Worship Services: Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 am Wednesday 6:30 pm www.stillwaterschurch.com WORSHIP IS: Experiencing God’s honest love for us, Hearing God’s call upon our lives, Responding with our lives in praise and service…. WELCOME TO STILL WATERS Mar 29 & 30, 2014 Saturday 5:00 pm Welcome Worship with Music Call to Worship Children’s Time Worship with Music Scripture Reflecting on the Word Our Gifts to God Joys & Concerns Closing Song Sending Forth Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 am Welcome Worship with Music Joys & Concerns Call to Worship Worship with Music Scripture Reflecting on the Word Our Gifts to God New Members 10:30 Worship with Music Children’s Time Closing Prayer Still Waters exists to find the lost, release the captive and develop disciples of Jesus Series: The Fruit of the Spirit Sermon: Goodness (Generosity) Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and selfcontrol. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 6:7-10 Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!— harvests a crop of weeds. All he’ll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life. So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith. “Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” John Wesley Food for thought: Saturday/Sunday Wednesday Upcoming Sermon Series: Lent – Fruits of the Spirit Apr 06 Peace Apr 13 Joy Sermon Series: “30 Good Minutes” Apr 2 – Ezekiel 3:16 What can you do this week to be good? Holy Week Services Apr 16 Holy Wednesday 7:00 pm Apr XC17 Maundy Thursday 7:00 pm Apr 18 Good Friday 8:00am – 8:00 pm Apr 19 Holy Saturday 5:00 pm Apr 20 Easter – Love 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am At the end of seven days the word of the LORD came to me: What is one thing you can do this week to do good? How would you describe the difference between being good and doing good? Thank you for coming today! If you enjoyed worship, tell a friend, and join us again! There are no visitors at Still Waters on Saturday evenings or Sunday mornings. Once you come through our door, you are one of us. You are part of the worshipping body~the body of Christ. You join with us in celebration through the word, sacrament, and fellowship. For God’s Children… We welcome the little ones as gifts from God. They can stay with you in worship, or be taken to the nursery at anytime, if you prefer. The nursery is for tots up to age 3, located in the children’s wing. Tidepool (Sunday School) is offered at all Saturday & Sunday services for children age 3 through grade 5. On Saturdays, children stay in worship until after Children’s Time, then go back to Tidepool. On Sundays, children should be taken back to Tidepool immediately upon arriving. Towards the end of service the teachers will bring the children into worship for a message and then they will be dismissed to their parents. Children’s Bulletin Please take a “Children’s Bulletin” for your child to work on during the service. They can be found in the baskets by the sanctuary doors. Yellow = Ages 3-6 Blue= Ages 7-12 Date Saturday 5:00pm Date Sunday 9:00 am Sunday 10:30 am Mar 29 Greet: Tidepool Teachers Usher: Dave & Jan King Av: Jay Maier Mar 30 Greet: Bob & Kim Schroeder Usher: Mark & Kathie Braun Welcome: Beverly Mayer Av: Kathy Galezio Greet: Dave & Shirley Ritger Usher: Av: Ron Naab Apr 5 Greet: Tidepool Teachers Usher: Ray & Liz Kofler Av: Apr 6 Greet: Beverly Mayer & Inga Bernhof Usher: Palmstein Family Welcome: Lori Borchardt Av: Greet: Jaime & Brenda Fletes Usher: Linda Kleinhans Av: Apr 12 Greet: Tidepool Teachers Usher: Gene & Bonnie Arkens Av: Apr 13 Greet: Polcyn/Rotta Family Usher: Dave & Sue Washnesky Welcome: Av: Greet: Polcyn/Rotta Family Usher: Av: Apr 19 Greet: Tidepool Teachers Usher: Av: Apr 20 Greet: Don & Felice Bastian Usher: Hageman’s & Ritger’s Welcome: Av: Greet: Tiffany Langenecker & Josh Schultz Usher: Av: Attendance Information for last week Saturday 5:00 Sunday 9:00 Sunday 10:30 56 207 163 Wed 6:30 79 Total 505 Week 12 Average Year-to-date: 415 403 Communion is offered on the first weekend of the every month. You need not be a member of Still Waters to take Communion, simply acknowledge that you are a child of God and you