Application for Employment

Saint Mary Cathedral
Application for Employment
Our policy is to provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons without regard to race,
creed, color, religious belief, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, or
veteran status.
General Information
PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. Complete the entire application. It is recommended that you attach a resume,
however you must still complete all questions; or your application will be deemed incomplete and may not be
considered. Please fill out each question. PLEASE DO NOT complete this information with the notation “See
Date: ______________
Last name: ____________________
Social Security #:____________________
First name: __________________
Middle name: _________
Street Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________
Home Phone: ________________
State: _______
ZIP: _______
Work Phone: ________________
Other Phone: ___________
Other names under which you have attended school or been employed: _________________________
Position applying for: _____________________________________________________
How did you hear of this opening? ___________________________________________
When can you start? _______________________
Desired Wage $______________
Are you a U.S. citizen or otherwise authorized to work in the U.S. on an unrestricted basis? (You may
be required to provide documentation.) ☐ Yes ☐ No
Are you looking for full-time employment? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If NO, what hours are you available? ______________
Are you 18 years of age or older? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If NO, what is your current age? ______________
Have you ever been employed by Saint Mary Cathedral? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If YES, what were your dates of employment and reason for leaving? ____________________
Are you related to any current employee of Saint Mary Cathedral? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If YES, what is his/her name and their relationship to you? _____________________________
If required for the position, do you have a valid driver’s license? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If YES, from which state and when does it expire? ___________________________________
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin
High School
Did you
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
Other School:
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
Name of School
If YES, date of
Language Skills:
Are bilingual (English/Spanish)? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If YES, please indicate level: Conversing—☐ Proficient ☐ Somewhat Proficient ☐ Not Proficient
Writing—☐ Proficient ☐ Somewhat Proficient ☐ Not Proficient
Reading—☐ Proficient ☐ Somewhat Proficient ☐ Not Proficient
Please note other/additional languages spoken: ____________________________________________
Employment History (Start with most recent employer)
Please detail your work history. Begin with your current or most recent employer. If you held multiple
positions with the same organization, detail each position separately. Omission of prior employment may be
considered falsification of information. Please explain any gaps in employment. Include full-time military or
volunteer commitments. PLEASE DO NOT complete this information with the notation “See Resume.”
PLEASE NOTE: Saint Mary Cathedral reserves the right to contact all current and former employers for
reference information.
Company Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________ Telephone _________________________
Date Started ___________ Starting Wage ____________ Starting Position ________________
Date Ended _____________ Ending Wage ____________ Ending Position ________________
Name of Supervisor ____________________________________
May we contact? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Responsibilities _______________________________________________________________
Reason for leaving ______________________________________________________________
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin
Company Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________ Telephone _____________________
Date Started ____________ Starting Wage ____________ Starting Position _______________
Date Ended _____________ Ending Wage ____________ Ending Position ________________
Name of Supervisor ____________________________________
May we contact? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Responsibilities ________________________________________________________________
Reason for leaving ______________________________________________________________
Company Name _______________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________ Telephone ______________________
Date Started ____________ Starting Wage ____________ Starting Position _______________
Date Ended _____________ Ending Wage ____________ Ending Position ________________
Name of Supervisor ____________________________________
May we contact? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Responsibilities ________________________________________________________________
Reason for leaving ______________________________________________________________
Company Name ________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________ Telephone ______________________
Date Started ____________ Starting Wage ____________ Starting Position _______________
Date Ended _____________ Ending Wage ____________ Ending Position ________________
Name of Supervisor ____________________________________
May we contact? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Responsibilities ________________________________________________________________
Reason for leaving ______________________________________________________________
In addition to your work history, are there other skills, qualifications, or experience that we should
consider? Attach additional information if necessary.
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin
Please provide two (2) professional references that may be contacted to verify your qualifications.
