possibly eight types of intelligence, but remember that there may be more than that! When you have completed the tasks you will be able to outline how you best learn through a project to your class and teacher in a medium of your choice After completing this project, you will: — Know about different kinds of intelligence — Know which types of intelligence you like to use best — Have a plan to use preferred intelligences to learn more effectively — Know which types of intelligence you do not use as much as you could — Have a plan to develop intelligences that are currently under used Remember this project is more than an assignment. It is a tool that will assist you to develop your own educational path. This project is about self discovery. You will discover which of the different types of intelligence you may have a natural preference for. There are no right or wrong answers because we all have different preferences. You are asked to research one of your preferred intelligences and learn how to use it to learn more effectively. Finally, you will research a type of intelligence which you don't use much at the moment. You will learn how to develop this intelligence so that you have more ways to learn in the future. The steps you should follow to complete the task... Read through the steps and familiarize yourself with the evaluation section before starting 1. Discover your own multiple intelligences by taking the two tests of the following online tests. http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks3/ict/multiple_int/questions/questions.cfm Literacy Works Once you have your test results, make a list of which intelligences received highest marks and which received lowest marks. For example, I received high marks on musical, linguistic, and intrapersonal; medium marks on logical/mathematical and bodily/kinesthetic; and low marks on visual/spatial and interpersonal. In addition to listing your intelligences from high marks to low marks, write down whether you agree or disagree with the results of the test(s). I know I think that my logical/mathematical intelligence should be higher than my musical intelligence even though the test graded musical higher. My “HIGH” Multiple Intelligences: 1. Delete and type answer here… 2. Delete and type answer here… 3. Delete and type answer here… My “MEDUIUM” Multiple Intelligences: 1. Delete and type answer here… 2. Delete and type answer here… 3. Delete and type answer here… My “LOW” Multiple Intelligences: 1. Delete and type answer here… 2. Delete and type answer here… 3. Delete and type answer here… Do you agree or disagree with the results of the test(s)? Why or why not? Delete and type answer here… 2. Read the following summaries of multiple intelligences http://www.ldrc.ca/projects/miinventory/miinventory.php?eightstyles=1 What have you learned? Define and summarize your top 3 intelligences, to understand them more. What are the likes/dislikes of these intelligences? ” My top intelligence: Delete and type answer here… My second intelligence: Delete and type answer here… My third intelligence: Delete and type answer here… 3. Discover more about your strongest intelligence using links from the sites above and your own web searches (google, ask.com, etc). Your goal here is to gain a strong understanding of your own learning strengths and how you like to learn. 4. Look at your test results again and choose another multiple intelligence to learn more about. Explain the reasons for your choice. Your goal here is to further your understanding of multiple intelligences and to consider how you might develop and increase the number of ways in which you can learn. The Multiple Intelligence I want to learn more about is: Delete and type answer here… The reason I choose this intelligence is because: Delete and type answer here… What I have learned about this intelligence is: Delete and type answer here…