
E.S.R.C. Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2010
Call to Order: made by James Pepler at 5:30 pm
a. Stephen Holinaty seconded by Tessa Lennox
Wayne Balion moves to approve last week’s minutes
a. Seconded by Stephen Holinaty,
Ian Farthing moves to adopt this week’s agenda
a. Seconded by Stephen Holinaty,
Godiva’s Hymn
a. Open the floor to Ratifications
 Ian Farthing
b. Ian Farthing moves to ratify the following:
 Katelyn Broda, Brock Barr, Fiona Smith, Derek Hanson, and Rick
Casson as First Year Representatives
c. Ian Farthing moves to ratify the following:
 Rick Casson as Sno-Golf Director
d. Motion to close Ratifications
 Holinaty seconded by Farthing
Council Reports:
a. MSCs (Jordan Forbes and Brent Laroque)
 USSU looking at starting microbrewery
 New Rez being built
 Cherette may be held: Amenities building may be built near new Rez
b. VP Social (H. Colin Pitman)
 4:30 – 8:30 Olympic Opening Ceremonies Lounge Pub
 Golf Crawl (Par = 18 drinks) March 13th. Shirts and valid drinks
 Pool cues are back (after week absence)
 Lounge is closed after meeting for cleaning
 Ski Trip cancelled due to lack of interest
c. VP Administration (Ryan Krug)
 New computer:
 It’s hooked up, it’s not for use, but if you need to dump movies
Stephen or I can give you access, we will be the only people with
the passsword
 Looking at getting new photo copier, will weigh options etc.
 Writing session Thursday 7:00 PM @ Louis’
d. VP Academic (Roman Nahachewsky)
 VBA and C++ will split from 116 sections to 113, and 116
 Pre-reqs and co-reqs are being fixed
 Outlines of Math 123-224 given, but no discussion followed.
 Meeting with Chowdhurry for honourariums for tutoring sessions,
and outreach
e. VP Finance (Katelyn Freçon)
 Due date for jacket orders is March 1st
 Armbar order forms on Brown thing
 Enviro pics will be out
f. VP External (Andrew Taylor)
 APEGS mixer in March (~6th).
 9 people to CEC, funding in works
 SAF coming up soon. Needs to find out specific policies
 Pi-Throw
 Set for March 9th-11th. Graham construction is title sponsor (doubled
sponsorship). Online transactions will be allowed. Get people
g. VP Internal (Keith Kuspira)
 40 Beer on March 13th. 13 people signed up. Organizing where it’ll
 LDOC: Kangaroo Court & Keg Suck
 WRB: Edmonton trip ($195) Oilers ticket included March 5th.
 Ski & Board night march 5th
 Dodgeball tournament (Kin)
 EIDHL March 19th Final (5:00PM)
 Tank runs good, driver’s side window back in, spark plugs reorganized.
h. President (Ian Farthing)
 Thursday, Feb 25th party through MSR money.
Reports from Discipline Reps and Affiliated Groups:
i. Agriculture and Bioresources
 ABC pub crawl on March 12th. Beer night at Dino’s then start at
 Fishapalooza was huge success.
j. Chemical
 Not Present
k. Civil
 Not Present
l. Electrical/Computer
 Pizza sales 11:00 – sold out in front of 2C02
 Poker Tournament on February 27th
 HVC Beer night on March 8th @ GW hospitality room, Pub crawl to
follow starting at Overdrive
 HVC on 13th/14th of March
 Grad on March 20th
m. Engineering Physics
 T-Shirt sales until end of this week ($15, 1 <3 physics $20)
n. Environmental
 Friday beer night at Athena’s
 Etiquette Night soon
o. Geological
 Not Present
p. Mechanical
 Not Present
q. WEC 2011
 Director positions open, info on WEC2011.ca
New Business
a. Open floor for Elections Returning Officer nominations
 Ian Farthing moves, seconded by Wayne
 Ian nominated by Roman Nahachewsky, seconded by Andrew Taylor
 Kyle Gunderson nominated by Ian Farthing, seconded by Stephen
 Vote on Ian Farthing
Questions & Comments
 Take Mr. Sexmith’s advice.
 James’ tip-o-the-fortnight: Pusstard, a drink for real men. Cover
mouth in mustard, then take shot of Raspberry Sour Puss. Makes it
super sweet.
Adjournment at 6:01
 Motion made by Andrew Taylor, seconded by Stephen Holinaty