are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Gluten-free/Peanut-free wafers are available upon request. “The Compass” Keeping Our Course in Faith March 2014 March: “In like a lion and out like a lamb” As I sit here just thirty-six hours before we turn our calendars to the month of March, the weather outside is two degrees below zero with a wind chill at minus twenty-five! This is the twenty-sixth day this winter with temperatures at zero or below. The previous five winters had just seventeen combined! If ever a March has roared in like a lion, this is it. The question is how far away is the lamb? Although this winter has been brutal we have a promise that one day (hopefully soon) the snow will melt, the grass will grow, flowers will bloom, and golfers will golf. As we enter into the season of Lent this March we need to focus on the Lamb. Thirty-one times in the New Testament Jesus is referred to as a lamb, the “Paschal Lamb”. Each year at Passover, a perfect lamb without blemish would be sacrificed at the temple on behalf of all of the Jews. The crucifixion of Jesus was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices. We now have direct access to God. Lent is the period of forty days leading up to the Celebration of Easter (Easter is April 20th this year; I wonder what the temperature will be on that day?). Christians have used these forty days for self-reflection about the state of our souls and the need of a relationship with the Lamb. So whether March thirty-first in seventy degrees or seven, the Lamb will be there! Let’s make good use of these days. May March find us celebrating the spiritual disciplines that help keep us in relationship with our Savior. Pastor Matt How to Sign Up for Health Coverage…by 3/31! There are 4 basic ways to apply for health coverage thru the Marketplace: 1. Apply online: Visit www.HealthCare.gov to get started. 2. Apply by phone: Call 1-800-318-2596 to apply and enroll over the phone TTY 1-800-889-4325 3. Apply in person: Visit a counselor in your community to get information and apply in person. Find help in your area at LocalHelp.HealthCare.gov . Aurora Health Care has Marketplace education and enrollment sessions. Call the AHC helpline 1-877-732-6334. 4. Apply by mail. Complete a paper application form and instructions from HealthCare.gov. Have the following information available before enrolling: e-mail address, social security #, income information (W2 or pay stub for each member of the household needing coverage), policy numbers for current health insurance plans, info. from the employer if anyone in the household is eligible for insurance through their job. Deadline for enrollment is March 31, 2014. If you currently have no health insurance and you fail to enroll through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by March 31st, 2014, expect to pay a penalty fee called an “individual responsibility payment” amounting to the greater of $95/person for adults, half of that for children under 18 or 1% of household income. You will also be responsible for all your own medical bills, even the catastrophic kind that can result in bankruptcy. You will not be allowed to quickly enroll in hindsight of the high medical bills. You will not be eligible for new enrollment in the health insurance Marketplace until the proposed 2015 open enrollment period of Nov 15, 2014 through Jan 15, 2015. If you need help NOW with enrollment in the new Affordable Care Act health insurance Marketplace, your Parish Nurse is here to help you. Please contact me to help you find the best way to apply for health care coverage. Heidi Anderson, Parish Nurse In Partnership with Still Waters Community UMC All Church Meeting – Sunday, April 6th, following second service, childcare provided. Holy Week Services – Holy Wednesday 7:00 pm, Maundy Thursday 7:00 pm, Good Friday open 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Stations of the Cross Experience Holy Saturday 5:00 pm Easter Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am. Childcare provided at all services except Good Friday Paper Products and Diaper Drive – Last March we collected tons of toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, wipes, bar soap, etc. to give as “Love Gifts” to local non-profit agencies in Washington County. These items