Bingo vocab Review

Plate Tectonic Bingo Words and Definitions for Review
Directions: Fill in the boxes on your Bingo board with the following words and/or phrases.
Tectonic plates - the lithosphere is divided into pieces they are called
Pangaea – a single large landmass
Mesosaurus -
small reptile that lived in S America and Africa
Glossopteris - Fern like plant that was found on 6 different land masses
Continental drift – the hypothesis that states the continents were one landmass and have since drifted apart
Appalachian Mts. – Mountain that are found in North America and Europe
Sea-floor spreading –the process where molten rock deep in earth rises through cracks in the ridges, cools and forms
new ocean floor
Younger rocks – What age rocks are found near the mid-ocean ridges?
Older rocks – What age rocks are found farthest from the mid-ocean ridges?
Trench – deep canyons in the sea floor
Rift valley – crack down the middle of the mid-ocean ridge where lava erupts and new sea floor is made
Mid-ocean ridge – large volcanic mountain chain on ocean floors
Plate Tectonics – large scale movement of Earth’s lithosphere from convection currents in the mantle
Convergent boundaries –where plates come together
Divergent boundaries –where plates pull apart
Transform boundaries –where plates slide by each other
Mountains form –What forms when two continental plates collide?
Subduction – the process where a denser plate slides under a less dense plate
Ridge push – a force that pushes plates away from the mid-ocean ridge
Slab pull – a force that pulls the denser rock down and into the mantle
Convection/convection currents – occurs in the asthenosphere where hot rock rises and cooler rock sinks
It is older, cooler and denser –Which ocean plate subducts when two ocean plates collide?
It is denser –Why do ocean plates subduct under continental plates?
Basalt –the rock the underlies the oceans
Granite – the rock that underlies the continents
They are the same density – When two continental plates collide why doesn’t subduction occur?
Wegener – The man who proposed the continental drift hypothesis
Sonar – What technology was used to map the ocean floor?
Couldn’t explain how the continents moved –Why wasn’t Wegener’s hypothesis accepted?
Evidence of glaciers and coal deposits –What was the climate evidence Wegener used to defend his hypothesis?
Smooth and level – What did scientists believe the ocean floor looked like?
San Andreas Fault –As example of a transform boundary