Interactive Education Module on Climate Change Science and

Northwest Climate Change Science Digest: Science and Learning Opportunities
December 2014 Issue
An e-newsletter jointly produced by the Northwest Climate Science Center and the North
Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative aimed at helping you stay informed about
climate change science and upcoming events and training opportunities that are relevant to
your conservation work. Do you have a published article or upcoming opportunity that you
would like to share? Please send it our way to Many thanks to those who
have provided material for this edition, particularly the Pacific Northwest Climate Impacts
Research Consortium, the Climate Impacts Group and the Environmental Protection
Agency’s Climate Change and Water News.
See the archive of past issues here.
Biodiversity/ Species and Ecosystem Response
Biodiversity experts weigh in on controversial conservation measures to address climate
Arid Ecosystems
Coastal/Marine Ecosystems/ Ocean Acidification/ Sea Level Rise
Detailed map of acidifying oceans
Oceans are now warmer than ever before in recorded history
Climate change and wind intensification in coastal upwelling ecosystems
Aquatic Resource/ Stream Flow/ Hydrology in the Western U.S.
New insights on global groundwater depletion from NASA satellite
Assessing drought risk using climate models and paleoclimate data
Changes in distribution of rain frequency and intensity in response to global warming
Estimates of twenty-first-century flood risk in the Pacific Northwest based on regional
climate model simulations
Impacts of 21st century climate change on hydrologic extremes in the Pacific Northwest
Tree communities rapidly alter soil microbial resistance and resilience to drought
Climate change impacts on the distribution and performance of plant species at Mount
Climate drivers of Douglas-fir growth in the western United States
Learning to coexist with wildfire
The climate–wildfire–air quality system: interactions and feedbacks across spatial and
temporal scales
Climate and very large wildland fires in the contiguous western USA
Land Use
Impacts of climate change on dairy production
Tribal and Indigenous Peoples Matters
Lummi mitigation bank receives 2014 Honoring Nations Award by the Harvard Project on
American Indian Economic Development
Taking Action
President’s Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience delivers recommendations
Addressing perceptions of climate change risk and vulnerability in adaptation planning
Report recommends actions for future of sustainable and resilient U.S. freshwater resources
Climate and Weather Reports and Services
Extreme events of 2013 explained from a climate perspective
NASA computer model provides a new portrait of carbon dioxide
Special Reports/ Announcements
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the Synthesis Report for
Policymakers of its Fifth Assessment
The Northwest Climate Science Center releases its annual report for fiscal year 2014
New National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center integrated search tool
New multimedia gallery and visualization tools from USGCRP & partners
Biodiversity/ Species and Ecosystem Response
Biodiversity experts weigh in on controversial conservation measures to address
climate change: This paper investigated the level of agreement among biodiversity experts
on various approaches to protect biodiversity from the projected effects of climate change
using a web-based survey completed by respondents worldwide, but with a focus on the
Pacific Northwest. Experts strongly agreed that climate change will substantially impact
species and ecosystems in the upcoming decades. However climate change ranked as a lower
concern than habitat loss/degradation, industrial harvesting and urban expansion. The study
distinguished between more conventional approaches to adaptation and less conventional, or
so-called “taboo” approaches. When compared to former studies, respondents from this
survey indicated a growing receptivity towards “taboo” options. Most experts
overwhelmingly agreed that, not only will climate change have widespread impacts on
species and their habitats; but also that the current framework designed for adaptive
management (i.e. conventional actions) are insufficient to address the detrimental effects.
Despite consensus about the broad consequences of climate change and the need for
adaptation, the scientific uncertainty about the particular timing and magnitude of specific
impacts pose significant barriers to implementing plans.
Hagerman, S.M., and T. Satterfield. 2014. Agreed but not preferred: Expert views on taboo
options for biodiversity conservation, given climate change. Ecological Applications 24(3): 548559.
Arid Ecosystems
Coastal/Marine Ecosystems/ Ocean Acidification/ Sea Level Rise
Detailed map of acidifying oceans: Researchers from Columbia University have released
the most detailed map to date of where on Earth ocean acidification is hitting the hardest.
