Closing date for applications: 9am Monday 17


Teaching Leaders

2014 Development Coach Application Pack

Closing date for applications:

9am Monday 17 February

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Section 1: Our Vision, Mission, Organisation and Values

Section 2: The Development Coach Role

2.1 Role Overview

2.2 Person Specification

2.3 What Do We Expect From Our Development Coaches?

2.4 Development Coach Commitments

2.5 Teaching Leaders’ Commitments to Coaches

2.6 Contractual Arrangements

Section 3: The Assessment Centre

Section 4: Induction and Development


Appendix One: Regional Coach Recruitment and Induction Timelines

Appendix Two: Teaching Leaders 2014 Development Coach Application Form

Appendix Three: Teaching Leaders Coach Expense Policy















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Section 1: Our Vision, Mission and Values

Our Vision

Teaching Leaders’ vision is of a better society: one where life chances are not predetermined by social class, nor shackled by educational disadvantage. In the belief that children’s success at school can be driven not by social background but by the quality and kind of education they receive, we want to strengthen the capacity of those who lead teaching and learning closest to the frontline of schools in challenging contexts: middle leaders.

Our Mission

To address educational disadvantage by growing a movement of outstanding middle leaders in schools in challenging contexts.

Our History

Teaching Leaders is an education charity, specifically focused on developing outstanding middle leaders. It was developed in 2008 in partnership with four of the UK’s most forward-thinking educational organisations: the National College, ARK, Teach First and Future Leaders.

We identify, train and develop middle leaders working in schools in the most challenging contexts. Over the last five years, we have worked with middle leaders in 440 eligible secondary schools through our two programmes; TL Fellows, for high potential individuals, and TL Teams, for groups of middle leaders.

The TL Fellows programme was launched in 2008 as a pilot for 30 high potential middle leaders in

London. In 2011, we were awarded a 3-year expansion grant to grow the TL Fellows programme to a further 720 middle leaders nationwide. To date, we have developed 776 Fellows and Alumni from

209 schools across the country and are targeting a cohort of 420 high-potential individuals for our

2014 cohort.

The TL Teams programme started in 2010 as an in-school modular programme. In 2012, we were awarded a licence from the National College to deliver the National Professional Qualification for

Middle Leadership (NPQML) in partnership with Future Leaders. We now deliver the NPQML qualification nationwide to schools in challenging contexts.

Our Impact

Pupils in Teaching Leaders departments outperform the national average for 3, 4 and 5 expected levels of progress

3 Levels: 77.1% children led by TL Fellows made 3 levels of progress (EBacc subjects), 75%

(English and Maths); compared to 71.6% national average for English and Maths

4 Levels: 42.5% children led by TL Fellows made 4 levels of progress (EBacc subjects), 33.3%

(English and Maths); compared to 32.1% national average for English and Maths

5 Levels: 14% children led by TL Fellows made 5 levels of progress (EBacc subjects), 8.6% in

(English and Maths); compared to 8.4% national average for English and Maths

While national GCSE A*-C remains static, Teaching Leaders departments have raised attainment by

7% from 64.9% in 2011 to 71.8% in 2013

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Reducing the tail of underachievement:

Pupils are 35% less likely to fall into the tail of underachievement than the national average

(E or below at GCSE)

7% fewer children achieving below C than the national average

76% of Key Stage 4 pupils targeted by Fellows’ Impact Initiatives achieved A*- C at GCSE

Our Values

Innovative; Optimistic; Collaborative; Uncompromising; Personal.

Teaching Leaders strives to demonstrate our values in everything that we do and are looking for

Development Coaches who are aligned with these values.

More information can be found at:

Section 2: The Development Coach Role

As an organisation, we believe a coaching and mentoring culture supports us in achieving our mission—developing outstanding middle leaders whose teams significantly impact student achievement. We want to ensure our middle leaders are equipped with the necessary skills and support to deliver high quality leadership to their teams and students, and we believe coaching is a sound investment to support this.

2.1 Role Overview

Teaching Leaders Fellows work in schools in challenging contexts, and have been selected through a rigorous application and assessment process.

The Development Coach role is a two-year commitment supporting high potential middle leaders on our Fellows Programme to improve student outcomes in their departments or areas of responsibility. Senior leadership experience in a challenging secondary school is a requirement for this role. The Development Coach role is open to both currently serving and former senior school leaders.

