February 10 Meeting Minutes - Los Angeles Southwest College

1600 West Imperial Highway  Los Angeles, CA 90047  323-241-5270  A Non-profit Corporation
February 10, 2015
Call to Order
 Called to order at 6:30
 In attendance: K. Webb, G. Hale, J. Burks, S. Cox, C. Flemings, E. Thomas-Robertson, S. Williams,
H. Dickens, D. Ford. By Phone: M. Battle-Bey. Public present: E. Holmes, L. Jackson
Meeting Minutes
 Minutes from January 2015 Board Meeting
i. No action recorded
 Review Action Items
i. No action recorded
Chair’s Report
 Board Member Dues
i. Chairman Webb reminded members to make their dues payments or make
Treasure’s Report
 Account Balance
i. The issue of proper financials was revisited. The current bank statement is insufficient –
needs include; monthly reconciliation, previous months P&L – statement of Financial
Position and Actuals v. Budget.
ii. Finance committee will review the documents and report to board.
iii. G. Hale – How would we use the 10k in support of Foundation administration? K. Webb
and others suggested split with Veteran’s Center.
iv. Finance Committee will prepare scope of service for Accountant solicitation and have
selection recommendation at March meeting.
President’s Report
 Spring Semester – No Report
Director’s Report
 Audit Update
i. Site visit complete, items in file held by accountant will be sent this week. Final review
should be completed by March meeting with a letter to board.
 Fund Development Activities
i. Grant Development Activities – Held to March Meeting
Our Mission… is to provide resources for initiatives, programs and scholarships directly benefiting LASC students, faculty, and staff,
while committed to making higher education attainable.
Our Vision… is to support LASCs mission of student success, lifelong learning,
and enriching the lives of its diverse community.
ii. 50th Anniversary Plan – Held to March Meeting
Board Calendar
Presidents Breakfast – referred to Events committee
Committee Reports
 Governance – New Members Needed
i. Held to March
ii. Benefits for ED – Type or health plan and cost of plan discussed. Motion by M. BattleBey, Second by H. Dickens to purchase Individual Health Insurance Plan.
 Committee Meetings
i. Campus & Community Relations
1. Charles reported his committee met that they discussed several activities to
promote campus awareness and invite the community onto the campus. The list
of ideas includes; Donor Brick Campaign, Events in support of “populations” on
campus, Donor Benches, use of the Jumbo Tron for advertising, Dr. Cox raised
the question of Conflict of Interest by having someone from WLAC on the
committee and indicated that a Donor Wall idea had be discussed in the past.
ED. Tabor reminded the board that the committees and workgroups had been
agreed upon by the Board as ways to introduce people to the Foundation and
possible Board membership. Chairman Webb asked that the committee put
numbers and structure to the ideas and bring them back as recommendations to
the Board for discussion and approval before initiating any action.
2. Archives Discussion – Dr. Thomas-Robertson provided a report of the past work
on the Archives and made a motion to have the board embrace the concept of
housing the Archives in the Annex and the Cox Library rotunda. G. Hale –
Seconded the motion and spoke on the importance is presenting the history of
LASC. L. Jackson shared that other campuses are investing in their archives. M.
Battle-Bey expressed concern about suggesting location in the motion, Chairman
Webb indicated that President Rose would have the last say about location. Dr.
Thomas-Robertson spoke of the support received from Past President
Delahoussaye for the location and the history that would be showcased and that
the contractor had located funds to pay for the effort. Dr. Cox commented that
others would have input into the location. Motion Carried to support archive
development. A Board plan needs to be developed.
ii. Events
1. James shared that the committee report and explained what had been the focus
of the conference call and discussed general types of events, on and off campus
locations and the need to clarify what the relationship will be with the campus
event coordinator. The committee had received a proposal to produce a concert
series and would discuss it at its next meeting.
Old Business
Our Mission… is to provide resources for initiatives, programs and scholarships directly benefiting LASC students, faculty, and staff,
while committed to making higher education attainable.
Our Vision… is to support LASCs mission of student success, lifelong learning,
and enriching the lives of its diverse community.
Board Member Recruitment – Chairman Webb indicated that the Board needed to identify
candidates to replace the Angela and Donald. That he and the ED had contacted the African
American Board Leadership Development Institute for possible referrals.
Consideration of Barry Thomas – D. Ford indicated that he and the ED had interviewed Mr.
Thomas and that he believed he would be a positive addition to the Board. Motion made by
D.Ford and Seconded by J. Burks to add Mr. Thomas to the Board, Carried by unanimous vote.
New Business
 LASC Black History Request for funds – Request was withdrawn before the meeting.
Board Comment - None
Adjournment – at 8:10
Next Board Meeting – March 10th, 2015
Our Mission… is to provide resources for initiatives, programs and scholarships directly benefiting LASC students, faculty, and staff,
while committed to making higher education attainable.
Our Vision… is to support LASCs mission of student success, lifelong learning,
and enriching the lives of its diverse community.