Debt Supervisor / Caseworker: JOB DESCRIPTION Nucleus Legal Advice Centre Job Title Nucleus Debt Supervisor / Caseworker Salary 30522-32890 Responsible to Manager Job Purpose Supervising and monitoring the debt project at Nucleus To help develop a high quality money advice service incorporating financial literacy and debt advice To undertake specialist level money advice casework at Legal Advice Authority (LAA) Debt Supervisor Standard To support and supervise money advice team PRINCIPAL TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Managing Debt work at Nucleus 1.1. Take responsibility for managing the Debt advice Team(s) including preparation and evaluation of monitoring reports 1.2. Ensure agreed project targets are met 1.3. Ensure the quality of case work and file management in line with SQM and LAA quality standards. 1.4. Ensure Nucleus policies and procedures are implemented and developed. Undertaking Advice, Casework and Financial Training 1.5. Accept (and/or manage) referrals from Campden charities 1.6. Take on and maintain a caseload, in consultation with the line-manager. 1.7. Take part in drop in sessions providing general advice on debt, benefits, housing and general legal matters 1.8. Keep accurate case records for the purpose of continuity of casework, information retrieval, statistical monitoring and report preparation. 1.9. Record and collect statistics on client enquiries and case work using the Centre’s statistical recording system. 1.10. Ensure that all work conforms to the organisation’s systems and procedures. 1.11. Undertake representation at appropriate courts and tribunals as necessary. 1.12. Ability to deal with demanding clients and encourage clients self help 1.13. Ability to or willingness to learn to prepare and present Financial Literacy training 2. Supervising staff and volunteers 2.1 Assist in inducting, and training, supervising and line managing paid/ volunteer advisors and project workers 2.2 Provide regular, formal support and supervision sessions and assist in appraisals as appropriate. 2.3 Carry out regular independent file reviews and indentify case development/ training needs 3. General 3.1. To work as part of a team and contribute, as appropriate, to the effective running of the Centre. 3.2. Take lead responsibility for the Service in areas delegated by your line manager 3.3. To provide cover for other staff in the event of illness. 3.4. Actively participate in and/or lead regular team and other meetings as required 3.5. To keep abreast of developments in the law and to inform and train advice workers and other organisations according to identified need. ( in agreed areas of work.) 3.6. To prepare information for the public on specific issues or new legislation. ( in agreed areas of work) 3.7. Be self servicing, typing and using computers, photocopiers, faxes and other office equipment. 3.8. To be prepared to work outside normal office hours. 3.9. To represent the Service debt advice work externally. 3.10. To work within a clear framework of anti-discriminatory values and practice 3.11. Work in any of the Service’s locations and elsewhere as required 3.12. To participate in relevant local and national campaigns. Z:\shared\Management\Office Manual\Section 3 - Jobs Description\2 - Advice Worker (General).doc