Coaching is a crucial and central part of Fellows’ experience and development. Development

Coaches are the link between the curriculum and training delivered on the programme and the school context, supporting Fellows to incorporate this learning into their practice as middle leaders.

Coaching is the most personalised element of the programme, allowing Fellows to see a direct impact within their roles, their leadership and consequently in outcomes for their students.

“Each coaching session has an immediate positive impact on the Leadership of my team and on my development as a leader.” (Teaching Leaders Fellow)

By the end of their two-year relationship with the Development Coach and completion of the

Teaching Leaders Fellows Programme, Fellows will have:

Overcome difficult situations, building their resilience and capacity to face challenges head on.

Planned strategically to deliver a high-impact Improvement Initiative.

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Used data fully to set targets, monitor progress and evaluate results.

Led highly effective teams and created a culture of accountability for themselves and their teams.

Understood and demonstrated a repertoire of leadership behaviours and approaches.

Learnt to reflect objectively on their practice.

Developed the necessary confidence to fully step up to outstanding middle leadership being highly motivated to take on any future role.

2.2 Personal Specification


Experience of working as a senior leader (Assistant Head or above) in a secondary school in a challenging context.

Experience of, and a passion for, developing middle leaders.

An understanding of the challenging environments in which our Fellows work.

Enthusiasm for working with Teaching Leaders.

Development Coaches should be aligned with our mission and values, and be flexible and comfortable with being a part of a growing, dynamic organisation.

An ability to act as an ambassador for Teaching Leaders, demonstrating a commitment to, and passion for, the programme when representing our organisation.

An ability to employ a variety of coaching models and techniques adapting approaches in accordance with the needs of individual Fellows.

A commitment to your own learning and a desire to develop as a Coach and professional.


Whilst a formal coaching/mentoring qualification and accreditation would be useful, the most important factor for us is your commitment to your own development as a Coach and the development of others.

2.3 What We Expect From Our Development Coaches

We expect Development Coaches to:

Enable our Fellows to become outstanding middle leaders by unlocking their potential to effectively lead their teams, raise student performance and become self-aware school leaders.

Behave professionally at all times and set appropriate boundaries.

Work in partnership with our partner schools.

Be resilient and mentally tough.

Challenge and encourage.

Know how to, and to be able to, flex their coaching style.

Be honest.

Set high standards.

Give and ask for feedback to support their professional development as a Coach.

See themselves as part of the Teaching Leaders team and truly understand our mission and programme, working with the regional teams to support Fellows’ development.

Be well organised, with good IT skills, and able to meet deadlines.

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2.4 Development Coach Commitments

The Development Coach core and per-Fellow annual remuneration package has been calculated to cover the following commitments:

Complete 8 Coaching Visits per Fellow per year within the time-frame specified by Teaching

Leaders—6 of these to be face-to-face visits completed in the Fellow’s school unless exceptional circumstances apply; 2 to be telephone sessions. Both school based sessions and telephone sessions are a minimum of 2 hours.

Coach within our framework: we expect our Coaches to utilise their educational experience and knowledge of coaching within the framework of our coaching programme, which is defined by a set agenda, topic, Coaching Visit Prompt and timeframe for each of the 6 face-to-face and 2 telephone visits each year of the programme. We expect Coaches to conduct each Coaching

Visit according to the Coaching Visit Prompt supplied in advance of visits by the Regional Lead


Record and upload Coaching Visit Reviews (CVRs) onto the Teaching Leaders online Platform within 5 working days of completing each visit, capturing the discussion and identifying agreed action points with dates for completion.

Provide written feedback on the TL Platform to support Fellows in producing an effective Impact


Support and encourage Fellows to make effective use of the Leadership Academy.

Support Fellows in using our programme tools.

Submit comments about Fellows’ development each term to be included in the Termly Progress

Reports sent by regional teams to partner schools.

Commit to attend the relevant Coach and Fellow Induction programmes and Residential, including Coach Development and Supervision Sessions (see Appendix One for dates); in the event that a Development Coach is unable to attend a required session, it is the responsibility of the Development Coach to offer payback time or submit a reduced invoice.

Meet with the Regional Lead Coach twice a year, and additionally as necessary, for 1:1s as part of a quality assurance process.

Attend any additional Coach Days as arranged by Teaching Leaders.

Undergo a DBS check for Teaching Leaders.

