Lazić Form A NanoTrans Croatian Science Foundation HRZZ Installation Research Projects (UIP-11-2013) Research proposal [Form A]1 (to be evaluated in Step 1) Charge and spin transport in nanostructures NanoTrans (see Guide for Applicants for the Installation Research Projects UIP-11-2013 Call – instructions for completing 'Form A' of the proposal) Please respect the following formatting constraints: Verdana, at least font size 10, margins (2.0 side and 1.5 bottom), single line spacing. Cover Page: - Name of Name of Proposal Proposal the Principal Investigator (PI) : Predrag Lazić the PI's host institution for the project : Ruđer Bošković Institute full title : Charge and spin transport in nanostructures duration in months: 36 Proposal summary (half page, possibly copy/paste abstract from the Administrative form) The main objective of this research proposal is to explore spin and charge transport properties of nanoscale structures - based on nanolayers and/or molecules. Nanolayers consist of one or more sheets of layered materials that can be easily stacked on top of each other. Nanolayered materials vary in properties from metallic to semiconducting and even superconducting, and by combination of different materials hopefully a desired properties of a new "composite" material can be achieved. Moreover, besides only combining layers of different materials their electronic structure can be modified by other means that are relatively easy to achieve - intercalation being just one of them. After designing desired electronic structure - which is checked by the means of density functional theory - we will test the transport properties of the material via first principles transport simulations including contact electrodes (source, drain) and an additional stimulus - such as gate electrode which simulates a work of transistor. A sensor oriented configurations will also be considered - in order to test for sensing properties of the material - i.e. the presence of certain molecule or a fragment of it - the most interesting being DNA molecule. Besides the first principles calculations of transport we intend to use simpler methods to estimate the suitability of the material for different applications - such as thermoelectric devices, spin filter and spin valve, solar cells and photocatalytic reactions (mainly water splitting). All of the problems addressed are highly relevant and have large potential for application. The main focus - material wise, will be on layered van der Waals materials (such as graphene, MoS2) - but also we will try a combination with molecules (such as phthalocyanines) for specific purposes - i.e. spin filtering. Instructions for completing Form A can be found in the Guide for Applicants for the Installation Research Projects UIP-11-2013 Call. 1 1 Lazić Form A NanoTrans Section a: Extended Synopsis of the project proposal (max. 5 pages) [Concise presentation of the scientific proposal which will allow evaluation panels to assess, in step 1 of the evaluation, the feasibility of the outlined scientific approach] Section b: PI’s Curriculum vitae (max 2 pages) Lazić Predrag Born 5th of August 1975 in Zagreb, Croatia. Croatian citizenship CONTACT INFORMATION Predrag Lazic Theoretical physics division Rudjer Boskovic Institute Bijenicka 54, Zagreb, Croatia phone: +385-1-4561-160 email: web: EMPLOYMENT AND EDUCATION 2012 - Research associate at Rudjer Boskovic Institute 2010 - 2012 Postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Material Science and Engineering, group of prof. Ceder 2008 - 2010 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at FZ-Jülich, Peter Grünberg Institute, group of prof. Blügel. 2007 - 2008 Postdoctoral researcher at FZ-Jülich, Peter Grünberg Institute, group of prof. Blügel. 2000 - 2007 Graduate student at the University of Zagreb, employed by Rudjer Boskovic Institute 2000 Mandatory military service 1994 - 2000 Physics department of the University of Zagreb 1994 Baccalaureate, MIOC (Mathematical and Informational Educational Center) Zagreb LANGUAGES English, German and Croatian. SKILLS Density functional theory calculations Computer programming: Fortran, Python, parallelization - MPI, beowulf cluster/BlueGene supercomputers, unix/windows administration. Scientific Visualization: Using VTK ( examples Ultrafast two photon photoemission - theoretical modeling and calculation Building and maintenance of computer clusters for high performance computing (HPC) Monte Carlo simulations Boundary and finite elements calculations - software development (Robin Hood Method) Material Science - phase diagrams, including water - Pourbaix diagrams, solar cells, thermoelectrics, high throughput searching for novel materials in materials project framework, photocatalysis. 