Sarah Elizabeth Racine

Sarah Elizabeth Racine
Office Address:
Ohio University
245 Porter Hall
Athens, OH 45701
Office Phone: (740) 593-5340
Mobile Phone: (517) 763-3601
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Dissertation: Exploring the Role of Negative Urgency in the Etiology of
Binge Eating:Genetic/Environmental Associations and Interactions with
Ovarian Hormones
Cognate: Behavioral Neuroscience and Genetics
Advisor: Kelly L. Klump, PhD
Committee Members: S. Alexandra Burt, PhD; Chris Hopwood, PhD;
Cheryl Sisk, PhD
Masters of Arts in Clinical Psychology
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Thesis: The Moderating Effects of Impulsivity and Dietary Restraint on
Associations between Serotonin Genes and Bulimic Symptoms
Advisor: Kelly L. Klump, PhD
Committee Members: S. Alexandra Burt, PhD; Brent M. Donnellan, PhD
Bachelor of Science in Honors Psychology
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Senior Thesis: -1438G/A Promoter Polymorphism of the 5-HT2A Receptor
Gene Moderates Subjective Mood Following Acute Tryptophan Depletion
in Bulimic Women
Advisors: Kenneth R. Bruce, PhD and Howard Steiger, PhD
Junior Thesis: Is it the Phonetic, Prosodic, or Communicative Information
in Speech that Attracts Young Infants?
Advisor: Athena Voloumanos, PhD
2014 to present
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology
Ohio University, Department of Psychology, Athens, Ohio
2013- 2014
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Clinical Psychology Intern
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Outstanding Poster Award: Postdoctoral Trainee Category,
University of Pittsburgh Department of Psychiatry Research Day ($100)
2013 to 2014
National Institute of Mental Health Postdoctoral Training Fellowship
Clinical Research Training for Psychologists (T32 MH18269), University
of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, PI: Paul
Pilkonis, PhD
Young Investigator Travel Award,
Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology ($500)
John Hurley Endowed Fellowship Award for Best Clinical Psychology
Dissertation Proposal, Exploring the Role of Negative Urgency in the
Etiology of Binge Eating: Genetic/Environmental Associations and
Interactions with Ovarian Hormones, Michigan State University ($2,900)
2008 to 2009
National Institute of Mental Health Pre-doctoral Training Fellowship
Integrative Neurobiology of Social Processes (T32 MH070343), Michigan
State University, Non-resident position, PI: S. Marc Breedlove, PhD
Early Career Investigator Travel Fellowship, Academy for Eating
Disorders and the National Institute of Mental Health Scholarship
Program ($1,500)
John and Margo Reisman Award for Exceptional Promise in Clinical
Psychology, Michigan State University ($3,400)
Title: Testing a Novel Mechanistic Model of Negative Urgency in Individuals with Binge Eating
Agency: National Institute of Mental Health
Type: Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21)
Period: 07/01/2016-06/30/2018
Total Costs: $439,899
Role: Principal Investigator
Title: A Cross-Diagnostic Approach to Understanding Comorbidity in Eating Disorders
Agency: National Institute of Mental Health
Type: Research Project Grant (R01)
Period: 07/01/2016-06/30/2021
Total Costs: $2,433,827
Role: Consultant (PI: Dr. Kelsie Forbush, University of Kansas)
Title: Impulsivity as a Moderator of Associations between Ovarian Hormones and Binge Eating
Agency: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Type: Doctoral Research Award
Period: 09/01/2009-08/30/2012
Total Costs: $81,000
Role: Principal Investigator
PUBLICATIONS (* graduate mentee; ** co-first authorship)
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts:
Culbert, K.M., Racine, S.E., & Klump, K.L. (2015). What have we learned about the causes of
eating disorders: A synthesis of sociocultural, psychological, and biological research.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56, 1141-1164.
Racine, S.E., Burt, S.A., Keel, P.K., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., & Klump, K.L. (2015).
