Fundraising Idea Flyer - Ohio University / Athens County

Get the support of your parents.
Ask friends, relatives and neighbors if they’d like to donate items – be sure to explain why you’re raising money.
Invite other YL friends who want to go to camp to join you. Don’t wait until the sale is over before deciding how
to divide the profits. Decide on a plan ahead of time.
Advertise with yard signs, local notices and maybe an ad in the local paper.
Advertise with yard signs the day on or before. Include the address of sale.
Advertise in the local paper, but remember, this will cost money.
Get permission to put up flyers in local businesses about sale (grocery stores, laundromat, etc.).
Have some start- up money to give people change.
Bring something to keep the money in.
Ask your YL leaders for flyers about YL so people know more about why you’re raising money.
If people pay by check, have them make it out to Athens County Young Life so they know this money will go to
If you have checks made out to Athens County Young Life, get these to Julie Finney 594-4547 and she will make
sure to deposit them and credit your camp account. You can put cash earned in the account also, and you will get
a receipt.
Choose a location that’s easy for people to find.
Choose a day - Saturday mornings are popular for yard sales.
Have folding tables or card tables to set items on.
Check the weather and have a plan if it rains.
Instead of marking individual items, consider having everything priced as “donation.” If people know what you’re
raising money for, they may be more generous with their offer. You might exclude any larger items that you want
a certain price for.
Have a plan for what happens to leftover items – maybe donate to a local thrift store.
This works best if these are people you already know:
grandparents, neighbors, friends of your family, people at church, etc. Get the support of your parents.
Planting flowers
Tilling garden space
Help them move furniture or clean out a basement or porch area
Going to their house and washing their car
Raking leaves
Cutting and removing dead flowers
Trimming bushes
Ask for a donation, but have an hourly rate in mind in case people ask for that.
Get the support of your parents.
Check with other YL friends raising money for camp and do it together, but decide how the money will be divided
BEFORE the car wash happens so everyone is clear on this.
Pick a location – check with local businesses to see if they would allow you to hold a car wash – explain what
you’re raising money for. They need to be willing to let you use their outside water spigot and have it in a safe
area by their building. Tractor Supply in Athens is open to Young Life having car washes near their building.
Choose a day and time – Saturday mornings are good.
Have some start-up cash for change.
Bring something to keep the money in.
Have several large, readable posters indicating what the car wash is raising money for.
Don’t charge a set price, but ask for donations.
Hand out YL pamphlets to people so they know more about what you’re earning money for (ask leaders for these)
Have people make checks out to Athens County Young Life so they know this money will go to camp.
Bring car wash supplies: garden hose, nozzle, car wash soap (not dish soap), plenty of old towels to dry (these will
get dirty), rags and sponges, brushes for tires, Windex and newspapers for windows, and trash bags for trash.
Check weather beforehand and have a plan in case it rains.
Be sure to leave the area clean and thank the business in person and maybe a thank-you note as well, for allowing
you to use their space and water.
Make a flyer about what work you’re willing to do. Hand it out to neighbors, family, friends,
church, etc. If people like your work, they may ask you again or refer you. Get the support of your parents.
Pet sitting
Mowing lawns
Doing yard work, landscaping, etc.
Washing cars
House cleaning
Sell candy bars
Get your parent’s permission to do this. Look on the internet for candy bar fundraising
websites. You can order a minimum amount; pay for them up front and then price each candy bar reasonably, while still
making a profit.
Spaghetti Dinner
If you are part of a church, get some of your YL friends to help you organize a spaghetti
dinner after church one Sunday and ask people for a donation. Divide the profits among those going to camp. Spaghetti
is inexpensive and tasty! Get your parent’s permission and check with your pastor and church.
Send a letter
Write a letter explaining that you’re raising money to attend Young Life camp this summer. If
you need it, ask your leader for advice on what to include; there’s also more information to put in the letter at: Include a flyer about what Young Life is (ask your leaders for these). Send it to family, friends,
church family, neighbors, etc. If they write checks, have them make it out to Athens County Young Life and contact Julie
Finney to deposit it in an account for you. 594-4547 Be sure to send a thank-you note to anyone who contributes and a
follow-up letter after camp with pictures or just telling about your experience. Get your parent’s permission to do this.