Supplementary content Analysis of antibiotic residues Plant material, soil and liquid manure were analysed by means of HPLC-MS/MS. I) Plant material Preparation of stock and standard solutions AMO, AMA, Diketo, ENR, CIP, MON, DC, epi-DC, DMC, epi-DMC, OTC, epi-OTC, TC, epi-TC, CTC, epi-CTC and iso-CTC were purchased as commercially available products. Usually, stock solutions (1.0 g/L) were prepared in methanol. Stock solutions of epi-iso-CTC (approx. 200 mg/L) were prepared by partial epimerisation of dissolved iso-CTC. For this purpose 2 mL of iso-CTC solution (1.0 g/L) were added to 3 mL of methanol and 5 mL of mobile phase A (double distilled water /acetonitrile/ formic acid: 1800/200/2 (v/v/v), see below.) This mixture was heated at 60° C (thermostat block, 60 min). The exact concentrations of both epimers were determined by the difference based on the initial concentration of the iso-CTC standard. The concentrations of the keto-enol tautomers of epi-CTC were analogously calculated. To obtain the appropriate standard solutions for external calibration in the range of 10 – 2000 µg/L, aliquots of the defrosted stock solutions were diluted with the mobile phase A. Standard solutions were freshly prepared on a daily basis. Stock solution of CIP was prepared in acidic acetonitrile solution (formic acid 2% v/v). Stored at -30°C, all stock solutions were stable for at least six months. Extraction and clean up Roots and green parts of red cabbage (stems, old and young leaves), stored at -80°C, were homogenised in a Mortar Grinder (Grindomix GM200, Retsch). Solid-liquid extractions were performed with 5 g for old leaves, young leaves and stems and with 3 g for roots. For each tissue type, duplicate extractions were carried out and the extraction procedure was followed in parallel for duplicates. The water contents of roots ranged from 46-56 % and of green parts from 53-63 %. Solid-Liquid Extraction The solid-liquid extraction consists of two extraction stages applying the following buffer: KH2PO4 buffer (pH 2.0) The buffer was prepared at 0.01 mol/L KH2PO4 using double distilled water. The pH was adjusted to pH 2.0 with trichloroacetic acid (20% w/w). Extraction stage 1 Weighed amounts of homogenate were placed in 50 mL centrifuge glasses, to which 20 ml KH2PO4 1 buffer were added. Further, they were centrifuged for 10 min (4000 rotations per minute (rpm), 2325 g) and subsequently sonicated (5 min). The supernatants were transferred to fresh centrifuge glasses. Extraction stage 2 10 ml of buffer solutions were again added to the remaining residues, suspended for 5 min using ultrasonification, centrifuged for 10 min and the resulting supernatants were combined with the supernatant from the first extraction stage. The combined extracts were further treated by the solid phase extraction (SPE). Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Bond Elut C 18 cartridges (3 cc, 200 mg) were conditioned with 3 mL methanol, followed by an equal volume of water and dilute trichloroacetic acid (2 % w/w). The whole extract (30 mL) was passed slowly through the column (~35 – 40 drops per minute). The effluent was discarded. After washing with 2 mL of trichloroacetic acid (2 % w/w), 2 mL of water and again 2 mL of trichloroacetic acid (2 % w/w), elution was performed with 3 mL of acetonitrile. The eluates were evaporated to dryness at 30 °C under a stream of nitrogen. The remaining residues were dissolved in 1 mL of mobile phase A (see