add a huge expense to nonprofit budgets. If you have ever visited a food pantry you realize how valuable toilet paper and diapers are. Please bring your donated items in anytime during March and place them on the floor by the SAM board. Help us “TP the County”! Hallelujah (the Chorus) - Join the Singers at worship on Easter Sunday in singing the Hallelujah Chorus. Practices will be on April 2 and/or April 16 at 7pm. New singers and those who have previously sung the Hallelujah Chorus are welcome, for more information, talk with any of the Singers. Lenten Bible Study – Mondays, March 24 - Apr 7, 6:00-7:30 pm. Join Pastor Renae in a journey through Lent. Sign-up at computers on the Ledge. See Pastor Renae for more details. Church Chicks Bible Study – Saturday, Mar 29th, 9:00 am at the Slinger Library. Join us for a study in The Really Bad Girls of the Bible. See Pastor Renae for details. Career Connections – Thursday, April 3rd at 7:00 pm. If you are unemployed or misemployed, let our Career Guides help you with career assessment, resume preparation, job search advice, networking, search skill training, and ongoing support. These services are available, free of charge, to all church members and community. Our Career Guides can answer general questions related to human resources and employment laws. Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm. Contact Guy Hoppe at 262-673-4279 or email guyhh42@yahoo.com. Tuesday Book Group -Join us for one more book before we take our summer break. We will begin discussion of THE FIRST PHONE CALL FROM HEAVEN by Mitch Albom on April 29th. Discussion will focus on themes throughout the book, rather than the chapter-by-chapter approach taken in our other studies. If you have questions, contact Lynn Blackburn at 262-253-6654. Nurturing Needles Spring Sale! - April 5th & 6th, and Wednesday, April 9th before and after services. Proceeds go to support the many Health Ministry projects. Introduction to Restorative Exercise - A 90 minute group exercise class by physical therapist Stacy Scherzer will teach you alignment essentials and be a foundation for future classes. Whether decreasing pain or optimizing whole body wellness, this class is a first step. $15 with proceeds going to the Health Ministry or Family Promise. Contact Stacy to register or for more information. http://www.movewise.info/ or signup on the Ledge. Choose one class date: Wed, Apr 2, 9-10:30, Mon Apr 14, 6:30-8:00 pm, Fri Apr 25, 10:00-11:30 am. Graduating Seniors - If you have a graduating senior this year, please notify the office so we can recognize them and present them with a gift on Graduation Sunday, May 18 th. Help Wanted Lawn Mowers – Are you interested in being a part of a pool of volunteers to mow the lawn this season? We’ll be having a meeting very soon to work out a schedule. Last year we had enough people that they only needed to mow twice all summer. If you are interested in being part of this team, please call or email Mary Lou, this week at 262-677-1311, office@stillwaterschurch.com. Attention Sewers! - We need sewers to help with quilt squares for the graduation blankets. We have patterns, (or you can use your own) and we supply the fabric. You can pick up instructions and sign out fabric on the ledge. Please call Glennis with any questions. 262-305-4782. Spring Clean-up Day – Save to date….May 3rd, rain date May 10th. Details to come. Washington County Humane Society Annual Rummage Sale – June 13th & 14th. Accepting donations of any sort to be dropped off starting June 1st. Volunteers needed for setup May 31 st-Jun 12th. Call Marla at 262-677-4388 or email shelley052457@yahoo.com. Children's Choirs –No rehearsal on Wed 3/26. Rehearsals Wednesdays… ages K4-1st grade meet weekly, 6-6:30 pm and 2nd-4th grade meet weekly, 6:30-7pm. Junior Choir- ages 5th grade and up meet the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays from 77:45pm. To sign up, please email Nancy Fritz at ncyfritz@yahoo.com Hospitality Team - "Looking for a way to serve? Join the Hospitality Team on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:45 pm to learn how you can help with: Ushering, Greeting, Welcome Oasis, Friendship Pads, Communion and many more opportunities!" Summer Nanny - "Despite many beliefs, summer is just around the corner which means school is also coming to an end as well. If any parents are in need of a fun loving, full time nanny for this coming summer, I'm your gal! Contact Sammi Theisen at (262)902-4724 for a summer filled with swimming and Popsicles dripping down our arms together." Nametags - Have you signed up to receive your Still Waters name tag yet? If not, please sign up at the Welcome Oasis. If you would like a second name tag, there will be a $5 charge. Gluten Free/Peanut Free Communion Wafers – If you have dietary restrictions, these communion wafers are available upon request. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Sign-up - Leave your checkbook at home and support the church even when you can't make it to worship. Give electronically from your checking or savings, forms are available on the shelf in the Narthex or call or email the church office. You can change the amount and/or stop at any time, you are in control. Hospital Stays – If you or a family member are in the hospital please be sure to let the church office know. Because of the privacy act, sometimes hospitals do not inform the church office. Ushers/Greeters/Welcomers Needed – Sign-up at the Ledge, for questions see the following: Ushers: Bev Mayer – beverlymayer49@gmail.com 262-305-2101 Greeters: Dolly Schultz - dollyschultz@charter.net 262-224-2847 Communion Stewards: Al Helsell- helsellmary01@yahoo.com 414-416-1418 Sign-up system – You can sign-up for every class and event offered at Still Waters on the laptops on the Ledge. Check out the offerings in the bulletin and then go to the laptops to sign-up. Ladies Bunco Group - A fun night for all ladies of the church and your friends. We have been playing 2 years and are still having fun! We LOVE seeing new faces each month and can teach you this easy dice game in 5 minutes or less. The cost is $3 for snacks and prizes. We meet the second Thursday of the month at Robin Jasinski's - 1414 Hidden Waters Circle in West Bend. Put Bunco on your calendar for the rest of the year and come whatever months you can. The fun starts at 6:30 and we are done before 9. Call Robin at 262- 335-3264 with questions or to sign up. Walk With Ease – Mar 17th -Apr 25th, 1:00-2:00 pm, Jackson Community Center. To register call 262-677-9665. Community Conversations About Mental Health Series – Tuesday, April 15th, 7:00-8:00 pm at the Kettle Moraine YMCA. Designed to encourage people to talk about mental health; change misperceptions, myths and misinformation, increase knowledge and support and promote prevention and early intervention. Sessions are free and open to the public. To register call 262-247-1050 x 2044. Interfaith Care Givers Volunteer Opportunity - Interfaith connects volunteers with seniors in your community that can use a little help with a variety of tasks. If you can help, contact Byrdie Hill, Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County at recruiter@interfaithwashco.org or 262.323.9322 Celebrate Recovery – anyone with Hurts, Hang ups or Habits. Celebrate Recovery meets here at Still Waters every Friday Night 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Childcare is available. Call Sheryl 262-338-6272 (h) / 262-338-2717 (w) or visit www.celebraterecovery.com. Tidepool - Sunday School - Ages 3 years thru 5th Grade Tidepool Registration – Tidepool is our Sunday School program offered to 3 years olds through 5th grade on Saturday nights and both services on Sunday. Please be sure to register your child(ren) forms are available on the Ledge, outside Youth Ministry Office and on the website: http://www.stillwaterschurch.com/#/children/parents. March Tidepool - March lesson series is "Where in the World?" We do have an exception lesson on March 1st/2nd to cover Lent. The disciple of the month is Matthew. Bible Bootcamp continues their journey with Jesus. The kids and their families are strongly encouraged to know the books of the New Testament. (https://swtidepool.pbworks.com) Get Involved - The Tidepool program offers many ways to become involved. Please consider helping the program as a teacher (no experience necessary, we will provide you the support), room volunteer, or committee member (Teacher Development, Missions and/or the VBS/Christmas Program committee). For