THE CONSTITUTION - RHA - University of Connecticut

OF Alumni Area Council
Article I
Name and Organization
Section One: Organization
1) The official name of this student organization shall be Alumni Area Council.
2) The Alumni Area Council shall be a registered student organization, in accordance with requirements of
the Department of Student Activities, at the University of Connecticut.
Section Two: The Residence Hall Association
1) The Alumni Area Council shall serve as a Residence Hall Area Council of the University of Connecticut
Residence Hall Association and thus, shall be bound by the constitution, by laws, policies, guidelines, and
procedures of the Residence Hall Association.
The Constitution of the Alumni Area Council
Article II
Function and Jurisdiction of
THE Alumni Area Council
Section One: Function
1) The Alumni Area Council shall represent and communicate the best interests of the Alumni Quadrangle
population to the Residence Hall Association.
2) The Alumni Area Council shall serve the best interests of its constituency by addressing its concerns and
grievances through the legislation, implementation and review of polices, guidelines, and procedures
adopted by the University of Connecticut as they apply to residential life and dining.
3) The Alumni Area Council shall provide diverse, cultural, social, educational and philanthropic
programming to benefit the student resident population of the University of Connecticut and promote
their general welfare.
4) The Alumni Area Council shall promote the unity of the Alumni Quadrangle population through intraresidence hall relations.
5) The Alumni Area Council shall serve the best interests of its constituency through outreach to, and
accessibility for the Alumni Quadrangle population in order to understand and fulfill its needs.
6) The Alumni Area Council shall protect the constitution, by laws, all established policies, guidelines,
procedures, and the advancement of the organization as a whole.
Section Two: Jurisdiction
1) The Alumni Area Council shall recognize the Alumni Quadrangle population of the University of
Connecticut as its constituents and extends its jurisdiction to all residence halls and university-owned and
operated housing in which they reside.
2) The Alumni Area Council maintains the right to uphold its governing documents through any and all
ethical and necessary means.
3) The constitution, by laws, and all established policies, guidelines, and procedures of the Alumni Area
Council shall not conflict with the constitution, by laws, and all established policies, guidelines, and
procedures of the Residence Hall Association.
The Constitution of the Alumni Area Council
Article III
Requirements of Membership and Office
Section One: Membership
1) Membership of the Alumni Area Council shall include all elected officers, internal appointments, and all
committee members.
2) Membership of the Alumni Area Council shall be open only to registered students living within the Alumni
Quadrangle at the University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus.
3) Membership of the Alumni Area Council is permitted to only student residents who are in good standing
with the University of Connecticut, in regards to both academic and community standards as outlined by,
the Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student Code, and the Department of Residential Life OnCampus Housing Contract.
4) No officer shall concurrently hold a seat within the University of Connecticut Residence Hall Association
Executive Board.
Section Two: Anti-Discrimination
1) The Alumni Area Council does not discriminate on the basis of creed, ethnicity, national origin, religion,
gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or credit standing.
The Constitution of the Alumni Area Council
Article IV
The General Board
Section One: Membership
1) The General Board shall include the officers of the Executive Board, Floor Representatives, Committee
Chairpersons, and any interested persons of the student resident population.
Section Two: Function
1) The General Board shall serve as the representative body of the Alumni Quadrangle population, including
but not limited to, individual student residents and the residence halls themselves.
2) The General Board shall have the power to draft and approve legislation, issue statements, and take
action on behalf of the Alumni Quadrangle population.
3) The General Board shall have the power to approve all appointments made by the President, including
Chairpersons and non-voting ex officio appointments.
4) The General Board shall serve as a body to report the ideas, concerns and grievances of the Alumni
Quadrangle population.
5) The General Board shall serve as a means which any and all constituents may offer input, collaborate,
share ideas, and voice the concerns of the Alumni Quadrangle population.
6) The General Board shall have the power to delegate authority not herein delegated to any committee or
officer and shall supervise this authority, as well as hold the power to overrule or remove this authority
from the persons or bodies to which it has been entrusted.
Section Three: Seats of Office
1) The Floor Representatives of the Alumni Area Council shall each be reserved one voting seat within the
General Board.
2) The Vice President of the Alumni Area Council shall be reserved one voting seat within the General Board.
3) The Treasurer of the Alumni Area Council shall be reserved one voting seat within the General Board.
4) The Secretary of the Alumni Area Council shall be reserved one voting seat within the General Board.
5) The Social Coordinator of the Alumni Area Council shall be reserved one voting seat within the General
6) Non-voting ex officio officers shall each hold one seat for one academic year by nomination of the
President and confirmation by a majority vote of the General Board.
7) Speaking privileges shall be extended to Committee Chairpersons and Vice-Chairpersons that do not
simultaneously hold a voting seat within the General Board.
8) The President of the Alumni Area Council shall be extended speaking powers and shall have the power to
vote in order to break a tie within the General Board.
