Worship Leader Job Description The Journey United Methodist Church is a young and dynamic congregation. We are intentional in using creative and innovative means to present Jesus Christ to the world and to meet the needs of our community. We seek to meet people where they are and lead them on the journey to fully follow Christ. Spiritual Qualifications Demonstrate a passion for Christ and his Kingdom through personal spiritual discipline, faith, and public ministry. Seek to grow in that relationship with Christ through personal spiritual discipline, education, accountability and service to his Kingdom. Have a “heart for ministry” that will be a beacon for others in the church and community, and a desire to serve. Professional Qualifications Experience: 2-3 years leading a congregation in public contemporary worship, with a commitment to seeking to grow in that area. Musical skills: Ability to lead worship (preferably by singing) while playing an instrument. Preference would be given to those with the following instrumental skills: Guitar (acoustic and/or electric) and keyboard (keys/synth and/or piano). Education: Though not absolutely necessary, biblical & ministry education, or related experience and continuing education at the collegiate level is preferred. Additionally, education in music at the collegiate level is preferred. Job Responsibilities Primary Duties 1. Work with Pastor to create and implement well-planned, prayerful, and inviting worship. 2. Work with other ministry heads (youth, children’s, etc.) to plan and prepare inter-ministry musical selections during special worship events in the life of the church. 3. Oversee and coordinate all musical aspects of the worship service: a. Lead praise band, singers, and congregation in weekly worship. b. Plan and lead necessary rehearsals; likely a weekly evening rehearsal and additional rehearsals depending on upcoming services/events. c. Sunday morning run-through of the musical aspect of the worship service. d. Develop plan for the creation of a JUMC Praise Choir that will lead in tandem with the band. This choir may become a standalone choir in the future. 4. To oversee and coordinate the music administration for the praise band team: a. The scheduling & selection of weekly worship music. b. Organize and create a plan for the storage of sheet music. c. Coordinate budgets/wages for any musicians or special music events in the church, and for musical equipment purchases. 5. Recruitment of new vocalists and instrumentalists as necessary—either paid or volunteer. 6. Any additional duties as agreed upon by the Worship Leader, Pastor and any involved teams. Updated 3.21.14 General Expectations The Worship Leader position is a staff position within the United Methodist Church, and therefore an expectation of attendance and participation will exist regarding creative team meetings, conferences, and other related ministry events. The Worship Leader shall report directly to the Pastor: If there any issues or concerns that the Worship Leader may have, they should see the Pastor for reconciliation of those items. It is possible that this position may change or evolve as time moves on. The Journey United Methodist Church asks for cooperation as we strive to make our worship services more meaningful and inclusive of all congregants. The Worship Leader position to be a 10-15 hour per week commitment. Strategic Goals for JUMC Worship Leader 1. To plan worship services 3-6 months in advance. 2. To determine a number of ways to encourage greater recruitment from the church body and community. 3. To plan and lead a regular rehearsal time for the worship teams, including times of prayer together. 4. To cultivate greater community in the worship personnel. 5. To implement a Praise Choir within a reasonable and agreed-upon period of time. Staff members are an important part of the church leadership team. Therefore, it is expected that each person in a director position at The Journey be a committed Christian who regularly practices the disciplines of prayer, scripture reading, fellowship with other believers, generous financial giving, and weekly worship attendance at The Journey UMC. Interested in this position? Contact searchteam@thejourneyumc.org to apply. Please send a recording of your musical talents, along with a resume for review. Updated 3.21.14