The map represents four decades’ worth of data. It shows that ocean pH fluctuates most in
colder waters, including those off Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. Here massive plankton
blooms in the spring and summer absorb carbon dioxide in the water, raising pH and
causing seawater acidity to fall. In winter, the upwelling of CO2-rich water from the deep
ocean causes surface waters to become more acidic:
Oceans are now warmer than ever before in recorded history: Mean summer sea
surface temperatures in 2014 were the highest ever recorded according to Axel
Timmermann, a climate scientist with the International Pacific Research Center, University
of Hawaii at Manoa. Overall global ocean warming was driven largely by warming in the
North Pacific:
Climate change and wind intensification in coastal upwelling ecosystems: The
authors retrospectively examined the literature from 1990 – 2012 on wind intensification in
four key eastern boundary current systems. Results indicate that the California, Humboldt
and Canary systems show wind intensification when warm season or observational data are
considered. For the Benguela system, only modeled year-round data were available, showing
increasing winds. In contrast, the Iberian system showed weakening of winds. The positive
trends for wind strengthening were more frequent in the warm season. Similarly, results
based on observational data tend to support intensification more than results based on
modeled data, which only increases in the California and in the Benguela systems. Within the
current systems, stronger winds were associated with higher latitudes. Where winds intensify,
stronger upwelling patterns could favor marine productivity by increasing nutrient inputs.
Syndeman, W.J., M. García-Reyes, D.S. Schoelam, R.R. Rykaczewski, S.A. Thompson, B.A.
Black, and S.J. Bograd. 2014. Climate change and wind intensification in coastal upwelling
ecosystems. Science 4 July 2014: 345 (6192), 77-80. DOI:10.1126/science.1251635
Aquatic Resource/ Stream Flow/ Hydrology in the Western U.S.
New insights on global groundwater depletion from NASA satellite: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) used a novel satellite-based mapping
technique to determine changes in water volumes in seven major aquifers around the world.
In all cases, the aquifers are being pumped and depleted faster than they can naturally
recharge, with some on track to being fully depleted within decades. Vanishing groundwater
will cause major declines in agricultural productivity and energy production, with the
potential for skyrocketing food prices and profound economic and political ramifications.
Groundwater declines may also cause significant political conflict. In the face of these
threats, the author identified five key steps that warrant immediate international attention.
Famiglietti, J.S. 2014. The global groundwater crisis. Nature Climate Change: 4, 945-948.
Summary by Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions: - science
Assessing drought risk using climate models and paleoclimate data: A new approach
to drought and mega-drought projections for the Western U.S. provides important insights
for analysis and planning. The authors used instrumental and paleoclimate data along with
climate model projections to calculate drought risk because natural hydroclimate fluctuations
tend to be more energetic at low (multidecadal to multicentury) than at high (interannual)
frequencies. Their analysis indicates that megadrought risk is considerably higher than other
state-of-the-art climate projections suggest, and that adaptation and mitigation strategies
should account for the possibility of multidecadal drought worse than anything seen in the
last 2000 years.
Ault, T.R., J.E. Cole, J.T. Overpeck, G.T. Pederson, D.M. Meko. 2014. Assessing the risk
of persistent drought using climate model simulations and paleoclimate data. Journal of
Climate: 27, 7529-7549.
Changes in distribution of rain frequency and intensity in response to global
warming: Two recent papers in the Journal of Climate examine changes in rainfall
distribution associated with climate change. The first paper defines two modes of rainfall
response to global warming and applies them to daily rainfall over ENSO phases in models
and observations, demonstrating good fit. The second paper applies the perspective of
energetics and finds that global warming will likely shift patterns of rainfall toward higher
rain rates and overall increases in moisture and extreme events.