below) and the resulting concentrates were analysed by HPLC-MS/MS. HPLC-MS/MS-Equipment Degasser: SCM 1000 Vakuum Membrane Degasser, HPLC-gradient pump SpectraSYSTEM P 4000, injection system: AS 3000, autosampler (10 ºC), column oven (heated to 30 °C; photodiode arraydetector: UV 6000 LP (190 – 800 nm) linked to the ESI ion trap mass spectrometer LCQ Advantage (ThermoFisher Scientific). Injection volume: 20-40 μL; flow: 0.4 mL/min; guard column: YMC-Pack ODS-AM 10 x 3.0 mm i.d., S-5 μm; analytical column: YMC-Pack ODS-AM 150 x 3.0 mm i.d., S-5 μm. Xcalibur software (version 2.0) was used to perform the analysis. For the chromatographic separation of the analytes extracted from plant material, the following gradient program with the mobile phases A, B and C (composition see below) was composed (Table S1): mobile phase A: water / acetonitrile/ formic acid: 1800 / 200 /2 (v/v/v) mobile phase B: water / acetonitrile/ formic acid: 800 / 1200 /2 (v/v/v) mobile phase C: acetonitrile 2 Table S1: HPLC-gradient program for plant material Time [min] Mobile phase A [%] Mobile phase B [%] Mobile phase C [%] 0.00 90 10 0 1.50 80 20 0 10.00 60 40 0 12.00 0 100 0 12.50 0 0 100 25.00 0 0 100 26.00 90 10 0 35.00 90 10 0 Mass spectrometry Mass spectrometric analysis was carried out in the ESI positive ion mode by multiple reaction monitoring of molecular ion adducts [M+H]+ and confirming product ions. The adjusted instrumental parameters were as follows: Tune-Page-Parameters: Mass Range: 80 – 2000 [m/z]; Sheath Gas Flow Rate: 47 [arb]; Auxiliary Gas Flow Rate: 0 [arb]; Ion Spray Voltage: 5 kV; Capillary Temperature: 250 ºC; Capillary Voltage: 9 V; Tube Lens Offset: - 5.0 V; Multipole 1 Offset: - 1.5 V; Lens Voltage: - 32 V; Multipole 2 Offset: -5.5 3 Table S2: Chromatographic and mass spectrometric parameters (plant material) Collision energy [%] Product ions [m/z] Abbreviation Precursorion [m/z] Enrofloxacin ENR 360.2 42 Ciprofloxacin CIP 332.1 44 Monensin MON 693.4 45 479.2 (100 %) 22.80 Amoxicillin AMO 365.8 45 207.9 (100 %) 348.7 (100 %) 3.09 Amoxicilloic acid AMA 384.0 44 366.9 (100 %) 340.0 (10-20 %) 323.0 (50-70 %) 2.70 Amoxicillin-diketopiperazine Diketo 365.8 30 159.9 (100 %) 207.0 (10 %) 6.74 Tetracycline TC 445.0 34 epi-Tetracycline e-TC 445.0 34 Doxycycline* DC 445.0 34 428.0 (100 %) 14.43 epi-Doxycycline* e-DC 445.0 34 428.0 (100 %) 13.71 Oxytetracyclin OTC 461.1 44 epi-Oxytetracyclin e-OTC 461.1 44 Demeclocyclin DMC 465.0 40 epi-Demeclocyclin e-DMC 465.0 40 Chlortetracycline CTC 479.1 40 epi-ketoChlortetracycline e-keto-CTC 479.1 40 epi-enolChlortetracycline e-enol-CTC 479.1 40 iso-Chlortetracycline* iso-CTC 479.1 40 462.0 (100 %) 10.33 epi-isoChlortetracycline* e-iso-CTC 479.1 40 462.0 (100 %) 462.8 (< 5 %) 8.52 Analyte (relative peak intensity) 245.1 (< 5 %) 316.1 (100 %) 317.0 (10-20 %) 288.1 (100 %) 314.1 (< 5 %) 409.9 (30%) 426.9 (100%) 427.9 (10 %) 409.9 (40-50 %) 426.9 (100 %) 427.9 (30 %) 425.8 (100 %) 442.9 (60-80 %) 443.9 (15-20 %) 426.0 (100 %) 444.0 (95 %) 442.9 (40-60 %) 448.0 (100 %) 430.0 (10-20 %) 448.0 (100 %) 430.0 (10-20 %) 461.8 (100 %) 443.8 (55-100 %) 461.9 (100 %) 262.7 (< 2 %) 444.0 (< 2 %) 461.9 (100 %) 443.9 (50-80 %) 461.2 (10 %) Retention** time [min] 9.60 8.30 8.74 7.29 7.50 7.14 10.59 9.14 13.00 9.00 11.45 * for screening (Commission decision 93/256/EEC) **The retention times are given for the chromatogram of a standard solution (5 mg/L of each compound). 