
November 13, 2015 Education Day
8:00 – 9:00: Pulmonary RIP, NJH, Heitler Hall
9:00 to 11:30: First Year Fellows: Research Retreat.
NJH A431 (4th Floor smith bldg.)
9:00 to 10:00: Second and third year fellows. Advanced
Asthma therapies. Dr. M. Wechsler. NJH J306.
10:10 to 11:10: Second and third year fellows.
Interventional pulmonary medicine. Dr. K. Hammond. NJH
Travel to UCH
12:00 to 13:00: PD meeting with all fellows
13:00 to 14:00: Sleep Apnea basics, Dr. C. Welsh; rc2, 9th
floor fishbowl conference room.
14:10 to 15:30: How to read a HRCT like a champ. Dr. T.
Bang; RC2, 9th Floor fishbowl conference room.
15:30 to 16:00: Board review, Dr. K. Gray; 9th Floor
fishbowl conference room.