Extreme Party Season Workout

By Garry Kerr, Head of Operations and Training at British Military Fitness
With Christmas just around the corner, British Military Fitness (BMF) has compiled this
extreme workout to help shift the pounds before the party invites come flooding in, to allow
you to feel confident, healthy and fabulous in that festive little black dress.
For best results, I would suggest exercising in the great outdoors, which is proven to have
many benefits for health and well-being. If you want quick results you need to be prepared to
venture out in the winter months! Ensure that you wear the right kit, use a layering system so
you can take surplus layers off once you get too hot and wear reflective clothing for safety.
I would suggest 30 minutes of cardio plus the exercises below to get the most out of your
workout and ensure that you can squeeze into that little black dress this Christmas.
The Stomach
This exercise will help to give you a flat stomach.
Tummy Crunches
 Lie on your back with your arms either crossed over your chest or by your head and
place your legs a 90o angle at the hip and knee joints
 Slowly raise your shoulders off the floor by contracting your stomach muscles
 Make sure your eyes stay focused straight ahead and your neck keeps in line with
your spine
 Repeat this exercise slowly twenty times. As your muscles get stronger, aim to
perform another twenty repetitions with a minute gap between the sets
Tip: All the effort should be made by the muscles in the stomach (not the neck) to avoid
A squat jump is the perfect exercise to keep your legs toned. The main emphasis is on the
thighs and buttocks but it also involves the hamstrings, calves and lower back.
The King of Exercises – The Squat Jump
1. Stand with your feet just under shoulder width apart, bend knees and hips,
lowering torso between the legs.
2. Once your knees are at a 90-degree angle, drive up explosively so that your feet
leave the floor. The torso remains upright throughout the movement.
3. Once you have returned to your original position, start again. Repeat this twenty
Tip: Increase the resistance by driving your hands above your head to get more height in
your jumps.
This exercise helps to strengthen the pectorals (muscles of the chest) to create the perfect
The Clap Press Up
1. Lying horizontal and face down, place your hands under your shoulders with
your palms on the ground. Curl your toes upward so that the balls of your feet
touch the ground.
2. Raise yourself using your arms, supporting your weight by your hands and
the balls of your feet. This is your ‘start’ position
3. Bending your elbows, lower your body towards the ground. Your neck, head
and back should remain perfectly straight throughout the movement
4. When your elbows reach a 90 degree angle, drive up explosively so that
your hands leave the floor. Clap them together then put them down to catch you.
5. Repeat this movement ten times. Once this becomes easy, increase the
number of repetitions to fifteen
Tip: Breathe out while pushing up on the press-ups. Do not hold your breath.
For Overall Conditioning
This is the ultimate exercise for exercising your chest, arms, front deltoids, thighs and
abdominals giving you a total body conditioning. Your natural bodyweight provides plenty of
resistance for a workout that improves your stamina and aids fat loss.
The Burpee
The perfect burpee is otherwise known as a squat thrust followed by a jump. Follow the steps
below to execute the exercise correctly:
1. Stand with your feet just under shoulder width apart, bend knees and reach down
and place hands on the floor so that you are sitting on your heels in a crouch
position of a squat thrust.
2. Transfer all your weight onto your hands
3. Thrust legs out and back as a normal squat thrust
4. From the squatting position jump up, feet leaving the floor before hitting the ground
again and returning to the squatting position and start again.
Tip: To boost the intensity of the workout, BMF uses the burpee in conjunction with running.
All our sessions incorporate the above exercises with running and last a total of 60 minutes.
So with only weeks left until Christmas, don’t forget to keep fit in the festive season!
Notes to Editors
About British Military Fitness
Founded in 1999, British Military Fitness (BMF) is the UK’s undisputed leader in outdoor fitness.
Welcoming people of all fitness levels who want to get fit but struggle to find the motivation, BMF
combines inspiring group exercise led by real, military-trained professionals to deliver life-changing
results with serious fun guaranteed.
The experts in outdoor fitness
British Military Fitness has spent the last 15 years developing its outdoor group fitness classes and now
holds 400 sessions a week in over 140 parks nationwide. Combining professional ability and infectious
enthusiasm, BMF guarantees an effective workout, improved fitness and a good laugh. BMF genuinely
changes people’s lives.
Training outside, British Military Fitness instructors work to a standard not a formula – every session is
unique and designed to challenge, offering a variety of exercises and terrain. Each class is tailored to
match the ability and fitness level of the members and to make full use of the outdoor space available.
Serious Fun and challenging classes
At British Military Fitness members find that the classes make them work harder than they would do by
themselves, and they enjoy the support and banter of a team. It’s the atmosphere, along with regular
socials, that keeps thousands of people coming back for more every week.
BMF will encourage members to push their limits and help get more out of each work out to become
their best. They provide the expertise and the motivation – you just have to turn up!
Highly-trained instructors
Our reputation is built on our 400+ highly trained instructors. Every one has an authentic military PT
background, and there’s more military service between them than any other outfit, not including the
British Army. Throughout their military careers, BMF instructors were encouraged to be the best they
could be and to achieve as much as possible through hard work, a positive attitude, and maximum effort
at all times. This is the approach adopted at British Military Fitness and members experience the
distinctive motivational style (and irrepressible banter) of instructors from the very first session.
For more information please contact Amy or Alice on bmf@manifestcomms.co.uk or call 0113 242 9174.