Anagha Deshmane (Fellow, 2012-2013, Universität Würzburg, Germany)
Towards Rapid, Comprehensive, Free-breathing Volumetric Cardiac MRI
In order to address the growing number of individuals with cardiovascular
disease, the need has arisen for a rapid, comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular
state without exposing patients to potentially harmful ionizing radiation. The goal of my
dissertation research at Case Western Reserve University is to improve the efficiency
and capabilities of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by integrating 3D
imaging, rapid imaging methods (UTE imaging) for assessment of calcified lesions, and
dynamic imaging techniques for robust motion correction. Achieving this goal requires a
combination of tailored data acquisition strategies for generating the desired contrast
(controlled through design of the MRI pulse sequence), extraction of contrast and
motion information, and strategies to reconstruct image data that has been gathered
using receiver arrays for the sake of fast data acquisition (known as parallel imaging
reconstruction). I am working with the Biophysics department (EP5) at the University of
Würzburg, which pioneered parallel imaging strategies and is currently developing novel
methods for rapid contrast-encoding acquisition techniques.
Prior to starting my grant, I had developed a parallel-imaging-based method for
correcting errors in rapidly sampled volumetric data. These errors are due to hardware
imperfections in the MRI scanner, and their correction would lead to both reduced
artifacts in reconstructed images and more robust motion correction in dynamic imaging
protocols. By working with students and advisors in EP5 who have expertise in
designing pulse sequences for 3D UTE imaging, I have begun to validate the error
correction technique and its impact on image quality and motion correction. We have
promising preliminary results in a validation study based on motion-controlled
simulations. In the following months, the experiments will be performed in vivo, under
more clinically relevant conditions.
The largest challenge to my research has been a major change in the software
architecture for implementing pulse sequences and image reconstruction programs on
our MRI scanners. Small-scale side projects related to the motion correction, parallel
imaging, and UTE contrast themes in my dissertation research have helped to facilitate
retraining in pulse sequence and reconstruction development and implementation.
These skills are critical for the remainder of my dissertation research. Upon my return
to Case Western Reserve University, I will need to optimize pulse sequences that
integrate the sampling correction technique currently being validated with 3D UTE
imaging and motion correction into a clinically feasible MRI exam. I will also need to
translate my prototyped motion-compensated reconstruction algorithms for evaluation in
the clinical environment.