Medical Terminology Worksheet: Prefixes, Suffixes, Body Planes

Name _________________________
Medical Prefixes, Suffixes, Body Planes, & Directional Terms: Stations Activity
Station 1: Group Story
(Points: _____/20)
Using the word list provided, write a 2-3 paragraph story showing that you know the correct usage of
the terms. Each student must write at least two sentences using the following terms. Underline
each term as it is used. You must use at least one term from each line of words in the list.
Abdominal, acromial
Dorsal, ventral
Infection, inflammation
Lateral, medial
Nasal, orbital
Palpation, palpitation
Prone, supine
Proximal, distal
Tarsal, thoracic
Viral, virile
The group may help each other. The entire group story must follow the same story line and it must
have an ending. The first sentence is given and the second is started for you:
You have the Grim Reaper on the autopsy table. As you begin the
first incision……
***Complete your story on the separate page provided to you at the table (1 per group). Turn it in
when finished and have your teacher initial below to indicate that you have turned in your group
Teacher’s Initials _____________________
Station 2: Color Coding
Using the diagram of the torso, label and color code
each section as follows (label left and right where
Umbilical Region - Green
Lumbar Region - Blue
Epigastric Region - Red
Iliac Region - Orange
Hypochondriac Region - Yellow
Hypogastric Region - Brown
(Points: _____/10)
Station 3: Surgery!
(Points: _____/5)
You will need: a scalpel and a patient (Name: P. Doh) (haha, get it? )
You do not want to be sued for malpractice. The surgical team requires collaboration and planning.
Know what you are going to do before you cut. These surgical incisions are permanent. Scarring is
Your patient requires multiple procedures. Please perform the following:
Appendectomy – deep lateral incision in the anterior RLQ
Cesarean section – deep lateral incision in the pelvic cavity 3-4 inches distal to the belly button
Left leg-ectomy (what is the proper term?) – incision distal to the knee joint
Bilateral carotid endarectomy – vertical superficial to the carotid artery incision 2-3 inches from the
medial plane of the trachea
Use the information provided to make the correct surgical incisions to perform the required surgeries. After
you complete the surgery, draw on your body diagram where you made the incisions.
Station 4: Body Planes & Directions (Gummy Bear Dissection)
(Points: _____/10)
You will have 7 gummy bear patients. Four of these patients will need to be operated on, so you can take
them, one at a time, into your operating room to make any necessary cuts. Once the appropriate cuts are
made, position all 7 patients in their appropriate box and double-check your work. When you are sure that
you have it correct, draw (and label where asked) each gummy bear in its box. When complete, you may
dispose of your gummy bears as you wish (aka – you can eat them).
Anatomical Position
(label right and left)
Place in prone position
Transverse cut
Sagittal cut
Cut gummy bear so
ventral and dorsal sides
can be seen – label
Midsagittal cut
Place in supine
“Operating Room”
Station 5: Fun Body Parts
(Points: _____/20)
Match the body parts with their non-body parts’ meanings. Good Luck!!!!
What part of the human body…
1. …is part of a wagon? _____________________________________________________________
2. …is a fraction of a yard? ___________________________________________________________
3. …is a measure of the height of a horse? _______________________________________________
4. …is a band instrument? ___________________________________________________________
5. …is a church musical instrument? ___________________________________________________
6. …is a sailor’s reply? ______________________________________________________________
7. …is used to fasten boards? _________________________________________________________
8. …is used by artists? ______________________________________________________________
9. …is a church? ___________________________________________________________________
10. …is a tropical tree? _______________________________________________________________
11. …is a baby animal? _______________________________________________________________
12. …is a strong box? ________________________________________________________________
13. …is a male deer? ________________________________________________________________
14. …is a flower? ___________________________________________________________________
15. …is a slang expression for nerve? ____________________________________________________
16. …is a small, fast animal? ___________________________________________________________
17. …is one who goes to school? _______________________________________________________
18. …is part of a tree? _______________________________________________________________
19. …is the outside cover part of a car? __________________________________________________
20. …is part of a comb? ______________________________________________________________
***When finished all stations, begin working on your individual story.
Turn this packet in and get the handout for the story from your teacher.***
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