4 Validation The confirmation strategy relies on the use of two selected reaction monitoring signals (SRM) (Table S2). Positive findings were confirmed via the relative intensity ratios of the two mass transitions, in accordance to requirements described in the Draft SANCO/1085/2000 and Commission Decision 2002/657/EC in conjunction with Council Directive 96/23/EC. (See also: Commission Decision 93/257/EEC and 93/256/EEC, Kaufmann et al. 2015). The confirmation of drug residues (ENR and tetracyclines) in vegetables and wheat by high resolution mass spectrometry was demonstrated in an earlier study (Grote et al. 2009, Meric 2010). Quantification is based on the summed signal intensities of corresponding transitions (TIC). The ratio of analyte peak area versus analyte concentration was utilised to construct the calibration lines. The evaluation of the LC/MS-data was supported by applying the analytic software “Valoo” ( “analytic software”, Leer, Germany). By matrix-calibration of analytes over a range of 10 – 2000 µg/kg (fresh weight, fw) assay linearity was determined. For all analytes (except AMO and AMO metabolites, see comment in Table S3 and S4) the linear calibration functions ranged from LOQ (Table S4) to 2000 µg/kg fw. Coefficients of determination were throughout higher than 0.98. As a criteria for the measuring precision of the analytical procedure, the relative standard deviations (srel) for the determination of antibiotics in spiked red cabbage leaves (150 µg/kg fw, six replicates, matrix-calibration) were determined. The obtained srel values between 4.9 and 10.7% comply with the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC (Table S3). The parameter selectivity was determined by comparison of retention times and product-ion intensities of the analytes in external standard solution and in extracts of spiked red cabbage leaves. The retention times differ from each other not more than 3.8 %. Based on the relative intensity of the actual base peak, the maximum tolerance with regard to product ion intensities was not exceeded. Thus, the requirements of the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC are fulfilled. Limits of detection (LOD) were estimated according to the signal-to-noise ratios (S/N = 3:1) and limits of quantification (LOQ) according to S/N = 1:10. The calculation takes into account the standard deviation of six measurements of plant matrix blanks (extracts of control plants) and the slopes of the regression lines (matrix –calibrations). LOD and LOQ values calculated for the analytes in red cabbage matrix are summarised in Tab. S4. 5 Table S3: Recovery ± standard deviation (SD) of analytes from spiked red cabbage leaves (except AMO, AMA and Diketo*) (Sample weight: 3 g (fresh weight, fw), spiking 150 µg/kg fw, matrix calibration method) Spiked analytes AMO* AMA* Diketo* CTC/ e-keto-/e-enol-CTC iso-CTC/ e-iso-CTC TC/ e-TC DMC /e-DMC DC/ e-DC ENR CIP MON Recovery ± SD [%] (Epimers and tautomers included) 77.0 ± 6.3 55.8 ± 7.2 91.3 ± 4.2 93.2 ± 7.3 84.8 ± 7.6 100.0 ± 5.4 100.0 ± 9.8 97.3 ± 9.9 98.6 ± 10.7 89.6 ± 8.0 45.1 ± 4.9 *Due to the rapid conversion of these compounds in contact with plant materials, the recovery-values were calculated by analysing spiked extraction solutions (hydrogenphosphate buffer pH 2.0) 6 Table S4: Limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantification (LOQ) of spiked analytes in red cabbage leaves (except AMO, AMA and Diketo*) Analytes LOD [µg/kg fw] LOQ [µg/kg fw ] AMO* 6.7 14.3 