Half termly Topic

 Key vocabulary relating to time.
 About the time period when William the Conqueror
 How to make a time line
 About different ideas to explain why only some people
lived in a castle or why we don’t still live in them
 Revise importance of the equator
 Hot & Cold Countries from around the world
 Continents
Understanding the Arts
Create observational drawings
Explore Pattern & Texture
Discuss the use of hot and cold colours
Music Specialist: To learn a range of call & response
and seasonal songs
 Take part in a range of drama activities
Religious Education
 Visit to Holy Innocents
 Visit to a mosque
 Talk about sacred books such as the qu’ran
 Learn about festivals
Year One
Understanding English,
Communication and language
Revise phase 3 sounds
Learn alternative vowel sound/graphemes
(e.g. ai, a-e, ay)
 Understand difference between long &
short vowel sounds
 Key word spellings
 Using a dictionary
 Use the ‘think it, say it write it strategy’
for composing sentences.
 Punctuate sentences with capital letters &
full stops properly.
 Compose a range of sentences to form a
 Write recounts/diary entries.
 Adventure stories.
 Pencil grip & finger spaces.
 Writing on the line.
 Correct letter formation
William the Conqueror and Castles
Science & technological Understanding:
Biology: Growing and caring for plants
Physics: Observing seasonal weather changes
Chemistry: Sorting and using materials
Understanding Physical Development & Health & Well Being
 Dance – music and movement
 Games – team games and ball skills
Entry Point: Experience a sense of awe and wonder
through explorative learning.
School Visit: Trip to the Tower of London
Exit Point/ Assembly: Children to exhibit their
Mathematical Understanding
 Count to and across 100
 Count, read and write all numbers to 100
 Learn number facts relating to 2,5 & 10 times tables.
Number Facts:
 Represent and use number bonds to 20
 Finding one more/less
Representing Number
 Add & subtract numbers to 20, using number lines &
progressing to hundred square.
 Writing number sentences using mathematical signs
 Length & weight
 Half and quarter past the hour
 Recognising coins and add small amounts.
Key Outcomes:
 To confidently talk about Medieval times
 To describe key characteristics of the period
 To describe key aspects of a castle
 Be able to ask and answer questions about the life of
William the Conqueror
 Be able to use key words and phrases related to the
passing of time
 Be able to order key events in correct order
To explain why castles went out of use.
Weather related words and phrases
How you can support your child
Please read with your child every day
Identifying numbers within the environment
Talking with your child about always doing their best
at school
Arrive at school on time