October 2011 Progress Report Prepared by the Resource Conservation Team Amanda, Corey, Sylvia, Kristina, Katie, Carson, and Clara Free Store (all) Statistics o Total visitors: 172 o Total items taken: 855 Clothes: In: 28 Out: 356 Books/School Supplies: In: 25 Out: 184 Dormware: In: 0 Out: 72 CDs/Electronics: In: 3 Out: 28 Miscellaneous: In: 17 Out: 215 o New Inventory sheets will leave out “In” section, so RCT members will be in charge of keeping track of major donations in the comments section Fall Break Makeover (Corey) o Made green laminated signs to aid in organization o Keith secured two new tables for the Free Store Hours Statistics RCT Weekly Mtg 17 Office Work & Communication 12.5 Free Store 40.5 Recycling 15.5 Composting 21.75 J-House Garden 31.5 Education/Outreach 4 Building Walkthroughs 8.25 Big Swap 1 Commencement/Orientation 0 Other 5 Johnson House Garden Built Cold Frames to extend growing season During Fall Break used OSWAMP volunteers to create a J-House Garden Rain Garden to reduce stormwater runoff and help drainage in the garden. Redesigned the beds to align with onsite drainage Held Friday/Saturday garden hours 2-4pm Recycling Recycled notepads o Created 100 recycled notepads for a ResEd conference with information specific to Oberlin on how to recycle o Revived recycled notepad service by continuing to bring one-sided paper to Printing Services Burton Paper Pilot Program o Developed a program to both gauge the efficacy of educating dorm residents about source separation and to make better use of the Abitibi bins o Researched and ordered paper-only bins and one central outdoor barrel with lids in order to begin pilot program; confirmed with Molly Tyson and Scott Callow for permission o Created signs for audit, communicated with residents and RAs about audit Shift to source separation o Met with Jeff Baumman and Rob Lampa about recycling system in Oberlin Building Walk-throughs o Updated logs for October and began to fix issues highlighted in log Improved signage Working with ENVS 101 group to develop a waste audit for source separation vs. comingled Composting Kahn (Clara) o Emptied green tumbler in J-House because it was almost full and contents were juicy o Brought black tumbler to Kahn for future use o Maggots found in the tumbler Situation remedied by adding dry leaves o Closed the system over Fall Break On-campus pick up system (Kristina) o Had an update meeting with Molly, Scott, Dennis No complaints from staff, all seems to be running smoothly o Compost runs started and have been successful! We have taken over 355lbs of food waste to the J-House Garden Captains have been helpful and have participated in compost runs o Working with an ENVS 101 group to find the best way to compost They will be building an enclosure for the compost piles starting in November Are researching the best options Meeting during Fall Break with Facilities, CDS, and Lorain County Reps o Discussed possibility of starting the process of creating a city-wide compost system Big Swap Met with Keith on Oct 10th to discuss how the Big Swap can be most successful o Advertising o Distributing colored bags o Coordinate “Pick up” times, like a bus going around to dorms to pick up things o ResEd helpers 6-16 (depending on how many RCTers stay for commencement)