docx - Africa is to 1st world countries on Earth, as Earth is to alien

February 9, 2016
PO Box 378, Noonamah, NT 0837 Australia (Physical E-mail)
Mike Rozak
Draft 1, 22 January 2010
Draft 2, 30 January 2010
Draft 3, 3 February 2010
Draft 4, 11 February 2010
Draft 5, 21 February 2010
Draft 6, 16 May 2010
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February 9, 2016
I’ll begin with a conjecture: “Africa is to 1st world countries on Earth, as Earth is to
alien nations.”
In other words: For the past five hundred years, many first world nations (now
including China) have used their advanced technology to take advantage of and
subjugate Africa. Similarly, many “alien” nations have used their advanced
technology to do the same to earth. Conversely, other first world nations endeavor
to liberate Africa from imperialism, and so do alien nations.
You can read this article in several ways:
A theory about how real-life “aliens” (such as “greys”, “nords”, “saurians”,
etc.) and their technologies are currently interacting with Earth.
A coherent back-story for a series of science fiction novels; think of it as a
science fiction “The Silmarillion”
(, but much less boring.
The early parts of the document can be seen as stable conjecture based on
what real-life “aliens” are doing, while later parts of the article are more
science fiction conjecture, appropriate for a series of novels.
Just a reminder: I can’t prove any of this to skeptics. Nor can I prove that the Earth
is round. The most compelling “proof” to skeptics is that what I’m writing here
produces a coherent “narrative” that explains much UFO “mythology”.
A deeply random thought
Intelligence can be defined in a number of different ways.
One approach is to rate intelligence based on evolution:
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Intelligence level A-1 – An individual of a species can survive in the
environment where the species evolved. In the case of Homo sapiens,
this environment is a hunter-gatherer society, or perhaps a small
farming hamlet.
Intelligence level A-2 – An individual of a species can survive in the
environment in which he/she was raised. In the case of contemporary
Homo sapiens, that is a world with houses, cars, paid employment,
and other homo sapiens.
Intelligence level A-3 – An individual can survive in an environment
that has changed from the one in which the individual was raised. For
contemporary Homo sapiens, this might be a world where advanced
technologies, such as antigravity vehicles, are suddenly introduced.
Intelligence level A-4 – An individual can survive in a radically different
environment from which they were raised, such as one with
extradimensional rooms.
Before you begin reading this document, you should first read my article:
The article is an overview of why “aliens” (aka: people from other planets) are here.
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A randomly deep thought
Intelligence can be measured based on how much an individual’s
comprehension of the world models un-sensable knowledge:
Intelligence level B-1 – Any object that is not immediately sensed is
assumed to not exist. For example, if a ball is hidden from an infant,
the infant will forget about it, and act as if the ball doesn’t exist.
Intelligence level B-2 – Once perceived, an object is assumed to
continue to exist even when it is no longer sensed. A child, who sees a
ball, will search for the ball even if it is hidden.
Intelligence level B-3 – An individual can hypothesize the existence of
an object without having ever perceived it, so long as the object is
adequately described by a trusted authority. Most people understand
that the object, “credit card debt”, exists and has negative ramifications
even though they haven’t sensed credit card debt or its negative
Intelligence level B-4 – An individual can accurately hypothesize the
existence of an object even without having ever perceived it, or
having the object “approved” and adequately described by a trusted
authority. The “trusted authority” of the mass-media no longer
believes in UFOs or aliens, despite their logical existence. “Intelligence
level B-4” is often called, “reading between the lines.”
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If you consider the Drake equation (,
and assume that interstellar spaceflight is possible, then statistically, intelligent
alien life evolved on another planet and invented space travel 100 million (plus)
years ago.
If you believe that UFOs (alien spacecraft) exist, then “interstellar spaceflight” is a
given, so only the Drake equation matters… and that doesn’t really matter, since the
probability of two or more interstellar races existing is nearly 100%.
What is the probability of “aliens” first arriving on Earth 60 years ago? What is the
probability that they arrived 100 years ago? 1000 years ago? 10,000 years ago?
Statistically, the probability of “aliens” first arriving 60 years ago is much-much less
than the probability of aliens having visited Earth much more than 60 years ago.
Given that the “big bang” ( occurred 13 billion
years ago, and that “aliens” almost certainly first visited earth more than 60 years
ago, it is reasonable to assume that “aliens” first visited earth 100 million – 1 billion
years ago.
Europeans first arrived in Australia in the 1770’s.
Soon after, the following cataclysmic changes occurred in Australia:
Australian Aborigines were massacred.
Sheep, cattle, and rabbits were introduced intentionally. They have severely
damaged the ecology of Australia.
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 Tasmanian tigers were intentionally exterminated and rendered extinct.
Cane toads ( and house cats were
intentionally introduced, and decimated native Australian fauna. Cane
toads are an important example; they have “evolved” and adapted to
Australia since their introduction in 1935. In 90 years, they have evolved
longer legs. (
If Europeans intentionally or unintentionally introduced new species to Australia,
then “aliens” must have done the same. Maybe dinosaurs were an introduced
species. Or fish. Or even jelly fish. Insects and bacteria are obvious candidates.
Bacteria might have even been transported by meteors (stone-age UFOs).
“Aliens” may have intentionally or unintentionally caused species extinctions by
introducing new species, such as cane-toads equivalents, from other planets.
“Extinction events” appear regularly in fossil records, and may have been caused by
species introductions from other planets.
Obviously, “aliens” didn’t introduce themselves to Earth, or they’d still be living
here, and we would have been flying around in UFOs 100+ million years ago.
The “aliens” may have left some cane toads (or equivalent) behind, though. 
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If “aliens” first visited Earth 100+ million years ago, they must have visited other
planets too… so it is reasonable to assume that life evolved on thousands of planets
simultaneously. As ancient aliens travelled around, they brought species with them
and left them on the planets they visited. The species eventually adapted and
specialized (aka: “evolved”) to their new planet.
This hypothesis explains “missing links” that appear throughout Earth’s
evolutionary history. ( A missing link
occurs when a newer or more aggressive “version” of a species is brought to Earth
from another planet, and the newer species exterminates or out-breeds the older
“Aliens” depositing cane toads (or equivalents) willy-nilly around planets, like Johnny
Appleseed ( makes sense, except for
one major flaw:
What happened to the 100+ million year-old “alien” civilizations? Shouldn’t they be
super-advanced by now? Shouldn’t they be everywhere in the galaxy by now?
Shouldn’t every planet be covered in super-advanced alien cities, including Earth?
I won’t fill this hole quite yet, except to mention the term: “Elder races”
(, such as in the TV series, Babylon 5.
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February 9, 2016
What differentiates Homo sapiens (intelligent life that can potentially travel in space)
from animals?
Homo sapiens have large brains (assuming that large brains are required
for intelligence) – Large brains can be evolutionarily created by enlarging a
species’ brain cavity, and enlarging a species’ body to provide energy for an
enlarged brain.
Homo sapiens have flexible communication organs (aka: lips, mouth, vocal
cords, and hands) – In general, a need to communicate and an enlarged
brain will lead to more flexible communication organs in most species.
Homo sapiens have grasping hands that enable tool use – Grasping hands
are more difficult to evolve than large brains or flexible communication
organs, since limbs and fingers tend to disappear over evolutionary time,
not appear.
In other words, given a large number of planets with the right conditions for a given
species, just about any species with fingers can evolve into an intelligent spacefaring race.
These species could have evolved into sentient, space-faring races because they
have grasping hands:
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Below are some non-grey “alien” photographs and sketches that I found on the
Internet, along with images of their possible terrestrial species of origin: (The “grey”
races may have forked off from terrestrial species earlier than the dinosaurs.)
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... might have evolved from ...
... might have evolved from ...
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... might have evolved from ...
... might have evolved from ...
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... might have evolved from ...
... might have evolved from ...
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The “grey” races may have forked off from terrestrial species earlier than the
dinosaurs, and may have no equivalent terrestrial species.
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A deeply random thought
I volunteer at a zoo. I often watch the zoo animals and think to myself, “I am
much more intelligent than the animals are. They are in a zoo but don’t know
it. I am acting as their caretaker.”
Is someone more intelligent than me my caretaker? Am I in a zoo, but don’t
perceive it?
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February 9, 2016
Technologically advanced nations often exploit and destabilize their low-tech
neighbors. The continent of Africa is a “poster child” of exploitation and
destabilization on Earth.
Historically, the continent of Africa has been exploited by Europeans and
Slave trade –As is well known, millions of Africans were enslaved and
transported to the Americas and Europe until the mid 19th century.
Colonization – Much of Africa was colonized by European nations.
Settler colonialism – Land was requisitioned by European colonial powers
for Europeans. (
Africa is still being exploited by first-world countries, although less egregiously than
in the past:
Resource exploitation – Africa supplies resources for first-world countries,
such as agriculture, woods, minerals, and oil. Inevitably, these resources are
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extracted and produced more cheaply in Africa than from 1st world
countries. (
Low wages – Resources are cheaper in Africa due to low wages.
Child labor – Child labor still exists in Africa, enabling the
production of cheaper goods and resources.
Lax environmental standards – Resources are cheaper due to lax
environmental standards.
Corruption – Resources are cheaper to acquire from Africa because
of corruption – which results in lower state-imposed taxes on
resource acquisition (aka: mining and forestry).
Destabilizing governments and society – Many first-world countries and
their corporations destabilize Africa in numerous ways.
Weapon sales – First world nations such as China are selling arms to
African nations, destabilizing the region.
Brain drain – First world countries pay higher salaries to professionals,
encouraging skilled Africans to move to first world countries.
Bribery – Bribery by first-world corporations destabilizes African
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A randomly deep thought
A society’s technology can be categorized by dimensionality:
Two dimensional – Members of the society have access to groundbased transportation only: walking, horseback riding, bicycling, and
Three dimensional – Balloons, airplanes, and rockets.
Four dimensional (extradimensional) – UFO technologies. See below.
People like theorizing endlessly about how UFO antigravity technology works. While
antigravity is technically interesting, the ramifications of the technology are
reasonably easy to predict… flying vehicles, flying chairs, etc.
UFO extradimensional technology has more significant ramifications to Homo
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Below is a sequence of three photographs of a UFO hover over my house:
A minute before
UFO visible
A minute after
Notice that the UFO isn’t visible “a minute before” (perhaps due to the clouds). It is
clearly visible in the center shot, to the right and above the over-exposed moon. A
minute later, the UFO has moved to the right of the moon, and is semi-transparent.
People who see UFOs often report them appearing and disappearing quickly,
sometimes in a flash of light:
 - This is supposedly a top-secret US spy-plane using
“antigravity”, but the extradimensional technology is the same as UFOs.
I have seen other YouTube videos, but can’t find them at the moment.
I also took a photograph of an “alien” wearing an “encounter suit” while jokingly
sitting in my car at night. The “alien” is mostly transparent, at the center of the
photo. Only two eyes and a mouth are visible in an oval head:
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Encounter suits are like dry-suits. They completely cover someone’s body and let
them travel extradimensionally, just like a dry-suit lets divers swim in freezing Arctic
Abductees often report “aliens” being invisible or mostly transparent. Some
YouTube videos of interest:
 – This is
an “alien” in an “encounter-suit”, completely visible.
 – This is an “alien” wearing
an encounter suit, in a mostly-transparent state.
I am uncertain about the exact physics of extradimensional technologies, but here is
my best educated guess:
Since imagining four-dimensional space is tricky, I’ll simply the physics into three
dimensions, with our ordinary three dimensions being flattened into two
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1. Imagine a tabletop or desktop, which is a two-dimensional surface. The
two-dimensional tabletop represents our usual three-dimensional space.
Place some coins on the tabletop to represent atoms. Thicker coins
represent denser atoms (usually with a higher atomic mass).
You can push the coins around the table. When you push a coin into
another coin, the other coins are pushed aside, just like atoms pushing and
interacting with one another.
Atoms are three dimensional, but “flat” in a fourth dimension, just like
coins are flat in a third dimension.
If you pick up a coin and hold it horizontally a centimeter above the
tabletop, then that coin can be moved or “slid” above the other coins.
Atoms that are moved “up” or “down” in a fourth dimension do NOT
interact with normal three-dimensional atoms… unless both the lifted
atoms and normal atoms are very thick (coins).
That explains matter. Light is only slightly different:
Pick up a coin and hold it vertically on edge (instead of horizontally against
the tabletop).
The vertical coin represents light, which can be thought of as fourdimensionally perpendicular “matter”. Smaller vertical coins represent lowfrequency “red” light, while larger vertical coins represent high-frequency
“blue” light.
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2. You’ll have to imagine that vertical coins can be rolled on-edge, half-way
embedded in the tabletop. When a vertical coin (light) rolls into a horizontal
coin (matter), the vertical coin touches the horizontal coin. The vertical coin
can either push the horizontal coin (matter being moved by light), or the
vertical coin can roll back (light bouncing off matter).
Now for the interesting bits:
If you lift up a horizontal coin (matter) several centimeters off the table
top, you’ll notice that the vertical coins (light) rolling on the tabletop never
touch the lifted horizontal coin.
In other words, if matter is pushed far enough out of ordinary threedimensional space, then (a) it will not interact with any other matter, and
(b) it is no longer visible.
If the lifted-up horizontal coin (matter) is lowered to only a centimeter
above the tabletop, then larger vertical coins (light) will touch and interact
with the lifted horizontal coin, but smaller coins will not.
In terms of matter and light, matter that is lifted only slightly in a fourth
dimension will still be visible, but won’t interact with normal matter
(except for very dense matter). As it is lifted further, red-light (small vertical
coins) passes through the object turning it a bluish color. Lifting matter even
further, causes the object to only reflect only ultraviolet light. Lift matter far
enough and it is completely invisible.
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Extradimensional technologies have important ramifications:
UFOs and people in encounter suits can “dematerialize” (be lifted in a
fourth dimension) and turn invisible to all light, including radar.
People in encounter suits that are dematerialized (semi-transparent) can
walk through walls, while still being visible. “Alien” abductees often report
this phenomenon. (
UFOs can fly through any building and can sometimes even fly through the
ground (to underground bases).
People, using encounter suits or extradimensional platforms, can “walk”
from an invisible UFO parked inside a building, onto the floor of the
building, or vice versa. In other words, “aliens” can appear and disappear
anywhere on Earth.
A deeply random thought
“There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are
known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t
know. But there are also unknown unknowns. These are things we do not know
we don’t know.” – Donald Rumsfeld
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“Implants” are another important “alien” technology often noted by abductees and
“UFO researchers”.
In their simplest forms, implants are identification tags. Humans have
already created electronic identification tags used for pets, called
“Microchip implants”. ( ) These small
implants, around 5 mm long, contain no power source, and are inserted
underneath the skin of someone’s pet using a large needle. Vets used handheld scanners to read the ID with a range of around 10 cm, limited by the
amount of power than can be transmitted into the “microchip’s” induction
Human technology has also produced “Tracking collars”
(, that are now small enough
to be attached to mice. The collars are powered by small batteries, and
emit a radio-signal ping at regular intervals. Larger collars include GPS’s to
relay an animal’s exact location without triangulation, or to produce
satellite signals.
The book, “Casebook: Alien Implants” (
sr=8-1) describes some low-tech implants that have been surgically
removed from abductees. The implants could provide identification and
tracking information. They are usually implanted in limbs, and their power
appears to come from a small magnet that generates power when the limb
moves through the earth’s magnetic field.
Early abductees sometimes reported implants being placed in their brains,
often through their nostrils. Brain implants are not removed from
abductees, because of the dangers surgery. Little is known about them by
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“UFO researchers”, but they are the most interesting of the implants due to
their socio-political ramifications. (See below.)
Brain implants are inserted into an abductee’s brain for a reason… they’re close to
the brain’s neurons. Why would an “alien” want to place an implant in someone’s
Identification – Brain implants can be used to identify abductees, just like
out pet’s microchip implants.
Location – Implants can provide location information.
Paralysis induction – A brain-located implant might be able to induce
paralysis in abductees, perhaps by causing a small seizure or preventing the
person from thinking. Paralysis would aid in abductions, reducing the chance
of the abductee harming the abductors.
Health monitoring – An implant in a person’s brain could be used to
monitor their health. Body temperature is one obvious example.
Brainwave monitoring – Located in someone’s brain, the implant could
monitor their brain activity, such as our modern EEGs
( Fear and happiness should be easy to
detect. The brainwave patterns could be transmitted to a nearby UFO.
