Decision One: Curriculum Map Topic: Real Number System Key Learning(s): Unit Essential Question(s): While the exact value of some numbers is known, other numbers require estimation for application. Concept: Classifying numbers as rational or irrational CC.2.1.8.E.1 Lesson Essential Questions: How do I classify numbers? M08.A-N.1.1.1 Vocabulary: Rational Irrational Other Information: Grade: 8 How do I apply concepts of rational and irrational numbers? Concept: Concept: Concept: Proving that numbers are rational or irrational by converting between fractions and decimals CC.2.1.8.E.1 Estimating, comparing, and ordering irrational numbers (use a number line; include square and cube roots) CC.2.1.8.E.4 Using the Pythagorean Theorem to apply rational and irrational numbers CC.2.3.8.A.3 Lesson Essential Questions: Lesson Essential Question Lesson Essential Questions: How do I prove that a number is rational or irrational? M08.A-N.1.1.1 M08.A-N.1.1.2 How do I compare and order irrational numbers by estimation? M08.A-N.1.1.3 M08.A-N.1.1.4 M08.A-N.1.1.5 How do I use the Pythagorean Theorem to find unknown measurements? M08.C-G.2.1.1 M08.C-G.2.1.2 M08.C-G.2.1.3 Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Pythagorean Theorem Converse