2.5 Teaching Leaders’ Commitments to Coaches

We will offer on-going professional development including opportunities for peer supervision and 1:1 support from the Regional Lead Coach.

Membership of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) will be provided to all

Teaching Leaders’ Coaches. Coaches will be expected to accept and maintain the principles outlined in the EMCC’s Code of Ethics. More information can be found at:


Coaches will have access to EMCC Regional Networks and events, forming a considerable part of their on-going CPD.

We will provide opportunities for each Coach to feedback on their Teaching Leaders’ experience and contribute to the on-going development of our coaching programme.

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2.6 Contractual Arrangements

Appointed Development Coaches will be offered a consultancy contract with Teaching Leaders.

Contractual agreements will be formalised during July 2014, once Fellow recruitment has ended and final Fellow numbers are confirmed.

Each Development Coach will be issued an annual contract outlining remuneration for work undertaken that academic year; the contract will be revised and reissued in the second year of the programme.

For coaches who are self-employed the remuneration package is calculated by adding a set core amount and a per-Fellow amount. The core amount is remuneration for Induction and Residential

(Year 1 only), and on-going development and supervision requirements including 1:1s with the

Regional Lead Coach. The per-Fellow amount is dependent on coaching-load allocation and is remuneration for required coaching work.

For coaches who are serving school leaders the remuneration package is based on the per-Fellow amount only plus attendance at the Fellows Induction Day and is paid to the school.

The daily rate used to calculate the remuneration for the coaching package is £400. Coaches will also be reimbursed, up to a maximum specified amount, for travel to Fellows’ schools for face-to-face

Coaching Visits and for travel to central London, Manchester or Birmingham for induction, development, supervision and 1:1 sessions. Please see the Teaching Leaders Coach Expense Policy in

Appendix Four.

Coaching remuneration package break down by year

Core Amount

Covering payment for Induction & Residential

(year 1 only) and on-going development, supervision and 1:1s with Regional Lead Coach

Per-Fellow Amount

Covering coaching work and associated requirements as outlined in the role description

Year 1 Amount

August 2014-July


£3,400 (equivalent to

8.5 days)

3.5 days / £1,400

Year 2 Amount

August 2015-July


£1,400 (equivalent to

3.5 days)

3.5 days / £1,400

We will discuss desired coaching-load allocation with successfully appointed Development Coaches prior to the issuing of contracts.

Teaching Leaders cap the coaching allocation to ensure that Development Coaches can meet all coaching commitments within specified timeframes.

For Development Coaches are serving school leaders, the allocation is a minimum of 4 and a

maximum of 8 Fellows.

For new coaches, the usual allocation is 10 Fellows.

Returning coaches may have a maximum allocation of 12 Fellows.

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Section 3: The Assessment Centre

We are recruiting 12-15 Development Coaches to work with our London & South East cohort of 180

Fellows, 12-15 Development Coaches to work with our North cohort of 165 Fellows, and 9

Development Coaches to work with our Midlands cohort of 90 Fellows.

We are particularly interested in recruiting coaches in the following areas:

London and South East

Bournemouth / Southampton


Brighton / Eastbourne







West Yorkshire









We believe Development Coach Assessment Centres provide an objective method for assessing candidates and ensuring that they have the appropriate skills, values, and personal attributes to work with our Fellows, partner schools and organisation.

The application and assessment process will enable us to better understand you and your strengths, so we can make the best appointments for our organisation and match successful candidates most effectively with our Fellows.

We will review all applications received by the deadline and those who are shortlisted will be invited to participate in the final stage of the application process: an Assessment Centre.

Please be aware we do not have capacity to give feedback at the application stage due to the high volume of applications we receive.

Please refer to Appendix One for region specific application timelines and Assessment Centre dates.

Applicants can indicate preferred Assessment Centre dates when submitting their Application Form.

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The Assessment Centre will consist of 5 activities:


30 minute Focussed Interview

This session is to learn more about you, your values, and experience developing and empowering others to be successful.


30 minute Live Action Coaching Session

This session will be observed by one of our Assessors. The coachee will be a current Teaching

Leaders Fellow who has been briefed on the purpose of the session and will bring a real issue to explore with you. The purpose of this session is to observe how you coach, your style and approach.