Brainwave thought walkie-talkie – A logical extension of brainwave
monitoring is to analyze the brainwaves and create a “brainwave walkietalkie”… in order words, “telepathy”. Telepathy technology would let aliens
(a) monitor their abductees thoughts, (b) read the thoughts of abductees
when abductees are specifically trying to communicate with the “aliens”,
and (c) let the “aliens” communicate thoughts to the abductees. The
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implant would need to be placed near the person’s speech/language
centers. (
Brainwave acoustic walkie-talkie – Going one step further, an implant
located near an abductee’s ears could (a) induce an audible illusion letting
the abductee hear speech or sounds, and (b) transmit the audio that the
abductee hears to nearby UFOs.
Vocal-tract motor-neuron walkie-talkie – Rather than monitoring the
speech centers of a brain, a brain-based implant could monitor the vocaltract muscles and neurons. This would enable the implant to transmit the
muscle movements used to generate speech. If transmitted to a nearby
UFO, the “aliens” could “listen in” on what the abductee was saying.
Abductees would only have to move their lips slightly and quietly whisper to
themselves to communicate with the “aliens”. Conversely, the implant
might stimulate vocal-tract neurons and let “aliens” speak through the
abductee. This technology could enable “channeling”
A brain implant would obviously require a sophisticated computer, and non-trivial
amounts of power. Some possible power sources are:
Pre-charged battery – The power for the implant could be provided by a
pre-charged battery, just like our animal radio collars. The battery might not
last long, perhaps a few years.
Induction recharge – If contactees are regularly abducted, the brain
implant’s battery could be recharged aboard the UFO.
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3. Movement through Earth’s electromagnetic fields – Like the alien implants
in, “Casebook: Alien Implants”, motion through the Earth’s electromagnetic
fields could produce some energy, but this may not be sufficient.
Temperature differential – A person’s body temperature changes
throughout the day. Energy can be generated by a temperature
differential… which is essentially the reverse of an air conditioner or heat
pump. This energy may not be sufficient.
Electrochemical energy – More-sophisticated implants could generate
energy from electrochemicals in the brain, namely sugars. Some abductees
report that they drink more orange juice than non-abductees, which could
be because of the vitamin C in orange juice, or the fructose sugars.
How could a brain implant monitor the neurons in someone’s brain?
Direct electrical connection – The implant could have an electrical sensor
array on its surface, or linked microfiber wiring (perhaps as a mesh). Such
sensors would monitor neural impulses and translate them into thought,
sound, or speech. Conversely, generating electrical impulses through the
surface sensor array or microfiber wiring could stimulate the neurons and
induce thoughts, sound, or speech. The microfiber wiring might be
Beam-forming – A recent development in consumer audio is a “soundbar”.
Soundbars use an “array” of 20 to 100 small speakers to produce threedimensional sound in a room without requiring surround-sound speakers be
placed everywhere in the room. Conversely, “phased array” microphones
(including human ears) can pinpoint and focus in on any sound in a room.
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Both technologies use a technique called “beam forming”.
( With considerable computer
processing power, the same technique could be used to measure electrical
discharges from neurons (to other neurons or muscles). Or, electrical
charges could be induced into neurons (linked to other neurons or muscles).
Power consumption would be an enormous problem for implants:
Transmission distance requires energy – Implants could transmit their
information using radio waves, or something more advanced and still
undetectable by humans. The further away that a radio receiver (aka:
“alien” in a UFO) is from the transmitter (an implant), the more energy that
is required by the implant. The amount of energy required is proportional to
the square of the distance between the transmitter and receiver.
Data requires energy – The more data that is transmitted (or generated
through computation), the more power that is required. Implants would
minimize the amount of data transmitted.
Computation requires energy – More-complex computation activities like
brainwave and speech monitoring would require more power.
Beam-forming requires energy – Implants that use beam-forming require
more power than those that connect to neurons via direct electrical
Inducing electrical impulses requires energy – Monitoring a brain (such as
listening to speech) requires less energy than inducing neural impulses (such
as causing a person to hear speech or move muscles).
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As anyone who uses a walkie-talkie knows, walkie-talkies have limited range, from
100 meters to 10,000 meters. People who use walkie-talkies to communicate at 1+
kilometer ranges often use radio repeaters.
Brain implants transmitting significant amounts of information (anything more than a
locator signal) might require the equivalent of radio repeaters. Such radio repeaters
could be located in UFOs… which means that telepathically communicating with
someone at a distance would require a “telepathy network” of floating UFOs, similar
to our cell-phone tower network. If you are telepathically communicating with
people at a distance, a UFO may be hovering overhead.
Hint: Using telepathy is just like using a walkie-talkie. Anyone can listen in. The
signals might be encrypted, but all signals can be analyzed and decrypted if someone
is willing to put in the effort.
Everyone’s brain is different. Speech centers, hearing, and muscle-controlling
neurons are different for every individual. These differences need to be taken into
account by brain implants:
Calibration – Brain implants should need a calibration “phase” where they
“watch” a person’s neurons and determine which neurons are “excited” by
which activities. Conversely, the calibration phase might require implants to
experiment with “exciting” neurons and observing what happens. In other
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words, a brain implant might not be fully active for several days, weeks, or
months after implanting.
Blood-vessel generation – If a neural implant uses electrochemical energy
(burning sugars) then it might need to stimulate the growth of blood vessels
around the implant. This might take months to years, limiting the
effectiveness of the brain implant for that duration. The implant might not
fully activate for several months or years.
Pattern recognition – To learn a person’s neural pathways, the calibration
phrase might require significant computational power and complex “pattern
recognition” algorithms.
Artificial intelligence (aka: sentience) – The pattern recognition necessary
for identifying a person’s neural pathways might be so complicated that the
implant would require artificial intelligence… which means that brain
implants might be sentient, and self-aware.
A randomly deep thought
If someone told you to jump off a building, would you?
… conversely …
If someone told you to NOT jump off a building, would you think about
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I wrote about spotting UFOs in,
but here’s a refresher:
Obviously, if you actually see a UFO (circular or triangular), then you have
spotted it.
Some UFOs look like airplanes. Look at this photograph of an “airplane” and
you’ll notice that it looks like a jet airplane… except that is isn’t painted with
any Qantas logos, the color of the aluminum skin is wrong (since it isn’t
made out of aluminum – See “Extradimensional physics” for an explanation
of the blue color), there are no engines, and there are no windows.
UFOs can hide by pushing themselves out of normal three-dimensional
space, as described previously. To spot a UFO by day, look for symmetrical
clouds that are often triangular in shape. The clouds are formed because
the UFO is invisible but still interacting with three-dimensional air (kind of
like a “lenticular cloud” above a mountain), causing clouds to form, and as a
side effect of the UFO’s antigravity engines.
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Two triangular UFOs joined by a “breezeway” (see below), only visible due to the
clouds they form.
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Lenticular cloud forming above a mountain.
A triangular UFO cloud, as seen from space using Google maps.
Sometimes UFOs are visible by their inverse clouds… looking like triangles
cut out of clouds.
Some UFOs generate cloud rings.
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Bored UFO pilots can use their UFOs to create interesting shaped clouds,
called “cloud monsters”.
A “kite” cloud created by a bored UFO pilot.
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A “keyhole” cloud created by a bored UFO pilot using a circular UFO. The
UFO travels along a straight path for a few minutes, and is actually located
in the center of the image at the time of photographing.
Triangular UFOs are often visible due their operating lights. The lights are
at the vertices of the triangular UFO, and often equally spaced along the
edges. Often, one of the corner lights is brighter than the rest. This is a
photograph of a triangular UFO taken with a 60-second exposure, which is
why the lights are blurred into lines.
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Triangular UFOs often appear as dark-purple triangles against a black sky,
or vice versa. Unfortunately, my camera isn’t good enough to capture the
dark-purple color.
Triangular UFOs can disguise themselves as stars or clouds, turning their
underbellies into giant television screens (kind of). If you move your head
from side-to-side quickly, you might notice the stars, clouds, or moon
moving irregularly, as if lagging behind your head movement. Using a longexposure digital-camera photograph might help spot such UFOs. Below is a
photograph I took of a quarter-moon. The moon looked like a quarter-moon
to my eyes, but looks like a full and yellow-red moon to my digital camera.
To my eyes, the moon had mach bands surrounding it
(, but the camera’s photo doesn’t
show them.
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UFO lights don’t have quite the same color as stars. They look more like
LED lights. I can’t visually show the color difference with a digital
photograph, because digital photos don’t have enough color-frequency
UFO lights often “scintillate” from white, to red, to cyan. Scintillating stars
do not change colors so rapidly.
Circular UFOs often have a single scintillating light (looking like LED lights)
in the center, surrounded by a dark black/purple circular area.
UFOs flying by night may use flashing white and red lights to simulate jet
airplane lights. They don’t quite get the color correct, and they don’t
“move” like jets. They are not always silent, and sometimes sound like a jet
airplane, perhaps using transducers to reproduce the sound.
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 If you are in a quiet rural area, and can hear ultra-low-frequency sounds
generated by UFO engines, then you may hear a very low hum when a UFO
is nearby (within a few hundred meters). Most people can’t hear such low
frequencies. Being in a steel house or car seems to amplify the sound.
UFOs can produce jet airplane sounds, and are not always silent.
If a UFO materializes or dematerializes quickly, it creates a sound similar to
a sonic boom.
When a UFO in extradimensional space flies through you, it feels really
weird. It feels like your flesh and bones are being “tugged” slightly. If you
have any metal implants, they feel like they’re moving.
When inside an UFO that is NOT materialized, the air feels stationary and
soon becomes stale.
You have to move awfully fast to chase a UFO, at least 4000 kmph. 
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A deeply random thought
At some point in their lives, children realize that Santa Claus is an imaginary
person, that magic does not exist, and that their parents are really purchasing
and laying out the presents. (And eating the cookies left out for the reindeer…
although “aliens” sometimes take advantage of the free cookies.  )
Most children are actually told, “There is no Santa Claus” by their friends or
older sibling, soon after their friends/siblings discover the truth from their
Who would you rather hear, “There is no Santa Claus” from, someone
related/friendly to you, or a complete stranger?
PS – I hate to tell you, but there is no Santa Claus… but actually, there is.
“The U.S., in December 1992, launched a major coalition operation to assist and
protect humanitarian activities, Operation Restore Hope, under which the United
States would assume the unified command of the new operation, in accordance with
Resolution 794 (1992). The U.S. Marine Corps landed with the 15th Marine
Expeditionary Unit in Mogadishu…” ( )
3 October, 1993 – “Minutes later, a MH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, Super 61 piloted
by CW3 Cliff Wolcott, was shot down by a rocket propelled grenade.” ( )
40 | P a g e
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“The Battle of Mogadishu led to a shift in American foreign policy. The Clinton
administration became increasingly reluctant to use military intervention in Third
World conflicts peripherally related to the national interest or national defense of the
United States, such as the Rwandan Genocide, the mass murder of an estimated
800,000 to 1,071,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus by Hutu militia groups in
Rwanda in 1994.” ( )
“President Clinton also refused to mobilize U.S. ground troops in fighting the
Bosnian Serb Army in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995 and the Yugoslav Army in the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (specifically, the province of Kosovo) in 1999.” ( )
“Piracy off the Somali coast has been a threat to international shipping since the
beginning of the Somali Civil War in the early 1990s.[1] Since 2005, many
international organizations, including the International Maritime Organization and
the World Food Program, have expressed concern over the rise in acts of piracy”
A randomly deep thought
“A recent Gallup poll put the number of Americans who believe in evolution at
39 percent” (
“Most Australians (55%) preferred a God-guided or biblical account of the
development of human beings over Darwinian evolution.”
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For thousands of years, humans have been creating their own animal sub-species
through intensive breeding. Dogs, cats, cattle, horses, pigs, etc. are results of
intensive breeding. (
In the 1950’s, the Soviet Union began an experiment to domesticate foxes.
Some royal families in Europe are also the result of intensive breeding. 
Intensive breeding has a number of drawbacks:
Labor intensive (financially expensive) – Breeding a new sub-species
requires kennels, food for the animals, and staff to care for the animals.
Experienced staff (often farmers) must be hired to monitor and select
desirable offspring.
Genetic defects – Due to expenses, breeding populations are kept low. This
inevitably leads to genetic defects in the final population.
Moral issues – Due to expenses, non-breeding individuals are often
Domestication is inevitable – Intensive breeding often begins by extracting
individuals from the wild, and proceeds to raise hundreds of generations
under domestic conditions, such as no predation, shelter, and easy food
availability. Inevitably, the new sub-species “un-learns” how to survive in
the wild on its own, and can only ever survive domestically afterwards. For
example, most domestic dogs are incapable of surviving and raising
offspring in the wild.
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A less-labor intensive method exists for breeding a new sub-species, but takes more
Begin with a wild population – Seek out a wild population with 1 million (or
more) individuals of a species.
Isolate and capture 20,000 individuals –Select the 20,000 most desirable
individuals from the 1+ million population. To create an “alien” race, the
selection criteria would almost certainly include intelligence. “Telepathic
ability”, the ease with which brain implants could be included, might also
be a consideration. Critically, the 20,000 individuals should have a
preference to mate with individuals of the opposite sex who have higher
intelligence (and telepathic ability.) Of course, isolating and capturing
20,000 individuals is labor intensive.
Move the individuals to another continent, one which is devoid of any
other members of the species – If the 20,000 most-intelligent individuals
are left in the larger 1+ million population, then a new sub-species won’t be
formed. Moving 20,000 individuals is very labor intensive.
Provide an intelligence-inducing competitor species that won’t kill off the
target sub-species – As a general rule, a species’ intelligence is determined
by its environment, which includes the species’ competitor species. If the
20,000 most-intelligent individuals are placed in a continent where
intelligence is unnecessary, then their intelligence will eventually
deteriorate to whatever intelligence is needed to survive in that
environment… which is usually “animal” intelligence.
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 Wait 20,000 years – Once all of the individuals have been moved to their
new continent, fly off in your UFO and leave the species to “mature” for
20,000 years. Return occasionally to spot-fix any problems that might occur.
After 20,000 years, the population will have increased to millions, and
sufficient genetic diversity will be added through natural genetic mutations.
Natural Darwinism will have killed off inferior genes (and their individuals).
Repeat – Repeat this process as often as you like, moving intelligent
individuals from continent to continent, gradually creating an intelligent
Unfortunately, the 20,000 year approach has several drawbacks:
Species often successfully kill off their competitor species – Competitor
species are usually introduced to the continent along with the sub-species
you wish to enhance. As mentioned above, the competitor species is used
to encourage the sub-species to maintain its intelligence (and hopefully to
encourage more intelligence). Unfortunately, the sub-species often kills off
its competitor species, or vice versa.
Cost-saving trick #1 – A competitor species can also be thought of as a
second sub-species. Two sub-species can be “raised” in tandem, using their
mutual opposition to encourage mutual intelligence gains.
Cost-saving trick #2 – A sub-species can be its own competitor species, if
individuals of the species form tribes that war with one another.
Planets quickly run out of continents – Populations are most easily
separated by oceans. If a population is moved to a new continent every
20,000 years, a typical planet will run out of continents in 20,000 to
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100,000 years. When you run out of continents on a planet, move the next
batch of 20,000 individuals to a new planet.
Planets are expensive – Unfortunately, planets are expensive, or at least
hard to come by. When all available continents on all available planets
have been filled with members of the sub-species, then land must be
“recycled”. The term, “recycled”, is a euphemism for genocide. The least
objectionable way to commit genocide is to (a) introduce a more-intelligent
competitor species to a continent and let them kill off an older and lessintelligent version of a sub-species, or (b) introduce a newer and moreintelligent version of the sub-species to the continent, and let them kill off
their older and less-intelligent ancestors.
Intelligent sub-species figure out how to build boats – Isolating species by
oceans works, up until the point where a species becomes intelligent
enough that it builds its own sea-faring boats/ships. Within several
hundred years of the invention of ocean-crossing ships (such as the
“Mayflower” -, the sub-species
might migrate to all the other continents on the planet… and commit
genocide in the process.
Lots of sub-species – By the time a sub-species is capable of inventing
UFOs/spaceships, variations of the sub-species (called sub-sub-species) will
be spread over half a dozen (or more) planets with several continents on
each planet. In general, the sub-sub-species will have similar intelligence
levels (within a standard deviation or two). Many of the sub-sub-species
will be visually identical even though they live on different planets.
Less-intelligent sub-species – What happens to all the less-intelligent subspecies that were evolved on the way to creating the “final” and mostintelligent sub-species? How are they dealt with? Are they left on their
planet, ignorant of their more intelligent descendants?
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 No-one will ever admit to using the 20,000 year approach – Because
creating sub-species in this way inevitably leads to genocide when planets
run out, people rarely admit to using the 20,000 year approach.
“Homo sapiens sol” (Homo sapiens originating from Earth, in the solar system Sol)
could have been created using the 20,000 year approach. Some evidence points in
this direction:
Lucy (Australopithecus) – Skeletal remains of our ancestors have been
found in Africa, dating to 3.2 million years ago.
