Training Plan for the UW Biotechnology Training Program The BTP Training Plan is intended to provide a tool for your development as an independent scientist or engineer. You should prepare this Plan jointly with you major professor in the first semester after you have joined your thesis lab. Guidance on completing the Training Plan is provided as an Appendix. The first version of this Plan must be completed before the end of your second semester as a BTP trainee. Revisions will be completed in conjuction with completion of the BTP Annual Progress Report. BTP Trainee Major Professor Major Department Proposed Minor (biological or physical) Date of Training Plan Date of First Thesis Committee Meeting PREPARATION, REVIEW, AND MANTAINENCE OF A PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUM VITA: Please attach a current version of your curriculum vita to this Training Plan. The format of the vita should be discussed with your major professor, focusing on discipline-specific requirements and expectations. Preparation of an NIH-style Biosketch would be an additional useful professional document. CAREER GOALS: What type of professional activities do you want to be involved in upon completion of your dissertation studies? What research, presentation, or other skills would like to develop while a BTP trainee? CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES Department/program Major Degree: Describe your progress toward completing the coursework requirements for your major degree. BTP Minor Degree: Please indicate the courses included in your proposed BTP minor. Course Name Course No. Credits Semester BTP Foundations Bacteriology 875 2 Spring Scientific Ethics Chemistry 901 1 Spring BTP Seminar Year 1 Please summarize progress toward completing the BTP minor, including your anticipated finish date. BTP Internship: Please identify potential sites of interest for your BTP internship and target date for starting the internship. Identify any issues with sponsor interest or scheduling. If the internship has been completed, please summarize your experience, including positive and negative aspects of the experience. CURRENT RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Summary of your dissertation project: Please provide a short description of your dissertation research. Successes: Do you have a success in your dissertation research to report? What factors contributed to this success? Are there ways that cross-disciplinary approaches can be further incorporated into your work? Barriers: What do you consider to be the 2 biggest barriers in accomplishing your research goals. What specific actions will you plan to take to overcome these barriers? CURRENT RESEARCH ACTIVITIES What are your goals for next year? What milestones will you use to indicate that you have achieved your goals? What resources do you need to achieve your goals? Are there any other topics you would like to discuss? Include the current version of your Training Plan, including an updates or revisions, with your BTP Annual Progress Report, which is due November 15 each year that you receive BTP support. Signature of Trainee Date Signature of Major Professor Date Signature of BTP Director Date