A.G. Pendergrass & D. L. Hartmann. 2014. Two modes of change of the distribution of
rain. Journal of Climate: 27, 8357-8371. doi:
A.G. Pendergrass & D. L. Hartmann. 2014. Changes in the distribution of rain frequency
and intensity in response to global warming. Journal of Climate: 27, 8372-8383. doi:
Estimates of twenty-first-century flood risk in the Pacific Northwest based on
regional climate model simulations: Results from a regional climate model simulation
show substantial increases in future flood risk (2040–69) in many Pacific Northwest river
basins in the early fall. Two primary causes are identified: 1) more extreme and earlier storms
and 2) warming temperatures that shift precipitation from snow to rain dominance over
regional terrain. The simulations also show a wide range of uncertainty among different
basins stemming from localized storm characteristics. While previous research using
statistical downscaling suggests that many areas in the Pacific Northwest are likely to
experience substantial increases in flooding in response to global climate change, these initial
estimates do not adequately represent the effects of changes in heavy precipitation. Unlike
statistical downscaling techniques applied to global climate model scenarios, the regional
model provides an explicit, physically-based simulation of the seasonality, size, location, and
intensity of historical and future extreme storms, including atmospheric rivers.
Eric P. Salathé Jr., Alan F. Hamlet, Clifford F. Mass, Se-Yeun Lee, Matt Stumbaugh, and
Richard Steed, 2014: Estimates of Twenty-First-Century Flood Risk in the Pacific Northwest
Based on Regional Climate Model Simulations. J. Hydrometeor, 15, 1881–1899. doi:
Impacts of 21st century climate change on hydrologic extremes in the Pacific
Northwest: Using a physically based hydrologic model and an ensemble of statistically
downscaled global climate model (GCM) scenarios produced by the Columbia Basin Climate
Change Scenarios Project, this study examines the nature of changing hydrologic extremes
(floods and low flows) under natural conditions for about 300 river locations in the Pacific
Northwest. The combination of warming and shifts in seasonal precipitation regimes results
in increased flooding and more intense low flows for most basins. Flood responses depend
on average mid-winter T and basin type. Mixed-rain and snow basins, with average winter
temperatures near freezing, typically show the largest increases in flood risk because of the
combined effects of warming (increasing contributing basin area) and more winter
precipitation. Decreases in low flows are driven by loss of snowpack, drier summers, and
increasing evapotranspiration in the simulations.
Tohver, I.M., A.F. Hamlet, and S-Y Lee. 2014. Impacts of 21st century climate change on
hydrologic extremes in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Journal of the American
Water Works Association 1-16. DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12199
Tree communities rapidly alter soil microbial resistance and resilience to drought:
Researchers experimentally imposed drought stress on three 4-year old tree monocultures
and two stands of mixed tree species to investigate soil biochemical properties and soil
microbial drought tolerance. They found that that tree communities influenced soil
chemistry and microbial resistance and resilience mostly through leaf litter lignin content and
mineralisable nitrogen. For example, plots sugar maple had lower soil microbial biomass
carbon than comparable plots of tamarack. Ultimately tree species was more important than
species mixture as the key driver of drought tolerance.
Rivest D., A. Paquette, B. Shipley, P.B. Reich & C. Messier. 2014. Tree communities rapidly
alter soil microbial resistance and resilience to drought. Functional Ecology.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12364
Climate change impacts on the distribution and performance of plant species at
Mount Rainier: A recent Ph.D. dissertation by Kevin Ford of the University of Washington
(UW). Ford identified important interactions of environmental factors that may alter the
effects of climate change on the distribution and performance of plant species on Mount
Rainier in surprising ways:
Climate drivers of Douglas-fir growth in the western United States: Another recent
Ph.D. dissertation by Christina Restaino of UW examined the relationship between climate
and growth in Douglas fir trees by combining growth data from Douglas fir across a range
of habitats in the west with climate data from the Variable Infiltration Capacity Hydrologic
Model. Restaino found temperature to exert a top-down control on tree growth, regardless
of the magnitude of precipitation:
Learning to Coexist with Wildfire: Authors of a recent paper in Nature argue for shifting
from forest wildland policies of fighting fire to coexisting with fire as a natural process.
