
Waseley Hills High School
BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Principles of Applied Science
Unit 4 Biology and our Environment
Start Date:
Interim Deadline:
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Related Unit content:
Learning aim C: Explore the factors that affect human health
Infectious disease can be caused by microorganisms (bacteria and viruses). The methods used to prevent
and treat disease. Bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics. Non-infectious disease can be caused by
lifestyle or the environment. Influence of genes on human health. Physical activity helps to keep the body
Assignment C: Factors that affect Human Health
You are a Practice Nurse in a busy medical centre. Following government health campaigns, the
medical centre doctors want you to provide information to give to patients about the causes, symptoms
and treatment of diseases, as well as guidance to help prevent illnesses.
You will be preparing information to be displayed in the waiting room. You need present a balanced
view of the treatments and information available which would allow the patients to make their own
informed decisions.
Task 1 – Why you are ill
Your information leaflet needs to contain some basic ideas and should include
the following:
a) A section on the biological factors that cause disease. This should include
information on the organisms (pathogens) that cause disease, some examples of
the diseases they cause and how the body is affected by these organisms. For
example, the symptoms of the diseases that these organisms cause or any longterm disabilities that these organisms could cause. You should have at least four
examples – two bacterial diseases and two viral diseases (caused by viruses).
b)A section on lifestyle choices. List and describe three lifestyle choices that
affect your health positively and negatively. You could suggest two diseases that
could result from each factor. Describe how these diseases can affect the body.
In each section say clearly whether or not each type of disease can be ‘caught’
from another person. (2C.P9)
NHS website
Fact sheets
Task 2
Coughs and colds, mumps and measles
In the first class you will be running for parents, you will need to give a
presentation. This presentation needs to consider:
The use of antibiotics in a treatment regime against a disease (2.C P8)
you should assess the limitations in the use of antibiotics and include how
bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics (2.C M5) and the implications for
future treatments (2C.D4)
The use of pedigree analysis to show how parents who do not have an
inherited genetic disease, for example cystic fibrosis, can still have a child who
does (2C.M6 and partly D4)
The use of two vaccination programmes as treatment regimes in the
prevention of diseases (2.C P8) you should refer to the advantages and
disadvantages of both programmes – for example, the public concern
surrounding the MMR vaccination programme weighed against the dangers of
measles. (2C.M7 and partly D4)
Remember that your presentation needs:
to be clear and informative to parents who may have very little knowledge
of illness and disease and their causes
relates to illness and disease that children may be susceptible to
evaluates the benefits and drawbacks of the treatments and preventions
that are available. (2.C D4)
Immunisation schedule
Core Science text book
Antibiotics practical sheet
and results
BBC Bitesize
NHS website
The grading criteria this assignment relates to;
2C.P7 Describe how pathogens affect human health.
2C.P8 Describe two different treatment regimes: one used to prevent a disease and one used to treat a
2C.P9 Describe how lifestyle choices can affect human health.
2C.M5 Explain how bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics.
2C.M6 Explain the use of pedigree analysis.
2C.M7 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination programmes.
2C.D4 Evaluate the use of antibiotics, pedigree analysis and vaccination programmes in the treatment
and prevention of childhood illnesses.
If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be assessed to determine if the following Level 1
criteria have been met.
List the different biological, social and inherited factors that affect human health
Identify measures that can be taken to prevent and treat infectious diseases
List some benefits of exercise on health
a) A list of organisms that cause disease as well as
how they cause disease. Also a list of disease for
each organism is needed.
b) A list and description of three lifestyle choices that
affect your health positively and negatively. Two
diseases suggested that could result from each
factor and a description of how these diseases can
affect the body.
Power point presentation which includes.
 Antibiotics
Use of pedigree analysis
Use of two vaccination programmes
Diseases children can get
Evaluation on the benefits and draw backs of the
Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration
This sheet must be completed by the learner and provided for work
submitted for assessment.
Learner name:
Date issued:
Assessor name:
Completion date:
Submitted on:
Qualification: BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Principles of Applied Science
Assessment reference and title: Unit 4 Biology and our Environment, Assignment C
Evidence submitted
Page numbers or
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly
referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a
form of malpractice.
Learner signature: ________________________________Date:_______________
Interim assessor’s feedback
Summary assessor’s feedback
Internal verifier’s comment