Examining associations between negative urgency and key components of objective
binge episodes. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 48, 527-531. PMCID:
Select Media Coverage: Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, ScienceDaily
Racine, S.E., & Wildes J.E. (2015). Dynamic longitudinal relations between emotion regulation
difficulties and anorexia nervosa symptoms over the year following intensive treatment.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83, 785-795. PMCID: PMC4345157
Racine, S.E., & Wildes J.E. (2015). Emotion dysregulation and anorexia nervosa: An
exploration of the role of childhood abuse. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 48,
55-58. PMCID:
Hildebrandt, B.A., Racine, S.E., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., &
Klump, K.L. (2015). The effects of ovarian hormones and emotional eating on changes in
weight preoccupation across the menstrual cycle. International Journal of Eating
Disorders, 48, 477-486. PMCID: PMC4277499
Markey, P.M., Racine, S.E., Markey, C.N. , Hopwood, C.J., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Neale, M.,
Sisk, C.L., Boker, S.M., & Klump, K.L. (2015). Behavior genetics and the within-person
variability of daily
interpersonal styles: The heritability of flux, spin, and pulse. Social Psychological and
Personality Science, 6, 300-308. PMCID: PMC4428904
Racine, S.E., Culbert, K.M., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (2014). Advanced paternal age at
birth:Phenotypic and etiologic associations with eating pathology in offspring.
Psychological Medicine, 44, 1029-1042.
PMCID: PMC3835756
Klump, K.L., Racine, S.E., Hildebrandt, B.A., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Sisk, C.L., Boker, S., &
Keel, P.K. (2014). Influences of ovarian hormones on dysregulated eating: A comparison
of women with versus without binge episodes. Clinical Psychological Science, 2, 545599. PMCID: PMC4203460
Hildebrandt, B.A., Klump, K.L., Racine, S.E., & Sisk, C.L. (2014). Rat strain differences in
binge eating: Implications for genetic differences. Physiology and Behavior, 127, 81-86.
Haedt-Matt, A., Keel, P. K., Racine, S. E., Burt, S. A., Hu, J. Boker, S. Neale, M., & Klump. K.
L. (2014). Does emotional eating regulate affect? Concurrent and prospective
associations and implications for risk models of binge eating. International Journal of
Eating Disorders, 47, 874-877. PMCID: PMC4099307
Rojas, E., Cummings, J., Bornovalova, M.A., Hopwood, C.J., Racine, S.E., Keel, P.K., Neale,
M., Boker, S., Burt, S.A., Klump, K.L. (2014). A further validation of the Minnesota
Borderline Personality Disorder Scale. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and
Treatment, 5, 146-153. PMCID: PMC4114388
Racine, S.E., & Wildes, J.E. (2013). Emotion dysregulation and symptoms of anorexia nervosa:
The unique
roles of lack of emotional awareness and impulse control difficulties when upset.
International Journal
of Eating Disorders, 46, 713-720. PMCID: PMC3784620
Racine, S.E., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Sisk, C.L., Neale, M., Boker, S., & Klump, K.L. (2013).
Exploring the relationship between negative urgency and dysregulated eating: Etiologic
associations and the role of negative affect. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122, 433444. PMCID: PMC3759363
Racine, S.E., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Sisk, C.L., Neale, M., Boker, S., & Klump, K.L. (2013).
Individual differences in the relationship between ovarian hormones and emotional eating
across the menstrual cycle: A role for personality? Eating Behaviors, 14, 161-166.
PMCID: PMC3618657
Klump, K.L., Keel, P.K., Racine, S.E., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Sisk, C.L., Boker, S., & Hu, J.Y.
The interactive effects of estrogen and progesterone on changes in
emotional eating across the menstrual cycle. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122, 131137. PMCID: PMC3570621
Klump, K.L., Racine, S.E., Hildebrandt, B.A., & Sisk, C.L. (2013). Sex differences in binge
eating patterns in male and female adult rats. International Journal of Eating Disorders,
46, 729-736.
Klump, K.L., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Racine, S.E., Neale, M., Sisk, C.L., & Boker, S. (2013).
