VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President of the Fine Arts Club is an

Each of the elected Officers in the Sun City Festival Fine Arts Club has certain
responsibilities and duties to fulfill in supporting the Club and its Members. Filling an
Officer role does not mean that you are required to do the job alone. Being a Club
Officer simply means that you are responsible for ensuring that the responsibilities are
completed. As an Officer, you are allowed and indeed, encouraged to ask other Members
of the Club to help you fulfill your duties.
Shall call the General Membership Meetings and the Executive Board Meetings
to order, preside throughout all proceedings in a fair and impartial manner.
Shall appoint the Chairpersons of all Standing, Advisory and Ad Hoc
Committees. The names of the Chairpersons shall be presented to the Executive
Board for final approval and to the General Membership for information.
Shall conduct an Executive Board Orientation Meeting following election to
Office. The Meeting shall include a complete review of the, by-laws, and financial
status. A review of the requirements of the Community Association shall be
conducted by the President with copies provided to each Board member and
Committee Chairperson.
Shall ensure that the Fine Arts Club abides by its By-Laws and established
Policies and Procedures, and the Regulations of the Community Association.
At the start of a new term of office, the President shall review all organizational
materials, past Executive Board and General Membership Meeting minutes,
Club By-Laws, Policy & Procedure manuals, historical documents and other
pertinent materials. The President shall conduct conversations with past
Officers and other Members of the Club for input into future direction for the
Shall develop a draft budget for review by the Executive Board following election.
Shall seek budget input from Committee Chairpersons, and other special
interest groups. The budget shall include projected annual income, projected
expenditures and a capital expenditure budget for the upcoming year. A budget
is a planning tool and may be adjusted during the year for unexpected revenue
and expenses. The budget shall include, but not be limited to: membership
income, art sales retainage income, special projects/fund-raising income;
educational class retainage income; administration disbursements, and for
equipment and project disbursements.
In cooperation with the Members of the Executive Board, the President shall
establish long-term and short-term goals for the Club and present the draft plan
to the Executive Board following election.
Shall develop all meeting agendas in draft format. The areas for decision shall be
clearly outlined. The Executive Board and Committee chairperson may add to
the agenda as needed and recommend changes.
January 12, 2008
Shall ensure that the Club maintains a sound financial status by monitoring all
financial and accounting activities of the Club based on the reports of the
Treasurer and oversight of the Finance Committee.
Shall review and approve all draft Policies and Procedures (P&P) prepared by the
Committees. If approval of a given P&P is required by the Executive Board
and/or General Membership, the President shall present it for review. The
President shall ensure that the P&P has been prepared in a standard format,
contains a P&P number and date and present it to the Club Secretary for filing.
Shall attend the monthly Presidents’ Meeting conducted by the Community
Association. In the case of absence, shall arrange for representation at the
Shall maintain the e-mail addresses of all members. In the event of extended
absence, the President shall appoint another Member to assist.
Shall annually reserve rooms needed for club activities.
VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President of the Fine Arts Club is an Officer
elected by the General Membership.
Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence and shall perform
any assigned duties to aid the President
Shall assume the presidency in all cases of emergency or vacancy of that office
until the next regular election.
Shall attend the monthly Presidents’ Meetings of the Community Association as
requested by the President.
Shall serve as a voting Member of the Executive Board and attend all Executive
Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings. Shall be available to attend
other committee or ad hoc meetings as requested by the President and shall
serve on Committees as designated by the President
Shall familiarize him-or-herself with the responsibilities of the President, and the
activities and positions of the organization.
Shall receive all monies and promptly deposit funds as required by Fine Arts
Club Policies & Procedures and by The Community Association rules and
Shall pay all bills approved by the President in a timely fashion. All bills must be
accompanied by appropriate documentation. No payments shall be made by the
Treasurer unless accompanied by the appropriate documentation. If requests for
payment are submitted without proper documentation, the Treasurer shall
January 12, 2008
contact the Member. Amounts over the amount specified in the by-laws must
have formal approval at the General Membership Meeting.
Shall provide a written and verbal financial report of all transactions to the
Membership at the regularly scheduled meetings and monthly at the Executive
Board Meeting. The Treasurer’s report shall be attached to the minutes of the
Membership Meeting.
Shall maintain a petty cash fund of $25 from which to pay small items
purchased for the club providing a properly authorized written bill for same has
been submitted.
Shall keep careful records of all monies in keeping with the requirements
established by the Community Association and submit in a timely fashion all
reports required by the Community Association.