30 minute Peer Reflection and Discussion of Live Action Coaching Session

During this session, all Development Coach candidates invited to the Assessment Centre will be asked to reflect upon and discuss their Live Action Coaching Session. The purpose of this session is to see how you engage in reflection with peers.


15 minute Feedback Session

During this session you will be given feedback compiled by Assessors during Live Action

Coaching and the Peer Reflection and Discussion. The purpose of this session is to see how you respond to feedback.


15 minute Reflective Review

During this activity you will be given the opportunity to reflect in writing on the Assessment

Centre overall by analysing your performance and learning from the Assessment Centre while also highlighting strengths and development areas. This Reflective Review will form part of the assessment process.

All candidates who attend an Assessment Centre, should they request it, will receive additional feedback from their Focussed Interview and Reflective Review.

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Section 4: Coach Induction, Fellow Induction and

Residential Events

Newly appointed 2014 Development Coaches will be required to attend all of the events outlined below.

Returning Coaches will be required to attend the Fellow Induction and Residential; specific dates can be found in Appendix One.

Coach Induction—newly appointed Development Coaches only

New Development Coaches will be given an overview of the Teaching Leaders 2014 Fellows

Programme, how coaching functions within it, and the role of a Development Coach. Coaches will also be introduced to the Teaching Leaders model of and approach to coaching and will be given further opportunity to practise and develop their coaching skills. Attendance at the

Development Coach Induction is a requirement of the role, and in line with Teaching Leaders’ policy, only travel expenses will be paid.

Fellow Induction Day—all Development Coaches

The focus of this day is to introduce Fellows to the Teaching Leaders programme and regional team including meeting Development Coaches for the first time.

Fellow Residential—all Development Coaches

Development Coaches will be needed for some or all of this period to facilitate sessions with

Fellows and to attend further induction and development sessions to prepare them for working with Fellows.

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Appendix One:

Regional Coach Recruitment and Induction Timeline

Region: London/South East

Contact: Christine Drummond

0203 116 6364


Monday 17 February

Monday 24 February

Tuesday 4 March

Wednesday 5 March

Thursday 20 March

Week beginning 28 April


Closing date for applications

Candidates informed whether successful or unsuccessful in their application. If successful, the candidate will be invited to an Assessment Centre.

We do not have capacity to give feedback at the application stage due to the high volume of applications we receive.

London & South East Assessment Centre 1 (Canterbury)

London & South East Assessment Centre 2 (London)

London & South East Assessment Centre 3 (Southampton)

Shortlisted candidates informed via telephone whether or not they were successful at Assessment Centre

Week beginning 28 April

Monday 30 June

Friday 11 July

Saturday 16 August to Tuesday 19


Telephone feedback will be arranged for all shortlisted candidates post the Assessment Centre, if requested

London & South East Development Coach Induction (Newly appointed coaches only. Location: London)

Fellow Induction Day (location: London)

Fellow Residential (location: University of Warwick)

*No applications will be accepted from candidates who cannot commit to attend the required July

& August events.

*Please note that we are unable to pay travel expenses to those candidates invited to Assessment


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Region: North

Contact: Darren Whysall

0161 6695614


Monday 17 February

Monday 24 February

Wednesday 5 March

Thursday 6 March

Thursday 13 March

Thursday 20 March

Week beginning 28 April

Week beginning 28 April


Closing date for applications

Candidates informed whether successful or unsuccessful in their application. If successful, the candidate will be invited to an Assessment Centre.

We do not have capacity to give feedback at the application stage due to the high volume of applications we receive.

North Assessment Centre 1 (Newcastle)

North Assessment Centre 2 & 2a (Newcastle)

North Assessment Centre 3 (Manchester)

North Assessment Centre 4 & 4a (Manchester)

Shortlisted candidates informed via telephone whether or not they were successful at Assessment Centre

Telephone feedback will be arranged for all shortlisted candidates post the Assessment Centre, if requested


Friday 11 July

Saturday 16 August to Tuesday 19


North Development Coach Induction (Newly appointed coaches only. Location: tba)

Fellow Induction Day (Newcastle and Manchester)

Fellow Residential (location: University of Warwick)

*No applications will be accepted from candidates who cannot commit to attend the required July

& August events.

*Please note that we are unable to pay travel expenses to those candidates invited to Assessment


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Region: Midlands

Contact: Liz Merryman

0121 632 2165


Monday 17 February

Monday 24 February

Wednesday 12 March

Monday 24 March

Wednesday 26 March

Monday 7 April

Week beginning 28 April

Week beginning 5 May


Closing date for applications

Candidates informed whether successful or unsuccessful in their application. If successful, the candidate will be invited to an Assessment Centre.

