Lesson_Time Lapse_Revised

Title of Lesson: Time Lapse Drawing
Students: 9th-10th (Drawing 1)
Time Needed: 5-55 minute class periods
Lesson Submitted by: Jenny Bonnell, Luther College Art Ed
Contact Info: Student: bonnje01@luther.edu, Professor L. Lovelace: lovele01@luther.edu
Title of Artworks, Date(s) executed:
The Persistence of Memory
Salvador Dali, 1931
Oil on Canvas
Museum of Modern Art, New York City
Katie Grinnan, 2011
Friendly plastic, enamel and sand
About the Artists:
Salvador Dali was a prominent Spanish Catalan surrealist painter born in 1904. He was
best known for his striking and bizarre images in his work. He also did film, sculpture, and
photography and a variety of media. His eccentric behavior and manner often drew more
attention than his artwork.
Katrie Grinnan graduated with an MFA from UCLA in 1999. She is amongst a group of Los
Angeles artists that can be defined by their playful approach to crafting objects, coupled
with a seriousness of purpose regarding the concepts built into them. The hands-on
crafting is evidenced in Grinnan's sculptural installations as well as her photographiccollages.
Goal: Students will create a drawing based on their understanding of still life drawing and
the concept of time lapse. They will manipulate their object to create an abstracted and
distorted version to illustrate the different stages of their time lapse.
Content Standard 1a and 1b: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and
● Student will be able to apply media, techniques, and processes with sufficient skill,
confidence, and sensitivity that their intentions are carried out in their artwork
● Student will be able to conceive and create works of visual art that demonstrate an
understanding of how the communication of their ideas relate to the media,
techniques and processes they used.
-The student will learn to look at objects critically, and draw an everyday object from
(Understanding, Analyzing , Synthesizing)
-The student will manipulate media to create their abstracted still life.
(Application, Synthesizing, Analyzing)
-The student will reflect, and speak about their understanding of the elements and
principles of design within their work
(Remembering, Analyzing, Evaluating)
Still life: a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and
flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware.
Abstract: non representational
Time Lapse: the photographic technique of taking a sequence of frames at set intervals to
record changes that take place slowly over time
Proportion: The relationship of one thing to another in terms of quantity, size, or number;
the ratio.
Contrast: The state of being strikingly different from something else, typically something in
juxtaposition or close association.
Space: The area around, within, or between images or parts of an image. Positive and
negative space.
Form: Three-dimensional, and takes up space
Value: The lightness or darkness of an image
Movement: How the eye moves or doesn’t move around in a work of art
Texture: How a surface of something feels (actual) or looks (visual)
Balance: is a feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc. Balance can be
symmetrical or evenly balanced or asymmetrical and un-evenly balanced.
Unity: The state of being united or joined as a whole.
6”x18” Final paper
Graphite Pencils HB, 2B,4B, 6B etc.
Objects for still life
Powerpoint Presentation on Time lapse
Day 1: Introduction/Motivation:
● Students will be introduced to the concept of Time Lapse explaining that it derives
from photography or film; capturing different stages in an event that would
otherwise occur very quickly or very slowly over time.
● Students will then view and participate in discussing the works of Dali and Grinnan.
Students will practice the 4 step process (describe, analyze, interpret and decide)
looking at each of the time lapse themed artworks, with emphasis on how the artists
organize the elements to achieve unity and balance. As students deconstruct each of
the artworks and think about how the artists have demonstrated time lapse through
the subject matter, the class will brainstorm other examples of time lapse that exist
in nature or in our ongoing lives. (for example: objects can move through time in
unconventional ways; While a dandelion can wilt and die, other objects may shatter,
melt, peel apart or catch fire.. etc.) Vocabulary words will be emphasized during the
presentation of the artworks and discussion.
● Students should then chose an object to draw as a still life drawing understanding
that they will be transforming that still life drawing in at least three stages
representing a time lapse process of their choice. Students can start brainstorming
in their sketchbooks as time allows. Students may bring in their own objects as
inspiration for the drawing, pick something from objects provided by the teacher, or
Google an image of something they’re interested in. Students will start the drawing
process tomorrow.
Day 2-5: Studio Time:
● Students will continue to sketch ideas regarding the time lapse drawings in their
sketchbook their ideas. Objectives for the lesson will be posted on the board and an
example for student viewing. During this sketching process, the teacher should
continue to emphasize some of the vocabulary words covered during the initial
discussion and introduction to the artworks.
● When students have completed the sketching process and have a successful object
to transform in three stages representing time lapse, they can start their final
drawing on a larger 6”x18” paper and work towards finishing their work.
Although students will make at least three or more stages in their drawing, it does
not have to be a chronological linear drawing.
Students will write about their work, incorporating the elements and principles of design
listed at the bottom of the critique sheet. They must use the vocabulary correctly to get 40
points on their critique. For their actual work, another rubric will be used and they will be
expected to talk about how they demonstrated or didn’t demonstrate the vocabulary. (80
Unit Plan:
1. Drawing a still life using specific drawing techniques (hatching, cross hatching etc)
2. Recreating famous still life paintings through photography
3. Making a time-lapse in another form of media.
Cross-Curricular Connections:
It can connect with science by talking about how time and environment changes things,
(decay, decompose). We will also talk about the difference in organic and inorganic objects.
It can also connect with writing and research, because the students will be looking up
different artists, and writing about their work. They will also work on their public speaking
by talking about their work in front of the class, with the guidance of the critique sheet.
Time Lapse
Using the world bank below in paragraph form – what things are you really proud of
within your drawing?
As you explain you must define each word within each idea and underline the vocab. Word
Write this on the backside – Using the word bank below in paragraph form- what do you
wish you had done differently within your drawing?
As you explain you must define each word within each idea and underline the vocab. word.
Form Contrast Space Value Movement Texture Balance Unity
40 pts.