Reference #1:
Name: ________________________________
E-mail Address: ___________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________
Telephone: ___________________
Reference #2:
Name: ________________________________
E-mail Address: ___________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________
Telephone: ___________________
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin
Other Information
This confidential information is to be used by Human Resource and Ethics in Ministry Offices ONLY for
statistical and background check purposes. Unauthorized use of this information is grounds for
termination of employment. ALL questions are required. If not applicable, please enter, “N/A”.
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? (This will not necessarily affect your application.)
☐ Yes ☐ No
If YES, please give details, conviction(s) and date(s). _______________________________________
Note: Successful completion of probation, community supervision, parole or deferred adjudication is considered
a “conviction” for the purpose of this application.
To your best knowledge, have you ever been the subject of a complaint submitted through any
diocese’s safe environment/Ethics and Integrity in Ministry process, or any complaint involving
allegations of child abuse, abuse of the elderly or any inappropriate sexual conduct?
☐ Yes ☐ No
If YES, please give details of the complaints: ______________________________________________
Background Check Information
This confidential information is to be used by Human Resource and Ethics in Ministry Offices ONLY for
statistical and background check purposes. Unauthorized use of this information is grounds for
termination of employment.
Legal First Name: ___________________________________
Legal Middle Name: _________________________________
Legal Last Name: ___________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Have you changed your last name in the past three (3) years? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If YES, what was your previous last name? _________________________________________
Have you lived outside of Texas in the last five (5) years? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If YES, what state(s) did you live in? ______________________________________________
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin
EEOC Compliance
The Cathedral is dedicated to equal opportunity in employment without regard to race, gender, national
origin, age, veteran or disabled status, or any other protected class. Reasonable accommodations will
be made as appropriate to enable any employee or applicant for employment to safely and properly
perform the job applied for as requested and as appropriate.
The following information is necessary for this company to evaluate its hiring practices and to track its
progress and effectiveness in complying with its equal employment policies. The information is
voluntary and will be kept as confidential as possible.
Please check the appropriate boxes and complete the following entries.
☐ I choose not to provide race and/or gender information at this time.
Sex: ☐ Male
☐ Female
Age: _______
Specific Instructions: The two questions below are designed to identify your ethnicity and race.
Regardless of your answer to question 1, go to question 2.
Question 1. Are You Hispanic or Latino? (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or
Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.) ☐ Yes ☐ No
Question 2. Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify by
placing an “X” in the appropriate box. Check as many as apply.
(Check as many as apply)
☐ American Indian or Alaska
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North
and South America (including Central America), and who
maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
☐ Asian
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the
Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including,
for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,
Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
☐ Black or African American
A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of
☐ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific
Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of
☐ White
Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Religious Affiliation:
☐ Roman Catholic
☐ Orthodox Catholic
☐ Eastern Catholic
☐ Lutheran
☐ Methodist
☐ Baptist
☐ Evangelical
☐ Mainstream Protestant
☐ Muslim
☐ Hindu
☐ Other:
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin
1. I certify that all information provided by me in connection with this application for employment,
whether specifically listed on this document or provided by other means, is true and complete, and I
understand that any misstatement, falsification, omission or concealment of any information may be
grounds for refusal to hire or, if already hired, immediate termination of employment.
2. I understand that as a condition of employment, I will be required to provide legal proof of
authorization to work in the United States of America.
3. I give permission to Saint Mary Cathedral to check with any law enforcement or criminal justice
agencies for my criminal history or driving record.
4. I understand and accept the condition of employment that requires my professional and personal
conduct to conform to the ethical and moral teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
5. I authorize any of the persons or organizations referenced in this application to provide any and all
information concerning my previous employment, education or any other information they might
have, whether personal or otherwise, with regard to any of the subjects covered by this application,
and I release all such parties from all liability from any damages which may result from furnishing
such information or from any use of this information.
Signature_______________________________________________ Date _________________
For Office Use Only:
Date Application Submitted:
Date of Interview:
Date Resume Submitted:
Date of Reference Check:
Date of Employment Verification:
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin