#pragma strict function Update () { transform.Rotate(0,5 * Time.deltaTime,0); Explaination : Game object will rotate 5 degrees per second along the y axis #pragma strict function Update () { transform.Translate(5, 0, 0); } Explanation: Game object will move along the X axis by 5 every frame #pragma strict function Update () { transform.Translate(5* Time.deltaTime, 0, 0); } Explanation: Game object will move along the X axis by 5 every second function Update () { transform.LookAt(targetGameObject); } Explanation: Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at targets current position private var myDegrees = 100; private var rota4onState = 1; function Update () { if (rota4onState == 1) { transform.Rotate(0, myDegrees * Time.deltaTime, 0); } } func4on OnMouseDown () { if (rota4onState == 1) { rota4onState = 0; } else if (rota4onState == 0) { rota4onState = 1; } } Explanation: If rotationstate==1, rotate game object 100 degrees per second. When user presses mouse button and state is =1 do nothing, if state is =0 execute transform.rotate function var dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.posi4on, other.posi4on); Explanation: Returns distance from a to b public var rocket: GameObject; function Update () { if(Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Z) { var rocketInstance: GameObject; rocketInstance = Instantiate(rocket, transform.position, transform.rotation); rocketInstance.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * 5000); Destroy(rocketInstance,1); } } Explanation: instantiate is used to clone objects, in this case when the user presses the Z key the cloned rockets will be positioned and rotated and then force is added to fire the rockets forward by a certain amount(5000). Lighting Don't Put Sweets Away Directional- a light placed infinitely far away, it affects everything in the scene Point - shines equally in all directions, affects everything within range Spot- shines everywhere within a cone defined by spot angle and range. Area- Shines in all directions to one side of a rectangular area of a plane. Unity Physics Speed Can be thought of as the rate at which an object covers distance Velocity Speed and direction of an object Acceleration Change in speed over time Force Influence that cause an object to undergo change, either in its movement/ direction Torque The turning force of an object Friction The resistance that one surface of an object encounters when moving over another Rigid Bodies Physically simulated objects Enable game objects to act under control or the law of physics Colliders Must be added alongside a rigid body to allow collisions to occur If two rigid bodies bump into each other, the physics engine will not have to calculate a collision unless both objects also have a collider attached An invisible wireframe model/mesh that sits around the 3D object Hinge Joint Groups together two rigid bodies constraining them move like they are connected by a hinge e.g. a door Materials & textures Material The collection of properties added to a 3D object Texture An image that is repeated across the surface of the 3D geometry Material Properties Every Animal Deserves to Smile Emissive Self- illumination colour an object has Ambient The colour of an object where it is in shadow. This colour is what reflects when illuminated by ambient light rather than direct light. Diffuse That essential colour that the object reveals under pure white light. It's perceived as the colour of the object itself rather than a reflection of light. Specular The colour of the light of a specular reflection = characteristic of light reflected from a shiny surface. Common mapping types Planar The image is projected from the chosen direction, through the mesh Box Planar projection of the image are put on each side of the object in a cube fashion Cylindrical Image is wrapped into a cylinder and projected inward and outward onto a mesh. Spherical Image is wrapped into a cylinder, then gathered at top and bottom. 3D Rendering Shaders Key part of rendering and rasterisation A material is just one parameter a shader considers along with the effect of light etc. Flat shading The colour of the polygon is calculated at the centre of the polygon by using the normal vector The complete polygon surface is uniformly lighted.