Worship Services: Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 am Wednesday 6:30 pm www.stillwaterschurch.com WORSHIP IS: Experiencing God’s honest love for us, Hearing God’s call upon our lives, Responding with our lives in praise and service…. WELCOME TO STILL WATERS May 10 & 11, 2014 Saturday 5:00 pm Welcome Worship with Music Call to Worship Children’s Time Worship with Music Scripture Reflecting on the Word Our Gifts to God New Members Joys & Concerns Closing Song Sending Forth Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 am Welcome Worship with Music Children’s Choir Joys & Concerns Call to Worship Worship with Music Scripture Reflecting on the Word Our Gifts to God Worship with Music Children’s Time Closing Prayer Still Waters exists to find the lost, release Series: Watch my pigs Sermon: Not just money John 13:12-15 After he had washed their feet, had put on his robe, and had returned to the table, he said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord—and you are right, for that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. James 2:14-17 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you? If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,” and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love. Leo Buscaglia the captive and develop disciples of Jesus “Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.” Therese de Lisieux Food for thought: Saturday/Sunday Wednesday Sermon Series Stewardship: “Watch My Pigs” Sermon Series: “30 Good Minutes” May 18 – The Ten Commandments of Finance May 14 - Zephaniah 3:16 On that day they will say to Jerusalem, “Do not fear, Zion; do not let your hands hang limp. May 25 - Memorial Day XC What are you naturally good at? Are there things you love to do that others seem to dread? How could you do these things as a gift to others and thus God? Do you believe that everything can be seen as a ministry? What is necessary to transform something from ordinary to an act of ministry? Thank you for coming today! If you enjoyed worship, tell a friend, and join us again! There are no visitors at Still Waters on Saturday evenings or Sunday mornings. Once you come through our door, you are one of us. You are part of the worshipping body~the body of Christ. You join with us in celebration through the word, sacrament, and fellowship. For God’s Children… We welcome the little ones as gifts from God. They can stay with you in worship, or be taken to the nursery at anytime, if you prefer. The nursery is for tots up to age 3, located in the children’s wing. Tidepool (Sunday School) is offered at all Saturday & Sunday services for children age 3 through grade 5. On Saturdays, children stay in worship until after Children’s Time, then go back to Tidepool. On Sundays, children should be taken back to Tidepool immediately upon arriving. Towards the end of service the teachers will bring the children into worship for a message and then they will be dismissed to their parents. Children’s Bulletin Please take a “Children’s Bulletin” for your child to work on during the service. They can be found in the baskets by the sanctuary doors. Yellow = Ages 3-6 Blue= Ages 7-12 Date Saturday 5:00pm Date Sunday 9:00 am Sunday 10:30 am May 10 Greet: Tidepool Teachers Usher: Gene & Bonnie Arkens Av: Mike Glynn May 11 Greet: Lynn Blackburn Usher: Welcome: Lori Borchardt Av: Kathy Galezio Greet: Jim & Judy Krudwig Usher: Gill Family Av: Jay Maier May 17 Greet: Tidepool Teachers Usher: Av: Mike Glynn May 18 Greet: Wayne & Dolly Schultz Usher: Dave & Shirley Ritger Welcome: Debbie Dembeck Av: Kathy Galezio Greet: Usher: Av: Jay Maier May 24 Greet: Tidepool Teachers Usher: Av: May 25 Greet: Usher: Welcome: Bev Mayer Av: Kathy Galezio Greet: Usher: Av: Ron Naab June 1 Greet: Usher: Welcome: Bev Mayer Av: Greet: Usher: Av: Attendance Information Saturday 5:00 for last week 27 Sunday 9:00 216 Sunday 10:30 90 Wed 6:30 Total 15 348 Week 18 Average Year-to-date: 447 403 Communion is offered on the first weekend of the every month. You need not be a member of Still Waters to take Communion, simply acknowledge that you are a child of God and you are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Glutenfree/Peanut-free wafers are available upon request. “The Compass” Keeping Our Course in Faith May 2014 Summer Sermon Series: Answers to Difficult Questions June 1st through September 7th 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Does God make mistakes? How can I live up to my full potential? Are some sins worse than others? If so, which is the worst? If I'm a good Christian or believe in Jesus then why do I need to go to church? How do I know what God’s will is for my life? How can I rebound from failure? How can I tell others about Jesus when I’m not perfect and feel like a hypocrite? How can I trust the Bible when it offends my modern day sensibilities? Is God really as violent as the Old Testament