DS Data Sender Registration Form (SR1)

SUS CDS Sender Registration Form (SR1)
Completion Notes
Organisation need to complete the SR1 form if they:
Have NOT sent data before.
Wish to send from a new CDS Interchange Sender Identity (EDI address).
Wish to change your registered organisation code (e.g. you are a new
organisation using an old CDS Interchange Sender Identity but would like all
interchanges to appear on your tracker under the new organisation code).
Wish to change the contact details for e-mail notification of interchange failure.
Details required
Organisation Name
The name of the NHS organisation wishing to send
data into SUS for one or many organisations.
This will be replaced in SUS with the name recorded
on the Spine Directory Service (SDS) and is used
here to help confirm the code is correct.
This is the organisation that will be used on the
interchange tracker report.
Organisation Code
The organisation code that owns the interchange
data sent to SUS. If an organisation sends on behalf
of more than one other organisation this will be
covered separately. Please enter the 3 character
ODS code. SUS will only distinguish the 4th/5th
characters for non-NHS Providers.
XML Data Flow
SUS now has different XML Data Flows that use
sender id in XML transmissions. These are managed
within SUS as separate flows.
CDS Interchange Sender
The CDS Interchange Sender ID to be used in the
data flow.
The Sender ID is a 15 character string, the first 10
digits identifies the subscriber organisation. The last 5
digits are used to identify different sites within the
organisation. See “The CDS Interchange Sender
Identity” guidance below.
CDS Sender ID
SUS authenticates incoming data flows against
reference data to ensure that you are authorised to
send data by checking sender id & sender codes.
This is designed to stop organisations deleting other
organisations’ data. If you send data on behalf of
organisations within your group etc, then you are
required to specify these relationships.
Guidance on the submission of CDS using XML can be found within under the
section ‘How do I send data to SUS?’ of the SUS General Guidance pages of the
HSCIC website.
CDS Interchange Sender Identity
This comprises a 10 character EDI address (used to be EDIFACT) and a local 5
character tail that you can select for yourself.
The code is used to manage physical interchange senders, particularly to ensure that
interchanges are processed in sequence. Flow blocking following error is also
managed at this level. Most senders use the same 5 character suffix for all data (e.g.
00001.) A few use a different suffix for different dataset types (APC, OP etc) or for
different PAS systems. There are risks associated with this practice; you should
make sure that you fully understand the update protocols before taking this route.
EDI Address
EDI address that is to be used in data flow as described above.
The Addressing Support Officer at NHS Connecting for Health allocates the EDI
You apply for the 10 character identifier at:
If you require confirmation of the address please create a new call via NSD weblog
or contact NSD on 03003 035 035.
CDS Sender Id
The CDS SENDER IDENTITY, is the organisation code of the organisation acting as
the physical sender of CDS /MHMDS.
You can have more than one of these in an Interchange (XML file of data). These
are usually the ODS code for an organisation. They should include the site element
if another organisation sends on behalf of a site.
The code is used by bulk and net protocols in SUS to update records and delete
older records. In the past organisations have used incorrect sender identities and
deleted other’s data. SUS now validates to prevent this happening by restricting you
to the sender codes specified here.
SUS Helpdesk
For queries about using SUS please contact the National Servicedesk (NSD) via
NSD weblog or contact NSD on 03003 035 035
By completing and returning this form you agree to appear on a password protected
SUS directory. The Directory is for the sole use of SUS registered contacts to look
up details for leads in organisations they need to discuss returns with.
You will be sent a unique Username and Password which will allow you to make
changes to your contact details and to view those of others.
Should your organisation decide to nominate a new SUS contact; when change of
contact form is completed and submitted to the HSCIC the old contact will be
automatically removed from the ‘Directory’ and replaced with the new contact. If you
have any queries about this, please email ssd.nationalservicedesk.@hscic.gov.uk
SUS CDS Sender Registration Form (SR1)
Please create a new call via NSD weblog, attach the completed SR1 form, and
request a call to be raised to process the sender registration.
Primary Organisation Details
Organisation Name
Organisation (ODS)
(ODS – Organisation Data Services, formerly NACS/OCS)
XML Data Flow (Delete as
CDS Interchange
Sender ID
Please include variants used for different data flows. Where
a different ODS code is used please use an additional form.
CDS Sender ID Relationships
Please state additional CDS Sender IDs of organisations on whose behalf you
currently send, or would like to add.
CDS Sender ID
e.g: ABC00
Contacts for Message Rejection
SUS will contact the person named below when an interchange fails to be processed.
Initial contact is made via e-mail.
Primary Contact
First Name
Address (If different
from above)
E-mail Address
Secondary Contact
First Name
Address (If different
from above)
E-mail Address
Please duplicate this section as necessary if additional contacts are required.