2 Lazić Form A NanoTrans RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2012 - 2013 Study of graphene on metal surfaces, aspects of intercalation, spintronics - i.e. spin injection from ferrometal into graphene. Solar cell application of pyrite (FeS2), thermoelectrics research. 2009 - 2012 Various problems in material science: high througput screening for a novel water splitting materials (photocatalyst) - patent application. Work on implementation (first of a kind) of the phase diagram in water environment - Pourbaix diagrams by combining ab initio and experimental data (now a standard tool available in Materials Project 2007 - 2009 Made a first freely available implementation of the nonlocal density functional (vdW-DF) crucial for including van der Waals interaction in ab initio calculations. The code is massively parallel, tested on 100,000 CPUs of a BlueGene Computer ( Many new and highly relevant systems were calculated using the newly available tool - most of them are organic molecules on metalic surfaces. Graphene on metal. 2005 - 2006 Developed and implemented a theory for calculating two photon photoemission relaxation processes in materials 2004 - 2005 Developed a new numerical (boundary element) method for solving electrostatic problems - Robin Hood Method. Assembled first cluster computer for the research group. 2000 - 2005 Various aspects of surface science research (mostly by density functional theory) - modeling stability of clean metal surfaces by parameters obtained from first principles calculations, exploration of quantum well states in thin films. 2000 Monte Carlo study of vitrification in Ising model with mobile bonds TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1994 - 1998 Preparation for competition in physics for high scool students. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Raised approx. 800k USD and co-founded a company based on the Robin Hood method for electrostatic calculations ( ) REFEREE Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Computational Materials Science, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. AWARDS 2008 Alexander von Humboldt scholarship 2006 Award from the Central European Initiative within the program "From research to enterprise" for the Robin Hood Methods 2007 Golden medal at innovations exposition for the Robin Hood Method 1997 Dean's award for the best student work in year 1997, Univ. of Zagreb 1993, 1997 Scholarship of the city of Zagreb 1994 Participation in 25th International Physics Olympiad in Beijing TOTAL PEER REVIEWED PAPERS: 37 CURRENT h-INDEX: 13 NUMBER OF CITATIONS: 744 (by Google Scholar) 3 Lazić Form A NanoTrans Section c: PI’s 5-year track-record (max 2 pages) Publications 1. How to sweep under the thinnest rug: Caesium intercalation of epitaxial graphene M. Petrović, I. Šrut, S. Runte, C. Busse, J. T. Sadowski, P. Lazić, I. Pletikosić, Z.-H. Pan, M. Milun, P. Pervan, N. Atodiresei, R. Brako, D. Šokčević, T. Valla, T. Michely, M. Kralj Accepted for publication in Nature Comm. 2. The backside of graphene: manipulating adsorption by intercalation S. Schumacher, T.Wehling, P. Lazić, S. Runte, D. Förster, C. Busse, M. Petrović, M. Kralj, S. Blügel, N. Atodiresei, V. Caciuc, T. Michely Accepted for publication in Nano Letters 3. Low Intensity Conduction States in FeS2: Implications for Absorption, Open-Circuit Voltage and Surface Recombination P. Lazić, R. Armiento, F.W. Herbert, R. Chakraborty, R. Sun, M. K. Y. Chan, K. Hartman, T. Buonassisi, B. Yildiz, G. Ceder Accepted for publication in Journal Of Physics Condensed Matter 4. Spin polarization of Co(0001)/graphene junctions from first principles G. M. Sipahi,I. Žutić, N. Atodiresei, R. K. Kawakami, P. Lazić Accepted for publication in Journal Of Physics Condensed Matter 5. Absence of Edge States in Covalently Bonded Zigzag Edges of Graphene on Ir(111) Y. Li, D. Subramaniam, N. Atodiresei, P. Lazić, V. Caciuc, C. Pauly, A. Georgi, C. Busse, M. Liebmann, S. Blügel, M. Pratzer, M. Morgenstern, R. Mazzarello Advanced. Matt. 25, 1967 (2013). 6. Interface-engineered templates for molecular spin memory devices K. V. Raman, A. M. Kamerbeek, A. Mukherjee, N. Atodiresei, T. K. Sen, P. Lazić, V. Caciuc, R. Michel, D. Stalke, S. K. Mandal, S. Blügel Nature 493, 509, (2013). 7. First principles high throughput screening of oxynitrides for water-splitting photocatalysts YB. Wu, P. Lazić, G. Hautier, K. Persson, G. Ceder Energy Environ. Sci. 6, 157, (2013). 8. Rationale for switching to nonlocal functionals in density functional theory P. Lazić, N. Atodiresei, V. Caciuc, R. Brako, B. Gumhalter, and S. Blügel J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 424215 (2012). 