Shall provide financial reports as requested by the President and/or Executive
Shall notify the President of any extended absences and arrange for a Member
approved by the President to take over the Treasurer’s duties to ensure the
timely deposit of incoming revenue, payment of invoices and required
Community Association reporting. Upon return, the Treasurer shall review the
transaction records made during his/her absences to ensure accuracy.
Shall enter the approved budget figures into the financial system and track
expenditures versus budgeted items on a monthly basis.
Shall develop comprehensive Financial Policies and Procedures for the Club in
cooperation with the Chairperson of the Finance Committee.
Shall maintain an inventory of Club equipment and assets.
Shall attend the monthly Presidents’ Meetings conducted by the Community
Association as requested by the President.
Shall provide the President with budget projections for expenses related to
his/her responsibilities.
Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
Shall be available to attend other committee or ad hoc meetings as requested by
the President.
SECRETARY: The Secretary of the Fine Arts Club is an Officer of the Club elected by
the General Membership. He/she is the designated custodian of the records for the
organization and shall collect, date, file and maintain all club records, including bylaws, budgets and other formal club records in a safe manner in accordance with the
rules established by the Club and the Community Association. The Secretary is a voting
Member of the Executive Board.
January 12, 2008
Shall record minutes of all meetings (General Membership and Executive Board)
and report such minutes at the next following meeting. The content of the
minutes shall include a description of all motions made and the voting results.
The minutes shall accurately record the decisions made at the meeting with only
as much of the discussion as necessary to provide a record of the basis for
decisions. The Executive Board Minutes shall reflect those Members present and
those absent.
Shall maintain a monthly folder in the club files containing the General
Membership and Executive Board Meeting Minutes, attendance sign-in sheet
and Treasurer’s Report.
Shall maintain files of the Club’s records including contracts, letters, etc.
Shall maintain all forms utilized in the Club that have been approved by the
President and/or the Executive Board. Each Club form shall show a form
number, date and initials of the preparer. The forms shall be maintained in a
master binder by the Secretary.
Shall provide the President with budget projections for expenses related to
his/her responsibilities.
Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
Shall be available to attend other committee or ad hoc meetings as requested by
the President.
Shall ensure that succeeding Officers are briefed on all aspects of the rules,
regulations and procedures of the Chartered Clubs.
Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings.
All Chairpersons of the Standing Committees are appointed by the President of Fine
Arts Club. The Chairpersons are non-voting Members of the Executive Board and
attend the monthly Executive Board Meetings as well as the General Membership
Meetings. In case of absence, the Chairperson is responsible for providing a timely
written report of the Committee’s activities and project progress to the Executive Board
for review or designating a Committee Member to serve during the absence.
Filling the role of a Committee Chairperson does not mean that you are required to do
the job alone. It simply means that you are responsible for ensuring that the
responsibilities are carried out. Each Chairperson selects Members to serve on the
Committee. The number of Committee Members is determined by the Committee
At the beginning of each calendar year, the President shall ask the General Membership
to indicate interest in the Committees of the Club. This information shall be provided to
each Committee Chairperson.
January 12, 2008
Shall plan and arrange for educational classes and workshops in the various art
Shall report on available art classes open to Members
Shall develop special projects of an educational nature for the membership
Shall be responsible for the developing and posting the schedule for educational
sessions, special programs or demonstrations. Shall seek input from the
various special interest groups, such as oil painting, watercolor, drawing etc.
regarding their space needs and interests.
Shall develop and present to the Executive Board for approval a list of potential
programs and related costs for the upcoming year of scheduled General
Membership Meetings. Such programs shall be designed to promote meeting
attendance and learning opportunities. Programs may include, but not be
limited to: speakers, museum or exhibit visits, hands-on demonstrations, etc.
The Chairperson shall make all necessary coordination arrangements. If an
instructor/program fee is involved, the responsible Member shall notify the
Treasurer using the required forms to reimburse the approved amount and shall
also send a thank you note to the special speaker.
Shall maintain and update a class registration binder or other sign-up record
and shall create a flyer to announce new classes available to Members.
Shall ensure that each paid instructor completes the documentation required by
the Community Association.
Shall provide for collection of Class fees, completion of sign in sheets, et al.
Shall maintain a calendar of Club classes and events and submit timely
information to the Community Association for input into the Association
newsletter, calendar, and cable T.V.
Shall provide the President with budget projections for expenses related to
his/her responsibilities.
Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
Shall be available to attend other committee or ad hoc meetings as requested by
the President.
Shall keep a permanent and current record of the name, address, phone
number, e-mail address, Homeowner’s Association Card # and areas of interest
of all Members.