AMA* 5.9 10.4 Diketo* 6.2 12.4 CTC/e-keto-/e-enol-CTC 3.1 10.5 iso-CTC/ e-iso 3.7 12.1 TC/e-TC 4.7 9.2 DMC/e-DMC 5.3 15.2 DC/e-DC 7.9 20.4 ENR 3.2 11.0 CIP 3.5 11.9 MON 7.2 24.8 *Due to the rapid conversion of these compounds in contact with plant materials, the LOD and LOQ-values were calculated by analysing spiked extraction solutions (hydrogenphosphate buffer pH 2.0) Further details of the development of the analytical methods are described elsewhere (Chowdhury 2012). II) Soil samples Preparation of stock and standard solutions Stock solutions of ENR, CIP, CTC, e-CTC and iso-CTC (with the exception of e-iso-CTC) were prepared as individual solutions. For this purpose 10.0 mg of the solid (powder) was weighed into a 10 mL volumetric flask. In the case of tetracyclines it was filled up with methanol. Acetonitrile was used as solvent for enrofloxacin. Double distilled water, acidified by addition of 20 µL of hydrochloric acid (25% w/w) was used for ciprofloxacin. The preparation of e-iso-CTC was carried out analogously to the above-mentioned method for plant materials. The calibration solutions (10-1500 µg/L) were prepared daily by diluting the stock solutions with mobile phase A. 7 Extraction and clean up Dry soil samples were stored at ambient temperature. Duplicate extractions using 5 g of soil material were performed in parallel. Two different buffer solutions were used for the extraction stages: Mg(NO3)2 /NH3 buffer (pH 8.5) (for ENR and CIP-determination) The final solution contained 1.6 mol/L Mg(NO3)2 and 0.3 mol/L NH3. In detail, 410 g of Mg(NO3)2 * 6.H2O were weighed into a 1000 mL volumetric flask and dissolved in 700 mL of water. Then 20 mL of ammonia solution (25% w/w) were added. The pH was adjusted to 8.5 with hydrochloric acid (25 % w/w). Water was used to make up the final volume of 1000 mL. NH3/NH4Cl/EDTA buffer (pH 10.0) (for ∑CTC / iso-CTC-determination) The final solution contained 4.7 mol/L NH3, 1.0 mol/L NH4Cl and 0.1 mol/L EDTA-Na2 dihydrate. In detail, 54.0 g of ammonium chloride were weighed into a 1000 mL-volumetric flask and dissolved in 300 mL of water. Then 37.224 g EDTA-Na2 dihydrate and 350 mL of ammonia solution (25% w/w) were added and filled up to 1000 mL with water. Extraction stage 1 Of each soil sample 5 g were suspended in 10 mL of Mg(NO3)2/NH3 buffer (pH 8.5) for the determination of ENR and CIP, or NH3/NH4Cl/EDTA (pH 10) for the determination of the sum of CTC (∑CTC)*. Afterwards the suspension was equilibrated for 30 min on a horizontal shaker (275 rpm) and centrifuged for 10 min at 4000 rpm (2325 g). The supernatant was transferred to another 50 ml centrifuge glass. *NB: Under the ammoniacal extraction conditions applied, CTC converts completely to epi-iso-CTC and iso-CTC. Therefore, CTC is quantified as the sum of epi-iso-CTC and iso-CTC, denoted as ∑CTC (Vockel 2005). Extraction stage 2 The solid residue was again treated with 10 mL of extractant, slurried with a glass rod and then shaken for 30 min. The suspension was centrifuged for 10 min at 4000 rpm (2325 g) and the supernatant was added to the first supernatant. Hydrochloric acid (25% w/w) was added carefully to the combined extraction solutions, to adjust to ~pH 3 (for ENR and CIP) or to ~ 4 (for ∑CTC / iso-CTC) and again centrifuged for 10 minutes at 4000 rpm. These extracts were subsequently treated by solid phase extraction. 