Fire Wardens Role

To play a key role by assisting in the evacuation of a specific and designated area when
required to do so by virtue of an activated fire alarm or detection of a fire.
 Be familiar with all escape routes and exits in a specific and designated area
including disabled refuges where appropriate
 Encourage everyone to leave the building using available routes and exits
 Sweep all accessible rooms within the designated area including storerooms,
toilets etc starting from the further most point and moving towards the exit.
 Where reasonable to do so, close all doors and windows, turn off lab equipment
before leaving
 Direct evacuees to the assembly point and remind them not to re-enter the
building until told to do so.
 Direct wheelchair users to the nearest refuge and inform the First Responders or
Senior Manager of their location if they are unable to vacate the area
 Note the name of anyone refusing to leave upon request and report to the First
Responders or Senior Manager.
 Fight a small fire if you feel confident and it is safe to do so
 Attend training and take part in fire drills upon request
 Assist the First Responders or Senior Manager with other fire safety duties as
and when required e.g.
o Preventing re-entry to the building
o Signposting emergency services