They examined natural and social science data from three continents and concluded that
government-sponsored firefighting encourages development on inherently hazardous
landscapes, amplifying human losses over time. The authors argue that wildfires are a natural
part of many ecosystems, serving important functions such as stimulating plant regeneration,
promoting biodiversity and sustaining nutrient cycling. The authors recommend treating
wildfire fire like other natural disasters including earthquakes and prioritizing locationspecific approaches to improve development and safety in fire-prone areas.
Moritz, M.A., E. Batllori, R.A. Bradstock, A. M. Gill, J. Handmer, P.F. Hessburg, J. Leonard,
S. McCaffrey, D.C. Odion, T. Schoennagel, & A. D. Syphard. 2014. Learning to coexist
with wildfire. Nature: 515, 58-66. doi:10.1038/nature13946
ScienceDaily summary article:
Climate and very large wildland fires in the contiguous western USA: Very large
wildfires can cause significant economic and environmental damage, including destruction of
homes, adverse air quality, firefighting costs and loss of life. This study examines how
climate is associated with very large wildland fires (VLWFs) in the western contiguous USA.
The authors used composite records of climate and fire to investigate VLWF–climatic
relationships. Results showed quantifiable fire weather leading up to VLWFs, thus providing
predictors of the probability that VLWF occurrence in a given week. Fire weather predictors
of VLWFs vary by region, suggesting that broad-scale ecological mechanisms associated with
wildfires also vary by regions. This analysis provides a means for anticipating VLWFs
specifically and thereby the timing of substantial area burned within a given year, thus
providing a quantifiable justification for proactive fire management practices to mitigate the
risk and associated damage of VLWFs.
Stavros, E.N., J. Abatzoglou, N. Larkin, D. McKenzie, and E.A. Steel. 2014. Climate and
very large wildland fires in the contiguous western USA. International Journal of Wildland Fire
23(7): 899-914,
The climate–wildfire–air quality system: interactions and feedbacks across spatial
and temporal scales: Wildfire is a major source of air-quality impact in some areas, and a
substantial contributor to pollutants of concern, including nitrogen oxides and particulate
matter, which are regulated to protect public and environmental health. Since climate change
is expected to increase total area burned by wildfire, and wildfires affect air quality, which is
regulated, there is a need to define and study climate, wildfire, and air quality as one system.
This paper is a review of the interactions and feedbacks acting across space and time within
the climate–wildfire–air quality system, providing a foundation for integrated modeling and
for assessing the ecological and social impacts of this system and its broader ecological,
social, and scientific implications.
Stavros, E. N., McKenzie, D. and Larkin, N. (2014), The climate–wildfire–air quality system:
interactions and feedbacks across spatial and temporal scales. WIREs Clim Change, 5: 719–
733. doi: 10.1002/wcc.303
Land Use
Impacts of climate change on dairy production: This study explores the losses in
production and the economic consequences of increased heat stress on Holstein dairy cows
based on current and projected temperatures and humidity levels in the U.S. Increased heat
and humidity cause cows to eat less and expend more energy regulating their body
temperature. As a result they have less energy and water available to produce milk. To
determine future temperature and humidity, the authors use the output from climate models,
and apply it to estimate dairy production losses in the U.S. The study covers the lower 48
U.S. states, and highlights 10 counties nationwide that characterize differences in sensitivity
to warming across the country. Economic losses statewide are greatest in California, where
farms are most numerous, but on a per cow basis, the losses are highest in Texas, Florida
and Arizona. The Northwest remains a relatively good place for dairy production.
Bauman, Y., G.S. Mauger, T. Nennich, and E.P. Salathé. 2014. Impacts of climate change on
dairy production. Professional Geographer.
Tribal and Indigenous Peoples Matters
Lummi mitigation bank receives 2014 Honoring Nations Award by the Harvard
Project on American Indian Economic Development: The Lummi mitigation bank
consists of 1,965 acres on three separate sites in the Lummi and Nooksack River floodplains.