more details, please contact Jessica Steinman.” Children's Choirs – Rehearsals on Wednesdays…ages K4-1st grade meet weekly, 6-6:30 pm and 2nd-4th grade meet weekly, 6:30-7pm. Junior Choir- ages 5th grade and up meet the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays from 77:45pm. To sign up, please email Nancy Fritz at ncyfritz@yahoo.com Youth Ministries – Grades 6-12 AXIS Mission Statement Reach Middle School Students and their families, help them experience the love of Christ, and shape them into followers of Jesus Kinesis Mission Statement Reach High School Students and their families, help them experience the love of Christ, and shape them into followers of Jesus AXIS – All middle school youth, 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month from 6:00-8:00 pm. Kinesis – All high school youth, 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month from 6:00-8:00 pm. Meet at the parsonage in Jackson on March 30th and April 6th. Big Cedar Concert – April 11th , Youth sell concessions to earn money for the mission trip. Sign-up on the Ledge. Children's Ministries Mission Statement Teaching the Word of God with affection so that children may seek Him and find Him in their own lives. For more information, please contact… Youth Ministries: Jacob Stansberry 765-480-1855 youth@stillwaterschurch.com Sunday School: Jessica Steinman 262-707-2785 jasteinman@gmail.com Happy Birthday! Mar 30 Lori Spears Mar 30 Jacob Dymond Mar 30 Ellabryn Steinman Mar 30 Gabriel Neu Mar 31 Jeff Pakenham Apr 01 Meaghan Hettinga Apr 01 Joseph Paul Apr 02 Amy Lewis Apr 03 Susie Klostermann Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr 03 Linda Jacobs 03 Jeff Byard 03 Owen Yahr 04 Chris Friedemann 04 Dylan Goggins 04 Brady Mechenich 05 Tim Spettel 05 Jake Mantz 05 Sulliven Anderson Not listed or wrong information? Call or email the church office with the correct information or list it on the friendship pad. Still Waters Community UMC 3617 Scenic Road P.O. Box 406 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am – 2 pm Jackson, WI 53037 CCLI # 1188547 CVLI# 502818780 Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Matt Hadley pastor@stillwaterschurch.com, Twitter acct: RevMattHadley 262-305-4311 Associate Pastor: Rev. Renae Dymond renae@stillwaterschurch.com Facebook: Renae ThePastor 920-485-0577 Deacon Rebekah Schmidt becky@stillwaterschurch.com 414-303-8002 Youth Ministries: Jacob Stansberry youth@stillwaterschurch.com 765-480-1855 Tidepool Coordinator: Jessica Steinman jasteinman@gmail.com 262-707-2785 Parish Nurse: Heidi Anderson parishnurse@stillwaterschurch.com 414-732-6548 Church Administrator: Mary Lou Stelter office@stillwaterschurch.com 262-677-1311 or 262-366-6711 Worship Coordinator: Jay Maier jay@stillwaterschurch.com 262-677-1311 Facility Manager: Curt Nicolaus canjmnteams@nconnect.net 262-677-1311 Lay Leader: Kim Bartusek kabartusek@gmail.com 262-993-4020 Ministry Council Chair: Brenda Schrank bconnect@charter.net 262-334-7421 Treasurer: Mary Lou Stelter office@stillwaterschurch.com 262-677-1311 Finance Committee Chair: Robin Olson robinlee29@aol.com 262-677-4663 Board of Trustees Chair: Bruce Ellis behandy56@hotmail.com 262-424-3663 Staff Parish Relations Chair: Guy Hoppe guyhh42@yahoo.com 262-424-0269 Praise Band Leader: Jon Dommisse jadommo@charter.net 262-306-0111 Stephen Minister Coordinator: Robin Jasinski rjasinsk@execpc.com 262-335-3264 Social Actions in Mission: Ally Bubb ally.bubb@gmail.com 4148999259 Greeter/Usher Coordinator: Dolly Schultz dollyschultz@charter.net 262-224-2847 Usher Coordinator: Bev Mayer beverlymayer49@gmail.com 262-305-2101 Communion Steward – Al Helsell helsellmary01@yahoo.com 414-416-1418 Scrip Coordinator: Robin Olson robinlee29@aol.com 262-677-4663 Married Couples Group: Dave & Debbie Spears spearsdd@charter.net 262-677-0052 Special Events Coordinator: Patty Korn pattykorn01@gmail.com 262-305-2546 Family Promise Coordinators: Eric & Sandy Geurts readtomek5@yahoo.com 262-689-5918 Drama Leader/Writer: Kathe Taylor terandkat@charter.net 262-644-8882 Green Team: Averia Steinman averiasteinman@gmail.com 414-405-6101 Career Connections: Guy Hoppe guyhh42@yahoo.com 262-424-0269 Youth Choir Director: – Nancy Fritz ncyfritz@yahoo.com 262-343-1640 (262) 677-1311