Ovarian hormones and emotional eating across the menstrual cycle: An examination of
the potential moderating effects of body mass index and dietary restraint. International
Journal of Eating Disorders, 46, 256-263. PMCID: 3600109
Racine, S.E., Culbert, K.M., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Sisk, C.L., & Klump, K.L. (2012).
Differential associations between ovarian hormones and disordered eating symptoms
across the menstrual cycle in women. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 45, 333344. PMCID: PMC3170673
Racine, S.E., Burt, S.A., Iacono, W.G., McGue, M., & Klump, K.L. (2011). Dietary restraint
moderates genetic risk for binge eating. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120, 119-128.
PMCID: PMC3057961
Woods, A. M., Racine, S. E., & Klump, K. L. (2010). Examining the relationship between
dietary restraint and binge eating: Differential effects of major and minor stressors.
Eating Behaviors,11, 276-280.
Racine, S.E., Culbert, K.M., Larson, C.L. & Klump, K.L. (2009). The possible influence of
impulsivity and dietary restraint on associations between serotonin genes and binge
eating. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 43, 1278-1286. PMCID: PMC2870529
Book Chapters:
Culbert, K.M., Racine, S.E., & Klump, K.L. (2015). Biological underpinnings of sex differences
in eating disorders. In R. Shansky & J. E. Johnson (Eds.), Sex Differences in the Central
Nervous System (pp. 171-197). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Racine, S.E., Root, T., Klump, K.L., & Bulik, C. M. (2011). Environmental and genetic risk
factors for eating disorders: A developmental perspective. In D. Le Grange & J. Locke
(Eds.), Handbook of Assessment and Treatment for Children and Adolescents with Eating
Disorders. (pp. 25-33). New York: Guilford.
Culbert, K.M., Racine, S.E., & Klump, K.L. (2011). Influence of gender and puberty on the
heritability of disordered eating. In W. Kaye & R. Adan (Eds.), Current Topics in
Behavioral Neurosciences: Behavioral Neurobiology of Eating Disorders. (pp. 177189). New York: Springer.
Racine, S.E., Culbert, K.M., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (2011). The Michigan State University
Twin Registry (MSUTR): Neurobiological influences on food and diet related behavior.
In V.R. Preedy, R.R. Watson, & C.R. Martin (Eds.), International Handbook of
Behavior, Diet, and Nutrition. (pp. 33-43). New York: Springer.
Manuscripts In Revise and Resubmit or Under Review:
Racine, S.E., Forbush, K.T., Wildes, J.E., Hagan, K.E, Pollack, L.O, May, C. (revise and
resubmit). Voluntary emotion regulation in anorexia nervosa: Results from the emotionmodulated startle paradigm. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
L.P., **Racine, S.E., & Wildes, J.E. (under review). Examining weight suppression as
a predictor of eating disorder symptom trajectories in anorex nervosa.
Manuscripts in Preparation:
Culbert, K.M., Racine, S.E., & Klump, K.L. (invited paper). Hormonal disturbances in eating
disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports.
Racine, S.E. & *Martin, S.J. (in preparation). Exploring divergent trajectories: Disorderspecific moderators of the association between negative urgency and dysregulated eating.
Racine, S.E., Van Huysse, J.L., Burt, S.A., Keel, P.K., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., &
Klump, K.L. (in preparation). Moderators of the relationship between negative urgency
and binge eating: A behavioral genetic investigation
Racine, S.E., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (November 2009). The Michigan State University
Twin Registry: Genetic, environmental, and neurobiological influences on disordered
eating. Andrews College, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
(* graduate mentee; ** undergraduate mentee)
Paper presentations:
Racine, S.E. & Benning, S.D. (October 2015). Appetitive and defensive reactivity to food cues
in individuals with and without binge eating. Abstract submitted for presentation to the
International Conference on Eating Disorders, San Franciso, California.
*Martin, S.J. & Racine, S.E. (October 2015). Exploring divergent trajectores: Disorder-specific
moderators of the association between negative urgency and dysregulated eating.