( ) As many people like
to point out, there are “missing links” in the evolutionary chain between
Australopithecus and recent hominids, like Homo Neanderthalensis.
Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) – Neanderthals became extinct
around 30,000 years ago in Europe.
( This could have happened
when 20,000 Caucasian Homo sapiens were moved from another planet
and released into Europe. The Caucasian “Homo sapiens planet-x” could
have committed genocide against Homo neanderthalensis.
Nordic “aliens” – UFO mythology refers to an alien race called “Nords”, who
look almost exactly like “Homo sapiens sol”. This sub-race of Homo sapiens,
perhaps called “Homo sapiens Nordic” could be sub-sub-race (see above)
from another planet that has invented or been given UFO technology.
4,000 year history – Our history only dates back 4,000 years, and is sketchy
for all but the last several hundred years. 4,000 years ago, the 20,000 –
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200,000 most-intelligent “Homo sapiens sol” on Earth could have been
removed from Earth and transported to another planet. Their descendents
(“Homo sapiens Nordic”?) might be returning 4,000 years later to see
where their ancestors evolved… kind of like tourists visiting primitive
African villages. Or, maybe they are returning to help their primitive
Missing persons – Hundreds of thousands of people go missing from Earth
every year. Many of them die anonymously, or just want to “disappear”. If
several thousand of the most intelligent “Homo sapiens sol” were annually
abducted and transported by UFO to another incubator planet, would
anyone suspect anything other than the usual reasons for someone
missing? (
Moving persons – How many people do you know that have moved to
another city or country, never to be heard from by you again? Maybe they
arranged to be abducted and moved off planet. To keep friends from
worrying about them, they might have arranged to move to another
city/country, but in reality moved to another planet.
A randomly deep thought
Men in black – “Homo sapiens MIB” (from
Early reports of Men in Black often described them as men short in stature with
swarthy complexions, as if they were deeply tanned. Some reported them as
Gypsies. Sunglasses, black suits and black cars have been a feature for the entire
period since modern sightings began in 1947, but according to UFO historian
Jerome Clark, "All MIB are not necessarily garbed in dark suits."
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According to the accounts of those reporting encountering them, Men in Black
always seem to have detailed information on the persons they contact, as if the
individual had been under surveillance for a long period of time. They have been
described as seeming confused by the nature of everyday items such as pens,
eating utensils or food, as well as using outdated slang, though accounts on the
behavior of Men in Black vary widely. Accounts indicate that they often claim to
be from an agency collecting information on the unexplained phenomenon their
subject has encountered. In some cases they are said to use unidentifiable
instruments to wipe the memories of their subjects clean, which is unlikely
because of the very fact the subject remembered it. In other accounts, they
seem to be trying to suppress information by, for instance, trying to convince
their subject the phenomenon never existed. They have been described as
behaving in either an exceedingly furtive manner or a completely outgoing one,
with wide grins and disconcerting giggles.[4] In the UFO research community the
Men in Black often claim to be from the Air Force or the CIA. Those who have
encountered them say they produce identification, but when verification is later
sought, the people described either don't exist, have been dead for some time,
or do exist but have a different rank.
The best way to understand abductions is to become an abductor yourself; you can
do this by volunteering at your local zoo.
I volunteer at a zoo; I abduct quolls.
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Northern spotted quoll juveniles in their “quoll box”.
Quolls in the zoo have to be abducted (by zookeepers) for the following reason:
Health checks
Giving them medicines
Implanting microchip IDs
Moving them to a new cage
To release some of them back into the wild
The quoll “abduction” process uses the following basic procedure:
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1. “Quoll boxes” have a circular opening that the quolls normally enter and
leave by. The boxes also have a “secret door” (shown above) that is
normally closed.
If the quolls aren’t in their box, you have to chase the quolls around their
cage until they flee into their box. They naturally run into their box when
they’re frightened because they consider it to be safe.
All of the exits from the box are sealed up, and the box is brought down to
the ground. During this time, most of the quolls are terrified.
A cloth sack is placed in front of the circular hole, and a thick towel is
shoved through the “secret door”, coaxing the quoll out their normal door
(circular hole) and into the bag.
If the quoll refuses to go out their normal door, they’re grabbed (often
harshly… because they bite) using the towel.
If the quoll manages to escape, they’re chased around their cage with a
net… which they really don’t like… until the quoll is caught and put in a bag.
Once in the bag, quolls calm down (because they’re marsupials).
The quoll is carried to the veterinary facility in their bag.
The medical procedure is done in the veterinary facility. The quoll is never
removed from its bag in the veterinary facility because they’re too difficult
to catch there.
10. If the quoll escapes from the bag in the veterinary facility then they are
very difficult to catch. The “catching an escaped quoll” process terrorizes
the quoll.
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11. After the vet check, the quoll is returned to its cage and released. They
immediately run into their quoll box, and call up their hypnotherapist the
next morning.
People decide to become zookeepers because they really like animals. After all,
zoo-keeping doesn’t pay well, the animals often bite, and much of the job involves
cleaning up feces.
“Aliens” can choose where they’ll work too. Consequently, those “aliens” that like
working (and interacting) with Homo sapiens become abductors on Earth, just as
people that like animals become zookeepers.
The most important thing to remember about “aliens” abducting humans is that
they’re usually “humano-philes”… which means that they like humans. Some of
them really-really like humans. Abducting doesn’t pay well, humans often fight back,
and much of the job involves calming down terrorized humans.
“Aliens” abduct Homo sapiens for the following reasons:
Implanting IDs
Testing that implants are working
Monitoring health
Free medical and dental checks
Taking biopsies
Sperm and ovum collection
Impregnating women
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 Performing IQ tests
 To survey the abductees about what’s happening on Earth or whether
“disclosure” would be a good idea
 Seeing if the abductees would like to leave Earth
 Because they consider some of the abductees as their friends and wish to
talk to them
 Other, less pleasant reasons not mentioned here…
The human abduction process is similar to how zookeepers abduct animals in a zoo:
Hidden observation to make sure the abductee is asleep. Implants and
invisible cameras are used.
Opening a “gateway” to the abudctee’s home. (See below.)
Travelling from the UFO to the abuctee’s home. (See below.)
Making sure the abductee is “asleep” and immobile. Various techniques
are used, including implants, telepathic immobilization (basically taking
control of the abductee’s muscles), and drugs administered by invisible
flying robots with needles.
Moving the abductee to the ship. “Aliens” do NOT like obese abductees. 
Performing various actions, such as medical tests.
Someone always needs to make sure the abductee is either asleep, in a
trance, or is very calm. Drugs and de-neuralizers can be used.
“Forget-me” drugs are often administered so the abductee doesn’t
remember the event.
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Returning the abductee to their home and making sure they’re safe.
10. Leaving and closing the “gateway”. “Aliens” often leave hints of abduction
behind; since as humano-philes the abductors want to make sure the
abductees consciously know they have been abducted.
Often, abductees are never removed from their homes. The medical tests are
performed in their bedroom, living room, or kitchen, since these locations are often
safer and more comfortable for the abductee.
People can enter and leave UFOs through various methods:
The UFO can materialize (enter ordinary three-dimensional space) and land,
open a door, and people can walk in/out.
The UFO can materialize, hovering above a back yard, and people can
enter/leave using a zip-line and harness.
The UFO can partially materialize and land, exposing part of the UFO to
ordinary three-dimensional space. People can walk in/out. (I have done
Many UFOs have specialized “elevators”. They are lowered “dematerialized”
into someone’s house, using a telescoping arm or cable. They materialize
into ordinary three-dimensional space. The elevator’s doors are opened.
People can walk in/out of the elevator. The doors close, the elevator
dematerializes, and is lifted back into the UFO. (I have done this.)
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 Some UFOs have “eggs”, which are ellipsoidal shells large enough for
someone to sit in. They are basically one or two-person “elevators”. A
friendly abductee can hop into an egg and be brought into the UFO. (I have
done this.)
Some “elevators” are like Willy Wonka’s Glass Elevator
( They
are essentially mini UFOs that fly between the UFO and people’s houses.
They aren’t physically attached to the main UFO.
Some UFOs have a long “walkway” (or “breezeway”) that rotates out of the
side of the (usually triangular) UFO. UFO walkways are like the walkways
from an airport-terminal gate to parked jet airplanes, except they’re
attached to the vehicle. The walkway is extradimensionally angled so the
UFO can remain dematerialized while the end of the walkway is materialized
in three-dimensional space. As people walk up and down the walkway (at a
very slow walk), they leave/enter normal three-dimensional space. (I have
used these.)
Walkways can be used to connect two UFOs, letting people walk between
the UFOs.
“Aliens” can put on encounter suits. The UFO can fly into someone’s house,
dematerialized. The UFO floor is leveled with the house floor. The “aliens”
then partially dematerialize into the person’s home, physically grab the
abductee, and “pull” them out of ordinary three-dimensional space into
the UFO. (I have done this, and it is distinctly unpleasant.)
Abductees can be pulled out of ordinary three-dimensional space with a
special robotic arm.
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After reading this section, you should have a better understanding of the abduction
process. To simplify things:
Don’t panic! – The more you panic, the more “force” that the “aliens” will
be required to use in order to abduct you. The more force used, the more
likely you’ll panic. “Aliens” usually avoid feminine women because they tend
to panic.
Say calm, don’t struggle, and don’t fight – The more you fight, the more
“force” that the “aliens” have to use. “Aliens” usually avoid very masculine
men because they tend to fight and are very dangerous.
If you don’t want to be abducted, make sure to tell the “aliens”.
Being humano-philes, most of the “aliens” do NOT want to abduct people
that don’t want to be abducted. Having said that, they may have to abduct
people against their will for the abductee’s health reasons, as described as
“Beyond my Wildest Dreams”. (
Unfortunately, the “aliens” may have to abduct unwilling abductees as
part of their job description, and panicking or fighting back just makes
matters worse for both sides. Struggling and fighting may cause the aliens
to avoid you in the future though. Whether you stay calm or struggle/fight is
your decision.
Don’t leave your digital camera or mobile phone on board the UFO. They
are difficult to return, though much appreciated as thank-you gifts. Hats and
sunglasses are less useful since they don’t usually fit the aliens’ heads. 
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In one abduction, I wandered down from the top “abduction” floor of a triangular
UFO to the bottom “staff” floor. I saw what I thought was a receptionist’s desk with
a receptionist behind the desk.
The receptionist’s desk was actually a wet-bar. Apparently, abducting is a stressful
process for the “aliens”, and they sometimes have the urge to get plastered after a
really bad abduction night. They may also take “forget-me” drugs to forget bad
abduction experiences.
A deeply random thought
I printed up an advertising T-shirt for my game, with the following image printed
on the front of the T-shirt. On cold nights, I sometimes wear the T-shirt to bed.
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Apparently, wearing an image of a Tasmanian tiger sparked the interest of
some of my abductors.
A deeply random thought
Aliens are people, from other planets. From now on, I will use the term, “people
(from other planets)” in this document instead of “aliens”.
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Have you ever wondered how “remote viewing” works?
“Invisible cameras” can be created using a combination of extradimensional and
brain-implant technologies, as described above:
Begin with a triangle-shaped UFO, approximately 32 meters long. It has
extradimensional engines, and can dematerialize, becoming invisible and
able to fly through any building.
Remove the pilots and living quarters, producing an “unmanned aerial
vehicle” (UAV) version
( of the triangular
Shrink the UAV down to the size of a remote-controlled hobbyist airplane
(, about 23 cm to
an edge.
Add a digital camera.
A built-in microphone is optional.
Let people control the “unmanned aerial vehicle” (UAV) through their
For purposes of an invisible camera, the shape of the UAV might be a
baseball-sized sphere.
To use an invisible camera:
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1. Users only have to think about a location or person (with an implant).
The closest invisible camera is automatically found.
A digital photograph is taken.
The image is beamed back to the “remove viewer’s” implant.
The user “sees” the image through their “third eye”. For those of you who
think you’re “psychic”, be aware that invisible cameras have a “field of
view” ( of around 72 degrees
(1/5th of 360 degrees).
“Low-tech” invisible cameras produce monochromatic red or violet images.
Higher-tech cameras are full-color, or even full motion.
Invisible cameras have a number of uses:
To observe abductees and make sure they’re asleep before they’re
abducted. (As mentioned in “The abduction process”, above.)
To scientifically observe humans in their day-to-day lives, similar to “dungcams”, as used by wildlife film teams
( as used in David Attenborough’s
recent wildlife documentaries.
To spy on important people and government officials; it is nearly
impossible to keep secrets due to these cameras, especially if the
people/officials don’t know that invisible cameras exist.
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 “Reality TV shows” and (
) could use the cameras, and be viewed by people (from other planets)
about Earth and Homo sapiens sol. (See South Park’s “Alien reality TV show”
Try to “remote view” yourself. If you can get an image, then a remote
camera is watching you.
At night, some invisible cameras will emit a dim red, violet, or white flash
when they photograph an image.
Larger or older invisible cameras (and especially extradimensional UAVs) can
sometimes be heard. They sound like mosquitoes, quiet fans, or 50 – 60
hertz hums when you get close to them. They’re so quiet that you usually
only hear them in one ear.
Walking through an invisible camera (or having one fly through you) feels
really weird… just like having a very-small dematerialized UFO fly through
you. See “Spotting a UFO”, above.
A randomly deep thought
Coincidentally, J. K. Rowling creating a character named “Rita Skeeter”
( who spied on Harry
Potter. Could a mosquito-sounding invisible camera have been spying on J. K.
Rowling for an off-planet documentary of reality TV show?
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Traditional UFO mythology describes brain implants being inserted into people’s
brains via their nose. (,
Invasive surgery isn’t necessary with extradimensional technology:
A dematerialized UFO flies into someone’s home at night, while they’re
sleeping. (See “Extradimensional technology (Part 1)”.)
A skilled “surgeon” wears special goggles then let them see into ordinary
three-dimensional space.
Using an extradimensional tool, the surgeon places the implant “on top of”
the person’s brain. “On top” is used in an extradimensional sense, not a
three-dimensional sense; extradimensionally, someone’s brain can easily
be viewed and accessed “through” their skull.
The implant gradually “falls” (or “floats) into normal three-dimensional
space (taking around ten minutes), displacing some of the person’s neurons.
The person wakes up in the morning with their brain feeling a bit funny. If
you wear contact lenses, a large implant feels “like a contact lens” over your
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6. In a few days to a few weeks, after analyzing the person’s neural pathways,
the person’s implant activates.
What if this process were automated?
Imagine an “unmanned aerial vehicle” version
( of the triangular
UFO, 46 cm on a side. (Like the “Invisible cameras”, mentioned above.)
At the beginning of the night, the UAV is loaded up with implants.
The UAV is operated via remote control.
The UAV flies around a city dematerialized, locates people to implant, and
uses an extradimensional robotic arm to insert implants in their brains.
People that were implanted wake up with their brain feeling a bit funny,
but nothing too noticeable.
In a few days to a few weeks, after analyzing people’s neural pathways,
their implants activate.
Using extradimensional surgery to place implants has many ramifications:
Abductees are spared the pain and trauma of being implanted surgically.
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People don’t know that they’ve been implanted.
People can be implanted before they’re abducted, making the first
abduction safer.
Dozens of people can be implanted in a single night by a single implant bot.
Animals (both pets and wild animals) can be cheaply implanted. Implanted
animals can be monitored for scientific purposes, or used as spy pets.
Implants can also encourage evolutionary behavior in the the “20,000 year
evolution plan”.
More to come…
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The culture of an “alien” race is affected by what species the race evolved from.
Most humans are used to interacting with only humans, and don’t realize how
“human”-centric their culture is.
I volunteer at a zoo, and have experience with wallaroos (similar to kangaroos), so I’ll
extrapolate a culture based on the personality of wild wallaroos.
Wild wallaroos ( live in “mobs” (aka: groups)
of 10 – 20 individuals. The mob consists of a dominant male, females, sub-adults,
and joeys still in the pouch. The dominant male chases all other males away from
the mob. Less-dominant males wander around in small groups, until they’re old
enough to challenge the dominant male.
On the other hand, chimpanzees
( live in groups of 20 – 150
individuals. The group is a mixture of males, females, sub-adults, and infants. A small
percentage of the males are dominant and allowed to breed with the females. Lessdominant males are prevented from breeding by the dominant males, and
sometimes brutally beaten up.
The wallaroo dominant male also acts as a protector for the females and young,
keeping an eye out and warning of approaching danger. Female wallaroos breed
with the dominant male, raise the young, with care for individual young left only to
their mother. If a predator approaches, all the wallaroos flee.