As a mitigation banker, the Lummi Nation restores, enhances, creates and preserves
wetlands and endangered species habitat on these acres and, in return, is awarded “credits”
by regulatory agencies. The Lummi then sell or transfer the credits to individuals,
governmental agencies, and private companies to compensate for unavoidable negative
impacts to wetlands on or off the reservation. Mitigation banking provides one way to
provide for the land while meeting needs for tribal housing and commercial and municipal
development and diversifying the economy of the tribe. Read more here:
Taking Action
President’s Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience delivers
recommendations: President Obama’s State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on
Climate Preparedness and Resilience delivered its recommendations on ways the
Federal Government can better support the needs of communities in preparing for a
changing climate. The Task Force, established November 2013, consists of 26 US
governors, mayors, county officials, and tribal leaders, including Washington Governor Jay
Inslee. Task Force recommendations focus on opportunities to build climate preparedness
and resilience in a variety of areas, including disaster recovery, infrastructure
investment, natural resource management, human health, community resilience, and
economic activities. The Task Force also describes strategies necessary for building broad
capacity to tackle climate risks at all levels. Throughout the report, the Task Force identifies
specific federal programs and policies that could be improved to help reduce local climate
risk, with an eye towards ensuring wise use of public resources in the face of changing
conditions. For more information see:
Addressing perceptions of climate change risk and vulnerability in adaptation
planning: The authors analyzed cultural worldviews using insights from community-based
climate research and the Cultural Theory of Risk to characterize community understandings
of, and responses to, climate change impacts. Their study examined how the issue of climate
change is treated in four cases in the United States and Tuvalu and how ideas about climate
change are produced by cultural institutions from local to global scales. They used this
approach to identify local and regional priorities and to support adaptation research and
planning by helping diagnose barriers. They also used their results to improve
communication by framing/reframing climate issues to align with shared understandings and
collective learning. Insights into diverse worldviews will help minimize conflict in favor of
cooperation on issues relating to climate change.
McNeeley, S.M. & H. Lazrus. 2014. The Cultural Theory of Risk for Climate Change
Adaptation. Weather, Climate and Society: 6, 506-519. DOI: 10.1175/WCAS-D-13-00027.1
Report recommends actions for future of sustainable and resilient U.S. freshwater
resources: Over six years, The Johnson Foundation convened more than 600 experts
representing diverse sectors and perspectives for intensive, solution-oriented work on U.S.
freshwater issues. The culmination of that work is "Navigating to New Shores: Seizing the
Future for Sustainable and Resilient U.S. Freshwater Resources," a report intended to
provide a platform for leaders as they address water resource and infrastructure challenges.
Without significant changes, existing water systems will soon no longer be able to provide
the services that citizens expect. Recent water crises have illustrated that the economic and
social consequences of inaction are far too great. This report illustrates what The Johnson
Foundation believes is both possible and necessary to achieve if the U.S. is to successfully
navigate its water challenges. To access an executive summary or the full report, visit:
Climate and Weather Reports and Services
Extreme events of 2013 explained from a climate perspective: A report released by the
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society investigated the causes of a wide variety of
extreme weather and climate events from around the world in 2013. In the report,
"Explaining Extreme Events of 2013 from a Climate Perspective," 20 different research
groups explored the causes of 16 different events that occurred in 2013. The findings
indicate that human-caused climate change greatly increased the risk for the extreme heat
waves assessed in this report. To access the full report, visit:
NASA computer model provides a new portrait of carbon dioxide: The National Air
and Space Administration has released an ultra-high-resolution computer model to give
scientists a stunning new look at how atmospheric carbon dioxide travels around the globe.
