Healthful Living Essay Rational Context: These essays were created for the purpose of completion of HED 3645 under the advisement of Dr. Janowiak, a professor at The UNC Chapel Hill Friday Center’s Online Courses, he is also a Professor at Appalachian State University. These essays were a requirement to complete HED 3645 online course work; I completed the course during the Fall of 2009. Assortments of resources were used in writing the papers. The lesson included web resources, videos, and online handouts as methods for teaching Healthful Living objectives aligned from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Impact: This particular project and this class in general, has caused me to look at the lives that my students lead and my life. It has allowed to me understand the needs of the human body in both adults and in children, which as an educator is very important. I think it is important for me to understand the reasons kindergartners do not have a very long attention span, but by allowing them to move about during instruction I can keep them on task and learning for a much longer amount of time. Overall, I must say that the essays have allowed me to take a step back and look at the standards, my students, and the pressures that they have placed on them by society and their peers; then take the two and mesh them so that I can create lessons that will impact the lives of my students. Alignment: Goal I: Teachers align their instruction with the NC Standard Course of Study. o I have met this goal by writing about lesson planning and instruction, based off of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Goal II: Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty. o I have met this goal by showing extensive research and understanding of several different types of student well being, I have also included the sources that I have used to create these essays so that one can see that I have the knowledge to search for and find reputable resources in the healthful education field.