Abstract submitted for presentation to the International Conference on Eating Disorders,
San Franciso, California.
*Srivastav, A. & Racine, S.E. (October 2015). The interpersonal model of binge eating:
Examination of social anxiety as a specific interpersonal stressor. Abstract submitted for
presentation to the International Conference on Eating Disorders, San Franciso,
Racine, S.E., Forbush, K.T., Wildes, J.E., Hagan, K.E., May, C., & Pollack, L.O. (June 2015).
Individuals with anorexia nervosa have diffculties regulating their emotions: Results from
the emotion-modulated startle paradigm. In S.E. Racine (Chair): Psychophysiological
Measurement of Transdiagnotic Constructs with Relevance to Eating Disorders.
Symposium accepted for presentation at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapy, Chicago, Illinois.
Racine, S.E., Van Huysse, J. L., Burt, S.A., Keel, P.K., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., &
Klump, K.L. (April 2015). Thin-ideal internalization and dietary restraint: Potential
moderators of the association between negative urgency and binge eating. Paper
presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Boston, Massachusetts.
Hildebrandt, B.A., Racine, S.E., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., &
Klump, K.L. (April 2015). Examining the temporal precedence of the association
between emotional eating and weight preoccupation. Paper presented at the International
Conference on Eating Disorders, Boston, Massachusetts.
Racine, S.E., Burt, S.A., Keel, P.K., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., & Klump, K.L. (March
2014). Negative urgency: A robust personality predictor of binge eating pathology across
the spectrum of binge eating severity. Paper presented at the International Conference on
Eating Disorders, New York, New York.
Klump, K.L., Racine, S.E., Hildebrandt, B.A., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Sisk, C.L., Boker, S., &
Keel, P.K. (March 2014). Associations between binge eating phenotypes and ovarian
hormones across the menstrual cycle in women with objective binge episodes:
Similarities and dissociations from non-clinical samples. Paper presented at the
International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, New York.
Racine, S.E., & Wildes, J.E. (September 2013). Longitudinal associations between emotion
regulation difficulties and anorexia nervosa symptoms: A cross-lagged analyses. Paper
presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland.
Hildebrandt, B.A., Racine, S.E., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., &
Klump, K.L. (September 2013). The effects of ovarian hormones and emotional eating
on changes in weight preoccupation across the menstrual cycle. Paper presented at the
Eating Disorders Research Society Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland.
Haedt-Matt, A., Keel, P. K., Racine, S. E., Burt, S. A., Hu, J. Boker, S. Neale, M., & Klump. K.
L. (May 2013). Does emotional eating regulate affect? Concurrent and prospective
associations and
implications for risk models of binge eating. Paper presented at the
International Conference on Eating Disorders, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Racine, S.E., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., & Klump, K.L. (May
2012). Impulsivity as a moderator of associations between ovarian hormones and binge
eating across the menstrual cycle.
Paper presented at the International Conference on
Eating Disorders, Austin, Texas.
Hildebrandt, B.A., Racine, S.E., Sisk, C.L., & Klump, K.L. (May 2012). Binge eating
differences in two strains of female rats. Paper presented at the International Conference
on Eating Disorders, Austin, Texas.
Racine, S.E., Culbert, K.M., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (September 2011). Advanced paternal
age and disordered eating symptoms: A potential marker of biological risk. Paper
presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Klump, K.L., Hu, J.Y., Keel, P.K., Racine, S.E., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Sisk, C.L., & Boker, S.
(September 2011). Ovarian hormones as neurobiological risk factors for binge eating
in women. Paper presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Meeting, Edinburgh,
Racine, S.E., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., & Klump, K.L. (April
2010). Phenotypic and etiologic associations between binge eating and different forms of
impulsivity. Paper presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Miami,
Culbert, K.M., Racine, S.E., Burt, S.A., & Klump, K.L. (June 2009). Parental expectations as a
moderator of genetic and environmental influences on disordered eating. Paper
presented at the Behavior Genetics Association Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Racine, S.E., Culbert, K.M., Larson, C.L. & Klump, K.L. (April 2009). What is dietary
restraint? A closer look at its factor structure, genetic etiology, and association with
disordered eating. Paper accepted for presentation at the International Conference on
Eating Disorders, Cancun, Mexico. Meeting cancelled.