Section Four: Floor Representatives
The Constitution of the Alumni Area Council
1) Floor Representatives shall serve as the official spokesperson of his or her specific floor within the Alumni
Quadrangle to the Alumni Area Council General Board.
2) Floor Representatives shall represent the concerns, grievances, interests, and best wishes of his or her
floor to the Alumni Area Council General Board.
3) No Floor Representative shall concurrently hold office an Executive Board office of the Alumni Area
Section Five: Meetings
1) The General Board shall assemble at least twice a month, each academic semester.
2) The Executive Board shall assemble at least twice a month, each academic semester.
The Constitution of the Alumni Area Council
Article V
The Executive Board
Section One: Membership
1) The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the Social
Section Two: Function
1) The Executive Board shall provide an effective means of communication, cooperation and coordination
among the residents and the residential units of the Alumni Quadrangle.
2) The Executive Board shall act as representation for the Alumni Area Council to the University of
Connecticut Residence Hall Association, other university administration and student organizations.
3) The Executive Board shall be responsible for the execution of all daily operations of the Alumni Area
Section Three: The President
1) The President shall serve as the official spokesperson of the Alumni Area Council.
2) The President shall serve as the presiding officer of the Executive Board.
3) The President shall serve as the presiding officer of the General Board.
4) The President shall serve as Parliamentarian of the General Board, or delegate the role as seen fit.
5) The President shall have the power to create ad hoc committees with a written charge and finite timeline.
6) The President shall have the power to appoint non-voting ex officio appointments to the General Board
with a confirmation by a majority vote of the General Board.
7) The President shall have the power to make appointments to external committees with a confirmation by
a majority vote of the General Board.
Section Four: The Vice President
1) The Vice President of Administration shall oversee the enforcement of the Constitution, By Laws, policies
and procedures of the Alumni Area Council.
2) The Vice President shall oversee the management of the Alumni Area Council office, supplies, and
3) The Vice President shall serve as the presiding officer of the Executive Board and General Board, in the
event of the temporary absence of the President.
4) The Vice President shall succeed the President in the event of resignation, incapacitation, death, or
removal of office of the President.
The Constitution of the Alumni Area Council
5) The Secretary shall oversee the development and execution of leadership oriented initiatives, including,
but not limited to member retention programs and internal conferences.
Section Five: The Treasurer
1) The Treasurer shall oversee all financial matters and ensure that all expenditures and transactions are in
accordance with all relevant policies and procedures and are in the best interests of the constituency.
2) The Treasurer shall have the power to approve expenditures and sign contracts on behalf of the Alumni
Area Council.
3) The Treasurer, with the assistance of the President, shall create and present a budget to the General
Board for approve for each academic year.
4) The Vice President of Finance shall record all financial transactions of the Alumni Area Council.
5) The Treasurer shall represent the Alumni Area Council to the Student Activities Business Office and shall
exercise signature power over all accounts of the Alumni Area Council.
6) The Treasurer shall create and maintain policies and procedure related to the fiscal health of the
Section Six: The Secretary
1) The Secretary shall document all proceedings of the Executive Board and General Board.
2) The Secretary shall oversee the communication between the Alumni Area Council and all Floor
Representatives of the organization.
3) The Secretary shall oversee the distribution of all necessary documents and materials for all meetings of
the Alumni Area Council.
4) The Secretary shall oversee the marketing and advertising of the Alumni Area Council, including but not
limited to its advocacy initiatives, programs and events, to the Alumni Quadrangle population and all
external bodies.
5) The Secretary shall oversee the organizational outreach to the Alumni Quadrangle population in order to
understand the residents’ concerns, grievances, and best wishes so that the organization can best serve
the constituency.
6) The Secretary shall develop and execute the organization of all promotional items, sponsored products,
and giveaways.
Section Seven: The Social Coordinator
1) The Social Coordinator shall oversee the development and execution of programs and events serving in
the best interests of the constituency for the Residence Hall Association.
2) The Social Coordinator shall oversee the creation and execution of all community service initiatives of the
Alumni Area Council.
3) The Social Coordinator shall oversee the completion and submission of Program Reports to the Residence
Hall Association.
The Constitution of the Alumni Area Council
Article VI
Advisors to the Alumni Area Council
Section One: Eligibility
1) The Advisor shall be a full time Department of Residential Life staff member of the University of
Connecticut, Storrs Campus, associated with the Alumni Quadrangle.
Section Two: Function
1) The Advisor shall make aware the members of the Alumni Area Council the policies of the Department of
Residential Life, the On-Campus Housing Contract, the Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student
Code and other policies concerning the Alumni Area Council and the University of Connecticut.
2) The Advisor shall assist the Alumni Area Council in all matters, including but not limited to legislation,
programming, elections, and conferences.
3) The Advisor shall attend all Executive Board and General Board meetings of the Alumni Area Council.
4) The Advisor shall protect and uphold the governing documents of the Alumni Area Council and the best
wishes of the organization.
