Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere (PASSCAL) PASSCAL Statement of Work FY13 The primary activities supported under the PASSCAL program are the acquisition of portable instrumentation and funding for the PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech, for the maintenance of equipment, training, and field support for PIs. Other subawards include the Texan facility at the University of Texas, El Paso. PASSCAL Core Activities • Travel and meeting costs for the PASSCAL Standing Committee. • Provide user services to support NSF-funded PIs in facilitating portable field experiments. • Provide instrumentation, field, and data support for ~70 experiments per year. • Train scientists in use of equipment and data collection and archiving. • Continue field support of PI science-driven experiments. • Provide PI data support, acquisition, metadata and archiving. • Continue to maintain the existing pool of high-frequency, short-period, and broadband sensors. • Continue instrumentation support by replacing/refurbishing existing equipment as necessary. • Work with manufacturers and the community to develop the next generation of field equipment. • Continue to expand resources for near surface geophysical investigation as resources allow. PASSCAL Subaward: PASSCAL Instrument Center (New Mexico Tech) • Provide personnel, student assistance, and facilities for the Instrument Center. • Operate the Center under the technical and programmatic guidance of the PASSCAL Program Manager. • Provide input to the PASSCAL Program Manager, to the PASSCAL Standing Committee, and to other components of IRIS, to develop more efficient and effective core operations. • Participate, in close coordination with the PASSCAL program manager, in appropriate pan-IRIS activities, including collaborative efforts with EarthScope, the general promotion of seismological research, education and outreach, workshops, technical coordination with other science groups such as UNAVCO, and next-generation instrumentation initiatives. PASSCAL Subaward: Texan Facility (University of Texas, El Paso) • Maintain UTEP pool of Reftek 125 (TEXAN) Instruments. • Provide UTEP Texans for PASSCAL Experiments. • Provide maintenance support for pool instruments. • Provide experiment field support. • Work with PASSCAL to improve software and field operations. PASSCAL Budget Justification Salaries & Fringe Benefits ($0, See Instrumentation Services) The PASSCAL Program Manager is responsible for overall oversight, management and coordination of the PASSCAL program. 75% of his time is budgeted in this proposal to PASSCAL and 25% estimated to be budgeted to USArray Flexible Array. Equipment ($0) There is no equipment budgeted for acquisition. Travel ($85,000) Travel costs include domestic and foreign travel for the Program Manager to attend meetings, conferences, training, etc. Travel is also provided for seven PASSCAL Standing Committee members and other participants to attend two meetings annually, miscellaneous travel for PASSCAL Instrument Center staff, and travel funds to support individuals working with PASSCAL on international collaborations. Materials and Supplies ($100,000) The materials and supplies budget is for the purchase of small equipment, and instrument repair parts, which may include instruments whose unit cost falls below the equipment threshold of $5,000, such as short-period sensors and Texans, communications hardware, field computers, and hand terminals. Additional supplies include other accessories such as solar panels, balers, shipping cases, and miscellaneous field support items. Subawards ($2,445,364) New Mexico Tech – PASSCAL Instrument Center - $2,200,921 New Mexico Tech provides personnel and facilities for the PASSCAL Instrument Center. Budgeted staffing level over the next year will remain at 14.25 FTE’s. The NMT subaward remains substantially the same level as last. The PASSCAL Instrument Center will also continue to support summer graduate interns and undergraduates. University of Texas, El Paso - $244,443 Subaward funds provided to UTEP are for the availability of UTEP Texan instruments to the PASSCAL community, maintenance and field support. This subaward remains substantially unchanged from the previous year. Other Direct Costs ($257,000) Software costs include the yearly license fees for Antelope, SPW and other miscellaneous packages that are used to support the program. Other costs include shipping, insurance, and professional services for technical or other support. These funds also include the costs of factory maintenance on field hardware. This level of support is slightly more than the previous year’s support. Other Awards ($0) Nothing to report. PASSCAL Direct Cost PASSCAL G&A PASSCAL Total Cost $2,887,364 $118,080 $3,005,444 Prioritized additions beyond this base level of funding are in the form of Project Initiation Forms (PIFs) on the following pages in order of PASC priorities following the guidance from the IRIS board of directors. Funding Plan for New Technologies Unspent funds on the FY12 PASSCAL subaward will be applied to FY13 New Technologies initiative. The PASC and BoD approved PIF-PA-2011-01, which IRIS initiated in FY12, this will a continuation of this activity into FY13. IRIS PASSCAL PROJECT INITIATION FORM PIF Ref: PIF-PA-2011-01 Title: A Plan for the Next Generation PASSCAL Technology Pools (Core, Polar, RAMP) James Gridley Original: 11 February 2011 Authors: Date: Project Description The PASSCAL Program will support ongoing issues regarding application of next generation technologies to support the PASSCAL equipment pools and PIs. This requires supporting the traditional PASSCAL experiments, Polar, and RAMP applications. The support will start with a devoted FTE as project lead to address the community demand on the PASSCAL program to research, plan, and support next generation develops in geophysical measurements. A second FTE will comprise an aggregate of technical staff and expertise to explore new technologies. The project lead will work with the IRIS PASSCAL staff and community to produce recommendations and develop plans to infuse the program facility with to most applicable nextgeneration technologies. Given the issue of the next generation PASSCAL equipment pool and how these issues relate across the many IRIS programs, this project is likely to have a large PanIRIS element to seek maximum use and efficiencies. Project Purpose and Business Benefit The purpose of this project is to develop recommendations and options for effective technical and business facility in sustaining effective equipment pools for the PASSCAL Core, Polar, and RAMP programs. Developing and infusing next generation technologies into the PASSCAL Program is a core function of the program, which creates predictability in the capability of the program and the business needs required to support the PI-requests. Project Scale and Duration The project scale is two FTEs to be an ongoing part of the core PASSCAL program. Given the diverse nature of the community requests and the size of the equipment pools, maintaining a “state of the art” level of applied technology within the program requires a full time person who is knowledgeable across all these areas including other IRIS program needs. Estimated Project Cost The estimated cost is 2-FTE, and would be an ongoing commitment by the PASSCAL program. Material costs to support equipment purchases, testing, and evaluation will be approximately $100k per year. These costs specifically support the exploration of new technologies. Originally Projected Cost/Spending Plan YR 1 (FY12) YR 2 (FY13) FTE Level 2 FTE 2 FTE Materials $100k $100k YR 3 2 FTE TBD PASSCAL Direct Cost PASSCAL G&A PASSCAL Total Cost $385,193 $0 $385,193