Racine, S.E., Culbert, K.M., Larson, C.L. & Klump, K.L. (May 2008). Relationships between
dietary restraint and disordered eating: Moderation by genotype? Paper presented at the
International Conference on Eating Disorders, Seattle, Washington.
Poster presentations:
Lee, E.Y., Racine, S.E., & Suhr, J.A. (February 2016). Self-reported impulsivity and selfregulation in relation to ADHD and executive function tasks. Poster to be presented at the
International Neuropsychological Society Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
Bodell, L.P., Racine, S.E., & Wildes, J.E. (November 2015). Associations between weight
suppression and eating pathology in anorexia nervosa in the year following intensive
treatment. Poster to be presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Chicago, Illinois.
Culbert, K.M., Racine, S.E., Breedlove, S.M., Sisk, C.L., Keel, P.K., Neale, M., Boker, S., Burt,
S.A., & Klump, K.L. (April 2015). Prenatal testosterone exposure decreases sensitivity to
the risk effects of ovarian hormones on binge eating across the menstrual cycle. Poster
presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Boston, Massachusetts.
Racine, S.E., & Wildes, J.E. (June 2014). Dynamic longitudinal relations between emotion
regulation difficulties and anorexia nervosa symptoms. Poster presented at the University
of Pittsburgh Department of Psychiatry Research Day, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
***Outstanding Poster Award, Postdoctoral Category
Racine, S.E., & Wildes, J.E. (June 2013). Emotion dysregulation and symptoms of anorexia
nervosa: The unique roles of lack of emotional awareness and impulse control difficulties
when upset. Poster presented at the University of Pittsburgh Department of Psychiatry
Research Day, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Racine, S.E., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., & Klump, K.L. (June
2013). Individual differences in the relationship between ovarian hormones and
emotional eating across the menstrual cycle: A role for personality? Poster presented at
the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Hildebrandt, B.A., Klump, K.L., Racine, S.E., & Sisk, C.L. (June 2013). Differential strain
vulnerability to binge eating in rats. Poster presented at the Society for Behavioral
Neuroendocrinology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Racine, S.E., Keel, P.K., Burt, S.A., Neale, M., Boker, S., Sisk, C.L., & Klump, K.L. (October
2012). Exploring the relationship between negative urgency and binge eating:
Genetic/environmental associations and the role of negative affect. Poster presented at the
Society for Research in Psychopathology Meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Hildebrandt, B.A., Klump, K.L., Racine, S.E., & Sisk, C.L. (October 2012). Rat strain
differences in binge eating: Implications for genetic differences. Poster presented at the
Society for Research in Psychopathology Meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Klump, K.L. Racine, S.E., & Sisk, C.L. (June 2012). Sex differences in binge eating proneness
in male and female rats. Poster presented at the Society for Behavioral
Neuroendocrinology Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Racine, S.E., Culbert, K.M., Keel, P. K., Burt, S.A., Sisk, C.L., & Klump, K.L. (October 2010).
Ovarian hormones and disordered eating: Associations with drive for thinness, body
dissatisfaction, and dietary restraint. Poster presented at the Eating Disorder Research
Society Meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Racine, S.E., Keel, P. K., Culbert, K.M., Burt, S.A., Sisk, C.L., & Klump, K.L. (June 2010).
Fluctuations in ovarian hormones and body dissatisfaction across the menstrual cycle.
Poster presented at the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences Meeting, Ann
Arbor, Michigan.
Racine, S.E., Burt, S.A., Iacono, W.G., McGue, M., & Klump, K.L. (September 2009). Dietary
restraint moderates genetic risk for binge eating. Poster presented at the Eating Disorder
Research Society Meeting, Brooklyn, New York.