8 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Oasis HLB Bond-cartridges (6 cc, 200 mg) were conditioned with 5 mL methanol and 5 mL water. The whole soil extract (~30 mL) was passed slowly through the column. The effluent was discarded. After washing twice with 3 mL of methanol/water: 5/95 (v/v), elution was performed with 6 mL methanol. The eluate was evaporated to dryness at 30 °C under a stream of nitrogen. The remaining residues were dissolved in 500 µL of mobile phase A (water/acetonitrile/formic acid: 1800/200/2 v/v/v). The resulting concentrates were analysed by HPLC-MS/MS. HPLC-MS/MS -analysis Table S5: HPLC-gradient program for soil samples The mobile phase A, B and C used for the gradient system were composed as follows: A: water / acetonitrile/ formic acid 1800 /200 /2 (v/v/v) B: water/ acetonitrile/ formic acid 800 /1200 /2 (v/v/v) C: methanol Time [min] Mobile phase A [%] Mobile phase B [%] Mobile phase C [%] 0.00 90 10 0 1.00 80 20 0 10.00 60 40 0 12.30 50 50 0 17.00 0 100 0 21.00 0 100 0 22.30 50 50 0 24.00 90 10 0 35.00 90 10 0 Mass spectrometry Mass spectrometric analysis was carried out in the ESI positive ion mode by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) of molecular ion adducts [M+H]+ and confirming product ions. Tune-Page-Parameters: Mass Range: 80 – 2000 [m/z]; Sheath Gas Flow Rate: 45 [arb]; Auxiliary Gas Flow Rate: 0 [arb]; Ion Spray Voltage: 5 kV; Capillary Temperature: 250 ºC; Capillary Voltage: 9 V; Tube Lens Offset: - 5.0 V; Multipole 1 Offset: - 2.5 V; Lens Voltage: - 16 V; Multipole 2 Offset: - 5.5 V. For identification of the analytes see Table S6. 9 Table S6: Chromatographic and mass spectrometric parameters (soil samples) PrecursorAnalyte Abbre- ion Collision energy viation [m/z] (%) Product-ions Retention time (m/z) (relative [min] peak intensity) 245.2 (< 5 %) Enrofloxacin ENR 360.2 40 316.2 (100 %) 8.7 317.0 (10-20 %) Ciprofloxacin CIP 332.1 40 288.1 (100 %) 7.5 314.1 (25 %) 409.9 (30 %) Tetracycline TC 1445.0 35 426.9 (100 %) 8.3 427.9 (10 %) 409.9 (40-50 %) epi-Tetracycline e- TC 445.0 35 426.9 (100 %) 7.0 427.9 (30 %) 444.0 (55-100 %) Chlortetracycline CTC 479.1 40 461.8 (100 %) 12.3 444.0 (50-80 %) epi-Chlortetracycline e-CTC 479.1 40 461.8 (100 %) 10.5 Chlortetracycline* e-iso-CTC 479.1 40 462.0 (100 %) 8.0 iso-Chlortetracycline* iso-CTC 479.1 40 462.0 (100 %) 9.7 epi-iso- * for screening (Commission decision 93/256/EC) 10 Validation For analytical background information see the Validation chapter in “Analyses of plant materials” LOD were estimated according to the signal-to-noise ratios (S/N = 3:1). For ENR and CIP the LOD values are at 1 µg/kg and for ∑CTC at 3 µg/kg soil (air dried). LOQ (S/N = 10:1) values determined were: for ENR and CIP ~3 µg/kg and for CTC ~5 µg/kg soil. Recovery data of ∑CTC and fluoroquinolones (ENR, CIP) from spiked soil are presented in Table 4 of the publication. III) Liquid manure Extraction and HPLC-MS/MS analysis of antibiotics in liquid manure and validation of the procedure was done previously in our laboratory as described by Vockel 2005, Grote et al. (2006) and Grote et al. (2007a). Briefly, pig slurry, originally antibiotic free, was sampled before spiking with CTC and ENR. Before application, the spiked manure was also sampled. The samples (1 or 5 g) were homogenised, treated with 30 mL of aqueous McIllvain-buffer pH 4.1 (0.1 mol EDTA dissolved in 620 mL of 0.1 mol/L citric acid and 380 mL of 0.2 mol/L sodium dihydrogenphosphate) and analysed by HPLC-MS/MS. 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