Male chimpanzees hunt in packs, and are territorial, killing unwelcome
chimpanzees (usually male) who enter their territory. Female chimpanzees breed
with the dominant males (or friendly non-dominant males in secret), raise the
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young, and share some of the responsibility for raising young. If a predator
approaches, chimpanzees climb into the trees.
Dunbar’s number ( describes what
sized groups primates prefer to live in. If a group becomes larger than the Dunbar
number, the group often splits into two.
Homo sapiens have a Dunbar number of around 150... which means that “primitive”
human cultures would have around 150 members in them. Thus, the typical size for
a tribe of hunter-gatherer humans or prehistoric farming hamlet would be 150
Chimpanzees have a Dunbar number between 20 and 150, averaging 75.
Wild wallaroos have a Dunbar number of around 10 - 20.
The Dunbar number of a species (or race) affects a number of social characteristics:
The higher the Dunbar number, the larger the communities.
The higher the Dunbar number, the better-able an individual is to predict
how other individuals in the group will behave, and react towards other
individuals. In a human tribe of 150 members, each member has social
relationships with 149 other members, and might need to remember (or
predict) the social relationships that occur between 149 x 148 other
individuals. (Example: Mary knows that Fred like Jane, but Fred dislikes
Human woman have a higher Dunbar number than human men, because
prehistoric human men would go hunting in small groups. Conversely,
prehistoric human woman would raise children and gather foods together,
requiring them to keep track of more relationships, especially relationships
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between women, and relationships between men and women.
Relationships between men and men would be less important.
Species that live in larger groups (higher Dunbar number) might be more
likely to care for sick and injured individuals than species with low Dunbar
numbers, particular if the species is non-migratory.
High Dunbar-number species might be more likely to have “wars” with one
another, as opposed to smaller-scale “battles” and “fights”.
Chimpanzee males are hunters, gatherers, and protectors (from other male
chimpanzees). Female chimpanzees are gatherers and child raisers.
Wild wallaroo males are gatherers and protectors. Wild female wallaroos are
gatherers and child raisers.
Homo sapiens are descended from chimpanzees, with chimpanzee behaviour being
particularly evident in the behaviour of teenagers. Homo sapiens males in
prehistoric cultures are hunters, protectors (from other Homo sapiens males), and
perform limited child raising. Homo sapiens females in prehistoric cultures are
gatherers and child raisers.
In a prehistoric society, a race evolved from wallaroos might have males that are
gatherers and protectors (from predators). Non-dominant males might wander
around and gather for a living, until they become strong enough to challenge a
dominant male. Females might be gatherers and child raisers.
In a modern society of Homo sapiens:
o Work (instead of hunt).
o Play/watch sports (instead of hunt).
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o Go to war (protect).
o Help in raise children, although not as much as most women.
o Work (instead of gather).
o Go shopping (instead of gather).
o Raise children.
A modern society of a race descended from wallaroos might divide the labour:
Dominant men...
o Work (instead of gathering)
o Go shopping (instead of gathering)
o Defend their wives (financially and perhaps militarily)
Non-dominant men...
o Work (instead of gathering), often with small groups of other nondominant men.
o Go shopping (instead of gathering)
o Are itinerant (in small groups of non-dominant men) until they
have enough money to support several women
o Work (instead of gathering)
o Go shopping (instead of gathering)
o Raise children
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Assume that raising a child of any race (given a certain mean intelligence) is the
same amount of work. Less-intelligent species don’t need to spend as much effort
raising their young.
How easy it is for a woman of a race to “have an abortion” and the “amount of
communal care” affects the relationship between men and women of a race:
Abortions – To ensure optimum genes, females are always particular about
what males they breed with. Females do NOT like to be raped. Hypothesis:
The more (food) energy it takes to raise a child from zygote to birth, the
more that females object to rape.
A female chimpanzee gives birth after eight months, requiring eight months
of additional food, risk to life due to an oversized belly, and risk of death due
to childbirth. A female wild wallaroo gives birth after one month, with little
additional food, and can easily “abort” her child by not letting it enter her
pouch. A female chimpanzee raped by a male chimpanzee (aka: a male
chimpanzee with undesirable genes) is much worse off physically (and
perhaps emotionally) than a female wild wallaroo.
Communal care – Hypothesis: The more communal care a species/race
provides, the less particular a female is about her mate. The issue is similar
to abortion: If a female is impregnated with bad genes, and she alone must
spend years raising the child with bad genes, she will be more particular
about the male she breeds with. Conversely, if the female leaves her
offspring in a communal crèche, she isn’t as “picky” about the male she
breeds with. (The community might be picky though, but not the individual
Monogamy – Hypothesis: If the relationship between males and females is
monogamous, and the males help raise the children, then selecting a
quality male becomes more-important for females.
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In a modern Homo sapiens culture, women are very careful when selecting their
husband, and view them as integral to their lives. Men are likewise careful about
selecting their wife.
In a modern wallaroo culture, women might view men as “sperm” banks that come
with some financial assistance. As a group, a dominant-male’s wives may “vote” him
out and vote-in a new dominant male. Dominant men might be more careful about
selecting their wives, ensuring their wives don’t spend too much money or fail to get
along with the mens’ other wives.
Societal violence issues vary depending on the species that the race evolved from.
In a modern Homo sapiens society:
o Men fear groups of other men (called gangs).
o A man that is cornered by other men will fight, often to the death.
Why? A cornered male cannot run away without being grabbed
and pulled to the ground. Groups of chimpanzees are known to
attack lone less-dominant chimpanzees, with intent to torture or
o Men instigate and go to war.
o Women are afraid of strange single men, due to rape.
o A woman cornered by men will fight with the expectation of
being raped.
o Women (with a higher Dunbar number) use social techniques to
control, influence, or chastise women they dislike.
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In a modern wallaroo-evolved society:
o Men often get in fights with other individual men.
o A man that is cornered will fight, but not to the death. They are
more likely to run than Homo sapiens men because (a) wallarooevolved men do not have grasping hands, and (b) groups of wild
wallaroos are not known to attack single wallaroos.
o Women are wary of strange single men, due to rape.
o A woman cornered by a man will expect to be raped.
o Women (with a lower Dunbar number than Homo sapiens) tend to
avoid women that they dislike, instead of using social influence to
attack them.
A randomly deep thought
If multiple-continent planets like Earth are rare (which they might be), then
Earth might be a valuable planet because of the easily-accessible heavy metals
on its surface.
Mountain ranges, also a feature of a multiple-continent planet, produce rich
soils, resulting in fertile plains that are valuable as agricultural land.
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“Living” planets are spheres of molten rock with thin crusts of solidified rock.
Most planets, especially if they have a moon, are NOT perfectly circular; they are
If water is added to a planet’s surface, it should form a perfect sphere around the
planet’s geography, due to gravity.
An egg-shaped planet with water added with either have one or two continents,
depending on how much water is present and how egg-shaped the planet is. Being
egg-shaped, a two-continent planet usually has each continent on opposite ends of
the planet.
Being egg-shaped, Earth originally had only one continent, Pangaea.
If a planet only has one or two continents, then mountain formation is unlikely.
Mountain ranges form when continents collide.
( Volcanoes are also formed by
continental collisions.
Therefore, one or two-continent planets have continents similar to Australia:
The continents are mostly flat.
The soils are nutrient poor.
The continents are dry in the interior.
The continents are wet near the exterior (ocean).
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If an elder race decides to “build their own race” on a one or two-continent planet
they might logically decide to evolve two races at once.
One race would be selected to survive well in the (hot/cold and dry) inner deserts
of the planet, such as a dinosaur or goanna-based race. The other race would
survive well in the (moderate and wet) exterior of the planet, such as a wallaroo or
a monkey-evolved race.
Under this arrangement, neither race could commit genocide against the other. The
dry-land species couldn’t survive in the wet regions, and the wet-land species
couldn’t survive in the dry interior. Beneficially, conflicts that promote higher
intelligence might occur at the boundaries of the dry and wet regions of the
Trade between the dry and wet regions of the continent would be necessary, since
each race would have access different resources. Wet regions could provide more
food. Dry regions provide easier mining. Small-scale trade of goods would
commence soon after the races were introduced. Ideally, when both races became
intelligent enough, they would form nations that would sign peace treaties, and
cease inter-racial warfare.
Both races would be forced to learn to live with one-another to produce a
prosperous society.
Conversely, Earth is effectively populated by one race, Homo sapiens, which can
exist anywhere on the planet. Pasty-white people from Ireland can live in
equatorial Africa, but with a slightly shorter lifespan due to skin cancer. Africans can
live in Ireland, but with vitamin-D deficiency.
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Therefore, the Homo sapiens races DON’T need to learn to live with one another,
and a dominant race (Europeans) has no financial disincentive to NOT commit
genocide, such as in the Americas or Australia. Conversely, if Europeans could not
survive in the Americas or Americas, Europeans would have stayed in Europe and
entered into trade negotiations with Native Americans and Aboriginal Australians.
Two-continent planets have another advantage for “building your own race”:
Continents are at opposite ends of the planet and difficult to sail between.
That means that the evolving races will take longer to figure out that
another continent exists. This reduces the chance of cross-continental
One continent can be designated as the “stupid continent” while the other
is designated as the “smart continent”. The elder race maintaining the racebuilding project can abduct intelligent people from the “stupid” continent
and move them to the “smart” continent. Conversely, stupid people can be
abducted from the smart continent and moved to the stupid continent.
The end result is that the “smart” continent becomes the “high tech”
continent, with industrialization. The “stupid” continent becomes a lowtech agricultural and mining continent, perhaps 100 – 200 years of
technology behind the high-tech continent.
If people on the low-tech continent hear about the high-tech continent,
they will become jealous of their high-tech neighbours on the opposite side
of the planet. This problem can be solved by having visitors from the hightech continent dress in low-tech garb and pretend to be low-tech when
they visit the low-tech continent.
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 When people from the low-tech continent learn about their high-tech
neighbours, the low-tech population can be controlled by preventing them
from sailing or flying to the high-tech continent. For example: Africans are
prevented from flying or sailing to Europe without a visa. Humans (on Earth)
find this much more difficult, because the low-tech continents are
geographically attached or only separated by small water barriers.
One and two-continent planets usually have flat continents, similar to Australia. The
interior of a flat continent is desert, and sparsely inhabited.
A race from off-planet can build a high-tech city in the middle (aka: desert) of a flat
continent, and (realistically) none of the continent’s inhabitants will ever notice,
because most of them will live near the wetter and more-moderate exteriors.
Therefore, a two-continent planet could have a low-tech and high-tech continent.
Hidden someplace in the centres of each continent might be an off-planet veryhigh-tech city that could be used to export industrial goods from the high-tech
planet, and agricultural goods from the low-tech planet.
A high-tech city run by a race of non-“Homo sapiens sol” could theoretically exist
on modern Earth, although it would have to be located on an isolated island. The
island would be noticed because all of the goods/resources shipped to the island
would attract the interest of the media or people on the Internet.
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Logically, heavier metals will sink to the core of a planet, especially a planet without
any tectonic movement or volcanism (such as a one or two continent planet). This
means that many heavy metals, such as uranium, should be rare on one or two
continent planets, since they will have sunk far below the surface.
Would a planet with fewer heavy metals on its surface be worth less money than a
planet, such as Earth, with many heavy metals on its surface? Would one/twocontinent planets be more appropriate as incubators for evolving races due to their
“low” price tag? Would multiple-continent planets such as Earth be more
appropriate as garden planets?
A deeply random thought
How many “Homo sapiens Nordic/MIB” people live on low-tech Earth? They
may prefer a low-tech society. Or, could they behave like wealthy white colonist
farmers in Africa, controlling the economy, but without being visually
identifiable as a different race? Their extradimensionally-hidden UFOs could be
parked in their back yards.
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People from first-world countries enjoy going on adventure holidays in Africa, South
America, and Australia. ( People (from other planets) are no
Imagine that you could catch a UFO from Earth and take an adventure tour. Some
restrictions would obviously be in place:
You might not be able to holiday in on a technologically more-advanced planet.
Why? You might return to your low-tech planet with:
High-tech “souvenirs” (laser guns, robots, etc.) that could make you very
rich, but destabilize your planet.
Ideas (such as “a grand-unified theory of physics” or “How to build a better
mouse trap”) could be equally as dangerous.
If you were able to holiday in a more-advanced planet, your tours would be carefully
guided, and most-likely limited to low-tech regions of that planet.
Conversely, if you visited a low-tech planet:
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 Upon boarding the UFO, your luggage would be searched to ensure that you
wouldn’t leave any high-tech items (computers, digital cameras, etc.)
behind on the low-tech world.
Your tour would be guided to ensure that you didn’t let slip any high-tech
ideas, such as telling someone in a pre-1940’s technology planet how to
make a nuclear bomb, or even that they could be made.
The trickiest tours are those where you holiday on a planet where the planet’s
residents don’t believe in “aliens” (aka: you).
If you don’t look like the planet’s residents (aka: you look like a Homo
sapiens and the residents look like low-tech “greys”) then you will only be
able to land in remote locations (waterfalls, scenic vistas, etc.) that are
unpopulated. Or, you may only be able to land at night, when the planet’s
residents are asleep. (By the way, Australia has many such locations.)
On some planets, you might look similar to the planet’s residents because (a) you’re
an elder race (like “Homo sapiens Nordic” are an elder race to “Homo sapiens sol”),
or (b) you are evolved from a parallel evolution path and just happen to look the
same from a distance. If that’s the case, then other restrictions might apply:
You will certainly have to dress in an appropriate costume – No wearing
jeans in 17th century England.
You may be forced to wear makeup, paint your skin, die/shave your hair,
or wear a wig.
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 You might have to pretend to be a foreigner or a mute so that your inability
to speak the native language isn’t noticed.
You may be prevented from getting near the native residents, so they
cannot see through your disguise.
If you cannot land on a not-yet-disclosed planet, you might be able to observe the
planet from afar:
View the planet below from the comfort of your UFO... this is similar to
watching the scenery drive past as you take a coach tour of Scotland.
Culture and nature lectures might be given on-board the UFO as you hover
over their cities or nature reserves.
If the natives have television or radio, you could spend hours watching the
television shows with the help of an on-board translator. Similarly, you
could read books acquired from the planet, located in the UFO’s library.
Spend an evening “talking” with telepathic locals who either think you’re a
telepathic human, an “alien”, or an “angel”.
You can direct invisible cameras (see above), and take a virtual “walking”
tour in the streets and shops of the planet. Your camera might be (legally)
allowed into private homes, to see how the natives live.
A resident of the planet hired by the tour company could purchase
souvenirs that you select via your invisible camera, and leave them in an
out-of-the-way place for your UFO to pick them up later. The resident
would, of course, never be able to admit they were purchasing goods for
“aliens” visiting their planet.
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If you came from a society with high-enough technology and were unable to land
because of your physical appearance, some other options might be available to you:
You could don an encounter suit (like a dry suit), turn invisible, and walk
around the planet unobserved, even in cities.
( Unfortunately, encounter
suits aren’t very comfortable to wear.
You might be able to hack into the planet’s Internet (if it has one) and talk
to the local residents via a virtual world, such as Second Life.
A resident of the planet (mentioned above) might have a brain implant.
You could ask/tell the resident where to go on the planet, and follow them
around with an invisible camera.
With some advances in brain implants, your muscles and nerves could be
remotely linked to the muscles and nerves of a native, controlling them
like an avatar. ( ) You
would be able to walk them through the streets and feel what they feel.
You might even be able to see through their eyes. For an extra fee, you
could partake in cybersex.
Some animals might be capable of supporting brain implants, in which case
you could spend a day being/controlling a gorilla in the mountains of
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If you were from off planet, and visiting Earth, some possible holiday destinations
Take nature walks and visit remote waterfalls in outback Australia.
Australia has such a small population that many locations are never visited
by Homo sapiens. The same can be said for Canada and parts of north-west
America, where Yeti/Sasquatch prefer to holiday.
Fly over virtually any major city on Earth, and take “walking” tours using
your invisible camera. With UFOs flying at 4,000 kmph, every city is only
hours away.
If you are a “Homo sapiens Nordic” or “Homo sapiens MIB”, you can
wander anywhere on the planet where mixed “Homo sapiens sol” races are
common, such as New York City and Los Angeles. Night tours of cities are
preferred because any racial differences are less noticeable.
Put on your encounter suit and wander around sparely populated cities at
night (when you’re less visible), or into the homes of “Homo sapiens sol”.
Using brain implants and a “Homo sapiens sol” native who is working for
your tour company, you can explore Earth’s cities and have them purchase
Although illegal, you can partake in an abduction, and talk with residents
directly. Perhaps even partake in sex with the abductee. For an additional
fee, you might be able to abduct a particular handsome/beautiful native.
And don’t forget about the optional package of being a mountain gorilla for
a day.