Racine, S.E., Suisman, J.L., & Klump, K.L. (June 2009) Ovarian hormone concentrations in
African American girls: Possible mechanisms for early puberty. Poster presented at the
Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Conference, East Lansing, Michigan.
Racine, S.E., Burt, S.A., Iacono, W.G., McGue, M., & Klump, K.L. (June 2009). Does dietary
restraint moderate the heritability of binge eating? Poster presented at the Behavior
Genetics Association Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Racine, S.E., Culbert, K.M., Larson, C.L. & Klump, K.L. (September 2008). The moderating
effects of impulsivity and dietary restraint on associations between serotonin genes and
bulimic symptoms. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Meeting,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Racine, S.E., Culbert, K.M., Larson, C.L. & Klump, K.L. (June 2008). The moderating effects
of impulsivity and dietary restraint on associations between serotonin genes and bulimic
symptoms. Poster presented at the Behavior Genetics Association Meeting, Louisville,
Racine, S.E., Bruce, K.R., Steiger, H., Israel, M., Young, S.N., & Joober, R. (October 2007).
-1438G/A promoter polymorphism of the 5-HT2A receptor gene moderates subjective
mood following acute tryptophan depletion in bulimic women. Poster presented at the
Eating Disorders Research Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Racine, S.E. & Voloumanos, A. (October 2006). Is it the phonetic, prosodic, or communicative
information that attracts young infants? Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research
Conference, McGill Faculty of Science, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Ohio University:
Spring 2015
PSY 2710: Abnormal Psychology (Course Evaluation: 4.51/5.0)
Fall 2014
PSY 6710: Clinical Psychopathology (Course Evaluation: 4.76/5.0)
PSY 7920: Clinical Practicum (Course Evaluation: 4.88/5.0)
Michigan State University:
Summer 2010
PSY 280: Abnormal Psychology (Instructor)
Summer 2008;
Spring 2008
PSY 280: Abnormal Psychology (Teaching Assistant)
Fall 2007
PSY 270: Community Psychology (Teaching Assistant)
Additional Teaching Activities
Fall 2015
Premedical student Learning Community presentation: Biopsychosocial
Examination of Eating Patterns (BEEP) Lab
Spring 2015
Psi Chi/Psychology Club presentation: Biopsychosocial Examination of
Eating Patterns (BEEP) Lab
Dissertation Committees:
Akanksha Srivastav (Chair)
Title: Emotion regulation strategies in response to ostracism: Effects on
mood and eating behavior in individuals with and without binge eating
Jennifer Kowalsky (Member)
Title: The Effects of Applied Muscle Tension and Respiratory
Interventions on Cerebral Oxygenation and Syncopal Symptoms in
Individuals with High Needle Fear
Ashley Howell (Member)
Title: Testing anxiety-related mechanisms of threat interpretation bias and
Pavolviam-conditioned fear generalization under condidtions of logical
ambiguity: A de novo stimulus discrimination paradigm
Master’s Thesis Committees:
Matthew Perlman (Member)
Title: The Impact of Collaborative Alliance Feedback in Psychotherapy for
Catherine Strauss (Member)
Title: Predicting Stalking in Dating Relationships: The Role of Motivating
Factors and Behavioral Repertoire Deficits
Kristina Carter (Member)
Title: Nutrient-Specific System Trumps Full Fact Panel: Understanding
Nutritional Judgment Using Lens Model Analysis
Danielle Cooper (Member)
Title: Interpersonal Features of Social Anxiety: Examining the Role of
Supportive Communication
Shannon McCarrick (Member)
Title: Sexual orientation, treatment preferences, and appeal of LGB
Affirmative Therapy
Graduate Students Advisees:
2015 to present
2014 to present
Shelby Martin (first year)
Akanksha Srivastav (fifth year)
Undergraduate Mentees:
2015 to present
2015 to present
2015 to present
2015 to present
2015 to present
2015 to present
2014 to 2015
2014 to 2015
Nicole Morales: Program for Career Exploration (PACE) Student
Gabrielle Atwell : Honor’s Tutorial College Research Apprencticeship
Mia Johnson
Carla Stone
Ellen Smith
Rebecca Cherry
Michael Craven (Completing PsyD at University of Indianapolis)
Olivia Wagner
Undergradute Mentee Presentation ( * graduate mentee; ** undergraduate mentee):
**Wagner, O., **Cherry, R., *Srivastav, A., Racine, S.E. (April 2015). Moderating role of
personality traits on the relationship between loss of control eating and alcohol use
symptoms. Poster presented at the Ohio University Student Research & Creative Activity
Expo. ***2nd place award
**Smith, E., **Craven, M., *Srivastav, A., Racine, S.E. (April 2015). Moderating role of
personality traits on the relationship between sociocultural attitudes towards thinness and
compulsive exercise. Poster presented at the Ohio University Student Research &
Creative Activity Expo.
