Центр творческих инициатив «Snail» Дистанционный конкурс «St. Valentine’s Collection» 231, Вечерковская Оксана МОУ «СОШ №48», г. Омск, 10 класс, e-mail: milka_molka@mail.ru, почтовый адрес: 644031 город Омск, ул. Арнольда Нейбута, дом 96, к.2, кв. 67 Task 1 Love is in the air! Love, tenderness, caress, passion brings the most beautiful emotions in our life. And certainly, people all over the world appreciate them. They celebrate “festival of love”. St. Valentine’s Day is a popular celebration not only in America and Europe but in Asia and Russia. It is a new festival for our country which has only started to be celebrated in the 90s of the 20th century. However, much more new festival is Lovers’ and Family’s Day or Sts. Peter and Fevronia’s Day. They both have their own history and origin. Let’s make some research! St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th to honor the great saint Valentine who martyred for justifying the eternal being full of love. It has religious origin, but in 1969 it was deleted from the Roman calendar of saints, but its religious observance is still permitted. It is shrouded in mystery (in different legends). And we know that February has long been a month of romance. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers bouquets, sweets, chocolate, sending greeting cards (known as "valentines") or sms with love words, having a wonderful dinner, enjoying the sunset from the beach, going to the full of romantic energy places. This day is not only for couples, but also to teacher, parents or any other close relation or contacts. As we see this festival was really important during different ages and famous people mentioned about it in their works. I want to bring an example, the scene 5 from Hamlet by William Shakespeare: To-morrow is Saint Valentine's day, All in the morning be time, And I a maid at your window, To be your Valentine. Then up he rose, and donn'd his clothes, And dupp'd the chamber-door; Let in the maid, that out a maid Never departed more. Modern Valentine's Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards. Then we are going to tell about the Russian” lovers day”- Sts. Peter and Fevronia's Day. It is celebrated on July 8th in Russia. This festival is new for us, but not as important as St. Valentine’s Day in Europe or America. It is called day of family, love and faithfulness and named after two saints who were beloved and according many legends they loved each other all life and died in the same day. This day the couples are married in church and make a true oath. It has its own symbol, too. It is a wild flower, daisy. Although these festivals have some differences, they are both portraits of love and happiness. Task 2 The romance day wins Russian people more and more attention. And undoubtendly, it has to have its own symbol. I’ve been imagining for a long time what should it be, what thing can portray it. Let’s reason! Sts. Peter and Fevronia's Day shows true love, value of family, close relationships between lovers. I think it can be something for each couple, which is precious for them, remembers them about some special occasion or date. For example, the first romantic sms which can’t be forgotten or a ring which was gifted on the wedding. Recently I’ve read the interview by Svetlana Medvedeva, Russian President’s wife, who suggested a daisy –as a symbol of this festival. In her opinion the daisy can be an image of faithfulness, purity, love. I agree with her. I think it's very romantic. Probably it cannot be found more tender and touching the flower for the Lovers’ and Family’s Day. The daisy is easy, beautiful and usual flower for us. This is native, close symbol. Moreover, it is symbol of summer, warmth, comfort, purity and virgin. This festival has a historical basis. And Daisy as "the Russian national" flower is perfect to emphasize it. The daisy is used for divination "likes or dislikes". In my opinion, this divination may be associated with a history of Peter and Fevronia. Thus, the choice of this wonderful flower symbol for the new Russian holiday is really amazing. I think that soon the guys will give lovers a bouquet of daisies instead of roses. Task 3 Heart or a sale! Task 4 To begin, we can choose Peter and Fevronia - the king and queen of the a party dedicated to the Lovers’ and Family’s Day or Sts. Peter and Fevronia’s Day. Maybe it's newlyweds or a man and woman, love between them is not in doubt. If guests come to you without a pair, you can help them with a choice, because it's Feast of Love. Before the arrival of the guests cut out of cardboard one heart for two guests, then each of the hearts cut into two parts. Then mix up the pieces and give them to men. The remaining part of the paper hearts hand out to lovely ladies. When all are assembled, you need to declare that "broken" hearts at the festival should not be, let each one will find their "half". Maybe this way you will give start to new love. You can conduct a few contests to improve the mood of the guests at Sts. Peter and Fevronia’s Day. «Sweet Couple». Each pair gets candy. The task for each couple - together for hands-free deployment and eat candy. The couple who did it first wins. «Make the word» Using the letters of the name of the holiday " Lovers’ and Family’s Day or Sts. Peter and Fevronia’s Day", we must to make as many words as we can. This game is not original and it is more suitable for those who have never played in games like this. «Dropped handkerchief» In this game people liked to play in the 19 century. The boy kissed the girl who dropped her handkerchief, but first the boy had to catch her. The symbol of this holiday is the daisy. So why not make a prediction on daisy? But do not get carried away by this! Need to protect nature. And the last game of course is making some special cards with poems for your lover. It is remarkable and I think she or he remembers it for a long time! It can be analogue of Valentine’s cards (think how can we name them) I wrote a poem for my boyfriend and want he to be happy to get it. My love! As a bear is it strong And its influence is long. It’s like a girl Who shows its beauty. It’s for relaxing, not for duty. Like romance book We read with eager, Day after day It’s growing bigger. And every person can’t resist Its charms, which in all souls exist. We hope that our tips will help you organize a great party. Enjoy them!!!