implies? How can I ever change? How did I get myself into this mess? Why is this happening to me? Why doesn’t God answer my prayers? Why are some born into privilege and others poverty? Why do some churches excommunicate Divorced people? What does God think about divorce? How come I can’t walk on water or move a mountain? Good Fats, Bad Fats, Too Sweet…What to Eat? Many of us have long been told that saturated fat, the type found in meat, butter and cheese, causes heart disease. But a large and exhaustive new analysis by a team of international scientists found no evidence that eating saturated fat increased heart attacks or other cardiac events. The new findings challenge the accepted wisdom that saturated fat is inherently bad for you. So what about other kinds of fat? When researchers looked at fatty acids, they found omega-3 fatty acids, the kind found in fish to protect the heart. They also found that fish oil supplements may prevent heart disease, rather than treat or reverse it. Where they did find a link was between trans fats, (the partially hydrogenated oils that have long been added to processed foods), and heart disease. They also found omega-6 fatty acids, commonly found in vegetable oils and processed foods, to pose a risk for heart disease. What has been suspected for a while is that the artery clogging culprits are sugary foods and an excess of carbohydrates. If anything is driving heart disease in an adverse way, it is a high sugary diet, not the saturated fats. The new findings are not saying to eat more steak, butter and other foods rich in saturated fat. To look at fat or other “nutrient groups” in isolation could be misleading. For the future, rather than giving an absolute guideline on one type of nutrient, the take home message is to put more emphasis on real, whole, fresh, local and unprocessed foods. To Your Heart and Brain Health, Heidi Anderson Parish Nurse In Partnership with Still Waters Community UMC The Famous Annual Youth Brat Fry – May 16th & 17th at the Parsonage in Jackson. Carryout order form can be found on the Youth page. Order lunch in advance and we will deliver! All proceeds raised will be used to fund the High School & Middle School mission trips this summer. Still Waters Adult Kickball Team - Jackson Rec Dept has openings for adult kickball players...we should have a Sill Waters team! Co-ed, must be over 18, need 20 people on the roster, playing 10 on the field. Games are every other Friday night at Jackson Park. Earliest game is 6:30 and latest is 8:30. Purely for fun...all athletic levels welcome! Need to know by Tuesday, May 13. Cost per team member is $15. League starts June 6 and runs till first week or so in August. Text Jennifer Smith at 262-224-2514 or email jenifazz@yahoo.com. Family Promise – Next host dates are May 18-24th. Many volunteer opportunities are available, please sign-up on the Ledge or see Eric or Sandy Geurts. Graduating Seniors - If you have a graduating senior this year, please notify the office so we can invite them to our Senior Recognition Service on Sunday, May 18th at 10:30 and present them with a gift. 30 Good Minutes – Many people are away for the weekend throughout the summer so Wednesday night service will move to Monday nights beginning June 2nd at 6:30 pm. The Catalog Canceling Challenge - through May 25, join forces with the Green Team and cancel all of your unwanted catalog mailings. This small task will have a big environmental impact by saving valuable trees, water, and energy! You can cancel the catalogs either online or by phone. See the Green Team page of the Still Waters' website for more details or contact Averia Steinman at averiasteinman@gmail.com or 414-405-6101. Restorative Exercise Class – Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 am, May 13-Jun 3rd with physical therapist Stacy Scherzer. This small group class will teach you alignment essentials and is an ideal way to begin learning Restorative Exercise™ for home practice. Cost is $60 for 4 weeks. Contact Stacy to register at 262-327-0755 or for more information. http://www.movewise.info/ or signup on the Ledge. Drywall for Sale – we have 61 sheets of 5/8” x 12’ drywall for sale at $7 per sheet. Call the office if interested. Attention Sewers! - We need sewers to help with quilt squares for the graduation blankets. We have patterns, (or you can use your own) and we supply the fabric. You can pick up instructions and sign out fabric on the ledge. Please call Glennis with any questions. 