Professional Affiliations:
2015 to present
2010 to present
2008 to present
2008 to present
2009 to 2013
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
American Psychological Association
Behavior Genetics Association
Academy for Eating Disorders
Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
Ad-hoc Reviews (* indicates multiple reviews):
Appetite*; Assessment; Behavior Genetics; BMC Public Health; Body Image: An International
Journal of Research*; Eating Behaviors; European Eating Disorders Review; International
Journal of Eating Disorders*; Journal of Abnormal Psychology*; Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology; Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry; Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology; Journal of Eating Disorders; Journal of Psychiatric Research; Personality and
Individual Differences*; Physiology and Behavior; PLOS ONE; Psychiatry Research*;
Psychological Assessment; Psychology of Addictive Behaviors; School Mental Health
Textbook Reviews:
Wiley, Fall 2014
Department Service:
2015 to present
2015 to present
2014 to present
2014 to 2015
Member, Policy and Planning Administration
Member, Clinical Health Search Committee
Member, Clinical Graduate Admissions Committee
Member, Internship Committee
Community Service:
Athens Middle School Science Fair Judge
2014 to present
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
State of Ohio, License #7232
2013 to 2014
Postdoctoral Clinician
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh Medical
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Center for Overcoming Problem Eating (COPE; Psychotherapy Training
Supervisor: Jennifer Wildes, PhD
2012 to 2013
Pre-doctoral Psychology Intern
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh Medical
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Training Directors: Jill Cyranowski, PhD and Melissa Kalarchian, PhD
COPE Inpatient and Day Hospital Program (Supervisor: Jennifer Wildes,
Pain Evaluation and Treatment Institute (Supervisor: Raymond Hanlon,
Behavioral Sleep Medicine (Supervisors: Brant Hasler, PhD and Daniel
Buysse, MD)
Bio-behavioral Medicine Oncology Program (Supervisor: Susan Stollings,
Family Therapy Clinic (Supervisor: Leonard Woods, LMSW)
Childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Program (Supervisor: Thomas
Olino, PhD)
Diagnostic Evaluation Center (Supervisor: Chris Parada, MA)
Forensic Assessment at the Allegheny County Jail (Supervisor: Christine
Martone, MD)
2010 to 2011
Pre-doctoral Psychology Extern
Michigan State University Counseling Center, East Lansing, Michigan
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Eating Disorders
Supervisor: David Novicki, PhD
2008 to 2011
Pre-doctoral Clinician
Michigan State University Psychology Clinic, East Lansing, Michigan
Therapy Supervisors: NiCole Buchanan, PhD; Daniel Greenberg, PhD;
Rod Howard,
PhD; Ruth Rosenthal, PhD
Assessment Supervisors: Margaret (Peg) Semrud-Clikeman, PhD; Dennis
Pelon, PhD;
Timothy Goth-Owens, PhD; Natalie Moser, PhD
2009 to 2011
Pre-doctoral Clinician
Ele’s Place: Center for Grieving Children, East Lansing, Michigan
Supervisors: Allison Sevegney Reynolds, LMSW and Kelly Koerner,