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Just as some first-world Europeans and Americans prefer to live in “primitive” Africa,
some “Homo sapiens Nordic” and “Homo sapiens MIB” might prefer living on Earth.
To do this, you need:
Enough makeup to ensure that you’re not visually noticed.
Some fake ID.
A way to launder gold or silver into dollars and deposit them in the bank.
The advantages are similar to why Americans move to Mexico to retire:
A relaxed lifestyle without high-tech hassles like spy-bots (see below).
A friendly local population; Homo sapiens sol can be very friendly.
Your off-planet money will go a long way.
However, restrictions exist:
You can’t tell any of the natives that you’re from off planet.
You aren’t allowed to keep any off-planet technology except (perhaps) an
escape UFO.
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 You can’t reveal any ideas (such as the physics needed to build a UFO) that
might affect local technology. Special brain implants might monitor what
you speak and report any violations.
You are NEVER allowed to interfere with local politics.
According to UFO mythology, “disclosure” has happened to top-secret military
officials in the US. Some US military personnel may have even visited another planet.
“Disclosure” may have happened to the wealthiest Americans, Russians, and
Chinese (aka: billionaires). If you were a billionaire, you might be able to spend a few
million dollars (of gold or silver) and:
Take a UFO ride to a low-tech adventure planet, and shoot wild dinosaurs.
Or, you might visit a low-tech medieval planet inhabited by other “Homo
sapiens Sirius-B”.
Purchase a spacious holiday home (villa) on a secluded planet and escape
the stresses of everyday life on Earth.
Is this technologically and theoretically possible? Yes.
Is it financially viable for people (from other planets) to run such a tour operation?
Yes. The wealthiest Homo sapiens sol are willing to pay millions of dollars for an
adventure tour that costs the operators hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Why haven’t I (as a native of Earth) heard of this? Maybe this isn’t happening. Or,
maybe only the wealthiest 1,000 people have been taken off planet, and they aren’t
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allowed to take cameras with them, or bring high-tech souvenirs back. Would anyone
believe their stories? If they posted their tale (or photos) on would anyone believe them? No.
Could such tours be legally sold to Homo sapiens sol (according to interplanetary
law)? Maybe not. Laws are frequently broken though. If “Homo sapiens Nordic” and
“Homo sapiens MIB” look like “Homo sapiens sol”, then the converse is true; wealthy
“Homo sapiens sol” could be “smuggled” past authorities.
A randomly deep thought
Homo sapiens have hair that grows forever, unlike fur, which falls out when it
reaches a certain length. If you think about it, how could a Homo sapiens
person without a haircut survive? Their long hair would hinder their movement
and endanger their lives. Therefore, long hair must not have evolved until
AFTER Homo sapiens invented flint knives.
“Homo sapiens Nordic” ( and “Homo
sapiens MIB” ( exist according to UFO
Where and how could they have evolved? (See below.)
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 How many other “alien” races have equivalent elder races? I suspect most
of them do.
As mentioned earlier, hundreds of thousands of very intelligent (or highly
telepathic) humans could be removed off Earth annually. If they were “released”
on another planet, and allowed to breed, they would certainly be statistically more
intelligent than Homo sapiens sol, and might have invented or been given better
technology than we currently have on Earth.
Apart from their technology, they would be visually and genetically
indistinguishable from Homo sapiens sol.
According to the 20,000 “build your own raced plan”, races are evolved by moving
them from planet to planet over hundreds of thousands of years.
What if another race moved 20,000 transitional Homo sapiens, such as 20,000 Homo
neanderthalensis, from Earth (or another planet) and evolved a separate racial
The descendants of Homo neanderthalensis might already be more intelligent than
us, and might already have achieved space travel.
If you saw a Homo neanderthalensis descendant on Earth, they might look like a
stocky Arnold Schwarzenegger to you. Would you think that they were an “alien”, or
a burly construction worker?
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Assume that Homo sapiens sol were evolved from Lucy ( ), whose skeletal remains date
back three million years.
One elder race may have taken 20,000 Australopithecus individuals and evolved
them into Homo sapiens sol (and maybe Homo sapiens Nordic and Homo sapiens
A different elder race, on the other side of the galaxy, may have also taken 20,000
Australopithecus individuals and evolved them into a different species: Homo-B
“Homo-B sapiens” might look similar to Homo sapiens in the way that black-andwhite ruffed lemurs (
look similar to red ruffed lemurs (
They may (or may not) be able to breed with Homo sapiens sol.
Would you notice “Homo-B sapiens” if you saw them walking in New York City?
Most likely. Would you notice them if they wore enough makeup, and only stepped
out of their UFOs at night?
To quote Donald Rumsfeld, “These are things we do not know we don’t know.”
Our elder races could be walking amongst us, invisible in plain sight. Why would
they do this?
They could be on holiday here. Would you have any problems with this?
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 They could be living here to get away from the stresses of high-tech life.
They might have even fallen in love and married a “Homo sapiens sol”
person. Would you object to this?
They could be here, acting as “big brothers” to ensure that we don’t make
any fatal mistakes, and protecting us from other high-tech
races/individuals. Is this a problem?
They could be purchasing Earth-originated goods (souvenirs, computers,
and natural resources) and shipping them off planet. Such purchases might
be legal, or they might be illegal, depending on interplanetary law. Would
you object to this if you found out?
A worst-case scenario: They could use their identical appearance and
technology to accumulate power, effectively “colonizing” the Earth. It
would be like the Norman invasion of England, except without the military
invasion, and without us knowing that we were invaded.
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Which third-world countries have petty dictatorships (or are in social upheaval)?
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North Korea
Middle east
o Afghanistan (was a petty dictatorship)
o Iran
o Iraq (was a petty dictatorship)
North America
o Haiti
South America
o Venezuela
Look through the list:
How are first world nations (such as the USA, Europe, Russia, and China)
dealing with the petty dictatorships or countries in upheaval?
Many first world nations are ignoring problems in their third-world cousin
nations. For example: How many European troops and jet fighters would it
take to oust the dictatorship in Zimbabwe? Not many, but Europeans
refuse to commit troops to Zimbabwe.
How are first-world nations causing the dictatorships or upheaval in thirdworld nations?
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When was the last time your country used its military to overthrow a petty
dictatorship? If you were a citizen of that petty dictatorship, would you want
someone to overthrow your dictator?
First world nations have avoided sending troops into Africa since the “Blackhawk
Down” event. ( ) Why?
The first-world public doesn’t think their blood and money is well spent
helping Africans.
Most first-world nations don’t want to re-colonize Africa. Overthrowing a
petty dictator might lead to re-colonization (which the Afghanis and Iraqis,
recently invaded by the Americans, worry about).
First-world governments feel that South Africa, the most technologicallyadvanced sub-Saharan country, should send troops in to overthrow petty
dictatorships in Africa (like Zimbabwe).
This belief used as an excuse by first world nations to avoid Africa: If South
Africa won’t commit troops to Zimbabwe, then why should European
countries do so?
A deeply random thought
Some potential “alien” points of view:
We help those (people in need) who help themselves.
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We help those who help others. – “First world nations: If you are doing
nothing to help your poorer and lower-tech cousins, why should we (as
your wealthier and higher-tech cousins), help you?”
I attended university at the California Institute of Technology
(, also know as
“Caltech”. Caltech is known for a few things:
Caltech attracts the top 1% of engineering and physics students, matching
(or rivaling - IMHO) the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
( and
Princeton (
Caltech’s staff boats an exceptionally large number of Nobel-Prize winners.
Leading technology corporations prefer to hire students from Caltech
because they (a) are very intelligent, (b) they have an excellent education,
and (c) they survived the stresses of a Caltech education. (You might even
call Caltech a “Test village”… See below.)
Leading government agencies (such as the CIA and NSA) also hire students
from Caltech for similar reasons. I don’t know how many of my classmates
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were hired by such agencies, because if they were hired by the CIA or NSA,
they legally had to deny to their friends that they were hired.
Just about all of my classmates at Caltech have enough “geek points” that they
should all have Facebook accounts. (
I can find only around half of my Caltech classmates on Facebook, which means:
They haven’t bothered with a Facebook account, or have sworn off
computers… unlikely.
They are working for top-secret government agencies and aren’t legally
allowed to have Facebook accounts… possible.
They are dead… or disappeared off planet…
70 people lived in my dormitory at any one time. Statistically, how many should
have died in the 20 years since I graduated? The CDC shows a death rate of 126.7
per 100,000 individuals (per year) for that age group.
( Which means that (126.7 * 20 *
70 / 100,000 =) 2 of my dormitory classmates should have died in the last 20 years.
As someone from a top university, how do I find out how many of my classmates
have disappeared or died? I can’t find out, except through hearsay and missing
Facebook entries. If you are from a top university, how many of your classmates
have gone missing or died?
The numbers (theoretical “no Facebook” + theoretical “top secret” + theoretical
“dead”) from my dormitory don’t add up. I suspect (but don’t know for sure) that
more of my classmates have died (or disappeared) than theoretically should have. I
don’t know though.
91 | P a g e
February 9, 2016
Prior to Facebook (and, no-one has been able to easily
identify how many members of a graduating class have gone missing or died. Even
with Facebook, the task is impossible.
A deeply random thought
If you were a scientist (from another planet) researching Homo sapiens sol,
and you were interested in studying “the best and the brightest” Homo
sapiens sol, what university would you spy on with your UFOs and invisible
Would you follow them throughout their life? Like “Seven Up”
(! ).
If you were a person (from another planet) collecting sperm or ovum (see
below), how would you determine who to collect them from?
If you were a person (from another planet) and interested in taking “the best
and brightest” Homo sapiens sol off-planet to work for you, how would you
find “the best and the brightest” people?
If you were a person (from another planet) who did brain transplants (see
below), where would you get the brain-matter from?
Very intelligent people are valuable resources. Very intelligent people that
attend top-tier universities are easily identifiable valuable resources, and are
therefore “low cost” resources to acquire.
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February 9, 2016
Below are some possible planet classifications. Be aware that all categories are
“vague and fuzzy”.
Most planets (like Mercury) are uninhabitable by all life except for simple multicellular or unintelligent life.
Garden planets are inhabitable planets marked as “nature reserves” or “for future
use”. Garden planets often have animal life whose intelligence is four standard
deviations (or more) below that of human intelligence. Such life generally isn’t
capable of creating technology.
Some configurations of garden planets are:
One or two continent planets – As described above.
Multiple continent planets with mountains – Like Earth. Multiple
continents provide an ocean barrier between continents that encourages a
diversity of wildlife. Mountains ensure that water reaches the centre of the
continent, enabling more-diverse biomes.
Island planets – These are geologically active planets with hundreds of
volcanic islands and island chains.
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“Racial incubator” planets are used to host the evolution of intelligent races using
the “20,000 year plan”. They are off-limits to higher-tech cultures except for the
purpose of scientific study (and the occasional tourist... just like Antarctica is for
Some types of racial incubator planets are:
Intelligent but little building/mining – The races are intelligent but don’t
have the urge to build permanent structures or mine resources. Once their
intelligence-level has evolved high enough, they can be removed from the
planet en-masse without a trace of their civilization being left behind. A
few such races may have been evolved on Earth and removed millions of
years ago.
Provided with technology – As a race becomes more intelligent, it could be
provided with sine technology without the race having to invent or
manufacture all its own technology. Such races might be provided UFOs
before they have constructed road networks, or even rail networks. Africa is
an example on Earth, since Africans invent and manufacture little of their
technology, but have access to automobiles, mobile phones, and computers.
Self-invented and self-manufactured technology – The race is allowed
enough time to invent and manufacture its own technology, like on Earth.
Interstellar technologies may be provided later on, once the members of the
race achieve a specific goal, like landing on a nearby moon or planet using
chemical rockets.
The control of interstellar travel is vital for the stability of the galaxy.
Providing a race rented interstellar vehicles before they invent their own
technology ensures that they can’t “run amok”.
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As stated earlier, high-tech cities or continents might exist within racial-incubator
planets, with most of the population being unaware of the high-tech portions of the
Once a society achieves interstellar travel, usually with the aid of higher-tech
societies, the societies can take a few directions:
Single or dual-racial planets – The planet retains the same races that
evolved on them. Most inhabitants of the planet prefer NOT to interact with
other races.
Multiracial planets – Upon disclosure, inhabitants of the planet welcome
the migration of other races.
Colonies on garden planets – An interplanetary society colonizes all or part
of a garden planet.
Colonies on incubator planets – An interplanetary society colonizes all or
part of an incubator planet, often leading to the enslavement or
marginalization of the indigenous population.
Some planets are classified as “failures”:
“Indian reserves” or “Australian Aboriginal communities” – I’m using two
terms from Earth. To be very crude, American “Indian reserves” and
Australian “Aboriginal communities” are places on Earth where people who
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can’t (or don’t want to) survive in modern society are placed. This could
happen to Earth if Homo sapiens sol are unable to integrate into an
interstellar community.
Forgotten planets – These planets have been “sealed off” and
transportation to/from the planets is severely restricted, often because the
governments of the planets are too dangerous to deal with. North Korea is
an example of a “Forgotten country” on Earth. This could happen to Earth if
humans become belligerent towards “aliens”.
Wastelands – These planets have been devastated by war: Thermonuclear
bombs, proto-nuclear bombs, reality bombs, extradimensionally shifted
bombs, or core-melted. This may have happened to Mars.
Some cultures are extra-planetary, and no-longer “leave footprints” on the planets
they inhabit:
Demountable and/or walking cities – The cities wander around garden
planets. To minimize their environmental impact, they are either moved
from time to time, or move themselves.
Invisible cities – Using extradimensional (or other) technologies, some
cultures may live in their own high-tech cities, located on lower-tech racialincubator and interstellar planets, but remain invisible to the lower-tech
populations on the planet.
Elder races living among younger races – As stated previously, “Homo
sapiens Nordic” could be living on Earth with us, “Homo sapiens sol”, and
we would never notice them.
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 UFO nomads – Just as many retirees live permanently in Winnebagos, some
races might live permanently in UFOs.
Other –???
A deeply random thought
Nine out of ten “aliens” don’t wear clothes on their UFOs.
Extradimensional UFOs can travel anywhere on Earth without being detected.
People can be abducted from anywhere on Earth. Just imagine how easy shoplifting
would be...
Theft from abductee’s homes – If a bottle of wine went missing from an
abductee’s home, would they notice?
Shoplifting from retail stores – According to Wikipedia, 0.6% of all
inventories disappears to shoplifters.
( Some of the shoplifting could be
easily done by people (from other planets) at night. Non-“Homo sapiens”
wouldn’t care much for our clothing and shoes. Food, digital cameras, and
computers might be desirable though.
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 Stealing from pre-retail warehouses – Before an item is displayed on store
shelves, it is often stored in a large warehouse someplace in the city. I can’t
find statistics on how much is stolen from pre-retail warehouses, but 1% (or
more) wouldn’t be unreasonable. Extradimensional UFOs would make such
theft easy also.
Stealing from post-manufacture warehouses – After an item is
manufactured, it is stored in a warehouse, ready to be shipped to a preretail warehouse. Theft is also possible here.
Agricultural theft – Many agricultural goods are stored in grain silos, vats,
or other poorly-inventoried warehouses. An extradimensional craft could
easy displace a ton of wheat from a grain silo without being noticed,
visually or by an accountant. Beef cattle and large fish are also easily
Mining theft – Extradimensional technology could make mineral extraction
of heavy metals (such as gold and uranium) from crushed rock very easy.
Could UFOs extract valuable minerals from recently-excavated rock/soil on
a nightly basis, before it is loaded onto trains and shipped to refineries?
What percent of minerals could be extracted without their theft ever
being noticed?
What else might people (from other planets) steal?
Trade secrets – Invisible cameras could be used to steal trade secrets, such
as how to produce medicines, computers, or military machinery.
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 Military equipment – Some military equipment could be stolen, such as
valuable items like nuclear bombs or their fissile materials. (Don’t assume
that uranium and plutonium are common on all planets.)
Entertainment content – Many Americans enjoy watching Japanese anime,
despite the culture and language difference. Many people in Southeast Asia
enjoy watching pirated American movies. Could people (from other planets)
be pirating movies, computer games, music, and books? Can Sony sue
someone on another planet for music piracy?
Antiquities – Antiquities are valuable on Earth. Why wouldn’t they be
valuable off planet? Could the tombs of the Pharaohs have been raided by
people (from other planets)?
Other stuff – I’ll discuss other “thefts” later on.
Shoplifting, particularly of retail food items, could be petty theft by people (from
other planets) “living off the land”, so they don’t have to import and store food from
another planet.
Larger thefts, particularly those of valuable heavy metals and intellectual property,
might be accomplished by organized crime, of any “alien” race.