262-305-4782. Family Vacation Bible School – coming on Wednesday evenings this summer at a park near your home. This event is free and open to the community. Please invite your friends and join us! Check the Tidepool page of the bulletin for further details. Summer Tidepool – begins May 25th at the 9:00 am service only. See Jessica Steinman for details. Gluten Free/Peanut Free Communion Wafers – If you have dietary restrictions, these communion wafers are available upon request. Nametags - Have you signed up to receive your Still Waters name tag yet? If not, please sign up at the Welcome Oasis. If you would like a second name tag, there will be a $5 charge. Career Connections – If you are unemployed or misemployed, let our Career Guides help you with career assessment, resume preparation, job search advice, networking, search skill training, and ongoing support. These services are available, free of charge, to all church members and community. Our Career Guides can answer general questions related to human resources and employment laws. Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm. Contact Guy Hoppe at 262-673-4279 or email guyhh42@yahoo.com. Washington County Humane Society Annual Rummage Sale Jun 13 & 14th – Desperately needs volunteers for setup May 31st-Jun 12th. Call Marla at 262-677-4388 or email shelley052457@yahoo.com. Accepting donations of any sort beginning May 17th. Children's Choirs – Last rehearsal until fall, Wed, May 14th. K4-1st grade meet weekly, 6-6:30 pm and 2nd4th grade meet weekly, 6:30-7pm. Junior Choir- ages 5th grade and up meet the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays from 7-7:45pm. To sign up, please email Nancy Fritz at ncyfritz@yahoo.com Hospitality Team - "Looking for a way to serve? Join the Hospitality Team on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:45 pm to learn how you can help with: Ushering, Greeting, Welcome Oasis, Friendship Pads, Communion and many more opportunities!" Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Sign-up - Leave your checkbook at home and support the church even when you can't make it to worship. Give electronically from your checking or savings, forms are available on the shelf in the Narthex or call or email the church office. You can change the amount and/or stop at any time, you are in control. Hospital Stays – If you or a family member are in the hospital please be sure to let the church office know. Because of the privacy act, sometimes hospitals do not inform the church office. Ushers/Greeters/Welcomers Needed – Sign-up at the Ledge, for questions see the following: Ushers: Bev Mayer – beverlymayer49@gmail.com 262-305-2101 Greeters: Dolly Schultz - dollyschultz@charter.net 262-224-2847 Communion Stewards: Al Helsell- helsellmary01@yahoo.com 414-416-1418 Sign-up system – You can sign-up for every class and event offered at Still Waters on the laptops on the Ledge. Check out the offerings in the bulletin and then go to the laptops to sign-up. Ladies Bunco Group - A fun night for all ladies of the church and your friends. We have been playing 2 years and are still having fun! We LOVE seeing new faces each month and can teach you this easy dice game in 5 minutes or less. The cost is $3 for snacks and prizes. We meet the second Thursday of the month at Robin Jasinski's - 1414 Hidden Waters Circle in West Bend. Put Bunco on your calendar for the rest of the year and come whatever months you can. The fun starts at 6:30 and we are done before 9. Call Robin at 262- 335-3264 with questions or to sign up. Suicide Prevention -Tues, May 13th, 7:00-8:00 pm at the YMCA. To encourage people to talk about mental health and promote prevention and early intervention. Sessions are free and open to the public. To register call 262-247-1050 x 2044. Interfaith Care Givers Volunteer Opportunity - Interfaith connects volunteers with seniors in your community that can use a little help with a variety of tasks. If you can help, contact Byrdie Hill, Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County at recruiter@interfaithwashco.org or 262.323.9322 Celebrate Recovery – anyone with Hurts, Hang ups or Habits. Celebrate Recovery meets here at Still Waters every Friday Night 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Childcare is available. Call Sheryl 262-338-6272 (h) / 262-338-2717 (w) or visit www.celebraterecovery.com. Tidepool - Sunday School - Ages 3 years thru 5th Grade Tidepool Registration – Tidepool is our Sunday School program offered to 3 years olds through 5 th grade on Saturday nights and both services on Sunday. Please be sure to register your child(ren) forms are available on the Ledge, outside Youth Ministry Office and on the website: http://www.stillwaterschurch.com/#/children/parents. May Tidepool - The lesson series for May is "Best in Show.” Bible Bootcamp is tying together the beginning and end. The disciple of the month is Judas. (Lessons have begun to post via https://swtidepool.pbworks.com May 17th/18th - we will be hosting an “End of Year” Art Exhibit before/after classes. We encourage families to stop by before or after service to check out key art work/commemoratives in the Tidepool area from the school year. May 25th - Summer Tidepool commences (9am service only) Family VBS – Wednesdays at a park near you. June 18th 5:30 – 7:30 