We do not have capacity to give feedback at the application stage due to the high volume of applications we receive.

Midlands Assessment Centre 1 (location: Birmingham)

Midlands Assessment Centre 2 (location: Birmingham)

Midlands Assessment Centre 3 (location: Birmingham)

Midlands Assessment Centre 4 (location: Birmingham)

Shortlisted candidates informed via telephone whether or not they were successful at Assessment Centre

Telephone feedback will be arranged for all shortlisted candidates post the Assessment Centre, if requested

Friday 4 July

Friday 11 July

Saturday 16 August to Tuesday 19


Midlands Development Coach Induction (Newly appointed coaches only. Location: Birmingham)

Fellow Induction Day (location: Birmingham)

Fellow Residential (location: University of Warwick)

*No applications will be accepted from candidates who cannot commit to attend the required July &

August events.

*Please note that we are unable to pay travel expenses to those candidates invited to Assessment


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Appendix Two:

Teaching Leaders 2014 Development Coach Application

Form Instructions

New Applicants

To apply for the role, email the following to

no later than Friday, 14 th February 2014:

A completed Application Form

A short CV—maximum 1 page A4, double-sided

Contact details of 2 referees—specifically someone you have coached/developed and your most recent line manager (we will only contact your referee if your application is successful)

Please note that all the information provided will be used in the strictest confidence.

When submitting your application, please put Coach Application and the region you are applying

for in the email subject line. Any additional information or documentation submitted by applicants, but not requested in the Application Form, will not be reviewed or taken into consideration when short-listing.

Please see the tables at the end of the Application Form to indicate your preferred Assessment

Centre dates. If your application is successful and you are invited to an Assessment Centre, we will do our best to accommodate your preferences, but this may not always be possible.

We do not have capacity to give feedback at the application stage due to the high volume of applications we receive.

Returning Coaches

We value the work of our existing Coaches and our new recruitment and selection process will not affect any current contractual agreements. All current 2012 Coaches who wish to apply to coach on the 2014 cohort, and are eligible to do so based on their current allocation and the minimum and maximum allocations, are asked to submit a formal letter of intent, including acknowledgement of the contractual changes and attendance at key events.

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Teaching Leaders 2014 Development Coach Application



Can you commit to all 2013 Development Coach required dates for the region(s) you are applying as specified in Appendix One?

Yes No

Can you commit to all requirements of the role as specified in Section 2?

Yes No

Do you have experience of working as a senior leader (Assistant Head or above) in a secondary school in a challenging context?

Yes No

Note: if you cannot tick ‘Yes’ to all three boxes and provide the additional information requested above, we will not be able to take your application further.

Please provide the following additional information (please insert more rows if required):

Senior Leadership

Role Held

Dates Key Responsibilities School/Academy Challenging context (see below)

At Teaching Leaders we define a challenging context as schools which meet one of the following criteria

Ever 6 FSM of 50% or more or

Ever 6 FSM of 25% – 50% AND fewer than 59.4% of your disadvantaged pupils achieving 5A*-C GCSE (including

English and maths) and/or

Fewer than 40% of your pupils gain 5A*-C GCSE (including English and maths)

Are you a Serving school Leader?

No Yes Name of School / Academy

Telephone Number and Mobile number

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Which region are you applying for?

London & the South East North

What other programmes, organisations, etc do you work with (if applicable)?


What will your work commitments be from August 2014 through July 2015?


Why would you like to work with Teaching Leaders? (100 words max)


Summarise your philosophy and approach to coaching. (300 words max)


What is your understanding of the challenges of coaching middle leaders working in secondary schools in challenging contexts? (300 words max)


What steps would you take as a Development Coach to support an inexperienced middle leader in improving student outcomes? (250 words max)


Describe a recent time when you have developed/coached another staff member. What was the outcome and what did you learn? (300 words max)


What do you see as your current areas for development and how are you addressing these? (100 words max)


Is there anything else at that you would like to add in support of your statement? (250 words max)

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Where did you hear about this post?

Please indicate preferred Assessment Centre dates below by entering 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd in the column next to your preferred dates, in order of preference. If you application is successful and you are invited to an Assessment Centre, we will do our best to accommodate your preferences, but this may not always be possible.

