Volunteer Policy - No More Traffik

No More Traffik
Latest Edition April 2015
Volunteering with No More Traffik
Volunteers with No More Traffik will play a wide variety of roles in the development
and delivery of our projects aiming to prevent human trafficking throughout Northern
Ireland through awareness-raising, the delivery of training, online content
generation/social media presence, event management and community involvement.
No More Traffik recognises the vital role played by volunteers in sustaining and
furthering our work through the giving of their skills, time and personal/professional
qualities that are in keeping with our ethos. These qualities include a commitment to
excellence, enthusiasm, generosity, accessibility, perseverance and team work.
Equal Opportunities
Volunteer placements are open to individuals irrespective of race, gender,
disability, sexuality, age or marital status. All our volunteers will be given an equal
opportunity to make a contribution to the work to No More Traffik.
No More Traffik volunteers can expect:
to be valued as an individual
to be respected for their individual knowledge and skills
to have support, recognition, and encouragement
to contribute to organisational development
to have opportunities to discuss concerns
to be reimbursed for out of pocket expenses
to have clear guidelines and deadlines within which to carry out duties
to have a clearly defined task description for their role
to be provided with training in order to carry out their task efficiently
to work in a safe working environment
to be provided with the opportunity to grow and develop
No More Traffik expects its volunteers to:
show commitment to the organisation
treat colleagues, partners and the No More Traffik team with respect
handle sensitive information appropriately
follow procedures and guidelines
communicate clearly with the team, in particular their point of contact
be reliable and regular in their attendance
be prepared to undertake appropriate training
carry out their tasks to the best of their ability
Volunteer Support
We aim to respect the dignity and individual wishes of volunteers and to do our best
to meet them.
All volunteers should be treated as equals to paid workers. This means that they
- take equal part in the appropriate decision making processes.
- attend relevant meetings.
- be kept informed of decisions and structural changes regarding No More
- have equal access to resources that No More Traffik provides to its
workers, when work is equally urgent.
- All No More Traffik policies apply equally to paid and voluntary workers
Allocated person to act as a point of contact
Each volunteer is allocated one named person to act as their “point of contact”.
This person will help develop a role description, provide guidance and support,
promote the volunteer’s growth and hold the volunteer accountable.
Volunteer Training:
• All volunteers will receive a basic induction which will include a brief on key
policy issues.
All volunteers will be trained with regards to their specific role, ie GIFT Box
handling, awareness session delivery, social media use.
All volunteers will attend a No More Traffik awareness training session and
commit to refreshing their knowledge of human trafficking regularly.
Volunteers should also be encouraged to attend conferences and events
appropriate to their work where possible. This will be decided on by the
point of contact.
We will strive to repay any reasonable travel expense incurred while volunteering for
No More Traffik. These should be discussed with the volunteer’s point of contact
prior to being incurred.
A volunteer’s transport to and from the location of their project/activity is left up to
their own discretion.
All volunteers must adhere to he following policy documents which are
made available from the volunteer’s point of contact,
- Health and Safety Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
No More Traffik does not work with children or vulnerable adults but encourages
all volunteers to be mindful of any safeguarding issues they may encounter (ie
online or through community work) and requires these issues to be raised ASAP
with the point of contact.
Two references will be sought for all new volunteers. The referees should be able to
comment on the volunteer’s character and suitability to work as a team. A referee
must not be a relative. No More Traffik’s Development Manager will contact both
Interview and placements
Volunteer candidates will be asked to complete a volunteer application and on
appraisal of the same, the candidate may be invited to an interview at which
volunteering opportunities within No More Traffik will be discussed. No More Traffik
will endeavour to match the skills and interests of a volunteer with opportunities
available. Feedback from the interview process and volunteer placements will be
provided on request.
No More Traffik will provide Public Liabality insurance cover for
staff/volunteers whilst undertaking voluntary work approved and
authorised by the Management Committee of No More Traffik.
No More Traffik will strive to resolve any problems, grievances and difficulties
volunteers may have while volunteering with No More Traffik fairly. In the event of an
unresolved problem, No More Traffik will offer an opportunity to discuss the issues.
No More Traffik abides by the bylaws of the local council in regards to the
consumption of substances such as drugs, smoking and alcohol. Should a volunteer
not abide by these rules while engaged as a volunteer with No More Traffik, this
action will be deemed gross misconduct.
Where appropriate, the role and placement of the volunteer may be terminated by
the No More Traffik Board immediately where repeated inappropriate behaviour
has occurred. In all cases the volunteer will be entitled to an explanation of the
decision made.
Our Commitment
No More Traffik will seek to provide positive volunteering opportunities in a
welcoming, supportive environment which will develop the skills of our