The Constitution of the Alumni Area Council
Article VII
Parliamentary Authority
Section One: Robert’s Rules of Order
1) Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the governing parliamentary authority of the Alumni Area
Council and apply to legislation, appointment, impeachment, removal from office and constitutional
matters unless in conflict with the Constitution, By Laws, policies, guidelines, and procedures of the
Alumni Area Council.
Section Two: Quorum
1) A response greater than fifty percent of voting offices currently seated shall constitute quorum.
University of Connecticut Residence Hall Association By Laws
Article VIII
Organization Funds
Section One: The Department of Residential Life
1) The University of Connecticut Department of Residential Life shall serve as a source of funds for the
Alumni Area Council.
2) The University of Connecticut Department of Residential Life shall receive the balance of the funds of the
Alumni Area Council should the organization remain inactive for twelve consecutive months, under the
circumstances that the funds shall be serve the interests of the Alumni Quadrangle population.
Section Two: Additional Sources of Funding
1) The University of Connecticut Residence Hall Association shall serve as a source of funding for the Alumni
Area Council.
2) The Undergraduate Student Government of the University of Connecticut shall serve as a source of
funding for the Alumni Area Council.
University of Connecticut Residence Hall Association By Laws
Article IX
Election of offices
Section One: Term of Office
1) The term of office for all elected officers shall be one academic year, as defined by the University of
Section Two: Election Timeline
1) The elections of all Executive Board offices and Floor Representatives shall be executed no later than four
weeks after the start of the academic year.
Section Three: Right to Vote
1) All constituents of the Alumni Area Council shall have the right to cast one vote for each elected office.
2) The elections of all Executive Board offices and Floor Representatives shall be executed in a manner that
is accessible for all constituents to vote.
University of Connecticut Residence Hall Association By Laws
Article X
Impeachment of Office
Section One: Grounds for Impeachment
1) The demonstration of any malfeasance of duties and responsibilities, or the violation of the constitution,
by laws, policies, guidelines, and procedures of the Alumni Area Council by an officer shall serve as
grounds for the drafting of Articles of Impeachment.
2) It shall be the responsibility of the impeaching party to present Articles of Impeachment to the Executive
Board, General Board, and all other involved committees.
3) Any petition by fifty percent plus one of a constituency to remove an officer that serves that constituency
shall serve as grounds to begin the impeachment process.
Section Two: Impeachment Process
1) A majority vote by the Executive Board, affirming that the presented charges warrant removal of the
officer shall precede the presentation of the Articles of Impeachment to the General Board, unless the
officer in question serves on the Executive Board.
2) The officer facing charges shall be notified in writing one week before the General Board convenes to take
action so that he or she may prepare a defense against all charges made.
3) The officer facing charges shall be removed from office of the Alumni Area Council by a two-thirds
majority vote by the General Board.
4) Any executive appointments facing charges shall be removed from office of the Alumni Area Council by a
two-thirds majority vote by the General Board.
University of Connecticut Residence Hall Association By Laws
Article XI
Resignation, Succession, and Vacancy
Section One: Resignation of Office
1) A Statement of Resignation is required to be presented to the General Board along with the motion to
request to be excused from a duty.
2) Any resignation shall be accepted with a confirmation by a majority vote of the General Board.
Section Two: Succession of the Presidency
1) In the event of resignation, incapacitation, death or removal from office of both the President and Vice
President, the General Board shall convene to temporarily appoint an interim President.
2) Upon the appointment of an interim President, special elections shall be held to elect a new President of
the Alumni Area Council.
Section Three: Succession of All Other Elected Offices
1) The Alumni Area Council President shall have the power to temporarily appoint a member of the General
Board to the vacant office of the Executive Board with a confirmation by a majority vote of the General
2) Emergency elections shall be held to seat an office within three weeks of its vacancy.
University of Connecticut Residence Hall Association By Laws
Article XII
Amendment and By Laws to the
Section One: Amendment to the Constitution
1) When confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the General Board, any proposed amendment to the Constitution
of the Alumni Area Council shall be ratified.
2) No amendment shall deprive any floor within the residence halls of the Alumni Quadrangle of its equal
suffrage in the General Board.
Section Two: By Laws to the Alumni Area Council
1) By Laws of the Alumni Area Council shall be ratified with conformation by a two-thirds vote of the General
Section Three: Effective Date
1) Upon passage by the General Board, the Constitution and By Laws of the Alumni Area Council shall
replace and render null any and all previous constitutions, by laws, procedures, practices, and precedents.
2) Upon passage by the General Board, amendments are effective immediately unless otherwise stated by
the amendment.
This document is legislated by the consent of the Floor Representatives of the Alumni Quadrangle and members of
Executive Office present in the General Board of the Alumni Area Council of the University of Connecticut. In
witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names.
Vice President
Social Coordinator
University of Connecticut Residence Hall Association By Laws