PATIENT ID Study Drug: Renis/Afinitor Study/Protocol No: REPORT TYPE CRAD001LCZ01T Initial Patient’s Initials 1. If applicable 2. Centre No. Follow-Up fam. Patient No Page 1 of 3 POST- MARKETING SURVEILLANCE STUDY PREGNANCY FORM 1. Country: Czech Republic 2. LOCAL CASE ID: I. MATERNAL INFORMATION 3. DATE OF BIRTH day month year 4. AGE yrs./mo. 5. RACE Caucasian 6. HEIGHT Black 8. Date of Last Menstrual Period 10. Method of Contraception day month cm Other year 9. Expected Date of Delivery 11. kg day month year Contraception used as instructed yes II. 7. WEIGHT Oriental no uncertain HISTORY PATIENT’S PAST MEDICAL HISTORY (include information on familial disorders, known risk factors or conditions that may affect the outcome of the pregnancy e.g. alcohol, smoking, other substance consumption, hypertension, eclampsia, diabetes including gestational, infections during pregnancy, environmental or occupational exposure that may pose a risk factor). 12. PREVIOUS OBSTETRIC HISTORY – provide details on all previous pregnancies below, including abortion or stillbirth (use page 3 if needed) 13. Gestation week Outcome including any abnormalities 1 2 3 4 14. DRUG INFORMATION – please list the Novartis drug(s) first and all other therapies taken prior to or during pregnancy Drug Names Daily Dose Treatment Dates Start Stop Route Indication (specify week of pregnancy) Start Stop MANUFACTURER INFORMATION (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) 15. DATE MANUFACTURER NOTIFIED day 17. NAME AND ADDRESS OF REPORTING MANUFACTURER Novartis s.r.o., GEMINI budova B, Na Pankraci 1724/129 140 00 Praha 4 - Nusle l month year 16. DATE OF THIS REPORT month year PLEASE FILL IN THE CORRECT CS&E ADDRESS PLEASE SEND FORM TO LOCAL DSE Dept., Novartis, fax: 225 775 205 Annex 3b – Afinitor Post-Marketing Surveillance Study Pregnancy Form/ 2011 day PATIENT ID Study Drug: Renis/Afinitor Study/Protocol No: REPORT TYPE CRAD001LCZ01T Initial Patient’s Initials 1. If applicable 2. Centre No. Follow-Up fam. Patient No Page 2 of 3 POST- MARKETING SURVEILLANCE STUDY PREGNANCY FORM 2. LOCAL CASE ID: III. PREGNANCY INFORMATION 18. PRENATAL Have any specific tests, e.g. amniocentesis, ultrasound, maternal serum AFP, been performed during the pregnancy so far? No Yes Not known If yes, please specify test date and results: 19. PREGNANCY OUTCOME Delivery Normal Forceps/Ventouse Caesarean section Maternal complications or problems related to birth: ________________________________________ Abortion Therapeutic Planned Spontaneous Please, specify reason and any abnormalities (if known) ________________ Unspecified ____________________________________________________________ Date of abortion/delivery at week _______ 20. day month year MATERNAL PREGNANCY ASSOCIATED EVENTS: If the mother experiences a serious adverse drug reaction (ADR) during a pregnancy, please complete a SAE form and submit as requested IV. 21. CHILD INFORMATION Neonate Normal Abnormal Sex Stillbirth Height please specify any abnormalities: ______________________________ Weight Apgar Scores Head circumference 1 min. 5 mins. Female cm kg 10 mins. For additional information, please use page 3 (please provide copies of relevant documentation) Male V. 22. cm ASSESSMENT OF PREGNANCY OUTCOME SERIOUSNESS CRITERIA Non Serious day month year day Mother died Stillbirth / Neonate died Involved or prolonged inpatient hospitalisation Life-threatening month year Results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity Other Seriousness Criteria: 23. Congenital anomaly/birth defect Other significant medical events ASSESSMENT OF CAUSALITY Please indicate the relationship between pregnancy outcome and Novartis study drug Not suspected Suspected INFORMATION SOURCE 24 NAME, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF INVESTIGATOR 25.: . REPORTING DATE BY INVESTIGATOR/PERSON REPORTING EVENT day Signature: PLEASE SEND FORM TO LOCAL DSE Dept., Novartis, fax: 225 775 205 Signature: Annex 3b – Afinitor Post-Marketing Surveillance Study Pregnancy Form/ 2011 month year Study Drug: Renis/Afinitor Study/Protocol No: PATIENT ID REPORT TYPE CRAD001LCZ01T Initial Patient’s Initials If applicable 1. Centre No. 2. Follow-Up fam. Patient No Page 3 of 3 POST-MARKETING SURVEILLANCE STUDY PREGNANCY FORM 2. LOCAL CASE ID: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: INFORMATION SOURCE 32. NAME, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF INVESTIGATOR 33. REPORTING DATE BY INVESTIGATOR/PERSON REPORTING day Signature: PLEASE SEND FORM TO LOCAL IMS Dept., Novartis, fax: 225 775 205 Annex 3b – Afinitor Post-Marketing Surveillance Study Pregnancy Form/ 2011 month year