January 12, 2008
Shall formally introduce and welcome all new Members at the General
Membership Meetings.
Shall report the total number of club Members and total number of new
Members at each General Membership Meeting. The numbers shall be recorded
in the minutes of the meeting.
Shall ensure that all Members and guests attending the General Membership
Meetings sign an attendance sheet that shall be given to the Club Secretary for
permanent filing.
An annual Membership Roster shall be prepared under the direction of the
Membership Chairman and made available to the Membership. Periodic updates
shall be provided to the Membership.
Shall maintain a file of all completed membership forms.
Shall provide the President with budget projections for expenses related to
his/her responsibilities.
Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
Shall be available to attend other committee or ad hoc meetings as requested by
the President.
entirely dependent upon the Volunteer efforts of our Club Members.
Having a proficient monitor present for open painting is a requirement of the
Community Association for every Chartered Club.
Shall recruit and train a cadre of volunteers, ensure that a proficient monitor is
on duty for all open painting sessions.
Shall develop a monitor training program for all Members.
Shall develop and update a Monitor duty handout. Once approved by the
Executive Board, the handout shall be available to monitors.
Shall develop a system to record the monitoring hours provided by each
Shall provide the President with budget projections for expenses related to
his/her responsibilities.
Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
Shall be available to attend other committee or ad hoc meetings as requested by
the President
January 12, 2008
Shall recruit and oversee a cadre of volunteers to assist in creating art exhibit
and display opportunities. The volunteers shall remove and hang artwork under
the direction of the Chairperson. Exhibit opportunities could include local
banks, Sage Center, special events, etc.
Shall notify Club Members of the dates for exhibiting their artwork and the rules
governing the exhibition of artwork.
Shall maintain contact with the Pulte sales manager to assure club notification
of Arts and Crafts related sales events.
Shall ensure the accurate collection of monies, issuing of receipts and transfer of
collections to the Treasurer for deposit.
Shall arrange the event space using existing equipment. If the ordering of extra
tables or equipment is necessary, the Coordinator shall notify the Executive
Committee of the details, including costs.
Shall prepare a written report of the outcome of the special events, including
income and expenses and present the information the Executive Board and at
the General Membership Meeting.
Shall provide the President with budget projections for expenses related to
his/her responsibilities.
Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
Shall be available to attend other committee meetings as requested by the
FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON While the Treasurer receives and
disburses club funds, the Finance Committee is responsible for monitoring and
ensuring the Club’s financial health. The Finance Committee Chairperson shall:
Advise the Executive Board and the General Membership on issues relating to
the budget and financial status of the organization.
Shall review the monthly financial statements in order to identify trends,
financial variations and unusual transactions and report the findings to the
Executive Board.
Review all actions and policies with major financial implications and
organizational impact.
Ensure that the financial documents required by the Association, the state and
other outside entities are submitted in a timely and accurate fashion.
Perform the annual review of the Club’s book as provided in the by-laws.
January 12, 2008
Work with the Treasurer to develop any necessary financial policies procedures
for the Club.
Shall provide the President with budget projections for expenses related to
his/her responsibilities.
Shall attend the monthly Presidents’ Meeting conducted by the Association as
requested by the President.
Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
Shall be available to attend other committee or ad hoc meetings as requested by
the President
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON: The critical role of the Nominations
Committee is to identify potential future elected leaders of the Fine Arts Club.
Identify potential nominees from the general membership and discuss
qualifications with the President.
Solicit nominations for elected Fine Arts Club Officer positions from the
Membership at large during October.
Prepare a slate of nominees for each prospective vacancy (President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer)
Present the slate of nominees at the November meeting of the General
Conduct the election process at the December meeting of the General
Verify and submit election results to the General Membership
Shall attend Executive Board meetings as requested by the President.
Shall develop an annual Community Service project for approval of the
Executive Committee.
Shall recruit, train and schedule a cadre of volunteers.
Shall develop a system to record volunteer hours provided by each member.
Shall provide the President with budget projections for expenses related to
his/her responsibilities.
Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
Shall be available to attend other committee or ad hoc meetings as requested by
the President.
January 12, 2008
Shall publish a periodic newsletter of the Club’s activities and events.
Shall publicize events and activities of the Club, working closely with the other
Committee Chairpersons.
All publicity shall be reviewed by the President prior to publication.
Shall develop activities that sustain and increase the number of members in the
Shall provide the President with budget projections for expenses related to
his/her responsibilities.
Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
Shall be available to attend other committee or ad hoc meetings as requested by
the President.
January 12, 2008