Letter to Parents from the Chair of Governors

Oaklands Catholic School and Sixth Form College
Stakes Hill Road,
023 9225 9214
023 9223 0317
The Catholic Academy Trust in Havant
(A Company Limited by Guarantee)
Registered in England and Wales, Company No 7721932
Headteacher: Matthew Quinn B.Ed (Hons), M.A., NPQH
12h October 2015
Dear Parent/Carer
Governors’ Voluntary School Development Fund
For a considerable number of years the Governors have run a Voluntary Fund which has helped to raise much
needed money to improve the quality of provision for all our students. The main source of income to this fund is the
generous voluntary monthly and yearly donations made by many of our students’ families. The school is facing
increasing financial challenges due to reduced funding combined with some critical infrastructure improvements that
need to be made to secure the quality of the learning environment.
The Humanities Block, Music Block and 6th Form Centre were all made possible by the generosity of previous
generations of Oaklands parents. The most recent significant investment made by the Governors was to provide vital
part-funding for the Maths/Science refurbishment project which is now complete and has attracted many compliments
from parents.
We understand for many that times are uncertain. However, without these regular voluntary contributions we may
not be able to continue this important work that ultimately will benefit your child and other students in the future.
For parents who are currently not making a contribution, we would ask you consider making a voluntary donation of
£75 per year (or £150 per family) – this equates to just under 40p per school day per family or less than a daily
newspaper – however, the Governors would be pleased to accept any voluntary donation which you think you can
If you are able to contribute, and are a UK Tax Payer, we would ask that you please complete the attached Gift Aid
Declaration form and return it to the Schools Finance office, as the school can claim a percentage, currently 25p for
every £1 donated, of the income tax paid by your family. You can pay by cheque, via School Pay or online transfer
to our Nat West Account:
Name of Account: The Catholic Academy (Deposit 2 Governors)
Sort Code: 55-70-34
Account Number: 80745024
or you can spread the cost by banking standing order by completing the attached form.
On behalf of the Governing Body I would like to express my sincere thanks for all the voluntary contributions that
are made to the Governor’s School Development Fund.
Yours sincerely
Mr Andrew Hastilow
Chair of Governors
Community Unity Opportunity
A Specialist Humanities and Science College
Diocese of Portsmouth