Plumes of carbon dioxide in the simulation swirl and shift as winds disperse the greenhouse
gas away from its sources. The simulation also illustrates differences in carbon dioxide levels
in the northern and southern hemispheres and distinct swings in global carbon dioxide
concentrations as the growth cycle of plants and trees changes with the seasons. The
simulation is the product of a new computer model that is among the highest-resolution ever
Special Reports/ Announcements
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases synthesis report for
policymakers of fifth assessment: The synthesis and summary integrate the main points
from about 3000 pages of material contained in the IPCC's three assessment reports issued
over the past year. The key purpose of the Synthesis Report and Summary for Policy
Makers is to inform upcoming climate change meetings by world leaders. "The IPCC
summary states clearly that global warming is happening, that humans have caused it, that it
is already dangerous, and that the warming trend could be irreversible. It makes it clear that
urgent emissions reductions are required in the very near future to keep warming below two
degrees Celsius to avert the worst impacts of climate change. These include extreme weather,
rising sea levels, and increased heat waves, flooding and droughts. The report also suggests
climate change could aggravate violent conflicts and refugee problems and have a negative
effect on food production.
Access the report here:
The link below is for a short, user-friendly description:
The Northwest Climate Science Center releases annual report for fiscal year 2014: The
NW CSC Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2014 (October 1, 2013– September 30, 2014)
highlights major accomplishments in FY14 for the NW CSC in each of five core service
areas- Executive, Science, Data, Communications, and Education and Training. The annual
report also recognizes the hard work of the NW CSC's dedicated staff, academic colleagues,
and regional partners. Download the report here:
New National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center integrated search tool:
The brand new NCCWSC Integrated Search allows users to find data and project
information from the USGS Center for Integrated Data Analytics Geo Data Portal, the
USGS ScienceBase catalog, and the University of Idaho’s Northwest Knowledge Network in
one quick search:
New multimedia gallery and visualization tools from USGCRP & partners: has developed a new multimedia gallery with graphics from various
reports, including the 2014 National Climate Assessment. The gallery also contains a large
number of global change visualization tools and resources from USGCRP member agencies:
Dec 8-12, Conference, Washington D.C. ACES Linking Science, Practice, and Decision Making
Dec 9, 11am-12 (Pacific) – Webinar, Reading the IPCC Report - Ch. 14: Climate Phenomena
and their Relevance for Future Regional Climate Change
Dec 10, 11am-12 (Pacific) – Webinar, Great Northern LCC, Quantifying the benefits of
watershed restoration in the face of climate change: Developing and testing a toolbox for
managers that focuses on the impacts of road systems
Dec 11, 9:30am (Pacific) – Workshop , Exploring Coastal Community Resilience in Oregon ,
Hosted By Oregon Sea Grant
Dec 11, 11am-1230 (Pacific) – Webinar, "Climate Change in America's National Parks - The
Role of Traditional and Local Knowledge in Understanding Climate Change”. Registration is
Dec 15-16, 2014 - Meeting, Rural Climate Policy Meeting, Washington, D.C. The meeting will
bring Rural Climate Network and other rural leaders together to discuss and create a broad rural
climate policy platform. The platform will highlight concerns and rural climate mitigation and
adaptation options in the U.S.
Dec 15-19, 2014 – Meeting, San Francisco, CA. American Geophysical Union's 47th Fall Meeting
Jan 11, 2015 - Training, Ford Island, HI. NCTC Course: Decisions Analysis in a Changing
Jan 14, 2015 – Workshop, Everett, WA. NPLCC-funded workshop: Using Beaver to Restore
Jan 21-22, 2015 – Workshop, Portland, OR NPLCC-funded workshop: Using Beaver to Restore
Jan 15-March 17, 2015 - Online Course, Decision Analysis for Climate Change” NCTC class
(ALC 3196). Register online.
Jan 26, 2015 - Training, Santa Fe, NM. NCTC Course Climate-Smart Conservation
Feb 3, 2015 - Training, Online. NCTC Climate Academy. Register by December 15th!
