Nortrax 190 David Manchester Road, Ottawa 16 May 2014 1 08 52 01 ALUMINUM WINDOWS Page 1 General .1 1.1 This Section specifies horizontal and vertical sliding, casement, projected and fixed windows. Drawings indicate window elevations, dimensions, opening vents and other pertinent details. RELATED WORK .1 Sheet Vapour Barriers - Joining of air, vapour and waterproof membranes to window frames .2 Batt and Blanket Insulation .3 Sealants - Caulking of joints between frames and other building components 1.2 REFERENCE .1 CAN/CSA-A440-M90 Windows. .2 CSA G164-M1981 Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. .3 CAN/CGSB-12.2-M76 Glass, Sheet, Flat, Clear. .4 CAN/CGSB-12.3-M76 Glass, Polished Plate or Float, Flat, Clear. .5 CAN/CGSB-12.4-M76 Glass, Heat Absorbing. .6 CAN/CGSB-12.8-M76 Insulating Glass Units. .7 CAN/CGSB-12.10-M76 Glass, Light and Heat Reflecting. .8 CAN/CGSB-1.40-M89 Primer, Structural Steel, Oil Alkyd Type. .9 CGSB 79-GP-1M-76 Screens, Aluminum Frame, Window. 1.3 SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Submit shop drawings in pdf format. .2 Indicate materials and details in scale full size for head, jamb and sill, profiles of components, interior and exterior trim, junction between combination units, elevations of unit, anchorage details, location of isolation coating, description of related components and exposed finishes fasteners, and caulking. Indicate location of manufacturer's nameplates. Nortrax 190 David Manchester Road, Ottawa 16 May 2014 1.4 08 52 01 ALUMINUM WINDOWS Page 2 MAINTENANCE DATA .1 1.5 Provide operation and maintenance data in pdf format for windows for incorporation into manual. WARRANTY .1 Contractor hereby warrants aluminum against leakage, defects and malfunction under normal usage in accordance with the contract but for three years. 2 Products 2.1 MATERIALS .1 Materials: to CAN/CSA-A440 supplemented as follows: .2 All windows by same manufacturer. .3 Sash: aluminum, thermally broken. .4 Main frame: aluminum, thermally broken, nominal size 130 mm x 40 mm . .5 Glass: .1 Clear sheet glass: to CAN/CGSB-12.2. .2 Insulating glass units: to CAN/CGSB-12.8, with outer pane of 6 mm clear glass and inner pane of 6 mm clear glass with 25 mm total minimum thickness. .6 Exterior metal sills: extruded aluminum or brake formed aluminum sheet metal of type and size as detailed; minimum 3 mm thick, complete with joint covers, jamb drip deflectors, chairs and anchors. .7 Isolation coating: alkali resistant bituminous paint. .8 Kawneer 518 Series or approved equal. 2.2 WINDOW TYPE AND CLASSIFICATION .1 Types of windows are indicated on drawings. .2 Classification rating: to CAN/CSA-A440. .1 Air leakage: A1 .2 Water leakage: B1 .3 Wind load resistance: C1 .4 Condensation resistance: Temperature Index, I [ ] Nortrax 190 David Manchester Road, Ottawa 16 May 2014 .5 .6 .7 2.3 08 52 01 ALUMINUM WINDOWS Page 3 Forced Entry: F1 Insect Screens: S1 Glazing: G1 FABRICATION .1 Fabricate in accordance with CAN/CSA-A440 supplemented as follows: .2 Fabricate units square and true with maximum tolerance of plus or minus 1.5 mm for units with a diagonal measurement of 1800 mm or less and plus or minus 3 mm for units with a diagonal measurement over 1800 mm. .3 Face dimensions detailed are maximum permissible sizes. .4 Brace frames to maintain squareness and rigidity during shipment and installation. .5 Finish steel clips and reinforcement with shop coat primer to CAN/CGSB-1.40 or 380 g/m2 zinc coating to CSA G164. 2.4 ALUMINUM FINISHES .1 2.5 Finish exposed surfaces of aluminum components in accordance with Aluminum Association Designation System for Aluminum Finishes - 1980. .1 Clear anodic finish. ISOLATION COATING .1 2.6 Isolate aluminum from following components, by means of isolation coating: .1 Dissimilar metals except stainless steel, zinc, or white bronze of small area. .2 Concrete, mortar and masonry. .3 Wood. GLAZING .1 Glaze windows in accordance with CAN/CSA-A440. .2 Factory glaze all units 2.7 AIR BARRIER AND VAPOUR RETARDER .1 Equip window frames with factory installed air barrier and vapour retarder material for sealing to building air barrier and vapour retarder as follows: Nortrax 190 David Manchester Road, Ottawa 16 May 2014 08 52 01 ALUMINUM WINDOWS Page 4 .1 Material: identical to, or compatible with, building air barrier and vapour retarder materials to provide required air tightness and vapour diffusion control throughout exterior envelope assembly. .2 Material width: adequate to provide required air tightness and vapour diffusion control to building air barrier and vapour retarder from interior. 3 Execution 3.1 WINDOW INSTALLATION .1 Install in accordance with CAN/CSA-A440. .2 Arrange components to prevent abrupt variation in colour. 3.2 SILL INSTALLATION .1 Install metal sills with uniform wash to exterior, level in length, straight in alignment with plumb upstands and faces. Use one piece lengths at each location. .2 Cut sills to fit window opening. .3 Secure sills in place with anchoring devices located at ends and evenly spaced 600 mm o/c in between. .4 Fasten expansion joint cover plates and drip deflectors with self tapping stainless steel screws. .5 Maintain 6 to 10 mm space between butt ends of continuous sills. For sills over 1200 mm in length, maintain 3 to 6 mm space at each end. 3.3 CAULKING .1 Seal joints between windows and window sills with sealant. Bed sill expansion joint cover plates and drip deflectors in bedding compound. Caulk between sill upstand and window frame. Caulk butt joints in continuous sills. .2 Apply sealant in accordance with Section 07 90 - Sealants. Conceal sealant within window units except where exposed use is permitted by Architect. END OF SECTION