A randomly deep thought
Since (approximately) the 1950’s, Earth could be producing a surplus of
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agriculture goods and minerals, some of which could be “skimmed” and stolen
by an off-planet mafia.
If people (from other planets) have been visiting earth for more than 60 years, which
is likely, then there must be some interplanetary law preventing them from
invading the earth. If there weren’t any law, then someone would have invaded and
occupied the Earth long ago. The Star Trek (
series hypothesized this concept as the “Prime Directive”.
If there is a “Prime Directive”, then someone must be enforcing it:
An empire could be enforcing the prime directive.
A “united nations” of people (from other planets) could be enforcing the
prime directive.
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I don’t know what type of organization is enforcing the law, but I hope the enforcers
are from a “united nations”. If they are from an Empire, then the Empire seems
fairly benevolent/benign... or we’d have been turned into slaves long ago.
If the enforcers are part of a “united nations” then the “Africa – Somalia –
Blackhawk helicopter down” section is very relevant: If we shoot down a UFO, are
we shooting down an “American Blackhawk”, a peacekeeping UFO sent in by “the
good guys”?
All countries on Earth have crime and organized crime. Why should countries on
other planets be any different?
Regardless of who is enforcing the “Prime Directive”, criminal acts and organized
crime by people (from other planets) are a given. Only the extent of the off-planetoriginating crime and organized crime is in question.
Which leads to deeper thoughts about the “Blackhawk helicopter down” incidence in
Somalia... If we shoot down a UFO, what is the probability that the UFO is
controlled by criminals? Or by peacekeepers? Or by off-planet tourists?
To answer the question differently: If you are an African and see an unmarked
helicopter overhead, and shoot it down, what is the probability that you shoot
down a criminal’s helicopter? A peacekeeping helicopter? Or a tourist helicopter?
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This leads to another question... Do the US, European, Russian, and Chinese
governments have protocols with the interstellar “united nations” that allow them
to identify “the good guys” and not shoot them down? UFO mythology describes
UFOs being shot down, or at least harassed.
Which leads to another question... Could organized criminals be pretending to be
“the good guys” to the naive Earth-based governments, and conning the US,
European, Russian, and Chinese governments to shoot down UFOs from the
interstellar “United nations”.
Which leads to another question... Or, would the US, European, Russian, and
Chinese militaries knowingly work with the off-planet mafias to acquire illegal hightech military technology which the interstellar “united nations” wouldn’t provide
Which leads to another question... How many “Blackhawks” did the Somalis have to
shoot down before the “good guys” left, and the organized criminals take over?
Which leads to another question... If the US, European, Russian, and Chinese
governments were cooperating with an interstellar “united nations”, wouldn’t
“disclosure” have already have happened? Would there be so many abductions?
Conversely... Organized off-planet criminals might find it beneficial to (a) keep the
interstellar “united nations” away from Earth (by encouraging the US, Europe,
China, and Russia to shoot down UFOs, just as the warlords in Mogadishu found it
beneficial to shoot down the US Blackhawk helicopter), and (b) prevent “disclosure”.
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A deeply random thought
You cannot mention UFOs in the mass media without them ridiculing you.
Once you have mentioned UFOs, and have been ridiculed, then the twominute segment ends, and a story about Paris Hilton takes over.
Just watch the videos on, All of the
reporters are skeptical about the existence of UFOs (perhaps because the
reporters fear being ridiculed themselves), and they never get around to asking
why UFOs exist.
The mass-media cannot overcome the “Do UFOs exist?” question and tackle
the more interesting question: “If UFOs exist then why are they here?”
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The bright light (upper-left) is the moon, over-exposed. I saw the moon, with “mach
bands” around it (the “mach bands” were obviously not natural), a large
circle/sphere “clouds”-border around the moon (obviously not natural), and wispy
clouds swept around the circle/sphere.
WARNING: The ideas presented in this
document are going to get less-andless believable, and diverge furtherand-further from contemporary UFO
mythology. You may wish to think of
the rest of this document as “very
interesting science fiction”.
How do you make a weapon to shoot down dematerialized extradimensional
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Easy. You make a dematerialized extradimensional Gatling gun
( that shoots dematerialized
extradimensional bullets (preferably using a heavy metal like uranium or plutonium)
in “perturbed” extra-dimensions. Effectively, a Gatling gun is placed on a platform
that vibrates extradimensionally.
When the gun is fired:
A few of the very-dense bullets will hit the UFO, and puncture its hull.
Most of the bullets will “fly through” the UFO because they “miss”
Once the hull is punctured, the interior of the UFO “decompresses” (in an
extradimensional sense) and the UFO’s occupants die unless they are
wearing encounter suits.
To prevent the Earth-based governments from achieving advanced
technology, and perhaps to save the potentially-alive occupants the trauma
of an impact, the UFO may automatically push itself into a safer
extradimensional layer (see below) where the UFO (and potentially its
occupants) can be rescued. This could explain why so few UFO wreckages
are found by the US and Russia.
A randomly deep thought
Gulliver’s Travels, written in 1726, mentions Houyhnhnms, intelligent horses
that control Yahoos, unintelligent humans.
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This section is based on a bit of speculation, so you might treat it as “science
fiction”, if you like:
If the wealthiest 1000 humans are flown off to off-planet holiday homes (villas) once
in awhile, what could the experience be like?
The villa might be located in a secluded but picturesque forest.
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A few servants would maintain the villa and grounds. Many of the servants
would be non-“Homo sapiens”; intentionally selected to be “exotic” to the
wealthy Homo sapiens, but not dangerous looking. They might be evolved
from monkeys, for example.
The villa would include a horse or two for the guests to ride.
A friendly alien dog or large cat might roam around and spend nights
sleeping near the guests’ beds.
Wealthy guests would be invited on short “adventure” excursions.
As I stated in, “Every interaction
may be a test of intelligence and/or character.”
A savvy guest might guess that the servants are watching and testing them, which
all servants do. The wealthy guest might be prudently cautious of speaking in front of
What the guests wouldn’t know, is that the alien “animals” (horses, and dog or cat)
could be more intelligent than the guests. After all, terrestrial horses and dogs
aren’t very intelligent, so why should extraterrestrial horses and dogs be?
The alien “animals” might have an intelligence several standard deviations above
Homo sapiens, and be trained in psychology. They could run various tests on their
Homo sapiens:
What do the wealthy guests talk about when they’re in private?
What do they do on Earth? How politically and financially powerful are
they? Are they helping or hurting the stability of the planet?
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What do they know about what is happening on Earth that never makes
the news? For example: Do the wealthy guests know the mechanisms by
which democratic elections are rigged in the favour of the wealthy elite?
What do the guests think about the “aliens”?
How intelligent are the guests?
How honest are the guests?
Do the guests realize that “their” extraterrestrial horses and pet dog/cat
are intelligent? How much prompting do the guests require before they
realize this?
Why run these intelligence and personality tests? The 1000 wealthiest Homo
sapiens are the most financially and politically powerful people on Earth, and they
could have undo influence on “disclosure” and/or the stability of Earth-based
“Adventure” excursions included with the off-planet trip might also be “tests” to
psychologically test the guests under different conditions:
How many wild tyrannosaurus dinosaurs do the guests wantonly shoot?
Do the guests try to smuggle goods to/from Earth?
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 Do the guests intermingle with the “impoverished alien villagers” they
In general, do the guests make “asses” of themselves, or show their better
Who would provide the Homo sapiens with access to the off-planet villas? Would
such holidays be provided by the mafia? Or by the interstellar “united nations”?
Guests who perform well on the tests might:
Be invited on other excursions.
Be “hired” by the off-planet organization to help them on Earth. Wealthy
and influential Homo sapiens are important “resources” for any political
organization, particularly one run by people that could not intermingle with
Homo sapiens on Earth because they don’t look the same.
Guests who don’t perform well on tests may have a habit of:
Suffering a terminal disease a year or two after returning home, perhaps a
heart attack or stroke.
Not returning to the Earth. Would a wealthy person who had gone missing,
particularly someone who kept out of the media’s spotlight, ever have their
disappearance reported in the news?
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A randomly deep thought
Apparently, jump-starting your home-made UFO with a lightning bolt (as per
Frankenstein) is a bad idea.
Even though telepathy can be provided by high-tech implants, telepathy isn’t
A telepath might think they know who they’re “talking” to, but it is very
easy to impersonate other people’s “telepathic voice”, easier than
impersonating people acoustically using text-to-speech.
Telepathic sentences and conversations can be forwarded anywhere, as
well as intercepted and spied upon. Nothing is private. Encryption of the
signal is possible, but the more encryption that is used, the more eager
other people are to decrypt the signal and understand the conversation.
Telepathic sentences are easily censored (and “didacticed”).
Telepathic sentences can be “reworded”, changing the meaning of the
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 Telepathic sentences can be delay-broadcasted, a useful tool for censorship
and “rewording”
Telepathic conversations can be recorded and rebroadcast.
Telepathy can be used to illegally attack people:
Some people and organizations can “listen in” to telepathy broadcasts and
use triangulation, names mentioned in the telepathic conversation, and
linked spy-cams to identify telepaths. Similarly, someone walking down the
streets of London, talking on their cell-phone, can be located and watched
using cell-phone signal triangulation and London’s security-camera network.
Skilled telepaths can “silently” ask telepaths questions, such as “Who are
you?” or “Are you telling the truth?”, that are automatically answered by
the telepathy’s subconscious brain.
As stated in the “Abduction” section, implants can be used to make people
tired and keep them asleep during an abduction... or while they’re driving
a car or flying a plane.
Telepathy implants might be used to “freeze” a person’s muscles under
certain circumstances, also useful for abductions.
Implants can be used to induce psychological depression.
Implants can be used to illegally induce “lust” in an abductee, useful for
“sex” abductions.
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 Telepaths can implant thoughts (conscious or subconscious) in other
telepaths. With a controlling telepath’s skill and persistence, and a weak
mind on the receiving end, someone’s thoughts can be “adjusted”. People
can’t be made to do something they would consciously object to, but a
racist person can be telepathically convinced to be slightly more racist, and
a religious person can be made slightly more religious. Ironically, someone
who is sceptical about the existence of UFOs can be made more sceptical
with the help of their implants. J. K. Rowling calls this the Imperius Curse
A deeply random thought
Imagine the possibilities:
A brain implant is implanted into a human author.
Someone in a UFO provides conscious (or subconscious) story
suggestions to the author about off-planet life. Some of the ideas may
“come to” the author in a dream.
The author writes the story, propagating memes
( and knowledge about off-planet
life to the story’s Earth-based readers.
How many fantasy and science fiction authors (and script writers) have been
influenced by “aliens”? For example: Steven Spielberg
( seems to have an obsession
with “greys”.
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February 9, 2016
Everyone who attends Caltech (, as I did,
quickly figures out that Caltech is hell.
The purpose of Caltech is to (a) teach, (b) weed out less-intelligent students (usually
through the difficult admissions criteria), and (c) weed out students who aren’t
willing to work hard.
Caltech acts like a sieve: Students apply to enter Caltech. Four (to five) years later,
only the “best” students leave with a diploma.
Of course, potential employers appreciate the Caltech sieve, saving them effort
(money and resources) with their own “interview” sieves.
My home town of East Aurora ( is also a
test village. East Aurora is a somewhat-upper middle-class town that prides itself in
looking like a 19th century village.
Children are born or move to East Aurora:
They must pass through the elementary, middle, and high-school sieves.
High-school students must pass the “binge drinking” and “drugs” sieves.
When I grew up, East Aurora had no shopping mall where teenagers could
“hang out” at night. “Concerned” citizens of East Aurora shut down the
local arcade (with Pac Man, Galaxian, and whatnot), another teenager
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haunt. Consequently, many of my bored and rebellious classmates spent
their weekends binge drinking near the railroad tracks or farmer’s field.
High-school graduates must decide if they wish to stay in East Aurora,
move to a neighbouring town, move to New York City, move out of state, or
move to the opposite side of the planet (aka: Australia).
I am going to offend many people in East Aurora by stating this, but:
My classmates who stayed in East Aurora, are, for the most part:
Statistically not risk takers, statistically socially conservative (liking 19th
century houses filled with a spouse and 2.2 children), statistically less
educated, and statistically less intelligent.
My classmates who escaped East Aurora are: Statistically risk takers,
statistically socially liberal, statistically better educated, statistically more
If someone were to ask an East Aurora alumni the simple question, “Do you still live
in East Aurora?”, the interviewer could guess something about the alumni’s
A deeply random thought
Interestingly (and significantly), East Aurora was once (in the early 1900’s) a
forward-looking community building modern architecture, because it was the
centre of the Roycroft Movement (, Contemporary East Auroran
building designs encourage backwards-looking 19th century pastiche
114 | P a g e
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architecture. (
Conversely, some test villages attract certain personality types. In Australia, Nimbin
( is known for attracting “hippies”. If someone
lives in Nimbin, you statistically know something about them.
Here is an interesting (and profound) question:
Is (or was) the Earth a “test planet”?
Have the universities of Earth been used by people (from other planets) to
quickly and easily identify the most intelligent Homo sapiens? Are such
graduates prime candidates for abduction and migration to other planets?
Even if intelligent Homo sapiens AREN’T being removed from Earth now,
were we removed 100+ years ago when “missing persons” lists didn’t
exist? Would a forward-looking village like East Aurora have been used to
identify potential abductees?
Is part of the “test” of the Earth to figure out that it is a test planet?
115 | P a g e
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A randomly deep thought
I attended university at Caltech. ( When I
first read the Harry Potter series (, I
noticed that the Caltech “house” named “Fleming” had a strong resemblance to
J. K. Rowling’s Slytherin house. To a much-lesser extent… Caltech’s Dabney and
Ricketts were similar to Hufflepuff. Page was similar to Ravenclaw, and my own
house, Lloyd, was similar to Gryffindor. IMHO, at least.
I even recall meeting a student who was just as spacey as Luna Lovegood
(, except instead
of writing for the Quibbler, she meowed… literally.
Extradimensional technologies (see above) could radically improve surgery.
Contemporary human technology includes various “scanning” techniques: X-rays,
CAT scans (, and MRI’s
Extradimensional technologies allow for other “scanning” approaches:
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 Scanning plate – A very thin plate is displaced extradimensionally and
dragged “through” a person’s body. The plate only reacts weakly with the
matter in the person’s body, but strongly enough to produce a threedimensional image of the person’s body, similar to a MRI, but not as
obnoxious. (I have had an MRI, and would not recommend it to anyone.)
Looking “inside” the patient – Either the patient or surgeon can be
displaced extradimensionally and the surgeon could literally “look inside”
the patient’s body.
As mentioned above, if a surgeon can “look inside” the patient’s body, then they
can use extradimensional tools to perform surgery without cutting the patient’s
skin or muscles, or breaking the patient’s rib cage to perform heart surgery, or
cutting through someone’s skull to perform brain surgery.
Extradimensional surgery might include:
The addition or removal of implants, as mentioned above.
The removal of bone fragments from broken or fractured bones, including
the “gluing” together of fractured bones.
Vascular micro-surgery.
Brain surgery (see below).
Dentistry – Easy tooth removal and cavity filling. Calcium and fluoride can
be extradimensionally infused into the teeth interiors instead of “soaked in”
from the outside.
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Etcetera. Surgery is revolutionized by extradimensional technologies.
I previously described “invisible cameras”. Similar extradimensional micro-UAVs can
be used for more sinister reasons:
Spy bots – This is another name for “invisible cameras”. Invisible cameras
can be used to spy on people, particularly political and military people.
Implant bots – I already described “implant bots”. An implant isn’t
necessarily beneficial for the person receiving the implant. Implants can be
used to spy on people.
Implant-removal bots – Implants are valuable technology. An implant bot
could just as easily remove implants to (a) sell them, or (b) analyse the
“data” they collect (but don’t broadcast) on the person in whose brain they
were located. “Data” might include a university education in physics, or the
secrets of an atomic-bomb program.
Telepathic-attack bots – Most of the telepathic attacks can be performed
automatically by an invisible extradimensional UAV. For a relatively low cost,
large populations of implanted people can be kept depressed or have the
“imperius curse” maintained.
Kill bots – Invisible extradimensional UAVs can be equipped with a pellet
gun that shoots extradimensional “bullets”. When fired at an
extradimensional angle, the bullets can puncture small holes in people’s
hearts (causing angina or heart attacks) or brains (causing brain damage,
seizures, brain haemorrhages, and even death). Would any post-mortem
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performed by a human doctor identify the “cause of death” as being from
an “alien” kill-bot?
Parasite/pathogen bots – If a brain implant can be added by an
extradimensional bot, why couldn’t a bot implant a genetically-engineered
parasite or pathogen into someone’s body? Trichinosis
( might be a deadly and
undetectable nervous-system parasite that could be weaponized.
A randomly deep thought
Land mines ( are banned by many
countries, but seem to find their way into 3rd world countries like Afghanistan
Could weapons like kill bots and parasite/pathogen bots be banned on
civilized planets, but be finding their way onto Earth (a 3 rd world country)?
Would anyone on Earth know if kill bots and parasite/pathogen bots were
used to assassinate people?
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Obviously, brain surgery would be revolutionized by extradimensional surgical
techniques since surgeons wouldn’t have to cut through the person’s skull, and
wouldn’t have to “cut through” brain matter to get to the surgical area.
Brain-transplants in mice have already been experimentally performed by human
scientists. (,
Could advances in brain-transplant technology beyond our own skills, combined
with extradimensional surgery, enable human-to-human brain transplants? What
about human-to-alien brain transplants?
What are the ramifications of brain transplants?
People with damaged brains could receive brain transplants from recentlydeceased individuals, just like people with damaged hearts, livers, kidneys,
and lungs receive organ transplants.
People with partially-damaged brains (perhaps as a result of
encephalopathy ( could
receive brain transplants from deceased brains, or friends and relatives.
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 People whose brains have been damaged by kill bots (see above) might
need partial brain replacements.
Organs for human transplant can be sourced from animals
(, Animal brains might be used for brain transplants. Would
they be intelligent enough when placed in a human/alien brain?
Organ theft ( exists in many
third-world countries, since the organs fetch a high price from first-world
patients in need of the organ transplants. Could organized criminals use
Earth (a 3rd world country) as a source of organs for their 1st-world offplanet patients? How valuable would “Homo sapiens sol” brains be to
“Homo sapiens MIB” and other genetically related races, such as humanoid
Special “brain bots” (or brain boxes) could be sent to “cut out” the brains
of recently deceased people, and extradimensionally extract their brain.
Would anyone on Earth notice if a deceased-person’s brain were removed?
How often are skulls opened up during an autopsy?
If the someone’s brain were entirely or partially removed, and implanted
in another person’s brain, would the other person “know” information
known by the transplant brain? Would the recipient behave like the person
who sourced the brain? Would the source brain be able to “take over”?
Could this technology allow someone to outlive their body?
How much money would a dying wealthy individual pay in order to live
forever? All that is needed is a brain-transplant surgeon and a body (minus
one brain) to transplant into. Isn’t that what Lord Voldemort
( (from Harry Potter) was trying to
do, live forever?
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February 9, 2016
 Conversely, if the brain of an intelligent race (such as a Homo sapiens sol)
were removed and placed into the body of an animal with a sufficiently
large cranial capacity, would the person’s awareness stay alive inside the
A randomly deep thought
Jokingly, consult your doctor for proper medical advice: The following foods
are recommended for people who have had brain-replacement surgery:
The best dark chocolate you can buy.
Peanut butter.
Omega-3 pills, lots of them.
Underground bases are relatively easy to construct using extradimensional UFOs:
A specialized “excavator UFO” is rented from a machine-rental business,
similar to renting excavators and bulldozers on Earth.
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2. Travelling in extradimensional space, the excavator UFO flies
underground, pulls several tons of rock out of ordinary three-dimensional
space and into the excavator UFO’s bay.
The excavator UFO drops the rock in the ocean or under the carpet... so noone notices. For an extra fee, the excavator UFO will drop the rock on
people’s houses. 
The tunnels are reinforced and sealed with a water-resistant lining.
Pumps are installed in the tunnels to remove water to a specialized watertransport UFO, which occasionally flies up through the ground and dumps
the water.
If the base were idiotically built below the water table, then it would
flood, and the base-designer engineers would get fired. Therefore,
underground bases tend to be built under deserts, or in hills.
What are the advantages of an underground base?
Living in an extradimensionally hidden UFO is actually very uncomfortable,
making people feel nauseous.
Underground bases have more living and storage space.
Underground bases can’t be shot down by anti-UFO Gatling guns.
People (from other planets) who build underground bases don’t possess the
technology (or finances) to live in “cubes”. (See below.)
Underground bases are often built underneath “test villages” that are
located in deserts, or built on top of hills. People (from other planets) living
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February 9, 2016
in the underground bases monitor the “Homo sapiens sol” in the test
“Cubes” are:
Cubes are UFOs with weak extradimensional engines that let them stay
extradimensionally offset from ordinary three-dimensional space so that
they aren’t spotted by Homo sapiens sol.
Cubes have no transportation engines. They can’t move on their own. If
UFOs are flying Winnebagos, then cubes are demountable trailers.
Cubes have portals that enable their occupants to enter and leave ordinary
three dimensional space, and docked UFOs.
Cubes are often cube-shaped because they’re cheaper to build and more
space-efficient than “spheres”.
How are “cubes” used?
They are much nicer to live in than those damp underground Saurian
bases. 
Cubes are easier to relocate than underground bases.
Cubes often come delivered with plush interiors, including kitchenettes and
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 Cubes are often placed on hills above “test villages”, similar to the hidden
observation buildings in Star Trek Insurrection.
A deeply random thought
How many of the Earth’s wealthiest families own “cubes”? Their cubes
wouldn’t be visible. They would provide extra high-security living spaces,
somewhat protected from spy-bots and kill-bots, and in which valuable (and/or
illegal) possessions could be kept. A UFO docking port might also come in handy.
If you were a criminal gang (from another planet), you might find the following
business proposition to be interesting:
Find a 3rd-world African country with valuable resources, such as mineral
resources (diamonds, gold, uranium, etc.).
Use bribery, blackmail, and/or brain implants (imperius curse) to “recruit”
top government and military officials.
Money is an extremely powerful incentive in small and impoverished 3 rd
world countries. A small criminal gang from any extraterrestrial race could
work with, and prop up, a petty dictatorship; the race would NOT have to
look like Homo sapiens or be fluent in their culture.
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February 9, 2016
4. Use the top government and military officials to oppress the population,
creating a petty dictatorship.
Control the news media. All dictatorships do this.
To keep 1st-world nations like the US, Europe, Russia, and China from
overthrowing the petty dictatorship, your criminal gang might have the
African nation’s military boast about their thermonuclear bomb... which is
really your criminal gang’s thermonuclear bomb. An earthquake generated
by a small thermonuclear explosion might be necessary as proof.
Exploit the country’s resources without fear of government or UN
involvement, shipping the resources off planet.
All dictatorships come to an end; the off-planet criminal gang would have
plans to disappear in their UFOs. The “Homo sapiens sol” petty dictators
would have money squirreled away in Swiss bank accounts and be
prepared retire in anonymity in 1st world countries on Earth.
A randomly deep thought
Never accidentally use a de-neuralizer on yourself. It’s like falling asleep in a
suntan booth, but worse.
Conversely, accidentally neutralizing yourself is lots of fun.
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February 9, 2016
The following scenario is a bit “far-fetched”, but it could happen:
An off-planet mafia trying to control an Earth-based government must “employ”
indigenous (Homo sapiens sol) foot-soldiers with telepathy. (I’ll explain why in a
The basic requirements for such people are:
Someone who is naturally a “follower” or controllable. Free-thinking people
need not apply.
A brain that accepts telepathy implants easily.
A brain that is easily controllable (imperius curse) via implants.
Someone whose ideology is (a) similarly aligned with the mafia’s, and (b)
easily perverted to the mafia’s causes.
Someone who has never been oppressed, and is thus willing to oppress
other people. (I’ll explain why.)
For an off-planet mafia trying to control an Earth-based country, the most important
jobs for foot-soldiers are:
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 Prevent the general population from believing in UFOs and “aliens” –
Although this sounds incredibly ironic, an off-planet mafia can moreeffectively use its extradimensional technology if the general population
doesn’t believe that the technology exists.
Using a low-tech example: If Afghanis didn’t believe in American UAVs, then
Afghan terrorists wouldn’t hide from the UAV’s aerial cameras and missiles,
making them easier targets for the UAVs.
Harassing people that believe in and talk about UFOs and “aliens”
Harassing (often violently) people that believe in and talk about the
existence of the off-planet mafia.
Wielding political power (such as voting and complaints to the
media/government) as directed by the mafia.
Applying for employment in positions of power, usually the government.
Finding and persuading like-minded non-telepathic friends. Friends are
encouraged to harass and wield political power as directed by leaders.
One source for mafia foot-soldiers is from fundamentalist religious organizations
(Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc.). These people are ideal because:
Almost by definition, fundamentalists (a) eagerly follow the guidance of
their religious leaders, and (b) believe completely in the truth of their
religious documents. They are excellent followers.
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 Fundamentalist religions are well organized and can easily (a) find potential
telepathic “elites” from their congregations, and (b) instruct the “elites” on
how use their telepathy.
Fundamentalist religious people don’t mind talking to “angels”... via their
mafia-supplied brain-implants, installed by implant bots. Conversely, most
normal people that “hear” voices worry that they’re crazy.
Obviously, the “angels” (played by off-planet mafia members) would
provide an individual’s secret orders. The organization’s elite leadership
would provide more general orders.
Anyone that the mafia didn’t like would be portrayed as demons or
As a general rule, the following people would be classified as “demons” or
“Aliens” who were not part of the off-planet mafia. In particular, saurians
and (people formerly known as) “greys” could easily be portrayed as
demons to Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
For this to work, members of the off-planet mafia MUST look like Homo
sapiens. Perhaps they could be “Homo sapiens MIB”. Saurians and (people
formerly known as) “greys” don’t understand our culture, cannot
telepathically pretend to be angels, nor can they intermingle with the
undisclosed “Homo sapiens sol” population.
Anyone who believed in UFOs and “aliens” would be considered to either
be (a) crazy and in need of telepathic “help”, (b) possessed by demons (and
in need of telepathic exorcism), or (c) in league with demons (and in need of
telepathic harassment).
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Since UFOs and aliens might not actually exist, according to religious
doctrine, other minority scapegoats would be included in the “in league
with the devil” pantheon: Homosexuals, people that play video games,
people that watch science fiction, people that read Harry Potter, blacks,
furries, etc.
The religious telepathic elite would:
Monitor local telepathic “airwaves” for telepathic people thinking about
forbidden topics, such as UFOs and “aliens”. After all, abductees are
provided implants that enable telepathy.
Try to nicely convince abductees (and other minority groups) about the
errors of their ways... by consciously or sub-consciously convincing them
(using the imperius curse) that aliens don’t exist, that they’re crazy, and
maybe they should stop by the nearest mental hospital for some help.
Failing that, a “prayer group” might be called together, where the religious
elite telepathically harass/assault abductees (or other minority groups) for
hours on end, inducing depression.
Members of the off-planet mafia are ultimately alerted about troublemakers. They can use their spy bots, telepathy bots, implant bots, and kill
bots to deal with people that can’t be nicely quieted by ordinary footsoldiers.
Meanwhile, the off-planet mafia’s spy bots and telepathy bots would
watch their telepathic foot-soldiers, and use the imperius curse to
encourage their adherence to the cause. A few implant-induced
nightmares about Saurians taking over the world in 2012 might help, as well
as dream-messages from “God”.
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Non-telepathic (and telepathic) foot-soldiers might also be tasked with:
Verbally and physically harassing appropriate minorities.
Using political power and complaining power to help ensure that
appropriate minorities (such as abductees) are never taken seriously by
the general public.
Applying for employment in key positions in society: As politicians,
government civil servants, military, media, intelligence (such as the CIA and
FBI), etc.
Voting as a bloc, as dictated by their leaders.
A deeply random thought
I showed the following photograph to a number of friends and acquaintances in
Darwin, Australia, as well as to friends and acquaintances in the US.
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February 9, 2016
In Australia, around 33% of the people believed the photograph. 33% looked at
me funny. 33% said, “No, I don’t believe you. You’re pulling my leg”… even after
I insisted the UFO was real.
In the US, around 5% of the people believed the photograph. Most people
responded with “You’re pulling my leg,” or “You must be mistaken, it’s obviously
a speck of dust.” Or they didn’t respond to my E-mail at all.
Apparently, in the US, UFOs are no longer weather balloons.
( They’re specks of dust.
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February 9, 2016
In “Extradimensional technology (Part 1)”, I described matter as coins on a tabletop
(three-dimensional space). Lifting the “coins” (matter) allowed matter to pass
through ordinary three-dimensional matter (sitting on the tabletop).
What causes matter to exist in “ordinary three-dimensional space”? In the coins
example, coins resting on the tabletop are in ordinary three-dimensional space.
Therefore, gravity, or some other “force” encourages matter to rest on the tabletop
instead of floating in mid-air.
Instead of a tabletop, imagine a pitcher filled half way with vegetable oil, and the
top half filled with water. Given the right density of plastic, some checkers pieces
could be dropped into the water and end up floating at the water-oil boundary.
From now on, the plastic checkers pieces represent matter, instead of coins, and the
water-oil boundary replaces the tabletop.
Thinking of extradimensional space like this shows that a vertical force is needed to
lift the checkers up (into the water level), or lower the checkers down (into the oil
level). When the vertical force is released, the checkers automatically float back to
the water-oil boundary.
Instead of filling the pitcher half with vegetable oil and half with water, fill the
pitcher with one quarter mercury, one quarter with oil, one quarter with water,
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February 9, 2016
and one quarter with isopropyl alcohol. All four liquids have different density and
will form separate layers.
Drop the previous checkers pieces in, and they will float at the water-oil boundary.
Drop the coins in, and they will float at the oil-mercury boundary.
Less-dense rubber discs might float at the alcohol-water boundary.
A physics model like this implies that several different types of matter exists, but
only one “density” of matter can remain stable at any boundary. If matter which is
too “dense” or “un-dense” is created or moved into the boundary, then the
improper-density matter quickly floats up or down to a different boundary.
An alternative model of boundaries and layers is that the density of the “liquid”
changes as a repeating sine curve from the bottom of the pitcher to the top. Such
variations in density do not occur naturally in liquids, so you’ll have to use your
The checkers pieces could float someplace near the bottom of the pitcher where
the density of the liquid is half way between oil and water. Above that the liquid
gradually gets less dense and then denser, returning to a checkers-floating density at
mid-pitcher. Moving above that, the liquid once again becomes less dense, and then
gradually becomes denser. Checkers float near the top of the pitcher.
Similarly, coins and rubber discs might float at several different locations in the
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Any of the models, A, B, or C, could explain extradimensional UFOs.
In “Spotting a UFO”, I mentioned seeing mach bands
( around the moon when a UFO, or the
“field” of a UFO, was in front of the moon.
The mach bands could occur as light from the moon passes through several
boundaries in model C, just as light would refract as the density of a material
I don’t know.
The Earth is a three-dimensional sphere.
Is it completely flat in four-dimensional space? Or four-dimensionally spherical? Or
a flattened four-dimensional sphere (called an ellipsoid)?
If the earth is four-dimensionally spherical (or flattened four-dimensionally), are
there mountains on the other boundaries? Could “cubes” (see above) be resting on
those mountains? Does any life exist on those boundaries, made of a different
density of matter?
Under “layers model B”, we could NOT live on any boundaries but our own without
cubes, but life composed of different matter might exist. If “layers model C” is true,
then we can live on boundaries different than our own.
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If the universe has three ordinary dimensions and a fourth dimension with
“density” layers, could the universe have five, six, or seven dimension?
Perhaps some extra-extra dimensions are more like “layers model B” while others
are more like “layers model C”.
If either “layers model B” or “layers model C” are correct, then extradimensional
planets could exist in our solar system. They would be invisible to us. Could they be
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Off-planet technology can be used to influence influential people (like politicians,
corporate executives, military leaders, the very wealthy, and reporters):
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February 9, 2016
 Spy bots and brain implants – Spy on influential people to (a) know and
counteract their plans, and (b) find their weak points to blackmail them.
Imperius curse (via brain implants) – Mould the opinions of influential
people in subtle ways, such as turning UFO sceptics into UFO disbelievers.
Organized pressure groups – Religious groups are known for their activism
and their ability to censor the media through complaints. (See above.)
Control the media – Influence media-moguls control the media. Influential
people who watch that media are therefore controlled. Likewise, “organized
pressure groups” are also controlled.
Bribes (and stock tips) – Money talks, but bribe money is illegal and easily
traced. Spy bots and brain implants can be used to spy on corporate
executives, and the insider information gained can be telepathically
transmitted to friendly influential people, who then get wealthy from stock
Off-planet perks – As mentioned above, some of the wealthiest people on
Earth could be offered off-planet holidays. One “off-planet perk” could be
an “escape plan” so the influential people can get off earth if they’re about
to be prosecuted.
Live forever – If your brain can be transplanted into someone else, will you
live forever?
Kill bots – Influential people are influenced by the “stick” of death (by heart
attack or stroke), versus the “carrot” of eternal life.
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A deeply random thought
Did “The Daily Prophet” ever admit that Voldemort had returned?
How to take over a corporation: Leverage.
Brute force: Purchase the entire corporation.
Less force: Purchase 51% of the voting shares.
Purchase 26% of the voting shares, assuming that only 50% of the
shareholders vote.
Purchase 13% of the voting shares, and vote in a block.
Using N holding companies, purchase N x 1% of the voting shares... so noone knows who really owns the corporation.
Purchase 51% of the voting shares in a large mutual fund. Instruct the
mutual fund managers how to vote on the companies owned by the mutual
fund’s members.
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February 9, 2016
Repeat the “How to take over a corporation: Leverage” steps.
Use the steps from, “How to influence influential people using UFO
A few well-organized wealthy people can “dumb down” a nation’s news by:
Convincing the government to allow news-outlet consolidation.
Taking over the three remaining news outlets using leverage. (See above.)
Claiming that more-sophisticated readers will find their news on the
Internet, which they will. Unfortunately, the less-sophisticated news
viewers who watch the dumbed-down news still vote and complain to
Save billions in legal fees by giving into organized protest groups and not
showing controversial news items about tobacco causing cancer, Palestine,
UFOs, etc.
Conversely, a well-organized group (such as organized religions) can
protest and squelch a less well-organized group.
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Why would anyone want to dumb-down the news?
A dumbed-down news dumbs down the nation’s population.
A dumbed-down news is cheaper to produce.
A dumbed-down news supports politicians and political issues that are
friendly to the few people who have taken over the news corporations
using share-voting leverage. This might include:
The abolition of the “death tax”
ologism), which ultimately encourages an aristocracy.
Allowing news organizations to consolidate, making it easier for a
small group to control the news.
A war to gain oil resources.
A deeply random thought
In 1518, Hernan Cortes
( destroyed the
Aztec Empire with 600 men, armed with high-tech weapons and armor.
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February 9, 2016
Declare a permanent state of war, such as the war on terror, focusing the
electorate’s concerns on Paris Hilton.
Rig the vote, by controlling news organizations. (See “!#@$ perma-crap
news”, above.)
Rig the vote, by rigging electronic voting machines and/or using traditional
hanging “chads”.
Rig the politicians. (See “How to influence influential people”, above.)
Keep the general public ill-informed about the rigging. (See “!#@$ permacrap news”, above.)
Spy on the politicians, perhaps by low-ball bidding to out-source the
government’s E-mail servers that are theoretically secure. He who controls
the E-mail servers and porn lists controls the world. (Frank Herbert – A
rephrased quote from dune.)
Backup plans:
Use shareholder leverage to take over the nation’s military industrial
complex. (See “How to take over a corporation.”)
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February 9, 2016
2. Privatize some of the nation’s military, particularly the high-tech
extradimensional air force.
In an emergency, set off a nuke (from the privately-held military-industrial
complex) in the nation’s capitol building and blame terrorists.
Find a way to take over the government using the private army.
A deeply random thought
Alien streaker:
Laws broken:
 Public nudity
 Jaywalking
 Running in front of a moving vehicle (most likely a police car)
 Being an illegal alien
Harry Potter’s Voldemort ( is :
A telepathic wizard who divided himself into seven parts in order to live
forever. (See above.)
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February 9, 2016
He had a private army of wizards (the Death Eaters
( ), with magic weapons and
magic transportation (aerial and teleportation).
He controlled “The Daily Prophet”,
preventing the wizarding world from believing in his return.
He controlled the wizarding government, by controlling “The Daily
Prophet”, and using the imperius curse on politicians like Barty Crouch
The muggle governments were inconsequential because they (a) didn’t
know of the existence of magic or Voldemort, and (b) couldn’t ever find the
wizards, who hid in an invisible Diagon Alley in the middle of London
(, 12 Grimmauld
_Place), Hogwarts (, Hogsmeade
(, etc.
J. K. Rowling never mentioned if Voldemort’s followers ever controlled the
muggle government.
The general muggle population never-ever knew about magic or
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February 9, 2016
A randomly deep thought
Sturgeon’s Law: “90% of everything is crap.”
Sturgeon’s Law Prime: “90% of all laws are crap.”
Surgeon’s Law Prime-prime: “90% of all laws about laws are crap.”
Surgeon’s Law Prime-prime-prime: “90% of all crappy laws about laws are
Another potential use for extradimensional bots (also see “Invisible cameras” and
“Weapon bots”) is the automated extraction of sperm and ovum, and implantation
of fertilized eggs.
The basic process would be:
An extradimensional bot flies into the home of a genetically-desirable
man/woman while they’re sleeping, and extracts their sperm or ovum.
On a UFO, the eggs are fertilized using the sperm.
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February 9, 2016
3. A fertilized egg is extradimensionally implanted in a woman’s womb while
she is asleep.
Foetuses can be aborted by having the insemination bots inject abortion
Artificial insemination to “breed” more-intelligent humans –Automated
insemination could be used to breed more-intelligent or more-telepathic
Homo sapiens sol.
This seems unlikely with modern paternity tests showing an estimated nonpaternity match of 4% (, and a worst-case of 30%
( for men
that ordered a paternity test.
However, paternity tests have only been available for a couple decades in
first-world countries. An artificial insemination program could have existed
as recently as a few decades ago. It could still be happening in third-world
countries where paternity tests are too expensive.
More sophisticated technology could be used to select high-intelligence
sperm and ovum from married couples.
Having said that: James Flynn has noted an average IQ increase of around
three points per decade. (
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February 9, 2016
 Cross-planet insemination from other Homo Sapiens Nordic colonies –
Sperm and ovum from the most intelligent off-planet Homo sapiens could
be used for artificial insemination, or vice versa.
Sale off-planet – To an off-planet Homo sapiens, how valuable would sperm
and ovum be from a “Homo sapiens sol” in the top 99.9% of the population?
A deeply random thought
This looks like a person (from another planet) wearing an encounter suit,
entering and then quickly existing normal three-dimensional space.
Prior to the American Revolution in 1776, one quarter of British emigrants to the
American colonies were convicts. (
Soon after the American Revolution, Britain colonized Australia and exported its
convicts there. (
This raises some questions:
147 | P a g e
February 9, 2016
 Could high-tech off-planet “Homo sapiens” have deposited their convicts
on Earth? Prior to the 1950’s, would any “Homo sapiens sol” believe them if
they said, “I’m a prisoner from another planet.”
If implants are sentient, would killing (destroying) implants be considered
“inhumane”? If so, could “criminal implants” be implanted into the heads of
“Homo sapiens sol” as their prison and rehabilitation sentence?
If brain transplants are possible, then “Homo sapiens” bodies might be
valuable. After all, a wealthy individual could purchase a brainless off-planet
body and have their brain implanted in it. Could off-planet criminals have
their brains extracted, and their brainless-body sold to the wealthy offplanet elite? Would that be a death sentence? Maybe the criminal’s brain
would be implanted in the “lesser” body of a “Homo sapiens sol”, or even
an animal?
A deeply random thought
Let me look at your camera screen. Did my photograph come out?
148 | P a g e
February 9, 2016
Millions of people are reported missing every year.
How many of them are abducted and taken off planet to be used as slaves?
( Or as sex slaves?
A deeply random thought
This looks like someone from a non-“grey” race in an encounter suit. Notice
how the leg is bent so it looks like the person is walking on tip-toe:
Corporations use market analysis, focus groups, and beta tests to design a product
and then estimate how well it will sell.
How might people (from other planets) collect data that will be used to fine-tune
disclosure and predict how well it will work?
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February 9, 2016
As a general rule, cats and dogs don’t get together well. Similarly, some races are
more compatible with Homo sapiens than others.
Abductees from Earth could be transported to off-planet test villages where they
live along-side different races. Their interactions could be monitored and used to
determine which races should be allowed to initially trade and interact with Homo
sapiens sol, minimizing the chance of personality conflicts.
Similarly, some abductees could be taken for a “grand tour” around the galaxy to
see how they interact with different races.
Conversely, different races could be brought to Earth, invisibly flown around, and
allowed to chat with Homo sapiens sol. Their reactions also help determine which
races should first be allowed to interact with Homo sapiens sol.
The Roswell crash (
unintentionally provided more data about how Homo sapiens sol might interact
with people (from other planets).
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February 9, 2016
The general lessons were:
Earth-based governments quickly hid the contact from the public.
Control of the relationship was handed over to the military.
The military’s interest in the relationship was to use people (form other
planets) as a way to acquire military technology.
Interactions with people (from other planets) became increasingly
compartmentalized and more-and-more “top secret”.
Ergo, don’t talk to the military. Be wary of “Homo sapiens sol” governments.
According to Project Serpo (, Homo sapiens sol (from the US
military) were flown off-planet to interact with people in a village of one of the
“grey” races.
Undoubtedly, the US military’s choice of participants and their actions were
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Abductions are conducted by people of different races; the abductors note how well
the Homo sapiens sol abductees interact with the abductors, and whether
abductees and abductors become friends, or even fall in love.
Anti-UFO weaponry in some countries makes such data collection difficult.
On a per-capita basis, south/central America and Australia seem to have the
highest number of UFO sightings. Perhaps these less-militarized continents are used
as test cases to determine how Homo sapiens sol will react to disclosure?
Using invisible cameras and telepathy implants, researchers (from other planets) can
gauge the intelligence of Homo sapiens sol, determining how well the general
population might fare in an interstellar economy.
Such data might be skewed by an off-planet mafia that provides implants for their
foot-soldiers, just as telephone polling data is skewed by retirees willing to spend
twenty minutes on a phone answering polling questions.
Budget-conscious off-planet research organizations save money by staying home and
watching “Survivor Earth” on their televisions. 
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A deeply random thought
According to the “prime directive” rules, UFOs are not supposed to appear over
major cities with their lights on.
No one said they couldn’t park themselves over Red Square though, and take
advantage of the lighting below.
Whether “disclosure” happens is not a foregone conclusion. Various metrics are used
to determine if the time is right for “disclosure”:
The results from “Disclosure – Data collection” are taken into account.
Is Earth’s United Nations a real governing body, or just forum?
Are large-scale wars still taking place on Earth?
How unequal is the wealth distribution of Earth?
How do the wealthier nations on Earth treat their poorer cousins? Are
poorer nations colonized by military or economic methods?
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 Do nations with antigravity and extradimensional technologies use them
for civilian (passenger aircraft) or military (fighter planes) purposes?
Are people (from other planets) able to communicate with members of
Earth’s governments?
People (from other planets) watch television to determine how much the
public knows about UFOs and “aliens”, based on “UFO” television and radio
shows (watched by around 0.000001% of the population – hyperbole), and
science fiction. This task has become more difficult as television signals are
distributed over cable and encoded digitally.
The internet is particularly difficult to monitor due to the amount of data.
For example: is useful for watching how many people view the
forums of
People (from other planets) frequently monitor Google Adwords,
comparing the popularity of “UFO” vs. “Paris Hilton” searches
( This month (Feb 2010) is a tie. Interestingly,
“UFO” is as popular as “Paris Hilton” on the internet, but Paris Hilton gets
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much more television news coverage than UFOs, perhaps 10x to 100x the
number of minutes.
Ideally, disclosure should take place BEFORE the planet’s population nukes
itself. (After disclosure, people will be able to purchase emergency escape
pods that let them evacuate the planet in the event of a global
thermonuclear war.)
Does the Earth have any products or services to sell to the interstellar
Do “Homo sapiens sol” people get “grey” humor? 
Would Homo sapiens sol prefer living in a mono-racial society, and thus be
left alone? (Aka: No disclosure.)
Would Homo sapiens sol prefer living in a 19th-century tech world to match
their newly-built 19th century-style pastiche-architecture houses?
Some off-planet issues are also important:
Interstellar politics affect disclosure, just like Earth politics affects whether
the UN helps Africans nations.
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 “Survivor Earth” SMS votes from off-planet viewers are included in the
mix; there’s no point disclosing if none of the “Survivor Earth” viewers like
the reality show’s participants. 
Disclosure might not happen:
If too many “Blackhawk helicopters” are shot down then disclosure might
be postponed.
Off-planet viewers of “Survivor Earth” might get bored with Earth, turn off
their televisions, ratings would plummet, and Earth would be scheduled
for demolition. (
Earth could be turned back into a test planet. The top 1% - 10% of
intelligent people might be voluntarily taken off planet, leaving the rest of
the planet undisclosed.
Earth’s technology level could be rolled back. It’s been done before.
“Every time an adult says, “I don’t believe in greys,” there’s a little grey
somewhere that falls down dead.” – J. M. Barrie quote from Peter Pan,
with modifications.
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A deeply random thought
I don’t dust my kitchen counters very often. I discovered the left-most
handprint one morning. I added my handprint (to the right) for comparison.
I’m fairly certain that terrestrial wallabies didn’t break into my house to look at
my vegetarian Indian cookbook.
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Disclosure won’t necessarily happen with a UFO landing in front of the White
A UFO might accidentally crash again.
A UFO might land at a military base… This was attempted in the 1950’s and
didn’t seem to work, since the landings were made top secret.
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 Jet-shaped UFOs could land at airports around the world and disembark;
this would difficult in the US after the security put in place because of
September 11.
People (from other planets) might appear in cities carrying briefcases, and
walk around talking to people.
People (from other planets) might show up at the homes of “telepathy
friends” and go for a drive.
Invisible “alien” cities scattered around Earth might turn their lights on and
invite tourists in.
Unplanned disclosure might occur in the event of a major disaster where
UFOs can help, or in the event of a significant assassination.
Some smaller disclosure steps could include:
Homo sapiens Nordics drive or bike to work on a daily basis. You’ll never
notice that they’re “aliens” until they show you their holiday photos.
Science fiction (and fantasy) books, movies, and television shows are
already part of disclosure. A creative person (from another planet), can
provide creative “Homo sapiens sol” authors with materials to base a world
or story off of.
UFOs might be seen more frequently:
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At night and during day. This appears to be happening in central
and south America, and to a lesser extent, Australia.
UFOs fly over prominent landmarks.
February 9, 2016
UFOs fly over presidential houses.
Abductions and home visits.
Goods from other worlds might start appearing in store shelves on Earth.
Homo sapiens sol might be taken off planet for holidays and allowed to
return with photos and souvenirs.
UFOs appear on Google satellite maps.
Bored UFO pilots create “cloud monsters”, which are clouds shaped by
UFO pilots try to get their flash UFOs on YouTube.
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 Photogenic people (form other planets) try to get videos of themselves on
YouTube. (9 out of 10 aliens don’t mind streaking.)
People (from other planets) use Homo sapiens sol as “avatars”; you never
know if your friend is channeling a friendly Mantis.
Your brain-injured friend might have a partial Saurian brain transplant from
a friendly Saurian.
People (from other planets) log onto “Second life”.
People (from other planets) form friendships with Homo sapiens sol using
Telepathy friends with politicians.
Sentient brain implants strike up interesting conversations with the people
they’re implanted in.
UFO beta testers in south/central America tell their north-American
friends about the UFOs they’ve seen.
Free cosmetic surgery offered by skilled off-planet surgeons that make
house calls.
People could be sent dreams of every-day life on other planets, such as
personal helicopters, jumping planes, trains, Hooroohaloo, and Mars.
People (from other planets) could be hired for cameo roles in Earth-filmed
A movie (from another planet) might be released on Earth via the internet.
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 Halloween – People (from other planets) have pre-made costumes. Some
appreciate the free candy. When tried before, no-one noticed. Nor did any
off-planet trick-or-treaters find razor blades in their apples.
Genuine imported “alien” presents might be left under Christmas trees
around the world.
People (from other planets) might appear in cities briefly at night.
(People formerly known as) “greys” could dematerialize at screenings of
Steven Spielberg movies and hurl popcorn at the screen, particularly the
end of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”.
This memo might be part of disclosure. You never know. E-mail this to your
A deeply random thought
Homo sapiens “Nordic” vs. “MIB”
In reality, there are no “Homo sapiens Nordics” nor “Homo sapiens MIB”… I
have been using the terms because the Nordics are mythologically considered to
be “the good homo sapiens from off-planet” and the MIB “the bad homo
sapiens from off-plant”.
A few things to consider:
Not all “swarthy” Homo sapiens MIB from off-planet are “bad” and
not all tall blond Homo sapiens from off-planet are “good”.
Many of the Homo sapiens from off-planet may have decided to work
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on Earth because they liked the Earth and/or the people on it.
Those people who initially came here for the money may have
switched allegiances away from their off-planet mafia, to supporting
democracies on Earth, at great risk to themselves and their families
back on their home planets… which may be run by dictatorships.
Do not stereotype people based on what they look like or where they came
To keep this document (relatively) short, I have split out some stranger memes
followed by
followed by
followed by
optionally followed by
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