Leadership Class XXV
 The Application Process
Applying to Leadership SLO is a rigorous 2-step process that requires time, deliberation, and, if you are
employed, your employer’s agreement.
Step 1
The Application
Confidential contact, employment and education questions
ii. A brief and thoughtful response to a few general questions
iii. Two (2) letters of recommendation
iv. A completed Application Agreement
v. A completed Tuition Agreement that includes your employer’s signature
vi. A completed Tuition Worksheet
Step 2
The Interview
Following acceptance of your complete application package, you will be notified of a time for your
group interview. Each interview is with six applicants before a panel of six interviewers.
Leadership San Luis Obispo * 895 Monterey St. SLO, CA 93401 * (805) 786-2765 * Sandi@SLOChamber.org
Monthly day sessions are on the second Friday of the month, from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., February
through October. If you are selected for Leadership SLO you will be expected to attend all of the
scheduled sessions.
Some sessions require homework, which involves a time commitment of 2–4 hours.
Every class participates in a legacy project. The legacy project is usually completed after graduation,
but you should be aware of the continued commitment.
With this in mind, check your calendar before you even begin the application to be sure these dates will work
for you. If you foresee any schedule conflicts, you should apply for a future class.
 Application timeline
October 1
Deadline for Applications
Group Interviews
Notification for Class XXV
December 1
Tuition Due
 Class XXV meeting dates
Retreat 2016
January 7, 2016
3 P.M. arrival at Wonder Valley in the Sierra foothills
January 8
Retreat continues
January 9
Noon departure from Wonder Valley
Day Sessions 2016
February 12
March 11
April 8
May 13
June 10
July 8
August 12
September 9
October 14
Leadership San Luis Obispo * 895 Monterey St. SLO, CA 93401 * (805) 786-2765 * Sandi@SLOChamber.org
 Making Payments
The true per-student cost of your Leadership SLO year is over $3,000. But thanks to sponsorships, a Board-lead fundraiser
and generous donations, each class member receives support of $1,250.
Tuition for 2016 is $1,750 and is due on December 1st.
If full tuition is not paid on December 1st, options are:
1. Half the tuition ($875) is paid on December 1st and the balance is charged to your debit or credit card in six equal
installments of $145.83 beginning in January 2016.
2. A scholarship is awarded and the difference between the scholarship amount and $875 is paid by December 1st (for
instance, if a $500 scholarship is awarded then $375 would be due from you by December 1st). The $875 balance
is charged to your debit or credit card in six equal installments of $145.83 beginning in January 2016.
 Scholarship Assistance
Scholarship requests cannot exceed half of the tuition ($875). The actual scholarship amount granted will be based on:
Individual need
The total of scholarships requested
Budgetary limitations
Some Notes on Scholarship Assistance:
1. In the program's history, everyone who has successfully applied to the program has completed the program;
irrespective of their financial circumstances—don’t let money (or lack thereof) stop you from applying!
2. A request for scholarship assistance is not considered by the selection committee. The scholarship request will be
reviewed after the class participants have been selected.
3. Applicants requesting scholarship assistance are expected to demonstrate their commitment to the program by paying a
portion of the tuition themselves, and to seek sponsorships from individuals, their employers or affiliate organizations in
which they are active (such as Rotary, Quota, Kiwanis, religious and professional groups). Past participants have
successfully supplemented their tuition payment by raising funds in this way. Your efforts will enable our funding to be
extended to more people.
Leadership San Luis Obispo * 895 Monterey St. SLO, CA 93401 * (805) 786-2765 * Sandi@SLOChamber.org
To submit your application please send the following as attached PDFs to Sandi@SLOChamber.org.
PDF is the only format accepted.
Applications consist of 3 separate documents:
1. The Application
Please save your PDF FirstNameLastName2016APP
2. The Application & Attendance Agreement, Tuition Agreement, Tuition Worksheet
Please save your PDF FirstNameLastName2016SUPP (for Supplemental)
3. Letters of Recommendation may be scanned and submitted as your third document.
Please save your PDF FirstNameLastName2016LOR (for Letters of Recommendation)
Alternately, letters of recommendation may be mailed directly to the executive director at the address below. Only 2
letters of recommendation are accepted. In the event that more are submitted, the executive director will choose the 2
presented to the interview committee.
Late applications will not be accepted
And despite how harsh those instructions sound, you can call Sandi with any difficulties.
 Questions?
Please contact Sandi Sigurdson, Executive Director
(805) 786-2765 | Sandi@SLOChamber.org
Leadership San Luis Obispo * 895 Monterey St. SLO, CA 93401 * (805) 786-2765 * Sandi@SLOChamber.org