Recycled Compost Fertilizers for Substitute for Chemical Fertilizers

Recycled Compost Fertilizers for Substitute for Chemical Fertilizers
- This Reloaded Compost Fertilizers is safely Generate and safe to use
instead of Harsh Chemical Fertilizers that harms and give us
unhealthy from the foods we eat – which using chemical fertilizers.
- We can add load and generate this compost organic concentrated
fertilizers to use in every time to fertilize our lands as big it is.
- But this fertilizer is safe like organic compost fertilizers but highly
concentrated as chemicals fertilizers. Act as a chemical fertilizers but
it is compost and highly organic plus safe.
- Used:
o This fertilizers can be obtain in proper time to used as
concentrated it is + highly compost.
o Plus this fertilizers that we organically make compost can be
concentrated as like as chemical fertilizers, but after taking
some organic compost fertilizers in our fertilizers compost
container (which making compost organic fertilizers) to
fertilized our plants or lands, some remaining exceeds of
fertilizers in our container can be used to become
concentrated fertilizers again – as highly more volumes and
concentrated fertilizers to be used again.
o Which means we will not buy any more costly
compost/organic or chemical fertilizers to be used in fertilizing
our lands/plants
o But we will used only the fertilizers in our compost container –
again that we add another volumes of natural compost
materials + water and wasted compost minerals that used in
compost for making more fertilizers.
o Means we take some concentrated fertilizers in our compost
box + left another fertilizer in the box and only another
material – like: water, waste of animals and some or other we
can add only it. By the way you can add small chemicals
fertilizers like 1 spoon to organic materials in making
concentrated organic compost safe fertilizers!
- Formula of main Concentrated Liquid Organic-Compost Fertilizers.
o This Liquid Compost Fertilizers – is equivalent to Chemicals
Fertilizers in Concentrated liquid same as per Volumes of each
Liquid of compost or chemicals Fertilizers.
o Put in Container:
 More Water – Plain Natural Minerals Water
 Waste of Animals Especially its urines and waste
 Put any Organic Compost Materials
 And: Especially:
 Compost Fertilizers (2nd Importants)
 Chemicals Fertilizers (1st Priority in Concentrating
and making high speed the process of making
compost organic fertilizers in small time. And to
be = Concentrated Compost Organic Liquid
o These chemical fertilizers we add become compost Liquid
fertilizers in our container or box that we put all organic and
chemicals fertilizers.
o You take 1 bottles or this homemade Liquid Compost Organic
Fertilizers is equal to 1 or more than less of 1 Bottles of High
Cost Branded Chemical Fertilizers that you buy in stores.
o This Concentrated Organic Compost Fertilizers will produced in
big amounts of organic liquid fertilizers, but in making compost
fertilizers it takes long time to produce concentrated liquid
compost per Big Volumes of this fertilizers, but after you
fertilized of course it takes months to fertilized again, and just
the time your home made Liquid Compost Fertilizers is already
Concentrated and ready to used again, in just per spoons or
per Bottles you will used to fertilized your lands or plants.
You can save money and used safe compost fertilizers in your plants. And
you can obtain big volumes of Liquid Organic Compost Fertilizers in your
homes without cost to be. Its Homemade.
Please Share This To Your Fellows Farmers and Friends. And to your
communities and just how you made successfully your Homemade Liquid
Compost Organic Fertilizers.
Other: Organic Dried Concentrated Anti-Pest = Dried Ipil-Ipil leaves with
natural Homemade Organic Pesticides (Other=Vinegar + Spies + Ipil Ipil
Leaves.) if this pest in your plants alive sooner they die without new born
sons or seedling of pest insects or worms.
Other: Pesticides = only by me = Cyanides or any kinds of poisons (small
with alcohol) with alcohol percentages + Vinegar & Sili or spies + Check =
Pills of ipil ipil leaves. Equals dried and powdered.
Anti-mosquito add to your Colognes or perfumes = dried ipil ipil leaves
powdered + put to lotions all. Dengue anti just add amoxicillin + chlorines
small only. Anti-virus = Chlorines.
Anti-Mosquito = to kill = pesticides + water or with chlorine.
Pesticides kills = ants, rats, even cockroaches and = viral worms – in the
bodies like in tagalong Philippines called = an-an, alipunga, kalongo, scabies
or bagsat or even, hair bugs and dandruff and wormed viral bodies in skin.
Percentages to put and make safe homemade lotions pesticides for skin
pest and viral skin or worn skin or in the bugs in skin =:
- Small Pesticides + water + lotions or with shampoo or soaps + wash
very well + safe, not safe in eyes.
Name: Richie Paul E. Millares
Address: Burgos Street, Pontevedra Negros Occidental
Country: Philippines
House No. 2-172
Zip Code: 6105
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