Feb 9, 2015 - Symposium, Portland, OR. Urban Ecology & Conservation Symposium
Feb 12, 2015 – Workshop, Weed, CA. NPLCC-funded workshop: Using Beaver to Restore
Feb 17-19, 2015 - Conference, Boise State University, ID. Great Basin Consortium Conference
May 12-15, 2015 - Conference, St. Louis, MO. 2nd National Adaptation Forum,
Other Ongoing Activities
NOAA Webinar Series on Ocean Acidification
COMET Program Makes Available Recorded Presentations from 2013 Climate Variability and
Change Course: The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research's COMET Program has
made available recorded presentations from its 2013 offering of the Climate Variability and
Change Virtual Course. The five-day course provided extensive background on climate
variability and change with emphasis on effective communication skills. The course is free and
open to anyone. Content is geared towards those who already understand the foundations of
climate science.
Monthly: NOAA Hosts Monthly Webinar Series on Climate Information for Managing Risks in
Water Resources: Working with collaborators such as the U.S. National Integrated Drought
Information System, Water Research Foundation, Water Environment Federation, Water
Environment Research Foundation, and American Water Works Association, the Sectoral
Applications Research Program in NOAA's Climate Program Office is hosting a series of
webinars the third Thursday of every month.
For a listing of webinars, visit this site.
Interactive Education Module on Climate Change Science and Modeling The Climate Change
Resource Center has released a new interactive online education module on basic climate change
science and climate modeling. The module was designed to make climate change science
approachable to the general public and to provide flexibility for busy professionals, but also to
facilitate a greater level of understanding and depth through interactive features. It will help the
Forest Service continue to make progress on the Climate Change Scorecard by giving all
employees access to a new education option. The module, “Climate Change Science and
Modeling: What You Need to Know”, gives a brief overview of the climate system, greenhouse
gases, climate models, current climate impacts, and future climate projections. Interactive
features allow users to control their learning experience, with opportunities to explore outside
links, and learn definitions and relevant facts. The main material is followed by an activity
specific to the user’s geographical region, and completing the activity will generate a personalized
certificate. The climate change module is available here.
PICS Canada Offers Online Climate Courses: Climate Insights 101 is a short course series
designed to provide users with an in-depth understanding of climate science and related issues.
New courses in 2014 focus on mitigation.
Regional guides for teachers/interpreters: Educational resources for each region of the country,
tied to the National Climate Assessment's key findings have been assembled and are now posted
on NOAA's teaching climate webpages. (Scroll down to use the clickable map to get to the
resources that have been gathered into an online educators "guide" for your region.) Each
region's educators "guide" includes a short synopsis of the findings of the Assessment, and a
listing of educational resources for the key messages for that region. Resources include
background info, lesson plans, videos, etc. This will provide one good place to start if you are
looking for info specific to your region. The guides have been vetted by scientists and educators.
List Servers
BioClimate News & Events from NCCWSC & the CSCs
ClimateNews-- is a snapshot from British Columbia’s Ministry of Forests, Lands and
Natural Resource Operations, provides new and emerging climate change adaptation and
mitigation activities in the natural resource sector. Contact:
Climate CIRCulator (Oregon Climate Change Research Institute)
Climate Impacts Group (Univ. Washington)
Earth to Sky Newsletter (NASA/DOI Partnership):
EPA Climate Change and Water E-Newsletter
FRESC monthly e-newsletter: Contact
FWS CC Monthly E-Newsletter: Contact
LCC list servers (see your LCC’s website) and the national LCC Network newsletter
Ocean Acidification Report
OneNOAA Science Webinars
NASA's Climate Change Newsletter
North Pacific LCC Listserve – North Pacific Tidings - important news and
announcements; and NPLCC Climate Science Digest - new science/information
affecting natural and cultural resources.
NCTC Climate Change List server (upcoming webinars and courses): contact
Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) (British Columbia) Climate News Scan- a
weekly summary of the major climate-change related science, technology, and policy
advances of direct relevance to the BC provincial and the Canadian federal governments
and more generally to businesses and civil society
PointBlue Weekly Ecology, Climate Change and Related e-Newsletter: Contact
PNW Tribal Climate Change Network: Contact
US Forest Service Fish & Wildlife Research Updates
USGS Climate Matters
White House Energy and Environment Updates