Region: London/South East



Tuesday 4 March (Canterbury)

Wednesday 5 March (London)

Thursday 20 March (Southampton)


*Please note that candidates will not be required to attend for the full day, as interviews and other activities are staggered with differing starting and ending times for candidates.

Region: North



Wednesday 5 March (Newcastle)

Thursday 6 March (Newcastle)

Wednesday 13 March (Manchester)


Thursday 20 March (Manchester)

*Please note that candidates will not be required to attend for the full day, as interviews and other activities are staggered with differing starting and ending times for candidates.

Region: Midlands

Venue: Central Birmingham


Wednesday 12 March

Monday 24 March

Wednesday 26 March


Monday 7 April

*Please note that candidates will not be required to attend for the full day, as interviews and other activities are staggered with differing starting and ending times for candidates.

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Appendix Three:

Teaching Leaders Coach Expense Policy

Teaching Leaders reimburses expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by coaches in doing their jobs. All Fellow school visits, travel to Coach Development Meetings and Coach Peer Supervision sessions is reimbursable in line with the below guidelines. Reimbursement for additional work undertaken for Teaching Leaders by the coach will be agreed on a case by case basis.

Each coach is individually responsible for making sure that they do not incur unreasonable expenses, and for getting prior approval if in doubt. As Teaching Leaders is a charity everyone is expected to use the cheapest reasonable option: for example, public transport rather than taxis. There is no per diem rate. Claims for individual items should be submitted for reimbursement to the Finance

Manager, (

) cc the Core Programme Manager

Fellow Visits and Training Events (coach development meetings, peer supervision sessions):

London: any coach who resides outside of Zones 1-6 and travels in to London or who lives in

London and travels outside of Zones 1-6, or who resides outside of Zones 1-6 and travels to areas outside of Zones 1-6 will be eligible to claim travel reimbursement for up to £30 per visit. Any coach who lives in London and is travelling within London for Fellow visits will be eligible to claim travel reimbursement up to £15.

All Regions: Any coach who travels more than 60 miles for an event listed above will be eligible for travel reimbursement up to £70/per visit.

Claims should be made using the expenses section of the Teaching Leaders invoice template and submitted monthly.

Type of expense When reimbursable What may be Information required

Evidence required

Travel costs:

Public transport


When necessary to carry out any Fellow visit or to attend a work-related course or conference outside of the usual region of work. Every effort should be made to obtain the best possible fare for trains and flights. Booking as far in advance as possible usually ensures a cheaper rate.

When not reasonably practical to use public transport (e.g. because of exceptionally late end claimed

Travel by cheapest practical mode and always by standard class: prior approval required for all air travel.

No reimbursement if no extra cost incurred

(e.g. cost covered by season ticket or travelcard).

Cost of taxi fare.


Date, origin, destination, reason for travel

Date, origin, destination, reason for travel

Ticket or receipt

(may not always be possible for tube/bus journeys when

Oyster Card used, but can be provided for prepay Oyster from TfL website)

In London: Quote showing difference between annual train ticket and annual ticket including top-up for

TfL Zones 1 and 2.


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Own car

Congestion charge

Parking costs to meeting or because quantities of materials need to be carried) or when advised by the

Teaching Leaders central team

When not practical to use public transport, or when use of own car is cheaper (e.g. when several people are travelling)

Actual mileage at 45p per mile

Cost comparison with public transport should include any parking costs, congestion charge etc. Cars must be insured for business use. Fuel reimbursement is capped at £70 per journey without prior approval.

Cost When car used and not practical to avoid congestion charge zone

When car used for above reasons.


Date, origin, destination, reason for travel, mileage

Date, origin, destination, reason for travel

Date, location, hours, reason for usage

Ticket or receipt where available

Fines (parking, speeding, congestion charge etc)

Not reimbursable


Hotel When not reasonably practical to return home

Reason for stay

Itemised hotel bill

Not reimbursable

Bed and breakfast only, not to exceed

£85 within London or

£70 outside of

London without prior approval

Hotel extras

(newspapers, minibar, laundry etc)

Meals while travelling

Only if an overnight stay is reasonably

Reasonable meal costs (excluding

Reason for meal

Itemised restaurant bill

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required or during a

Teaching Leaders international trip alcohol) will be reimbursed.

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