9. Ab initio and semi-empirical van der Waals study of graphene-boron nitride interaction from a molecular point of view V. Caciuc, N. Atodiresei, M. Callsen, P. Lazić, S. Blügel J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 424214 (2012). 10. Prediction of solid-aqueous equilibria: Scheme to combine first-principles calculations of solids with experimental aqueous states K. A. Persson, B. Waldwick, P. Lazić, and G. Ceder Phys. Rev. B 85, 235438 (2012.) 11. Solving for micro- and macro-scale electrostatic configurations using the Robin Hood algorithm J. A. Formaggio, P. Lazić, T. J. Corona, H. Štefanˇci´c, H. Abraham, and F. Glück Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 39, 1-37 (2012). 12. Graphene on Ir(111): Physisorption with Chemical Modulation C. Busse, P. Lazić, D. Rabie et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 036101 (2011). 13. New approach to 3D electrostatic calculations for micro-pattern detectors P. Lazić, D. Dujmić, J. A. Formaggio, H. Abraham and H. Štefančić Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) 6, P12003 (2011). 14. Engineering the magnetic properties of hybrid organic-ferromagnetic interfaces by molecular chemical functionalization N. Atodiresei, V. Caciuc, P. Lazić, and S. Blügel Phys. Rev. B 84, 172402 (2011). 15. Graphene on Ir(111) surface: From van der Waals to strong bonding R. Brako, D. Šokčević, P. Lazić, and N. Atodiresei New. J. Phys. 12, 113016 (2010). 16. Surface-roughness-induced electric-field enhancement and triboluminescence P. Lazić, and B. Persson 4 Lazić Form A NanoTrans EPL 91, 46003 (2010). 17. Excitonic precursor states in ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopies of surface bands B. Gumhalter, P. Lazić, N. Došlić Phys. Status Solidi B 247, 1907 (2010). 18. Design of the Local Spin Polarization at the Organic-Ferromagnetic Interface N. Atodiresei, J. Brede, P. Lazić, V. Caciuc, G. Hoffman, R.Wiesendanger, and S. Blügel Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 066601 (2010). Cover page, Editor’s suggestion, Physics Nature's News and Views 19. Spin- and Energy-Dependent Tunneling through a Single Molecule with Intramolecular Spatial Resolution J. Brede, N. Atodiresei, S. Kuck, P. Lazić, V. Caciuc, Y. Morikawa, G. Hoffman, S. Blügel, and R. Wiesendanger Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 047204 (2010). Nature's News and Views 20. Photoemission and density functional theory study of Ir(111); energy band gap mapping I. Pletikosić, M. Kralj, D. Šokčević, R. Brako, P. Lazić, and P. Pervan J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 135006 (2010). 21. JuNoLo - Julich Non Local code for parallel calculation of vdW-DF nonlocal density functional theory P. Lazić, N. Atodiresei, M. Alaei, V. Caciuc, S. Blügel, R. Brako Comput. Phys. Comm. 181, 371 (2010). 22. Density functional theory with nonlocal correlation: A key to the solution of the CO adsorption puzzle P. Lazić, M. Alaei, N. Atodiresei, V. Caciuc, R. Brako, S. Blügel Phys. Rev. B 81, 045401 (2010) 23. Chemical versus van der Waals Interaction: The Role of the Heteroatom in the Flat Absorption of Aromatic Molecules C6H6;C5NH5; andC4N2H4 on the Cu(110) Surface N. Atodiresei, V. Caciuc, P. Lazić, S. Blügel Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 136809 (2009). 24. Nonadiabatic quasiparticle dynamics in time resolved electron spectroscopies of surface bands P. Lazić, D. Aumiler and B. Gumhalter Surf. Sci. 603, 1571 (2009). 25. The Robin Hood method - A new view on differential equations, P. Lazić, H. Štefančić, H. Abraham, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 32, 76 (2008). Invited Presentations and lectures on advanced schools 2013 2013 2012 2011 2008 Invited lecture "Graphene on Ir(111), adsorption and intercalation of Cs and Eu atoms" invited lecture, National University of Singapore, Graphene Center. Invited talk "Materials genome, search for water splitting materials", Meeting of Croatian and Slovenian Vacuum Society, Jeruzalem, Slovenia. Invited talk "The role of nonlocal correlation in surface adsorption", Functional Molecules on Surfaces: New Building Blocks for Nano-Spintronics, CECAM/Psi-k Workshop, Bonn, Germany. Invited lecture "Including van der Waals interactions in the DFT to calculate weakly bound systems", Uppsala University, Sweden. "Solution of the CO puzzle problem" 12th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC-12), Hungary. Conference Organization 2014 2012 The European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials, Primošten, 2014. (Local Organizing Committee) Second Adriatic School of Nanoscience, Dubrovnik, 2013. (Program Committee) 5