10HN Summer Reading Essays Warning

10 Honors English/Kephart
Summer Reading
Name: _________________________________________________________ Period: ________
Summer Reading Assignment
You will be required to write an in-class essay on both summer reading novels during the first
week of school (1984 on __________ and Jane Eyre on ___________). The purpose of these
essays is to demonstrate your proficiency in writing as well as show you have read and
understood both novels.
Both essays will be worth a significant portion of your first marking period grade.
In preparation, you should review standard literary elements (plot, setting,
characterization, theme, point of view, tone, mood, style, symbolism, etc.) as they relate
to both novels and plan to write a great deal of details and specific examples in order
to support your arguments.
The essays should include an introduction, clear thesis, three body paragraphs and a
You are required to bring a pencil and lined paper to both sessions.
In addition to these items, you are also permitted to use the books and your double-entry
journals as a reference.
You will NOT be given extra time to complete these essays – they must be finished
during the designated class period.
10 Honors English/Kephart
Summer Reading
Name: _________________________________________________________ Period: ________
Summer Reading Assignment
You will be required to write an in-class essay on both summer reading novels during the first
week of school (1984 on __________ and Jane Eyre on ___________). The purpose of these
essays is to demonstrate your proficiency in writing as well as show you have read and
understood both novels.
Both essays will be worth a significant portion of your first marking period grade.
In preparation, you should review standard literary elements (plot, setting,
characterization, theme, point of view, tone, mood, style, symbolism, etc.) as they relate
to both novels and plan to write a great deal of details and specific examples in order
to support your arguments.
The essays should include an introduction, clear thesis, three body paragraphs and a
You are required to bring a pencil and lined paper to both sessions.
In addition to these items, you are also permitted to use the books and your double-entry
journals as a reference.
You will NOT be given extra time to complete these essays – they must be finished
during the designated class period.