pm Regner Park, West Bend July 30 5:30 - 7:30 pm Hickory Lane Park, Jackson Aug 6 5:30 – 7:30 pm Fireman’s Park, Slinger Aug 13 5:30 – 7:30 pm Spassland Park, Germantown Aug 20 5:30 – 7:30 pm Willow Brook Park, Hartford Children's Choirs – Last rehearsal for the season on Wed, May 14th. Wednesdays…ages K4-1st grade meet weekly, 6-6:30 pm and 2nd-4th grade meet weekly, 6:30-7pm. Junior Choir- ages 5th grade and up meet the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays from 7-7:45pm. To sign up, please email Nancy Fritz at ncyfritz@yahoo.com Youth Ministries – Grades 6-12 AXIS & Kineses Mission Statement Reach Middle School Students and their families, help them experience the love of Christ, and shape them into followers of Jesus AXIS & Kinesis – will resume in September. For more information, please contact… Children's Ministries Mission Statement Youth Ministries: Jacob Stansberry 765-480-1855 youth@stillwaterschurch.com Teaching the Word of God with affection so that children may seek Him and find Him in their own lives. Sunday School: Jessica Steinman 262-707-2785 jasteinman@gmail.com Still Waters Youth Brat Fry Lunch Order Form – May 16, 2014 Cash or Check Only Please return orders by Wednesday May 14, 2014 or submit to Jacob at 765-480-1855 or jcstansberry@gmail.com Meal includes: 6oz. Brat or Jumbo Hot Dog, Chips, and Soda or Water for $5.00 Name: ____________________________________________________ Phone: (______)______-________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Pick-up / Delivery Time: ____:____ Please place the total number for the order next to each item. ____Brat ____Hot Dog ____Coke ____Diet Coke ____Ketchup ____Mustard ____Caffeine Free Diet Coke ____Caffeine Free Diet Mountain Dew ____Root Beer ____Relish ____Onion ____Mountain Dew ____Sprite ____Sauerkraut ____Diet Mountain Dew Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary Andy & Jessica Steinman – May 12th Chris & Lynn Nemacheck – May 13th Mike & Sandy Leonard – May 15th Andy & Jayme Hoff – May 15th May 11 – Dale Poch, Gary Olson, Matt Wepking, Erik Knudson, Aaron Hansen May 12 – Mike Hageman, Don Bastian, Patty Dempsey, Becca Murray, Brittany Goggins, Jase Twining, Savannah Maier May 13 – Kathe Taylor, Tyler Borchardt May 14 – Dan Bertler May 15 – Debi Haas, May 16 – Lisa Blair, Mary Burg, Tyler Walter, Melayna Witte May 17 – George Krieger, Jon Dommisse, Brenda Fletes, Joni Westenberger, Dean Damato, Reiss Steinman Not listed or wrong information? Call or email the church office with the correct information or list it on the friendship pad. Still Waters Community UMC 3617 Scenic Road P.O. Box 406 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am – 2 pm Jackson, WI 53037 CCLI # 1188547 CVLI# 502818780 Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Matt Hadley pastor@stillwaterschurch.com, Twitter acct: RevMattHadley 262-305-4311 Associate Pastor: Rev. Renae Dymond renae@stillwaterschurch.com Facebook: Renae ThePastor 920-485-0577 Deacon Rebekah Schmidt becky@stillwaterschurch.com 414-303-8002 Youth Ministries: Jacob Stansberry youth@stillwaterschurch.com 765-480-1855 Tidepool Coordinator: Jessica Steinman jasteinman@gmail.com 262-707-2785 Parish Nurse: Heidi Anderson parishnurse@stillwaterschurch.com 414-732-6548 Church Administrator: Mary Lou Stelter office@stillwaterschurch.com 262-677-1311 or 262-366-6711 Worship Coordinator: Jay Maier jay@stillwaterschurch.com 262-677-1311 Facility Manager: Curt Nicolaus canjmnteams@nconnect.net 262-677-1311 Lay Leader: Kim Bartusek kabartusek@gmail.com 262-993-4020 Ministry Council Chair: Brenda Schrank bconnect@charter.net 262-334-7421 Treasurer: Mary Lou Stelter office@stillwaterschurch.com 262-677-1311 Finance Committee Chair: Robin Olson robinlee29@aol.com 262-677-4663 Board of Trustees Chair: Bruce Ellis behandy56@hotmail.com 262-424-3663 Staff Parish Relations Chair: Guy Hoppe guyhh42@yahoo.com 262-424-0269 Praise Band Leader: Jon Dommisse jadommo@charter.net 262-306-0111 Stephen Minister Coordinator: Robin Jasinski rjasinsk@execpc.com 262-335-3264 Social Actions in Mission: Ally Bubb ally.bubb@gmail.com 4148999259 Greeter/Usher Coordinator: Dolly Schultz dollyschultz@charter.net 262-224-2847 Usher Coordinator: Bev Mayer beverlymayer49@gmail.com 262-305-2101 Communion Steward – Al Helsell helsellmary01@yahoo.com 414-416-1418 Scrip Coordinator: Robin Olson robinlee29@aol.com 262-677-4663 Married Couples Group: Dave & Debbie Spears spearsdd@charter.net 262-677-0052 Special Events Coordinator: Patty Korn pattykorn01@gmail.com 262-305-2546 Family Promise Coordinators: Eric & Sandy Geurts readtomek5@yahoo.com 262-689-5918 Drama Leader/Writer: Kathe Taylor terandkat@charter.net 262-644-8882 Green Team: Averia Steinman averiasteinman@gmail.com 414-405-6101 Career Connections: Guy Hoppe guyhh42@yahoo.com 262-424-0269 Youth Choir Director: – Nancy Fritz ncyfritz@yahoo.com 262-343-1640 (262) 677-1311