
Activity sheets – Common cemetery problems
Before continuing with this activity, download and show
students the Cemetery Maintenance slideshow.
This slideshow highlights many of the issues facing cemetery
conservationists today and introduces students to some of the
real world problems that exist.
Grave Concerns - Limestone memorials: Chemical or physical weathering?
Activity sheets – Common cemetery problems
The Howlison Memorial Block 101 Plot 17 is showing
signs of delamination. The Oamaru stone (or limestone)
is gradually dividing into thin layers across the surface
and flaking away leaving the inscription very hard to
What is the cause? _________________________
What is the solution? _______________________
The Mitchell Memorial block 44 Plot 16is hard to read because of
the growth of moss over the surface.
What is the cause?_____________________________________
What is the solution?____________________________________
Grave Concerns - Limestone &marble memorials: Chemical or physical weathering?
Activity sheets – Common cemetery problems
This Memorial Block 2 Plot 14 in is also showing
signs of considerable wear called fretting
(meaning erosion by wearing away) so that the
inscription is now largely impossible to read.
Some chipping or splintering called spalling
has also occurred.
What is or are the causes?
The Henry memorial Block 143A Plot 30 is generally in very
good repair but the stone is badly stained with a red and
orange colour which appears around the lead lettering and is
visually detracting.
What is the likely cause? _____________________________
What is the solution?
What is the solution?
Grave Concerns – Marble memorials: Chemical or Physical weathering?
Activity sheets - common cemetery problems
The Gray Memorial Block 27 Plot 8 has developed a
considerable lean.
What is the cause? ________________________________
What is the solution? _______________________________
The Campbell Memorial Block 33 Plot 66A has
become hard to read for two reasons. The first is the
black staining on the memorial. The second is the loss
of the lead letters on the memorial.
What is cause one?________________________
What is cause two?
What is the solution for cause one?________________________________
What is the solution for cause two? _______________________________
Grave Concerns – Marble memorials: Chemical or Physical weathering?
Activity sheets - common cemetery problems
The Hanson Memorial Block 102 Plot 12 has developed a
considerable lean.
What is the solution? ______________________________________
This site on Block 194 Plot 42 has a number of problems. Can you identify
what some of the problems are? The main problem has been the tree, the
roots of which have upended the monument from the base. A second problem
is possibly soil creep on the hillside as the edges of the plot have started to
come apart. A third problem causing the monument to break may have been
due to vandalism.
What has each problem been caused by?____________________________
What is the cause? _______________________________________
What is the solution for cause one?__________________________________
What is the solution for cause two? _________________________________
What is the solution for
cause three?___________
Grave Concerns – Other memorials: Chemical or Physical weathering?
Activity sheets - common cemetery problems
Describe the site ___________________________________
Describe the site ___________________________________
What is the cause? _________________________________
What is the cause? _________________________________
What is the solution? _______________________________
What is the solution? _______________________________
Include photo or sketch
Include photo or sketch
Grave Concerns – Other memorials: Chemical or Physical weathering?
Activity sheets - common cemetery problems
Describe the site ___________________________________
Describe the site ___________________________________
What is the cause? _________________________________
What is the cause? _________________________________
What is the solution? _______________________________
What is the solution? _______________________________
Include photo or sketch
Include photo or sketch
Grave Concerns – Other memorials: Chemical or Physical weathering?
Activity sheets - common cemetery problems
Describe the site ___________________________________
Describe the site ___________________________________
What is the cause? _________________________________
What is the cause? _________________________________
What is the solution? _______________________________
What is the solution? _______________________________
Include photo or sketch
Include photo or sketch