Minutes of the Ruchill Community Council held in the Community Centre, Bilsland Drive, Ruchill G20 9NF on Wednesday 4th March 2015 at 6.30pm Attending: Kate Mulgrew Marion Coleman Cllr. Helen Stephen Flo McGrehan Suzanne Halliday Dawn Baird, Maryhill HA PC Emma Laurie and PC John Morris Group 3 Community Police Apologies: 1.0 Eleanor Brown, Cllr Chris Kelly, and Ann McKechin MP Welcome Kate Mulgrew chaired the meeting in the absence of Eleanor Brown. 2.0 Minutes of Last Meeting The minutes of 4th February were adopted: proposed Suzanne Halliday and 2nd by Marion Coleman. 3.0 Matters arising from Minutes of Last Meeting 3.1 Marion noted that the lights in the park were still not working. Councillor Stephen advised that Councillor Kelly was dealing with this and would speak to him for update regarding the matter. 3.2 Lights at Comet Bar are still out – Councillor Stephen advised that the vehicle was still out of service. 4.0 Police Business 4.1 PC Emma Laurie and PC John Morris were in attendance and provided the following statistics for the month of February: Area Offences Ruchill Total Incidents Drugs Street Drinkers Theft Theft from M/V Theft HB Assaults Vandalism Breach of the peace Road Traffic 2 3 2 0 1 2 3 0 3 1 2 4.2 Officers reminded residents to report any incidents to Police which can be done calling Crimestoppers, 101 or by using the Police Scotland website. 5.0 Guest Speaker 5.1 Cllr Helen Stephen update: 5.2 Cllr Stephen advised that AS Homes have made a planning application for the land at the former Comet Bar Site. Closing date was last week. One objection was made. Plans are for 12 houses and 12 flats. 5.3 Residents highlighted that 2 lights are still out at just down from the nursing home and lights are still out at roundabout. Cllr Stephen will address these issues. 5.4 A meeting was held with Ann McKechin regarding bus routes to the Southern General Hospital as there were concerns that the current timetable is inadequate. Generally speaking there is no profit in the route. Residents were concerned that they had not received an invite to attend and the Ruchill Community Council had not been notified, however Cllr Stephen explained that Ann McKechin’s boundary ends at the community centre (Willie Bain MP covers past the centre) it may be possible that residents who live past the estate would not be on Ann’s mailing list. A shuttle bus will be available from Govan subway station to the Southern General Hospital. 5.5 Parkbrae Gardens will now get a grit bin. It was requested that Hazlitt Street also gets an extra bin. 5.6 BT is carrying out works at Balmore Road so temporary traffic lights will be installed Monday to Friday until 5pm from Monday 9th March. 5.7 Iain Gray MSP East Lothian – taking forward a members bill to change how bus companies are owned and routes are decided. 6. Report from Projects Ruchill Furniture (RF): Project is continuing to provide residents with a much needed service in Maryhill and Ruchill Greater Maryhill Foodbank: The Foodbank continues to provide food parcels to those referred to service. Ruchill Credit Union: AGM took place on the 25th February at 7pm in Ruchill Community Centre 3 7. Reports from Meetings Thriving Places: Community events have been organised across Possilpark and Ruchill. A coffee morning has been organised for Friday 27th March at 9.15am which will be an opportunity to tell residents about Thriving Places and hear what residents would like to see in the community. Minutes for the previous meetings were made available. Canal Partnership: Reports are available on line. Parkhill Residents Association: Minutes will be posted on noticeboard in Ruchill Community Centre. The group are due to meet on Wednesday 18th March. 8.0 Correspondence: 8.1 Invitation to Royal Tea Party 8.2 Admin allowance from GCC of £474.82 9.0 A.O.C.B. 9.1 Dawn informed residents that there would be a community meeting held on Monday 16th March regarding the Ruchill Allotment site. This meeting will also include a visit to the site. The cost of transforming the site into allotments is £750,000. This may take several years to achieve funding of such an amount so it is proposed that in that in order to get the site used to make “pop up” allotments available. This will get the ground used, maintain interest in the project and enable residents to enjoy a space where they can grow their own fruit, veg and plants. Dawn has applied for funding to Comic Relief and Sainsburys on behalf of the Community Council for small amounts of funding (£1500 between them both) to get some materials for raised beds, gardening equipment and some workshops. 10. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 1st April 6:30pm in Ruchill Community Centre, Bilsland Drive