Example abstract for the Charged Particle Optics conference

YUKPOP IV Abstract Template
Kocatepe University, Science Faculty, Physics Department, 03200 Afyonkarahisar
Abstracts should be formatted for A4 size and fitted to one page. Use Arial font 12-pt for
body and 10-pt for Refs. Title should be typed in 14-pt, names 12-pt and address 10-pt
(italics). All text and figures must fit within side, top and bottom margins of 25 mm.
References must be placed in the end of the abstract. References should be used as
following; for papers [1], for books [2] and chapter in the book [3].If a figure or table will
be used, care should be taken that the abstract should not exceed one page.
Abstracts should be written in English. The abstract should be submitted in docx format
by sending it to yukpop@hotmail.com before 15th of February 2016. The request for
presentation type (oral or poster presentation) must be specified in the file name
(example: aeinstein-oral-1.docx)
Figure 1. Afyon castle
[1] Tan, X. J., Tan, X. D., Dong, H. I., Zhai, T. J. (2012). Optimal Design on Chamber for Vacuum Circuit
Breaker. Journal of Dalian Jiaotong University, 33(1), 35-37.
for book references:
[2] O'Hanlon, J. F. (2005). A user's guide to vacuum technology. John Wiley & Sons.
for chapter in books:
[3] Santeler, D. J. (1966). Vacuum technology and space simulation. NASA Special Publication, 105.